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 Jul 2014
Ankush Samant
An old soul,
Curled up on the street.
Marks of burn,
Peeling skin,
Silent cry from the parched throat,
Agony on every turn,
Howl for food,
A sob in between,
Or was it the muscles' twist and turn?
Why did the burn,
Take just the skin,
Why didn't the heat,
Make some food,
Or give some heat,
On this cold street?!
And just then,
A passing gentleman,
In a black suit,
But without a boot,
Dropped me a drop of food,
And said, 'Look at that tree,
Burned in fire, jealousy and heat,
Soaked in rain, vain and pain,
Gnarled beyond the shadow's recognition,
Death has found him no definition,
So, you just rest in peace,
I will drop you daily,
Life in bits and pieces.'
 May 2014
Ankush Samant
Lonely thorns,
Have caressed me,
And pierced me.

With extended arms,
They reached out,
Felt me beneath the skin,
And felt the agony.

Then they bloomed,
Sparkling flowers,
Gifting me,
A bouquet of joy.

Watching me smile,
They rejoiced,
Danced around,
And I danced along.

The million arms,
Dug into me;
And my heart soared,
Reaching out,
Every pore,
Till I was,
A loving being,
And they,
Were the thorny me.
 May 2014
Ankush Samant
The useless,
Inconsequential moments,
Are adding grace,
To my life.
 May 2014
Ankush Samant
You hit me,
When I am the most vulnerable!
I cringe.
Every time,
I get ready,
To cherish the pain.
 May 2014
Ankush Samant
My words,
Sit on the edge of,
Silence and Noise.
Walking by the road....stopping at a tea stall on the roadside...everyone is rushing to some place....I am trying to tell them that it is OK to stop for a while and breathe...
 Apr 2014
Ankush Samant
Am I trapped,
Or is this just the way to be?
Am I alive,
Or is this just some cosmic energy?
Am I happy,
Or is this lack of agony?
Am I sad,
Or is this how it should be?
Am I floating,
Or the world is flashing past me?
Am I flying,
Or the universe is revolving around me?
Am I thinking,
Or the thoughts are piercing me?
Am I writing,
Or are the words playing hide and seek?
 Apr 2014
Ankush Samant
A walk down the road,?
Sand in my slippers,?
With broken straps,
?Life just raps!??

Borrow a cycle,?
Ride it fast,
?With punctured tyre,?
Life's a satire!?

?Neighborhood fights,?
Matches every night,?
Scoreline's tight,?
Life is so bright!

??Steal a pen,?
For the next day examination,?
Cheat a bit,?
Life is sometimes ****!??

Curse Mommy's food,?
Don't know what to do,?
Anyways have to eat,?
Life is so sweet!??

Whistling I roam,
?On the ***** roads,?
Drool over the dimple,?
Life is so simple!
 Apr 2014
Ankush Samant
Day 1
Color blind,
Running through the streets of thoughts,
Oh, what's happening to my mind?!

Day 2
Black magic,
Falling into my own shadows,
Am I covered by a dark fabric?!

Day 3
Full of joy,
But still held back by these strings,
Thinking again, what's the big ploy?!

Day 4
And jubilation,
Delight in the shades of orange and gray,
Is this what people called, the salvation?!

Day 5
With a new day,
Fluttering my wings for a long flight,
Will I escape this ridiculous play?!

Day 6
Spread of wings,
As I gather all my might,
I think, will I finally break the strings?!

Day 7**
Boundless delight,
Colors come rushing back to the sky,
Alas, I fly out of the night!

— The End —