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 Jan 2020
Max Neumann


Dedicated to you: My baby.

Youtube: "Radiohead Reckoner"
 Jan 2020
Max Neumann
nothing worth more

i am listening to my
people's words

i am listening

i am
i will be
 Jan 2020
Kate Copeland
Fifty and
so much
My dad
The Mac
Hyde Park
Oz and Cali
UK and Spain
Upstate downtown
There you go
There you are
 Jan 2020
Max Neumann
your name stems from a divine place, baby and when i'm calling you baby, i mean it. cause you're my baby.

and one day, you won't be anyones "my" anymore; but you will be my daughter until i...

this verse is about the delight in your cheeks when you're smiling.
this verse is about the way you are happy for being with me and
the way i am happy for being with you, eden.

and if someone insists that babies only cry and bother their parents: it's not like that. full stop.

you are the opposite of a full stop: a sunrise.

these verses are about how you talked to me today: you were looking at me and made sounds with your tongue.

these sounds do have a meaning for you, regardless that you are not reflecting on your talking like older kids, teenagers or adults do.

(as they sometimes do; does donald thinks about what he twitters all day long? who cares? i do. but that's another poem.)

eden, the sounds you make are meaningful to me. because you simply show me that you recognize me as your daddy. and that you want me to feel and remember that.

and my feelings for you: they are proof of our kinship. our blood.

nothing more to add, baby.
your daddy.
For you, Eden.
December 19th 2019.
Today is a good day.
 Jan 2020
Keith Wilson
As it was coming in dark
just in a moment
the starling flew into orbit
I think I will delete this page
 Jan 2020
Carlo C Gomez
What exactly does
A stormtrooper's armor
Protect him from?

Based on their troubled history,
Shouldn't Death Stars
Have been named
Death Traps instead?

A novice like Luke
Could immediately sense evil
In an unknown tree,
Yet, Master Yoda couldn't sense it
In a person he was around everyday!
Explain that to me?
 Jan 2020
Max Neumann
some people condemn others.
simply cause they have been condemned by them.

are you being condemned or do you condemn others?
(mostly it's both.)

what's easier to wrestle with?
YouTube: "Cheb Mami - Ana Oualach"
 Jan 2020
S G Arndt
As the clock strikes 2 a.m. in San Jose, the mother of four calls it a day, counts up her earnings, and takes the bus home to her flat, where her oldest son, age fifteen, has put his siblings to bed, and just as he begins to relax, he remembers tomorrow there is a test, one he has not studied for, one he has no need for, his job is to be the man of the house, but his teacher will fail him no doubt.
 Jan 2020
Semi-literate Poet
Do you think a girl could love a boy who writes for her a million poems?  That's what I plan to do.
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