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 Nov 2017
Georgiana S
Insanity lies there, in corners,
Along with spiders of my mind
Their web it's made of irises
Of my memories left behind.

Memories, dreams and feelings.
They all passed over my beliefs,
On a floor of spinning ceilings,
A sky of autumnal leaves,
Withered bits of a decrepit soul.

Time is fierce...
My skin is rusted, hard as stone
Maimed and parched to the bone -
I need a pill, just one more.

Dawns won't pierce
My thoughts falling high
In a sea of toxicity -
There's a pill which might
Bring me closer to the light,
Far from its velocity
And its painful shards
Dissipated in pitched, soften clouds.

There's always a pill
And another pill -
To strengthen up my will.
Though, I will never feel
My emotions crystal clear.
These fake illusions
Will never cheer
Heavy whispers in my ear.
Diseased blood transfusions
Of my dreams becoming real,
The world has stood still
While I tremble, poisoned with fear.

*So I'll take another pill
Because I fear...
 Nov 2017
Katherine Laslie
It's unfortunate
That you had to die
Even more so
Because it was me who
Had held the knife

******, you cried
******, so perfect
The way you screamed
When your stomach
Was exposed

Your heart was racing
In a fear unspoken
Your breathing was slim,
For your lungs would not open

Blood paints the walls
And I take a taste
Someday maybe I
Will share the same fate
Welcoming death's
Eternal embrace
 Nov 2017
Darling, we're insanity.
I come back to listen
To you whisper your sweet nothings,
Then get a backhand to the face.
I know "you have the capacity to change,"
I mutter to myself, the whole way
To and back from your place.
I tell myself "it won't always be this way,"
One of these days,
My blood soaked clothes
A trail upon your floor,
You'll beg me to stay.
You're so painful.
- - -
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again
and expecting different results."
- Albert Einstein
 Nov 2017
Leanna Taylor
She laughs;
Mocking his fear.
Smiling lustfully, she dances around the prey
in a game of cat and mouse.
Hungrily she stalks him.
Lunging now in madness,
she claws at his skin.
She sinks her teeth into raw, cut flesh.
Blood pours from the wounds by the bucket.
She bathes her tongue in the rich, red liquid
like a savage dog.
Agonizing cries echo in the dark abyss of hell.
Then a sigh of satisfaction follows.
She carelessly tosses the fresh corpse aside.
She wipes her dripping chin with her
blood-and-dirt clogged nails.
Her eyes reflect the insanity she holds
and then with blood-stained lips,
she smiles.
A new prey is soon to come.
 Nov 2017
You are the only one who my madness doesn't touch,
and the only entity whom can touch my heart, simultaneously.

Tell me, "I love you."
Say it with conviction.

Wait for the time.
Where the nine realms collide.

A touch of insanity with a wicked kiss.
Silver-laced tongue, sharp and keen.

Did pleasure ever feel this exquisite?
from a morals hands, calloused from tiresome battles.

Verily; with hands carved from flesh and blood.
life and death.

A hundred times over;
have I fled from a lovers touch?

A thousandth time;
did I plea for mercy.

I spit the cry out
with fire and brimstone burning my throat.

For all this chaos and despair surrounding me,
A god on his knee's begging for repentance.

What a sight to behold;
malevolent creature with a benevolent cause.

I worship you,
a man made of Iron

You are the only one who my madness doesn't touch,
and the only entity whom can touch my heart.

Frostiron anyone?
 Nov 2017
Tony Scallo
It is in my blood
I can feel its presence
When it’s on the verge
To emit a surge, every time my heart beats

An impulse,
Scurrying it’s way through the crevasses of my brain.
Tainting the walls of grey matter with a tendency for unpredictability,
Out of my reach.

I hate it
I don’t want it
I never asked for this

I can’t slow my mind down
Thoughts so fast, hit me with whiplash
It’s insanity.


I’m not insane
I can’t be
I’m rationale

I think about how I think about things,
Like it’s a cycle that never stops..

Which I guess could be my downfall
My vision says it all
When thoughts travel my mind
In dark tunnels at times
My eyes blind to the surroundings

Tunnel vision that make you claustrophobic;
You feel trapped
When all you see at the end of the tunnel,
Is the darkness of insanity

I’m rationale

I acknowledge I have a tendency to be blind to my surroundings,
How can I be blind if I can clearly see?
Is life objective or subjective?
I just want to understand--

You're stupid
What was that?
Felt like a surge, on the attack
An impulse

That voice
That’s it.


That lies,
In my brain waiting to be brought to the surface
With the surge of an impulse.
It’s the insanity that taints me,
From seeing what really is

I’m not stupid, I’m a learner.

Granted with the gift of analysis,
But darkened by the cruel nature of impulse
To taint my minds innocence

I'm not scared to think about it anymore

I am insane, because it’s what you make of it.
Insanity grants me with the gift of perspective,
Throwing a million different ones my way
Ones that are positive and ones that are new
Traveling at hundreds of miles
And this even includes

All the negative perspectives as well

At the times when I don’t want to hear them.

Insanity must be embraced and never repressed.
Repression tells you no don’t do that, it’s wrong.
When insanity isn’t embraced, it is feared.
When something that’s inevitable is feared
You’re no longer insane,

**You’ve completely lost it.
"You're only given one spark of madness, you musn't lose it." - Robin Williams
 Nov 2017
Just Melz
Lights flicker
      Blood drips
Brilliant mind
      At my finger tips
Don't look now
      Gotta think quick
What have I done?
      Oh! I know a trick
Slice it up thin
      Tiny little bits
So much mess
      Hmm, maybe a mince
Red and juicy
      Smells so devine
Mouth watering
      Just like last time
So heavenly
      It should be a crime
Down to the bone
      I carve a rhyme
My name etched like stone
      A deadly shrine
No where left to go
      But back into my mind
                           Until next time....
Creativity or Insanity?
****** or a T-Bone?
You decide :)
 Nov 2017
I need you to know,
That it is my time to go,
This is not my result,
It's my twisted mind's fault.
Don't say you forgive me everyday,
'Cause I know what people say,
"****** Freak"
They told me I was weak,
That I didn't deserve a perfect, happy family.
But, I don't have a perfect and happy family.
My mind is twisted,
My heart is broken,
My feelings are scattered,
And my throat is swollen.
I don't have any motivation,
So, go ahead, and throw your little celebration.
I'm insane,
But, I guess you all are to dense to realize,
It's been the same.
You want to know,
And It want's to put on a show,
I have a dark and twisted mind,
I don't even know what I'll find,
Blood spattered against a wall,
Knives, that did it all.
I deserve to be in a Mental Asylum.
But, that Stupid place is a realm,
I still have dreams,
I'm still not sure if they are Nightmares,
Or my happy place.
So, I'll tell you one.
Lets go deep into my mind,
And find,
The right one to tell:
With my eyes open wide,
And nothing human inside,
Blood galore,
I open the door,
And stab my sibling,
'Till he's no longer living,
Mother and Father are next,
There's no time for a rest,
I walk in,
Eyes wide,
While Mother cried,
And Joey has died,
Father comes up,
And says "Sweetie, put the knife down, I hate to see you frown.."
I grin,
'Cause I'm about to make a terrible sin,
I know I've always been a bother,
Don't tell me other-wise.
But I can't put it down,
'Cause I like to see you drown,
In all of these words,
These little precious words,
That you will forever remember."

He holds on tight to Mother,
Realizing, what I did to brother,
I chuckle,
Looking at the couple,
I walk over to Father,
"I am Tears."
I say,
So quietly,
"You will pay."
I hear someone faintly say,
It's Mother,
Sweet, innocent, Mother.
I turn to her,
"I am Tears."
I repeat,
Not sure, If it came out to sweet,
"You finally see,
The true me,
What I have become,
You both better run,
'Cause it will be so much fun,
To play a game of Tag,
But, it has a little snag,
In this game,
When I find you,
It won't be the same,
You will die,
And I will sigh,
'Cause your life,
Ended by my knife,
With your blood splattered on the wall,
You will fall,
I do find it quite amusing."

I smile,
And take out another Knife,
I stab Mother and Father,
Like I did Brother,
They are shocked,
That they couldn't block,
Themselves from a twelve year old girl,
"W-who are y-you.."
I hear mother faintly say.
On the edge of her death,
I decide to take a breath,
And tell them.
So I kneel down,
The room already sounds like a Ghost Town.

"You see Mother,
I've always been trapped inside my own mind,
Afraid of what I could find,
If I just let go,
And let the world know,
What I have hidden deep inside of me,
So, don't you see?
This is the true me.
I'm who I am,
I'm not okay,
'Cause It wants to come out and play.
We both know,
If I'm a Friend or Foe,
I'm not Tears anymore,
She's taking a little detour.
And letting me take over,
With all of that said,
I am not "Tears",
I am Red."

Mothers eyes grow wide,
Realizing, i'm not even on her side,
She knows who she is,
She thought she was fake,
But for Heavens Sake,
The couple's eyes flutter close,
I yell,
While Mother and Father,
Have already fell,
Into a deep, deep sleep.
They will never forgive me,
Their sweet little girl,
It turns out she was an enemy,
But, at least they died together.
In each other's arms,
"Could've It been for the better,
If I just killed myself, instead?"
It was a lot of fun, though.
While it lasted.
I'm covered in blood, head to toe,
But will I ever recover?
I guess no one will know.
I'm not who you think I am,
I'm on the verge of breaking,
I'm shaking.
She wants to come out,
We both know that's a mistake to do,
Without a doubt.
We both have read,
What would happen,
Do you even dare to go to bed?
I don't,
I have the same dream,
It goes on forever, it seams.
I have a dark and twisted mind,
Now I know what I can find,
I still don't know,
If I'm a friend or Foe,
I personally don't want to hurt anyone,
But, of course,
Red thinks it will be fun,
Don't come near me if I'm thinking,
Or even dreaming,
Cause chances are,
I'm not myself.

All that you have read,
Will be in your head,
When I'm dead,
This is going to be said,

"The person who wrote this letter is Red,

         But the person who wanted to **** you all,

Is Tears."

So, I guess we are the same, huh? :)

Sweetie Pies,
I'll always be here,
Even if I'm dead,
In my own head,
I'm here,
Watching everything you guys do.
And will try to make your life a living hell, for you.
Sorry, you guys,
But I'm not that familiar with,

            "Sweet Goodbyes"
Again, I have no idea why I made a poem about killing my family but............ookkaaaayyyyy. Here it is my Crazies. By the way, that's what I'm calling you guys who follow me. Crazies. My little Crazies! xD I think it's it's cute, and a little crazy! Okay, that was cheesy. Oh...and THIS IS LONG AS ****! WHAT THE HELL!! I WASTED 20 MINUTES OF MY SATURDAY MAKING THIS!!! Why the Hell Did I make it so **** long??!!
 Nov 2017
Petra Horvath
They can see through the glass
Our lips are dripping blood
From telling all these lies
And we both know
That we've really done it this time

 Nov 2017
I’ll make you feel the heat of my blood,
but only when I feel yours
in my tongue.
 Oct 2017
Nathan Squiers
Ring around the rosie,
We ripped off all their tosies.
Run all you wish; all the more delish.
The idea of your ****** gets cozy.

Row, row, row your boat,
To the sound of screams.
The body in the bag is starting to sag,
But by morning it'll feel like a dream.

Jack and Jill went out to ****,
To **** their abusive father.
Jill got drowned when Dad was found,
And Jack forgot all about her.

Mary had a little lamb
With a secret in its wool;
See, it fed upon its owners' souls,
And with Mary he'd be full.

Rock-a-by baby,
On the cliff's side.
We see now you're not human,
There's no place to hide.
And, though we are scared,
Our armies will come,
And, one way or 'nother, this horror be done.
You ever find yourself trapped listening to something over and over and over and over again until you're driven so totally bat-**** crazy that you'll go out of your way to warp and perverse the source into something terrible and nearly non-recognizable??

That's not what happened here. I just wanted to be morbid :-p
 Oct 2017
Jack and Jill Remix

Jack and Jill went up the hill
If they didn’t they’d be killed
They had to fulfill a task
On the floor they found two masks

Jack fetched a pail of water
Jill was a naughty daughter
Jill was bad and pushed Jack down
Till this day Jack was never found

With the mask on Jill’s face
The police could not close the case
In fear Jill had to hide
And if they found her, she would lie

She was not very wise
For she had forgotten her disguise
Frantic, she tripped and fell
Accidently into the well

Trapped so there she waited
Boiling all full of hatred
Their mother was full of worry
She stuffed herself with bean curry

The police found out who killed Jack
They had to find Jill at last
After along time they gave up
A man went to the well named, Pup

Jill jumped out, free at last
Hoping people forgot the past
But really she was wanted dead
She just needed to be fed

Mother found her, put her to bed
Next day Jill was off with her head
Mother stayed happily fat
Replacing daughter, got a cat
 Oct 2017
Robert Guerrero
It's raining blood
Intestines dress the trees
Like Christmas lights
Heads on stakes
I'm king of the ****** Gore Fest
No rules no regulations
Come bathe in blood
Taste the sweet metallic flavor
Rejoice in the rotting of enemies
This is just the beginning
Of the ****** Gore Fest

— The End —