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 Sep 2018
I wish I could
rewind time;
other times, I wish I could
fast forward it.

Its the middle
that drives me crazy,

the one where there's no
you nor no me.
Just a vague memory
of what we used
to be.

 Sep 2018
Blade Maiden

Is it wrong to feel
it all unfold
to want my tongue to peel
off the words that have been foretold
to let my chest burst open
feel the nectar of flowers all find their place within
My body's nothing more than a token
caught in darkness for far too long my lively swarm has been

And oh, the misery
I can't let them out
The only bliss, you see
is when the humming isn't so loud
But today my ears can't take the noise
my body aches, its been holding and breaking
I thought somewhere in all that buzzing I heard a voice
But I'm afraid I'm just anothers nest in the making

In my dreams I see my bees leaving
they all fly away
and I can't blame the spider for weaving
turning this hive into her own flowery array
Soon this place might as well be forgotten
for I know nothing about actual flowers
and they will all be rotten
and there over my lost mind an old tree towers

This tree will be my grave
I shall be buried alive
til something may save
the leftovers of my overgrown heart, this bee hive
 Sep 2018
Arrogant is not how
I meant this to sound
But by now you must realize
It's only one time around
That's as far as wisdom
Can stretch for the truth
Existentially speaking
Imagine no roof
No bottom too the abyss
Where we fall
Hopefully our ignorance
Can catch us all
Traveler Tim
 Sep 2018
Edmund black
There is this sacred place nearby
And few years past I acquired
A few acres from that sacred place
deep in the woods
Most would call the wilderness
but home to me
So magical of a place
my mind’s eyes disappearance...
Deep In abyss of the mountains
Peace and quiet exactly
What my soul needed
my spirit and heart at peace here
So whenever
peace tries to escape my mind
You could always
find me there, lurking there
Setting up my mind free
and just like a dream I belong
So amazing and sacred
even the greatest artist
could never captured its allure
Perfect place
for a poetic mind to dwell
The sounds of wind blowing
the birds singing
the wonderful
sounds of the river caressing
the Rocky Mountains
so peacefully restfully soothing
put my trouble mind at ease...
The Rocky Mountains stone
truly a sacred place to  me
nothing but love
what a place of ecstasy
strikingly when night falls
being way off the grid
In the endless darkness of night
lightning bugs Lanterns my paths
away from the restless tango
of the bright lights
city noises  
and a venue divided by loathing
Here in abyss of the mountains
I am at one with nature
enjoying all God’s creatures
Scrutinizing the wild tango and crawling in
the thickest bushy mountain
while relaxing my back
on my grass quilt
at the Same time cooling my feet
In the creek near the fire
a seeing flare
to keep my soul warm
and with no other care in mind
I allow my mind soul to roam free
In the sacred garden of ecstasy
to escape the here and now
No doubt such beauty
of a place can restore a mental calm
when my feet are on fire
faith cracks peace is no more
and nowhere else to run
Here by the red rock creek
my wilderness Momma
is where I’ll doze.
 Sep 2018
Sharon Talbot
The very end of August
Brings a stillness in the night,
When the many trills of midsummer
Are silenced and the fireflies gone out!
Lying stilly and listening, I hear
A solemn drone, like an old contralto,
Trying to warble but instead
Radiating an insistent hum
That thrums athwart the arid air,
Long fingers scraping a humming tanpura.
Even the full moon is dry,
Gazing down, matter-of-fact,
Through the dust-like mist.
Summer has given up,
Letting leaves and vines dry up,
Tinged with red and shriveled bronze.
I could walk in the garden now,
And not worry about slugs on
The dried stalks of lilies.
The robust asters offer little
Temptation to garden  pests
And strapping thistles seem to stand guard.
Is the balance between my will
Over the garden and its desire
To overflow and bloom beyond me,
Now achieved yet unwanted?
Yes…I prefer the lushness that comes
After the rains, with an untamed riot
Of color and green, the celebration
That happens on its own, heedless
Of my wishes; yet I revel in it
Every time it wins
And will wait a year
For this to emerge again.
I originally titled this "Cricket's Song" but it didn't seem to match the mystery and majesty of their night songs. I hope the title doesn't seem too pretentious!
 Sep 2018
Mike Adam







Smooth pebble
Talk to me

Tossed gently to
The centre-

Swallowed, gone
Ripples cry to shore
 Sep 2018

Sitting in the shade of ****** lilies, is
          the blessed beauty, the Heart of Summer
Her skin, shimmering russet  
Her eyes, molten gold            
           Her lips, pouty rose buds                  
  Her hair, a slick raven halo      
Her body, curvaceous and slender
Flaunted by her diaphanous lilac robe

Through her sculpted nose, she inhales the
warm clime; her feet upon the verdure.
As she walks through the gardens,  the
flowers burst into blooms, trumpets
to the song of working honey bees.
Ahead is a lake, clear, crystal and celestine,
stars dance and wink upon the surface.

She picks the daisies and adorns it in
her hair, thinking of her great empery.
Here in the palms of light and love, there
is no sin and no pain.
She hears the ringing bells of
nature, the song of wings.
'For I love all life and light,' she smiles, 'and more,
I will bring.'

First freeverse of Summer! ^-^
Lyn ***
 Sep 2018
Yue Wang Yitkbel
There is a ghost in your voice
Haunting me through the silence

Through every droplet of memory
Dotting my otherwise starless night

I tried to gather them
With my words, my fear, my soul
And yet they remain forever bond
To a place I cannot reach
A being I cannot see
And a love I can never hear

Your flowering existence sheds invisible petals
I seem to be able to find
Yet, I'm ever uncertain
All these pieces of your soul
Did you left them for me to find
A breadcrumb trail leading only
To a chance in the future
To an uncertain promise
Or did I just stole the traces
Of your existence you left for the universe
Claiming them as something I could own

Should I keep them or scatter them

Or are they even yours
Could it be that they are the pieces of my soul
Still clinging on to you
That you're finally shedding away
To be complete on your own

What could I do
Standing in pieces
Holding someone's soul
That may or may not be my own
If they weren't
I'd still be missing all the chunks I've given to you
If they were
I'd still be empty
I'm forever hollow without you
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