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 May 2016
leona chaput
I have fallen down and
Turned all around
Searching for hope and
Looking to see the way
To go each day
I got up and started to pray
Praying for mercy and guidance
To help me see the glory of Jesus
I'm lifted up, lifted up high above
Every burden I once had to carry
I'm longing to see
Jesus, my Savior who loves me
I'm trusting and praising
Worshiping the name of Jesus
Who has chosen me
He lifted me up, putting a
Promise of goodness and mercy
All around me
Setting me down on firm ground
Telling me He is my Savior
I'm lifted up, lifted up
To glorify and to honor
The name of Jesus

                                                  BY:  Leona Chaput
 May 2016
John Stevens
© 07-04-04 John L. Stevens

Every morning I wake up
To a brand new day.
Every morning I talk to You
Praise You as I pray.
Every morning is a wonderful day.
Every day I can praise Your Holy name
For the love You’ve given me.
Every day I can live my life for You
In Your will, I want to be.
Every day You give me peace within
In my heart, in my life.
Every day You calm the troubled waters
And take away the strife.
It’s a day one step closer to You.
It’s a day full of joy in You.

Every morning I wake up
To a brand new day.
Every morning I talk to You
Praise You as I pray.
Every morning is a wonderful day.

Every day I can see Your works abound
In the mountains and valleys below.
Every day I catch the fragrance in the air.
Of the flowers you did sow.
Every day in the quiet times with You
I seek Your wonderful face.
Every day I listen to Your voice
I know I’m saved by Your grace.
It’s a day of rejoicing in You.
It’s a day of sweet peace in You.

Every morning I wake up
To a brand new day.
Every morning I talk to You
Praise You as I pray.
Every morning is a wonderful day.
Every day I can see the rugged cross
Where You bled and died for me.
Every day I can follow in Your steps.
Where You lead me, in the path I see.
Every day I can glorify Your name
In the closet, in the street.
Every day You are raised up on high.
For other lost souls to meet.
It’s a day full of grace in You.
It’s a day of sweet mercy in You.

On the morning I wake up
To Heaven’s brand new day.
On this morning in Your presence.
I’ll finally make my way.
This morning will be a glorious day.
This morning will be a glorious day
On this day I will touch Your face.
All Your glory above I will see.
On this day when pain and sorrow cease.
The race is finished for me.
It’s the day I find glory in You.
It’s the day I find glory in You.

-Ending – - – - – - – - -
I can see the gates of Heaven
The lights are shining bright.
I can see the angels rushing
On wings of silent flight.
When I’m standing in Your presence.
There no darkness turns to night.
What a day of rejoicing this will be.
What a day of rejoicing this will be.
- – - – - – -
This morning I’ve awakened.
To Heaven’s brand new day.
This morning in Your presence.
I’ve finally made my way.
This morning is a glorious day.
This morning is a glorious day.
- – - – - – -
This morning I’ve awakened.
. . .
This morning in Your presence.
. . .
This morning is a glorious day.

“Every morning I wake up is a good day.
Every morning I wake up and give God
the glory, is a wonderful day.
The morning I wake up to Heaven’s
brand new day, is a glorious day indeed.”  jls
05-15-16. Replaced with complete version written in 2004.
Every day is one day closer to crossing the finish line of life. The race will be done. May God Bless you this day.
 May 2016
leona chaput
Praise to the glory
Praise to the glory of God
Jesus I love you, praise you
Adore you
Worthy of praise your name
Praise I seek  you
Look for your word
Every day
Joy for your power
Majesty, wonder
Praise for the love
To be one with you, Jesus
Praise and I love you
Adore you
Here I am longing to
Worship before you
With praise I love you, Jesus
 May 2016
leona chaput
Give God the glory
The praise He deserves
Give God the honor
To heaven above
God is the power that rules
Heaven and earth
He is the majesty
The victory is all in His power
Showing the way we should live
While we are here on this world
That God created for all to be here
Walking in goodness to all mankind
Give God the praise and worship
His holiness
Believing and trusting in all that
He says
Give God the worship and praise
His holy name
Adoring the God of all glory

                        BY:  Leona Chaput
 May 2016
leona chaput
Pick me up Jesus above the
Troubles that come in this world
Pick me up Jesus and help me to be
Strong and free while worshiping thee
Praising you for your victory
Looking to see the way you lead
In faith and purity throughout
The darkness and through the
Brightest of day
Pick me up, pick me up
Hold me high where I can
Praise your you, Lord
Praise your glory and all
The beauty of who you are

                         BY:  Leona Chaput
 May 2016
Jesus come to us; we are gathered here this day
We are listening, let us hear what you would say
Quicken our hearts Lord and let your spirit rain down
As praises and singing and dancing fill our cities and towns

Jesus be with us; while we pray as one tonight
Fill us with peace and wisdom, fill us with your light
By the cross and by your grace you have set us free
Take the blindness from our eyes so we can finally see

Jesus consume us; move and have your will
Flood our veins and our souls; ever moving, never still
Saturate the very air until all we breathe is you
Change us from within until we are made new

 May 2016
I pray for the world that we would be instruments of love and peace. That we would cultivate forgiveness and equality and strive to understand each other better so that we would be made more tolerant and less angry and afraid.

I pray for the nations of the world and their leaders that they have respect for you and for the many they lead. May they lead with wisdom, understanding, compassion and justice. I pray also that they lead with integrity and honesty.

I pray for our cities, towns, and communities that we would be good stewards of the gifts we have each been given to reach out and help those around us. Help us be generous and honest. Help us be leaders and role models for our children, grandchildren and all the youth who will one day do the same.

I pray for our families and friends, and for those who are hurting. I pray that you would be with them and heal them or give them the strength and courage necessary. Keep our families and friends close to you and may you be at the center of their relationships so that peace, love, and joy would prosper and their lives would flourish.

I pray for those who serve us and by whose service keep us safe and well. I pray for their safety Lord. Send your angels to guard and protect them and help us support and thank them however we can. Let their hands and feet and all they do be extensions of you. Bless them Lord, bless the little ones, the least ones and the last ones.

I pray for us Lord. Help us remain faithful and fixed on you. Don't give up on us: for we are broken, but we are also so strong. Be with us Lord and help us to live by your example and let us be a light for all to see.

Bless us all Lord that we may care for each other and in doing so, care also for you.

 May 2016
give me breath when i can't breathe
give me words when i can't speak
hold my hands while they shake
and hold my heart while it breaks
 May 2016
& i don't know what You're teaching me.
but it's not quite my place to know.
so Lord i'm willing to be lonely.
learn to rely on You and let it go.
whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, "it is well with my soul."
 May 2016

sing to the King of kings
worship our mighty Lord
maker of everything
mountain to shore

sing of His faithfulness
worship His Holy Name
bow to His countanance
always the same

bring Him a song of hope
bring Him a song of faith
sing Him a song of love
all who have breath

creation speaks aloud
stars have their tales to tell
waves on the distant shores
whisper in shells

all of earth's creatures
cry out their stories
listen and you will hear
God's Glory

they bring Him songs of hope
they bring Him songs of faith
they sing Him songs of love
unto their death

lost ones speak muteness
people without a spark
closed mouths of unbelief
sleep in the dark

Lord, wake the silent ones
open their ears to hear
part lips to cry out loud
with love and fear

let them join in the choir
teach them a new thing
let every mouth proclaim

Christ Jesus King

(C) 2/26/2009
This is my Sunday morning song
I've been singing to God today
I will try to post a worship song
On the Lord's day every week
 Apr 2016
Marisa Lu Makil
You, God, are holy
My foes are lowly
Your arms they comfort
And stay with me

My heart is heavy
My face downcast and
My emotions get
Away from me

But praise to you who made the stars
They will shine out your name
This battle is not ours
And you love me still the same
So praise your name

You, Christ, are lofty
Though my heart pains me
I trust in you, ***
You loved me first

Heartbeats-they weaken
The sun will sink and
The dark will set in
But you remain

But praise to you who made the stars
They will shine out your name
This battle is not ours
And you love me still the same
So praise your name
We praise your name

You lift me up above
And down below
To show your love
So we can know

Your garments torn up
You drank from hell's cup
To lift us all up
To show us love

But praise to you who made the stars
They will shine out your name
This battle is not ours
And you love me still the same
So praise your name
Another song I wrote. The last few days, I've been trying so hard to rely on God. He is holy. He is holy. He is holy.
 Apr 2016
Lord, fill my heart with Your love
Allow me to see You with open eyes
Forgive me for my transgressions
Take my hand and lead me home
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