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O Holy God if ever a time that your healing is needed it is now.
Let your Spirit send your Healing raining down upon the world.
Let it overwhelm, your people that are still here on the earth.
As well as others whom eyes shall become open through it.
O I plead and pray that this shall be the season for eyes to be opened.
Let your Healing pour down from the Heaven that is way above us.
Restrengthen your people, while healing us of our pain and struggles.
While opening the eyes of those that shall believe, repent and follow.
Because every day this planet dies even more so heal heal everyone.
For no one but you know the ones that belong to you Lord God.
I want to thank my Sister Catherine, brother and sister Brandon and Lady Jane, my other sister Jane and both my sisters Elsie, and Alyssa all the other Mighty MOG and *** I love you all in Christ.
I love you that do not even know yet that you belong to God plus everyone else I want all of you to be healed
O God,
look into my heart,
uncover my desires, and read my secrets.
Hear what I cannot put into words.
Purify me through your spirit
that I may, throughout this day,
more perfectly love and praise you.
O God,
I've been wrong and I've been right.
I've been the centre of it all
and I have been totally ignored.
Let me never ignore You,
that I may, throughout this day,
more perfectly love and praise you.

O God,
seeking me always as I try
and avoid You. You know my
intentions even before they are intended.
Help me to be pure,
that I may, throughout this day,
more perfectly love and praise you.

O God,
how many words have been sent
towards You? Empty words and silly
words. Desires and petitions for a
better life. Drifting and collecting
agreements and disagreements.
Open my thoughts,
that I may, throughout this day,
more perfectly love and praise you.
(Loosely based on prayers from The Canadian Book of Common Prayer. 1962)

Almighty God, creator of Heaven and Earth,
You who sustains all things in all ways;
Send to me Your Holy Spirit that I may
always feel Your presence around me.
Guide me in all things, especially so at
this time of suffering. Father of all, I
commend my immortal soul to You.
Wrap it in Your arms and let me feel
your eternal love always within me.
In times when I feel strained and weak,
send strength to me. Sustain my heart
so that it beats only in Your solace.
Gracious Father, in so many ways
I have consumed myself with the
desires of the flesh; forgetting that
these are but transient pleasures
that will not elicit eternal salvation.
Almighty God, to whom all hearts
are open, all desires known: Cleanse
my thoughts from sin by the power
of Your inspiration. Create in me,
through Your holy name, the
understanding to see You are
always with me, at all times and
in all situations. I commend myself
always to You, through Christ our Lord.
 Apr 2016
leona chaput
In praise of the One
Who is awesome and
Reigns with power
To heal
The pain and heartache
Giving them up to Jesus
In praise, praise to Jesus
His promise is true
His love is for all eternity
His glory is everywhere
With Him in victory
In praise, praise to the
God who claims those
Who cry out to Him
In faith and in need of
His radiance shining
Down on us
He is our hope
Our light and our destiny
Forgiving and holding us
For all of eternity with Him
He is our reason to praise
Praise Jesus

                 BY:  Leona Chaput
 Apr 2016
Cynthia Jean
I sing in the garden
with Him
so much joy
surrounds me
I'm crying...
What a gift
He gives
the new life
I see
and the birdies'

He walks with me
with love
He talks
with me
His joy
and His peace...
and this place
I'm in
I would share
with you
and my wish....

it would never cease....



cj 2016
During my morning devotions I asked God if He had any thoughts to give me...and this is what came into  my mind.  Needless to say, I was totally blown away....and this gift was definitely  not one for me to keep for  myself...but to pass along, and hopefully be as much a blessing to someone else as it was to me.
 Apr 2016
Joyfully sing a song of praise
Our hearts, our hands, our voices raise
Join with Angels high above
Giving thanks to the one who loves

Dance a dance both free and fun
Celebrate God's only son
Who lived to die and died to give
A way that we might truly live

Clap your hands and dance along
Join me in a Joyful Song
We bow our heads we lift our hearts
And on our knees the healing starts

All praise to Him the King of Kings
Creation alive as your name rings
Lord of Lords and Prince of Peace
The song we sing will never cease

From mountain to valley, river to sea
If I pause it is clear and plain to see
You sing a joyful song to celebrate
The goodness of life that you create

You dance with us across the sky
And lead us in a happy sigh
You are with us day and night
May we walk in your radiant light

Joyfully sing a song of praise
Our hearts, our hands, our voices raise
Clap your hands and dance along
Join us in the Joyful Song!

 Apr 2016
Prayer For Called and Gifted

Jesus you are the savior of the world author of salvation and creator of the universe and all good things. We are so small and frail and yet in your goodness you saw it fit to give us so much and to raise us up to more than we can be. You bestowed on your people different, beautiful gifts and call us to use them for others and for you. You have called us each by name and given us unique gifts, each with an integral part to play. You have given us a purpose and a reason. You have given us a passion for life. We are called to be beacons of hope, bearers of light. As wheat only produces fruit once it dies, may we also die to the things that hold us back from experiencing the fullness of your love for us. Help us Lord to be good stewards of the gifts you give so abundantly and so freely that we would be diligent, responsible, and humble as we try to live your love out in the world. You said to your apostles: "Go forth and make disciples of all nations; proclaiming the gospel by your lives and baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit". Lord, bless the people in this room; send your Holy Spirit and let it come to rest in our souls. Guide and lead and teach us along the journey of life to use our gifts that you gave us "for the greater glory of God". Just as we pray for ourselves Lord, we also pray for all those in the church and throughout the world that you would help them realize and utilize what they have been given to make this world a little better and to further your kingdom right here and now. May we all be a "blessing for life and a blessing for Christ"! We ask this and all things in your most beautiful and precious name. AMEN.
Prayer i wrote for Called and Gifted program at my church, but this poem is really for everyone.
 Apr 2016
if I will learn best to heed Your presence through the pain,
then keep me in this hell

God, I swear, I don’t care

I need You like crazy and I know that too well,
but some parts of my heart are dead—
no, I think most of them

I’ve brutally damaged the rest
through this pain that I’ve found
in the emptiness of my chest
and I don’t know what to do now;
I am drowning and I need You so bad,
but something in me still keeps fighting You away,
pushing Your hand.

And Your whisper keeps being diminished
by this shouting voice in my head
saying I don’t need You.
But God, I do.

And it hurts
because I’m listening to the screaming voice in my head
saying over and over again that I’m just fine here on my own,
giving the devil my soul
while I dance on the thin line
between cold and warm.

Father, I’m sorry.
Mostly for all the times that I weren’t,
and because I know exactly what I do.

I can see the image of the hammer in my hands again
with Your blood gushing through Your cracked skin
as You hang upon that cross,
the place where You died for my sin.
My shame is thick and maybe so is my pride
because I’m turning away,
turning away from the light of Your bright eyes
and I’m sick of this.

When will the cycle ever end?

God, I love You but the pain in my chest—

And then, just as fog lifts ever so slightly
over a city to reveal the sun again,
You remove the fear I installed inside of my heart.
The voices that speak lies over me are dead.

I awake to the sound of Your voice
and You’re singing over me after all I’ve done.

(After all I’ve done, God, how You still love me after all I’ve done)

You said You saw me there as You hung upon the cross—
limp and ****** and carrying a darkness thicker
than the worst pain we all have ever tasted in this world.

You said You saw me at my worst—
You said You saw me cursing Your Name while I slept on dirt.

You saw me at my worst.

And what’s most amazing is
You saw the blasphemous lies I’ve believed,
I’ve breathed,
I’ve eaten up,
and lived,
and You still died for me on that cross.


You saw me at my worst.

And I know I ***** up and fall down
and sometimes I want to stay on this ground
but You tell me You’re here
and that it was still Your joy to die for me
so I could live in Your glory
and it is Your joy to forgive me.

You saw my filthy soul and You still desired to die for me.

How sick,
how twisted,
how disgusting this world has made me feel;

I’ve cheated myself with these fleeting pleasures of sin,
but now You’re here.
You are here and I am made for You,
to live in Your love,
to dance to the sound of Your song,
to dwell in Your presence forever.

You accept me,
You don’t cast me out.
You forgive—leading me to the road of repentance.
I thought it would be dark and heavy
but with my soul paid in full
it isn’t hard to say no to this world.

The enemy has tried to steal my soul,
but the Light of Christ is leading me
to the truth that I’ve come to know.
And I’m knowing it again,
over and over and over again—

Let me, then, leave my heart in Your hands,
and let it stay there.
And if keeping me in this hell will draw me closer to You,
then I will take it and gladly so,
for I’ve tasted the emptiness of this world and Your discipline may hurt—

But God, everything else is worse.

Break me, I beg You, break me until I am whole.
 Apr 2016
(Main chorus)

No matter how deep
no matter how dark
the places I run to are
Your Spirit is there, Your Spirit is there

(Verse A)

I've shut off the light
I've shut tight the door
Surrounded by voices that I can't ignore
The shadows closing in
Tell me I can't win
And I try so hard not to forget

(Sing chorus twice)

I've given up the fight
so many times before
A thousand scars bleed with the sins I abhor
And yet where sin abounds
Your grace abounds more
So now my soul will sing

(sing chorus, slowly building up for bridge)

(Bridge) (repeat once, then repeat last line)

Even darkness is
as the light to You
Even down in my depths
You still pursue
I can't get away
no matter where I go
So let your Spirit shine bright
and set fire to my soul

set fire to my soul

(repeat chorus twice)
Be encouraged by this--no matter where we go, the Lord will find us and be our rescue. His grace is irresistible.
 Apr 2016
Can I run away with You?
Can I get out of today
and go back to the time
when I knew the works of Your hands?
Broken and mended all at once, I was
destroyed and created
made beautiful from ashes.

Tears wept by a soul sealed
memories of a heart healed
iniquity eclipsed by heaven's perfection.
Shameless, blameless, all forgotten
knowing only that You love me
completely and with no regard to yesterday.

Because yesterday, today, and forever
Your grace forgave them all.
And I need only recall
my Jesus and King
His love displayed on Calvary.
Everything is made better when you stop and remember what Jesus has done for you.
 Apr 2016
When the storms rage in my head
When I'm drowning in my dread
When I'm living like I'm dead
There you are

When I have no hand to hold
When I've lost sight of control
When I can't be strong or bold
There you are

And even though I see no sign above
I'm asking you to give me strength to trust

God you say that you're good
but everything I know
Seems so out of control

And I can't make sense
of where you are in all this mess
and all I feel is my distress

But you say you're here
Could I know you're here?
A song about trusting God when you feel no reason to.
Lord, make me a vacant basin,
one that is to be congested with You.
Grateful for each day given me.
Thankful for ever blessing acquired.
For though this body, Lord, is
decaying and terminally corrupted,
it is my essence given by You
that is forever my place of living.
Let me remember the struggles,
along with the triumphs, that
You have given out to me.
For though earthly experts
claim but a certain amount of time,
I know they do not realize that
time exists only in this realm.
Forever Jesus, forever. This is
what You have opened for me.
Let me arrive with a happy heart
into the Kingdom You proclaimed.
I am scared, but not of Heaven.
I fear the pain and the unknown.
Will it be a long slow dying?
This I do not know. With this
in mind, I prepare myself for
whatever it is I must endure.
Knowing that You will be there,
both the in the process and
in the beginning of the new life.
Lord, these are but words I
write to express my thinking.
They attempt to capture the
introspection that seems to
now be the centre of this phase.
I offer them up for Your ears,
knowing they will be understood.
In this malignant community,
of which I have citizenship,
the months are carefully counted.
The day will come, yes it will,
when the last breath will signal
my sudden awakening to You.
Lord, may I be ready.
My Jesus, I trust in You.

This I say with my lips.
Jesus, my fear betrays this.
I am weak,
           so very weak.
Tears that trickle
from within my soul
    do not put faith
       in You.

Help me, Saviour.
    Mercy, please
    show me mercy.

I am reminded
of strong devotion;
precious confidence
        felt for You.

Lead me back to this.

      Lord, there is
an illness in my body.
A physical weakness
      that aches in its
        yearning for
          Your truth.

I surrender.
       I submit.
My Jesus, let
     me give this
     sickness to You.

Lay it on Your altar,
    lay it at your feet.
Release it from me,
    remove the doubts.

My Jesus, I trust in You.
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