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 May 2016
Andie May ostrander
Dear sister  can you hear me
are you out their are you listening.
Do you know that they have got me,
do you know that I fee like I'm drowning.
Our father he did tell us about the monsters in the sea
He told us to be cautious
he taught us to be weary.
Now I've lost you the ocean floor.
now the very monsters have me, locked behind the door.
I don't know if your still breathing,
But if you are I'll tell you this.
I am aboard the vampiret ship

Aboard the ship that moves threw nightmares
The flags made of bones and ash
Threw your dreams we will go
Aboard this ship that we sail
Aboard the ship of black and soulless flags

I have lost you but one day find you
Then we will never again fear the night
We together aboard this ship that carries all of fear
Aboard the vampires ship
 May 2016
Ann M Johnson
How many times have plans been carefully made
then drifted away when faced with the problems of
real life.
Contentment can be found when giving up on previous plans
and taking things one day at a time and living in the present moment.
After all, I don't know what joys or sorrows tomorrow will bring.
I am currently on a medical leave from school so I need to live in the moment and take life one day at a time.

Career is calling me,
Ringing for several times.
My thumping heart says,
"These're your dreams, why not give it a try?"
Lingering deep down on my marrows,
An illusion of deception,
An escape to higher dimension.

Yes, I want to be who I wanna be,
But when not in Christ, it'd be a shattered me.

Calling isn't ringing at all,
But he's bumping down my inner soul.
He's not my type but there's something in him.
That waiting becomes a rest that's a prerequisite.
I'd required so much for myself;
At times, rest becomes a chapter to close
I'd to wipe every single misfortunes of old
I'd rather face this moment of yes to His call.

Praying to God led me to found the key,
The gist to a rebel who's vault is in an alley.
Dreams of old, faults of such degree
Of burnt, unwrapped -- an ambushed stealing of me.

"What have you done?"
One voice tamed the thousands,
Bring halt the aphonic mimics of who's legit.
Found myself showered w/ crystal-clear tears.

Awaken, tattooed the psyche of self;
Trashes became a view, floating with the unrest ocean.
I hear no breeze nor its whispering fears,
But fear itself, a coated-candy of trampled gears.
 May 2016
are the key
Pinch them,
**** them,
twiddle them
I am
 May 2016
Touch me
all over
Then plunge it
deep inside me
Like that!
Yes! Yes! Yes!
 May 2016
single night
I dream
of you,
 May 2016
Slur pee
Did you lose me?
Are you too busy?
Am I just so unimportant
That you'll toss me to the back burner
Like a failed dish?
Something you're done with.
I'm finished,
You're out of focus.
Focusing on the ones on their knees,
The ones who sing, and truly believe.
I thought you were accepting,
So why won't you accept me?
Did you lose me?
Are you too busy?
Am I just so unimportant
That you overlooked my name on the list?
Was it ever even there, written clearly in print-
Or cursive?
Maybe your thumb smudged me off,
It's possible that you erased me
And just ignore all of my calls.
It's not your fault,
I know it's mine with this filthy mind
And skin that crawls with sin, like parasites.
I'm sorry for killing your son-
I'm sorry I ****** him every night,
I want to be forgiven,
To turn all of my wrongs to rights.
I want to retrieve the innocence
You let life, so cruelly take;
Why then, was I not saved?
Was I a child so depraved?
Did you lose me?
Were you too busy?
Was I so unimportant
That you let him have his way?
Or is it just a part of this play?
Not everyone gets the chance
To see your face,
To feel your grace,
And find the path that leads your way.

You're not my father
And I think of you as cancer,
But I'll keep on calling
Hoping one day you'll answer.

 May 2016

A black smoke that
permeates and chokes off
all thought, reason
inspiration,  love, and


(C) 5/25/2016
I haven't been on this site due to
one of the darkest depressions I've ever been in. It seems that everyone is going through something severe right now. My depression was brought on by circumstances and the fact that I had not taken my medication. I had a near nervous breakdown a while back. It left me taking some pretty heavy medication. Due to prayer I'm feeling better now and will be on the site later today God willing.
 May 2016
the dark circles under my eyes
are the windows to my soul
i drop to my knees and cry to the sky
Lord help me out of this hole

i try fighting my own demise
starting to lose all control
when God denies my desperate cries
i only fall further below
pray for me
 May 2016
Luna Lynn
fighting to forget
but the fight can never end
so the memory always stays
at night when sleep is gone
the mind awakes
i fight for her
she's crying
the girl i met in the street
is the girl i used to be
innocence prevailed
until The Bad Man came
we've all seem him
he's ruined the world
and now we need strength
to rebuild it
will you walk with us
or will you hide behind the lies
with the rest of the cowards
who listens the epidemic doesn't exist
i will take the nightmares
i will relive the memory
if it means she doesn't have to

the girl in the street.

she is your sister
she is your daughter
she is your niece
she is your friend

won't you stop The Bad Man for her?
(C) Maxwell 2016
 May 2016
Ann M Johnson
The sun  is brightly shinning
may it shine through my thoughts
and break away the cobwebs deep within my mind
I had a head injury (concussion) in mid April and have still been experiencing problems such as extreme headaches and difficulties with my vision and slight memory difficulties.
 May 2016
Rochelle R
I read your words

Don't know what to say
Reality hurts

Won't write you back
Forbidden words

Know it *****
You're better off

(And I)
Have cast me out
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