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 Feb 2020
Victoria Jennings
In another universe we would have been soul mates, and in another we would have been best friends. Now we are neither. Just fading memories and that's okay. But sometimes I need you not to love or make love to but simply to talk to. You knew me more than anyone else. Even on the days you didn't quite love me. Maybe you could tell me what my heart wanted right now because my love life feels like a disaster. It's painful and exciting all at once and for all the wrong reasons. And I wish you were sitting next to me telling me exactly what I want. So I could disagree only to discover you were always right. That's how we worked. Or maybe that's how we fell apart. All I know now is that I don't love you anymore and that's the most liberating feeling I have ever truly known. I was trapped in this vortex of you. The one where I was determined to have you. And the problem is, the man who pulled me out of the vortex is no longer the same man making me happy. He's no longer the one making my heart twinge the way it use to for you all those years ago. But I'm wearing a ring I made engraved with forever. I'm trying to fall in love again. Because I loved him so much I swear. And I wonder if this is how you felt when we ended. When I would come over and crawl into your bed. I wonder if you tried to fall in love with me again the way I hope I fall in love with him again. And I want it known I do love him but I want to be in love. He makes me smile. But sometimes he makes me cry. Sometimes he makes me really hate myself. And I know I can be a sensitive person but I don't think he quite sees how his words break me sometimes. I want to choose him. I do. I want to say that one day too; I do. But here I am with this twinge in my heart that I'm trying to bury or force away. I tried that with you. I did. But I still ended up loving you nine long years. Tell me first love of mine. How do I say goodbye before I've said hello? How can I choose him? Because the love in his eyes remind me so much of the love I had in mine for you once upon a time.
 Feb 2020
Victoria Jennings
To all the girls and women who have been brave enough to face their trauma and come forward and report

I admire you so much
You are SO strong

All four times it's happened to me

I laid there like a deer in the headlights

Like a possum playing dead

Waiting for it to end
So I could walk away in tears

And hopefully never see them again

To bury my trauma so deep no one can ever find it

And there you are in court

Locking them up and throwing away the key

I wish I did that

I'm so sorry I didn't

I'm always afraid that I'll run into them

Afraid they did it again

Afraid of remembering

But every time I cry it seeps out

Because no matter how hard I try to bury it

It's a part of me

A part of the story line that cannot be erased

I just need to keep reading and hope the ending it happier.
 Feb 2020
And when you left
I overwatered all your flowers
 Oct 2019
Tyler Durden
Maybe we were never in love but I remember those moments, that were something more. I hadn’t felt it before yet it seemed natural to feel this way about her. The way she spoke of you with others, in no way unhealthy, yet possessive in the sense of pride and support. To the subtle differences of her voice when you were alone, the guard that is let down. The person you thought you knew, is there but much deeper. They seem to make more sense now, the things you don’t know but hope to know one day.
I still think we can love each other, even if we aren’t defined by traditional standards. Besides, we have to. There comes a point when it all is too much. You’ve come too far to just stop, the fire might not be there but love is more than that. There comes hard times, times when it is over. But that is still your person. Things continue on, out of the sake of something else, whether conscious or not. We continue. We live through these moments to reach something. Some innate desire to finish what we started, or just the fact that we really cannot stop. This person, has become a critical part of your life and serves at the very least a structural purpose.
We know everything about one another, they are your other half, in the least romantic way. And maybe that is a part of love we do not consider. The mundane, biological dependency we acquire. However, underneath there is still something more. An unfamiliar sense of almost hopeful nostalgia for the future.
 Aug 2019
Emilia B
You don’t see me the same way as you used to,
And it’s all because of me,
I wanted too much too quickly
I wanted you to want me.

It was just such a rare feeling
So I knew it was real
Out of everyone I had met
You made my heart heal

I didn’t know how to feel
I didn’t know why
But I guess... it’s okay
Atleast were under the same sky.
 Aug 2019
This is my final goodbye
It's hard for me to see you walking by with that other guy
Even though your heart didn't feel the same way
but I'm glad you brought me joy
Time kept moving forward
but I kept standing still
Waiting for you to feel the same way
but I guess such things only happen in dreams
So, that's why this is my final goodbye to you
It's time for me to move along with time
and say goodbye to this bittersweet dream that kept me tied
 Aug 2019
and regret is
overwhelming me.
left me down bad.
deserted me as a child.
and depression?
it never left me.

but my mother did.

and I wonder why.

could it have been me?
maybe it has always been me.
stuck in a cycle of negativity,
I bring the clouds
and the thunderstorm follows.
When it rains,
it truly pours
and when I cry
my body begs for more.

I am addicted to the pain
that lives in my chest.
The one that has padded
And patted around.
Kneaded and kneaded,
this pain has made itself at home
and has become deaf to my pleading.
So as silence consumes me,
I wonder..
How long will life toy with me?
and when will death take its turn?

and will the people around me ever learn?
I doubt it.
How could they?
How could they learn
when I am the teacher
and I’m tired of teaching?
This subject,
I keep repeating,
is depression and how it’s eating

How could you be so oblivious
to my screams?
My screams have been screaming screams
so much
my throat is starting to bleed.
Instead of a voice,
blood trickles out
and down my mou-
oh how I miss the feeling of blood tickling my arm
as gravity pulls it down,
as I would pull those scissors down.
That pain is the only thing that makes sense
and because of that,
it has me on the fence.
should I wait for my happiness to return?

or should I slit my wrists and wait for my body to burn?
 Jul 2019
Brandi R Lowry
I'll be your loudest cheerleader
Even when the stands are empty
Be it with or without merit
I love you unconditionally

My life, I would gladly lay to rest
If doing so would preserve your own
To pull you from the depths of Hell
Without regret, I would sell my soul

Yet as my armour begins to rust
Exposing my open wounds
I realize I'm no longer strong enough
To carry us both through

Have courage to climb higher each day
Than you did the day before
Remember how to use your wings
When you're finally ready to soar

Your feet will never leave the ground
If you haven't the faith to leap
But you can bounce from star to star
If you're not afraid to dream

Be not defeated by trials you'll face
Silence the rhetoric of loathing and grief
Realize that through the ugliest of pain
We become our greatest masterpiece

I pray you find your way back home
With the map I made for you
My only wish for you, sweet child
Is that you find joy in all you do
A poem for my children
 Jun 2019
i've made myself sick
my stomach turns in knots
i haven't eaten...
in a long time
and i just keep pouring
more and more chemicals
down my raw throat
because maybe one
will make the demons
for a moment
I'm fine just dumb
 Jun 2019
Mitch Prax
You only miss me
when you want to miss me and
it's taking its toll

9:15 PM
 May 2019
Edmund black
I find you ,
Believe me
I will know

I will feel your
Spirit in my skin
We will alter reality
Create forever

Do not hide your face
From me
If you think I am the one.
I can go there if you’re ready
But are you ready?

Are you if you are ready
If you’re ready, I’ll be ready
Make me your art
Make  my heart as one with
Your own beating heart

I can already see where
We begin and we haven’t
even begun

It seems like
You’re already familiar
With the sun
Unafraid of the Sky

Matter of fact just lay
Just stay a little bit longer
Let’s watch how the tides rise
How I rise a little bit stronger
Watch a little magic in the sky
Watch how the vibes rise
A little bit deeper
Penning poetry to your
Heart beat

Art speaks in tongues
Your mouth so beautiful
Life is beautiful
So ugly so beautiful
A billion holes in my heart
But  it still bleeds sun

Take from my heart
Warm yourself
With the longing
Can I set in your arms
Rise again in the morning
But only if you’re ready
Are you ready?
I don’t want you to pretend
I want you to be sure
Are you’re ready ?

Who are you
If you’re ready?

When your heart
Knows for certain
I’ll be right here
Waiting to be read
We dance the night away

If  you’re ready
Are you ready ?
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