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 Feb 2017
Rainey Birthwright
We were stormy, at arms,
So brave on the heather bluffs,
Starry eyes would nae surrender,
Nor great battered seas, to us above.

You took me with a shy shrug,
My flesh broke about violet skies,
I rushed to greet your body greedy
On dizzy bluffs, so dangerously high.

I could not move away from you,
So tangled were we becoming near,
Your touch was rapier, on fire, lethal,
My heart was stricken, punctured there.

In one just moment we destroyed
Each other, blood laden within bliss,
Both of us conquered on the sea bluffs,
Rivals implode to smithereens, by first kiss.
 Feb 2017
the music playing
in the back of your mind,
turns into screams
as your day becomes night.

twisted and burning
in your dreams, I can see you fading.
spinning around, crying out
as you fall to your knees.

*no matter what,
when night comes,
the darkness finds me again and again...
and again.
 Feb 2017
Alyssa De Marzo
Your tongue spits envy

But I'm happy as I am

Go ahead; hate me
I'm a sucker for Haikus
 Feb 2017
Kevin Eli
Rainy days warrant wet poetry
A large pond formed in the parking lot
Flash flood warning on my iPhone went off
...I leave work in fifteen minutes.
**** this traffic, thank god for the liquor store.

While the rain washes away the street,
The wine washes away my mind.
Just get me home.
 Feb 2017
Darbi Alise Howe
I hear they hoard Picasso’s like diamonds.

Excess is common—
escargot at a diner, Parisian no more,
cheapened slime beneath
industrial grade lighting.

drawn and quartered, all cut up,

hung from the wall of some
split-level apartment
where I hear a man
hanged himself
(and his children might, too*)

Their bitterness
licks at the paint
in ordinary strokes
driving down the value of,
what once was,
a masterpiece.
* GENETICS 101 will be taught next week (see syllabus).
 Feb 2017
No time to dwell
(on what's been undone)
or that
which has become undone

We'll hold onto
each of our moments
when love's song was sung

(When) we stepped on time's ladder
climbed each rung
Each one told a story
of births and deaths
failures and success

The higher we ascended
The shakier the ladder
Encouraging each other
when our legs start to tremble,
when our balance is threatened,
My hand in yours
your hand in mine
Should you fall behind
I wait for you
When I falter
You wait for me

When we stumble
We hold on to each other
With a word
A look
A warm embrace

Time's ladder
over time
with aging and pain

I know we'll hold on to the end
though no promises can be made
I'm not perfect
Neither are you


I know I won't be climbing to these heights again
or stepping up on to
another time's ladder.
A nod to the Boss, "If I Should Fall Behind  "
 Feb 2017
Francie Lynch
You would say,
If It were so.
Remind me
To grab a coat,
For the chill and snow.
If cash was tight
We'd be home at night.
If she didn't make the cut,
Forgot her lines,
Or missed the shot,
There was no sugar-coat,
You said it straight
If it were so:
Girls, you're doing fine.
Today is was, not now.
Wait til next time.

If it were so,
You'd say.
So say you love me
One last time,
So I can let you go.
 Feb 2017
I touch the side of my face
as I shutdown my life,
my cheek is wet...
I stare straight ahead
as the screen goes black.
I sit for a moment
and cry.
 Feb 2017
Jack Jenkins
I know that I can't be what you want;
  because my heart is absolutely true
  and know I will not give up on you.
  That's why you can't ever love me.

He holds you the same as I would,
  plays and messes with your hair
  just like I would if you were mine.
  Every soft kiss on his lips kills me.

You sit up late and talk with him on the phone;
  just like we used to stay up late and talk
  like that time we spent 24 hours of a weekend
  being in each other's company... just talking...

But you never fell for me the way you fell for him
  or the way you fell for your last boyfriend
  or the one before him, or the one before him.
  Five years. Five boyfriends. None me.

                                                        None love you like me.
    *And that is why you can't ever love me.
                                                 Because you know that I'll stick around
                                      When everything falls apart
                         And try and be your everything
                                                    Be­cause I truly love you
                                             And you fear that love
One of my most personal writes ever. Only cried through all of it.
 Feb 2017
the Geese across the way have much to say these days
roosting down the shore, The Goose a Celtic sign of the Holy Ghost.
Monotone voices on the radio speak of intercontinental ballistic missiles
a modern sign of Armageddon just around the corner of tomorrow.
I wonder just what it is the Geese are saying, and they say it all together,
then stop mid sentence as one.
The many experts on modern day ills speak in low voices, highlighting the graveness of their messages, in between Hollywood gossip keeps us all interested and listening.
the Geese mate for life, and stay in family groups, and they have no need of missiles, its a shame we do not take a leaf or two out of their book.
 Feb 2017
Kevin Eli
God, this universe larger than I, powers that be, Please hear my cry

I want to grow,
To make more music and write,
Meet people and travel.
If I don't, I'm going to stall,
Tumble into free-fall.
I would be the living dead;
A shadow of what I could've had.

I'm not scared of dying,
I'm scared of never living again.
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