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 Jun 2016 Chloe Zafonte
You were my sun,
that lit my life.
But you are the same sun,
that blinds me up.
He change. He moved on. Yet, I'm still here stuck on the idea of us.
I was the first raindrop
On your once rosy cheek
Masking teary eyes in a downpour
Some part of you must have known
The agony to exist only between the clouds
Lightning striking at every touch
And every breathe drawing thunder
But still, you loved the rain
From the silence before a storm
And still moments of peace
Before my wrath wreaked havoc
Can you blame me?
To be here and gone with the wind
Just a sojourner, taking the world by storm
Living each moment one droplet at a time
As you dry your eyes
I fade into the clouds
Waiting to fall once more, to live.
You're a sheet of white paper
So light,polite,soft and humble
And I'm a fountain pen
I slit my blood ink arm vein
With a sharp knife
And colours your life
And writes my love story
In your life's paper sheet
I love you so much
I promise,never you cheat
And My name's title
On your white skin
Reading your eyes
They tell me secrets
My nip always kisses you
& writes a note on your lips
You're my notebook
With pretty look
My red ink flows
make your face skin glow
I save you,not as locked
Coz you're in my heart's pocket

By shaffu
Shaffu 19/6/2016
I met a girl with
Lovable nature and  pretty mind,
Smart enough to fool people,
Ambitious character as she is very kind ,
Never will I meet another like her .

Ripped jeans with
Amazing outfit,
**** back off, she is mine,
Better take this wine,
Hand her to me and say goodbye ,
Acrimoniously I made him cry,
Nothing will be possible as they say,
Don’t give up soon ,just give it a try,
Awesomeness of mine ,
Reckoning me to be her husband was fine,
I would declare the poet name with first letter of each and  every line.
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