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God made a woman for me;
He slays me with her
The woes of a man's heart are immeasurable...
When I am a thousand miles away
and you are seemingly a million more
here where I trade the sun for rain
dwell in the intermittent patches of grey
I distract myself in gardens green
study madala art of spider weaves
decaying, diaphanous maple leaves
the cool of wet mud wriggling around my toes
and yesterday the black birds watching me
disturbingly, the cawing crows
and I could hardly think or speak
as I dialed you long distance on the phone.
Flowers so delicately bloom
their roots run deep and thrive
from white to pink
lilacs and hues of purples and reds
such baby blues
to the deepest indigo
a miracle
with the brightest
and most beautiful of petals
a scent to fill the air
fragrances to lift the heart
such a delight it is
to have sight of them
but flowers that are picked
by uncaring hands
will often crush their velvet petals
in their eagerness to have
allowing no light
nor care
a desperate want for their eyes
needy hands
and when the flowers begin to fade
through such damage
they are placed within a press
so that they may be held
for a longing
to covert
all light and care turns away
as the butterfly screws
tightens it's grip
of such delicate petals
time will pass
and maybe it will be remembered
and held to the light
a tiny shadow of bloom remains
among others like itself
and it will be held
for all time
in a book entitled
I was so very fortunate to grow, be loved, be nurtured by loving parents and have deep roots within a loving family. Only for most of my adult life to find i was picked and pressed. Strangely enough, most of the physical and ****** violence i experienced are the things i am learning to live with. The things that happened will stay with me and i am a very anxious and nervous person as a result.

But it's the cruelest words spoken to me
that may stay for a while yet.

Distance—is not the Realm of Fox
Nor by Relay of Bird
Abated—Distance is
Until thyself, Beloved.
The lonely heart was wet
with the golden dew of love
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