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My soul is lain bare, my secrets are revealed. I have nothing more to hide. I confess my sins and my love for you. I am an open book, if you care to read my heart. Emotions are ever present and nothing clothes me. My facade has been washed away by the truth of love. No more am I hiding beneath a pretense of lies. I cannot hide from the eyes of love anymore. Your gaze pierces my veil and my armor. My heart is yours to plunder. All of the hidden things I have kept inside are made known. Let it be proclaimed from the house tops and let the world be placed on notice. I am bare, I am naked before your love and I care not who sees it.
Regret has been the bane of my existence,
It has guarded me with a gilded fence.
Looking back into my past,
Wishing I would have been in a cast,
As the leading lady of my story,
Where I could show my enlightened glory,
And not the constant darkness of my mistakes,
Making the right choices would I make.
There would be no wrong,
In my Life Song.
But Mankind has a melody of good and bad,
Happy and sad,
And if I live in my past, I will miss out living in the moment,
And I am not willing to continue being my own opponent.
I will learn and I will try,
Beginning to learn about the Why.
Why do we get married if all we do  is lie and cheat
Love can't  grow in the dark
Light shines above not smoke and fade dreams
So many words but  truth is all that can be seen
Once love and endless walks
Now it is just cold and hated words
Know  i see that the cheapest ones are always ones you pay the most for
The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.
Walt Disney
The time stops when I  think of you.  The dark sky covers my soul but when we talk  you are  the sun in my day. The beauty that is you takes my breath away and gives me hope to something  great, i wish i could be warmth that flows threw your heart. I look back at ups and downs but i never stopped loving you. Your smile when i look  at you takes all the pain way.  I dream  night of  holding  you close and leaving the world behind . You are just the   only star in my sky.
 Dec 2015 Chloe Zafonte
Cat Fiske
I feel like i'm toxic to the touch
when I felt and tried to return the love you gave me,

turning not to thank me,
as I reach out to grab you,

you walked away,
as I watched and cried,

I retrace each step you take,
my tears falling so fast they fill your footprints place,

drawing what ever may live in your souls,
as you stepped and went away,

eventually the night falls,
and I am left in the darkness, alone,

without you,
without anyone to care,

I sit unwanted,
hoping you will care.
Unwanted, I wrote this after Several day of depression,
I should have just walked away
In end  i was  just sucker on ur stick
A few words  lost  with no place to go
I have keep walking  find the glue put this heart back together
I'm not worse
But you're no better.
Find that to be very true
It doesn't make sense to feel all these emotions.
How do you not feel them
How do you forget about them
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