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Candy Noire Aug 2014
Life as an island, there's such solitude
Every syllable an echo
The time is unknown when there is only you
Everyone is an island
Their own little world
A canvas in which to paint
A garden in which to grow.

I always believed that my shores were untouchable
Little boats enter inside the borders
But that's as far as they ever go...
Until one day
You stood at the mast
Took your lasso, pulled the rope
And dragged me into your waters
Built a bridge between islands.
Formed a continent with your company.
Candy Noire Aug 2014
Your love is a cigarette
The instant relief of your embrace
Lasts only a second
And then I'm left with a bitter taste
Charcoal lungs.

Yet I yearn for more
I know you're bad for me
But soon our flame will burn black
So I'll let our love cool
And I'll stub it out.
Candy Noire Aug 2014
Darts formed in the mouth
Fire through the heart like bullets
And you know you're in the wrong
But your blood boils and at boiling point
You lose all sense of morality and justness
And eye up your opponent
Trying to weigh up your options
Oh where did I go wrong?
Are we fighting to make up the passion we used to share?
Oh lay me bare on the battlefield
Spill your guts, put down your weapons
And as we come to an end of fighting
Hold our hands up and surrender
We notice that no one can remember
Why we started in the first place
And we fall next to each other
Waiting for the next round
Waiting to see who the champion will be...
Candy Noire Aug 2014
It's not yet winter but the cold has crept in
And wilted the flowers that grew in the spring
I saw death in the darkness
He said "hello" to me
As he plucked all the leaves from the branches of trees.

But I also saw life in the faces of those
Holding hands and laughing as though waiting for snow
Maybe death is a gift - oh I know this is true
It gives us a chance to live life to the full.

Life forms come out of hiding after winter has gone
From their slumber awake but their journeys move on
Because time waits for no one, they say time heals wounds
I don't want to compare you to creatures
But there's an animal in you.

You can ravage the beauty like winter does too
But there will always be beauty in a world without you.
  Aug 2014 Candy Noire
Waiting, Words, nothing,
****** mouth, ****** brain,
Inadequate heart,
we are in battle again.
The girl who seeks solace in words but cannot speak them.
My words mean nothing.
It all means nothing.
I sometimes think, when my inaudible voice fails me
You must know
How intensely I have replied;
does it not show in my eyes?
All the while my face is like a stone.
It is all a show.
You could not really know, how my mind, it tears and rips itself apart screaming shouting wailing crying
Its helpless vacillations
Of emotion
Its indecisiveness
It is a curse,
To feel so deeply, to hurt and hate and cry and love so much
And to never be able to convey anything.
written - january 2014
Candy Noire Aug 2014
Find a moment in which the world stops
Becomes idle for a second
Gives space to a dying mind
The membrane of a society
Driven by illusions
Is it all a façade?
The wicked ways we count our money
As if it was worth more than our soul
Worth more than sacred bodies
The wild girls tamed by the men
To close their mouths and hold their tongues
Powerless, hands bound by the ropes of promises
Promises wider than oceans
I swim deep in them
Never satisfied by a life in cold captivity
I insist these doors are left open
Submissive, obey the quiet mouths hard actions
Aching for touch, aching for love
This pretence I figure
To be a shell of what it is in books
An empty box
Embezzled with jewels
Is still an empty box
Your touch remains empty
Your heart turns it’s back to me
Turns it’s back to the warrior girls
With eyes bright with fire
Now eyes dark with ash
Now ask yourself
When did you lose the fight
Against dismissiveness?
Abandoned by the hunters
But the fights of women outweigh
Those of man
Disregarded as merely an object
But do not be fooled
My roar is louder than the thunder of a storm
My bite is harder than the sting of a hand against a thigh
My heart is larger than the mountains you can climb
My words are powerful they can break your spine
My love is fierce, as ferocious as I.
I wrote this based around love and the idea that men are seen as the main power in a relationship. Women are taught that *** is their identity when really there is so much more to them, so much power and soul that stands them apart.

— The End —