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Kitts Apr 2015
I sometimes curse in Cherokee

ᎪᎳᎩᏂᎨᏒᎾ means stupid
ᏗᎦᎵᏯᏅᎯᏛ mean donkey
Just add them together
It means stupid ***

ᎤᏗᏆᎸᏕᏯᏛ means *****
ᏂᎯ means you
Just add them together
It means ***** you

ᎧᎵᏬᎯ means perfect
ᎪᎳᎩᏂᎨᏒᎾ means idiot
just add the two together
it means perfect idiot

I love to create insults in Cherokee
My Grandfather would be so proud of me
I love it, it's so addicting
Why don't you try it? You might like the way they taste
Kitts Apr 2015
I saw her as I walked down the street
She was the kind of girl I'd love to meet

She wore the blackest of bikini tops
With cut off shorts you can't get in shops

Her hair was long and fell down her golden back
Just from looking upon her I lost all tack

In her small hands I saw something so right
In those lovely hands she held a box so tight

A pretty red box you can get at the walmart Asian aisle
Seeing that box just made me smile

I watched her as I walked on by
I listened to the way she sighed

I loved the way she took such tiny bites
Oh, the way that girl swallowed, it made me forget her rights

I forced myself to continue to walk
Knowing that girl would never want to talk...
For my pocky lovers everywhere
  Apr 2015 Kitts
Ignatius Hosiana
I want to say all I feel for you's hate
But that ain't the the real truth
Much as my mind is convinced I do
My heart can't stand telling lies
I want to walk away from my fate
But that thought doesn't soothe
My Soul can't stand goodbyes
I should be camouflaging the pain
Hiding my agonized tears in the rain
Yet It's something I won't
Because I love you, I just can't
Much as I really want to
Kitts Apr 2015







Kitts Apr 2015
I have always struggled in all grades of school    
Teachers always thought of me as the angry fool    
I love to read, I love to draw and I love to write,    
But no one won when they got me to actually fight    
So very lonely, I dreaded going to school everyday    
There was no one to stop that in a loving way    
No one understood my issues that had yet to be reveled    
I had yet to learn that what was broken could be healed    
No one cared to know what was the matter with the freak    
That knowledge was not for the average person so weak    
I grew stronger mentally each day, my mentality growing hard    
I didn't know that in the future I would be given a lucky card    
A card called Lincoln, the home of the Phoenix    
People don't always go willing there, and few actually picks    
Almost in the center of a town I didn't really know    
There is a school like no other school in the USA, you'll wish you could go    
Once you hear how the teachers actually help you    
How the food is kinda good most days and people actually care, it's true    
I didn't believe it at first, no, not at all    
I didn't talk to anyone; I hid in a dark hall    
Then I met a boy in Physical Education, P.E. who called me Gypsy, thanks to my skirts    
He introduced me to the rest of his friends and they eased life's hurts    
My school saved my life; they helped me so very much    
My school may be called Lincoln but it has a mothers loving touch    
And when I was homeless they helped me find a place to stay,    
They made sure I was safe and secure each and every day    
They helped me overcome my issues with math and taught me more    
About poetry and rather than any door I could have opened I opened Lincolns Door    
They taught me that I shouldn't be afraid to learn and no one would hurt me    
If I got things wrong, with praise and love I flourished and it is clear to see    
I will always be a part of Lincoln and Lincoln a part of me, for only the lucky go to Lincoln, the place only the few picks    
That with college coming up Lincoln the home of the Phoenix  
That High School will always have a part of my heart
Kitts Apr 2015
My Mother has always been attracted to violent, cowardly men
So one night she went to a local, seedy bar located in the bad side of town
She was barely 19 but had a fake ID bought from a clever counterfeiter
As she sipped her third Black Russian in walked an attractive man
He wore far too much black leather; leather pants, jacket and vest and biker boots
When he took off his helmet his Grecian looks were extremely apparent  
He noticed my Mother right away... She was the most beautiful of the woman there
Her blonde hair fell around her shoulders, her blue eyes flashed
And sparkled in the light of the dimly lite bar
Their eyes made contact and she brought her drink to her mouth
Her light pink tongue ran around the rim of the glass
The dark man raised an eye brow at her and made his way to the
Bar stool my mother had her legs propped upon, her incredible long white legs
He looked at them and touched her ankle without a word
He ran his thumb over her pale and soft skin, with just one touch
He had my Mother completely under his spell
Finally after seconds that felt like centuries he lifted his hand from her ankle
He asked if he could buy her a drink and sit by her
Breathless she nodded her head and moved her legs to allow him to sit
He bought her another drink and they sat and talked for awhile
The ****** tension was almost tangible between them
He loved how brass she was, how she argued with his beliefs and how she flirted to get her way
She asked about his motorcycle and he offered to take her for a ride
She responded with a puzzled "Now???"
And he laughed a deep laugh and responded with an accented "If you would like"
She got up and whispered in his ear "I'd like to very much get a ride"
My Mothers heart raced for she had never done anything like this before
But she had to have this man, this man that she had just met
With a smile that nearly blinded her he got up and placed his hand
Dangerously low on her back, exactly where her shirt ended and the small line of skin was
He had kept his hands on her the entire night but this touch almost burned
My mother let him herd her out of the bar and once they were outside
He walked over to the meanest looking machine she had ever seen
With concern she looked at her mini skirt knowing a lot of leg would show if she got on that bike
He laughed at her face and climbed onto the bike
He tossed the extra helmet he had to her and beckoned for her to climb on
When she did he ran his right hand down her each of her legs making sure they were pressed against his
My mother was in for the ride of her life...
For this man was not a man at all but a God...
  Apr 2015 Kitts
In the heart of blue mountains
lies a star,
robbed of starlight.
Rises he with the faintest spark
between suns and moons,
he will be bright.
In pristine blue dwells he.
Stand before the sun comes,
beyond the horizons, he will be seen
In the heart of the blue mountains.
So many stars lost in infinity ....
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