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Trinkets Feb 15
worn-down paws
stepping forward
many consonants
create jagged ground
whose icy surface
cuts into paws
Trinkets Feb 12
hear me out, I have a plan,
increase profits while investing
as little as we possibly can
we’ll create an image of them and call it “success”
to give an image of their life prospects

create a worldwide obsession
with this thing
we’ll call it “money”
while giving it to nobody

ask their children what they want to be
make productivity be their life expectancy
the established illusion of worth in gold
that's what they'll be told

we know of basic human needs
we’ll enforce a new one
the need of greed
we'll start with banks
ideas of worth beyond a number
and that's where we will build this power

we’ll have struggles remain to keep the profit
have to keep them on their toes
keep them suffering to work this hard for nothing
we’ll decrease the risk of profit loss
just take their space for genuine thought

curiosity creativity new ideas
required for innovation or solution
but we must prevent the risk of them
climbing out of desperation
we’ll keep them busier than ever
no time for self, expression
then give them   j u s t   a hint of having life
be easier through efficiency of trickery

here, use this tool for the sense of creation
instead of painting, do computer visualisation
inner-most dreams an instant donation
provide relief in the trusting belief
that data collection won’t make them bleed
until we know their every thought
replace them through devices they bought

the computer program of information recycler
have them put the information of their lives there
self-improvement program grows to know
be better than them at building growth
we have their minds replaceable
have them learn to feel incapable
we keep this plan from falling apart
through the simple act of having them
devalue their own art

we’ll create this system for communication
interaction instant gratification
with price tags make the image of enough
to portray they’ll pay just buy enough stuff
the image they help to spread
like catching lullabies
to help them fall to sleep
they’ll spend their years avoiding fears
of creating less than perfect portrayal
we’ll take real away make them crave
creating ads with pictures of self, betrayal

for power over their perception
that they can’t see or take part in
the currency through algorithm
meant for us alone
overpowered mind control
control over their lives
paid for by the companies
wanting in on changing minds to hives

what then is the point, they’ll wonder
murmuring through illusioned slumber

we’ll show them that there are exceptions
motivating using tales of hope
disguise it all as piles of gold

we know of basic human urges
we’ll play the limits through diversions
game of myth
of salvation
“surely there is a way”
“if I keep working hard”
“if I have hope I will prevail”

the reward for lifetime servitude
we promise them aging life
end-of-life rescue

they’ll blame themselves
for all their curses
as we take away
their caring nurses

after just a few years
creating the fears
of everyone else on earth
we will finally rule reality
at long last we’ll own their worth

the fear of age and the fear of death
will be cured through dying breaths
basic driving forces and human urges
now in power
over all their lives through
the contents of their knockoff purses
Trinkets Jan 27
expect flaws, be flawed yourself
expect perfection, as something human
every person is but one part

if someone plays your tune, just listen
sing along, ask to dance, bravely
share with them

and you'll know if they are family
or a roller coaster wild experience
memories to treasure
Trinkets Jan 26
poor brainwashed people
dressed in suits
born in time unordered life ensues
taught nearly all not nearly enough
believing life is tough
believing in what humans should
with too much power
believing into
existence hell
on earth is swamped
with minds creative
a dying earth not saved
with science made unable
ideas are ranked
by suits valued importance
paying for a voice to only
thoughts of suits feeling
not heard must make a stance
poor brainwashed needs of self
realisation not in correlation
of the need for salvation
greed unimportant next to being
the one who looked down on the rest
poor brainwashed suits believing
themselves to be the best
the world continued burning
the right ideas through fear
kept mute
must not be overhead
when suits see fires
lit in tribute
Trinkets Jan 25
a solid basis of conflict
between generations
is the blame game thinking
“if only, then”
meant only to distract
from the hopelessness of knowing
“not now either”
Trinkets Jan 25
you have a secret don’t you
like a coin in the hand of
a beginner magician
well hidden for any who
never really pay attention
Trinkets Jan 24
managing mental health
wrapping head around
changing outlook views
wearing scars like a crowns
won’t help you to survive
without food on the table
without a chance to be well
it won’t matter
self taught lies
when problems are in real life
and you're not allowed yourself
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