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Who knows what tomorrow’s flowers will be like
It is pure magic that lies ahead
scent of lessons hard won and learned
lead me to the edge near the resting bodhi tree
near the cliffside the wide sky
calls me
and I close my eyes
–all my courage shapes into wings
and I flap rousing the dust below
wings wider than ever before
 Nov 2020 Emily
 Nov 2020 Emily
If I walk down this path
Will you follow me ?
Hold my hand
Soothe  me
Let our shadows intertwine

Will you not be by my side
Every step of the way
Be judgemental
Question me ?

This path of life
Is mine alone
No book or map to guide me
Just a mind wandering
Like my soul
 Nov 2020 Emily
The tide
 Nov 2020 Emily
If I was the tide
I'd rush out and join the sea
Youd never see me

I'd have the fish swim in my depth
The sun explode like a diamond mine

Ships would sail above me
Sails bellowing in the wind

I'd never search for the sand
Where seagulls scurry
Forever more banished from the land
 Nov 2020 Emily
The dream
 Nov 2020 Emily
Last night I dreamt of you
Once again I was young
You took my hand and smiled at me
We walked a while and laughed a lot
No shadows interrupted us
Only light whiter then white was in my dream
Warmth engulfed my soul
The  air I breathed was yours alone
You held my hand only  in my dream
My heart forever
 Nov 2020 Emily
Whether a comma, or colon:
Punctuation slows my rolling
I need no period. When I end
no Capitalization when I begin
Rulelessly I flow my art
  Not a single!
Exclamation mark
Are you not the one
Who'll know?
Where a question mark
No longer goes

Warp the structure
Bend the lines
Put in repeat
Let emotion unwind
Make yourself
Your poetry's the best
Be your own ruler
Pass your own test

Take your own road
Where ever it leads
Lover or hater
It's all poetry!
Traveler Tim

No matter who you are
You have my deepest respect!

All is vanity
The meanings of passion
The aesthetic expression
The lines we draw and stay within
Even love is beyond intent
Vanity transcends
Flowing from our pens
And so we breathe again
 Nov 2020 Emily
 Nov 2020 Emily
is my existence
abnormal ?
there are days when
i break because
i am made to
hate myself
it isn't right
the pain is too great
this pain is strength
but this strength
is pain
i just want to be
okay .
29 Oct 2020
 Nov 2020 Emily
 Nov 2020 Emily
you said
my poetry
is rough?
yeah that's
my thought's
tear apart
thought maker
 Nov 2020 Emily
you're hurtng
 Nov 2020 Emily
it hurts to see you like this
but i will be patient for you.
 Nov 2020 Emily
dread of night
 Nov 2020 Emily
i betray myself every night,
when i sneak off
and see you in my dreams.
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