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 May 2014 Despondent
I pass the places we were
one year ago today
not purposely,
it's just that my Gods seem
to have an ill sense of humor.

Walking slowly, numbly, dreamlessly around
a blinking city
that refuses to belong to me
ever again.

With every step kicking up clouds of dirt
in form of awkward memories
from not too long ago
that feel like a hazy far away dream.
it is easier to pretend they were merely that.
Reality is much harder to accept.

Bright Cakes with soft candle light
that graced your brow.
And I find myself hoping and wishing
I didn't know that you were doing so well,

if so...I'd be able to lie to myself
and imagine that you think of me
a little sometimes.

I hope you found what you wanted,
what you relentlessly worked so hard for.

Happy Birthday.
this is one of the first poems I ever wrote, after my first love and I broke up. I though it would be appropriate to repost being that tomorrow is the Ides of March .
 May 2014 Despondent
The distance between us
is so wide that it can't
be scaled in inches, feet, days, or years;
it can only be measured in life times.

The version I knew of you,  
if I knew you at all,  
is only a shadow in my memory
left over from a previous life.

There are few things I can remember clearly
that have not been softened by time,
or cumbered by loneliness.

Those are:
the small shape of your eyes
when sunlight broke, violent,
like a stone through windows
as particles danced
above us in slow motion.

the roughness of your rug
against our bodies
as we awoke
on your living room floor.

the way you offered me your long arms,
like ribbons, I wrapped them around myself,

and finally I felt like a gift.

All words
have been replayed
and rewritten so many times.
Like a photocopy of a photocopy
they have begun to wane.

Everything I have ever written
reads like a piece to the bridge
I am building to get back to you,
to remember who I was
when I was unscathed.

Everything I have ever written
is an ode to a past life,
an ode to reincarnation.
You have made a spiritual being
out of someone as cynical as me.

You would laugh, if you read the last sentence.

But there is no other way to explain
how I can feel such an anchor
for a practical stranger,
whose only familiar feature
that years have not taken
is a first and last name.
 May 2014 Despondent
I want to tell you how I am an empty house
with four dark corners that collect
fears like dust.

I want to tell you how I am an empty house,
So many things have been planted
but not one has sprout.

I want to trace the lines in
cracks of broken windows
and tell you how I formed webs of jagged glass

I want to tell you how I am an empty house;
a living and breathing
sign that somebody lives here,

yet nobody lives here.

I want to tell you how I am an empty house.
I remember when you used to love me;
I tasted rainbows and breathed in hope..
Now, we're perfect strangers ..
And the light has dimmed to make your love only a memory
i followed you into the sunset
it darkened us both after burning us numb
we called it
 May 2014 Despondent
Your eyes - rich chocolate-
each a world, stopped mid-rotation
to survey my expression.

Words fail us.
The air near bursting with

We inhale thoughts without form,
gaze sliding over gaze
waiting and wishing.

Heavy sighs and sideways smiles-
your curls gently bounce
as you break contact.

Again you shine those
inquisitive beacons
on my stone face.

I see the earth's core beneath-
the tumult of the plates
colliding and cracking.

My marble facade crumbles
at desire's relentless reach.
I know you. From before.

We have loved.
But no more.
no more.
For my soulmate- who I'll never be with.
Don't say another word,
you know what you have me falling for.
your wrapping your words around my heart,
like a weapon in the dark.
I try to look away but those bright blue eyes,
pull me back into your beautiful lies.

You pull me around and bring me back in time.
I remember when you left that morning and didn't return that night.
I would ask you where you been but all you do is stutter.
But for some reason i know your name will be the last word i utter.

I feel like i should leave,
I know every night you go out to drink.
I can't leave you alone,
but i have problems of my own.

Your faithful to me but your not.
You turn your head and then get some off the rocks.
Baby that bottle brings out your worst,
It turns my lullaby in the form of a curse.

That taste that you try to hide on your breath,
I love you but i hate that sour kiss.
We all have demons in all shapes and sizes.
Yours brings pain in the shape of a bottle.
 May 2014 Despondent
Lying post ***,

Thinking about what I've done,

The best love I ever gave...
I was thinking of you.

This dark matter seeps into
the white glow surrounding your image.

Good and bad intertwine
like inseparable lovers.

This thing we have
is a biopsy of the nature of the universe:

The **** always stains the white pavement
and becomes a part of it forever.

Why do I have to love you?

Please cut this string,
stab me in the heart, and
End it.
I used to want to be the wind because
it had a way of rustling you
when I couldn't even make you budge.
Don't fall for boys with curled lips billowing smoke
into the air
because they won't catch you in their smoke rings.
Just like dream catchers
never caught my bad dreams
and I dreamed of you every single night.*

My heart pumps with a loudness that makes me want to step back when you stand close because you are a mini earthquake and I'm still rebuilding from the time you listened to me when I had nothing to say.*

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