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16.6k · Oct 2014
Silence- complete absence of sound.

It's funny,
How they think silence,
means you can't hear a thing.

But you can hear silence.

It's so fricking loud.
You really can't miss it.
15.7k · Jan 2019
You've given me tons of reasons to leave,
But I still stay
Because those reasons weren't enough
To keep me away
10.0k · Oct 2014
Happiness is...

Not being sad.
People compare happiness to many different things,
Then I forget what happiness means.

But I write the truth,
And I won't forget,
What happiness truly means.

6.9k · Aug 2014
I live next door,
To a ballerina,
I hear music all day,
And see lights on all night,

It doesn’t bother me,
For we are good friends,
I knew her forever,
Even as a child,

Sometimes I see her,
From my bedroom window,
Dancing like her life depends on it,
Only, it really does,

She moves,
With such grace,
Delicately on her toes,
As if it was easy,

She glances out her window,
Sees me staring,
Flashes a smile,
As if everything was okay,

But I too knew her too well,
To fall for that lie,
I looked at her long and hard,
And now I see why,

Beads of sweat,
Fell down her forehead,
Her legs shook,
As she did a developpe,

Her face was pained,
Strong hint of confusion,
Yet she smiled away,
As if she wasn’t hurting,

She was beautiful,
She could pass as a goddess,
But if you looked closely,
You could see she wasn’t flawless,

Her ever-so-fake smile,
Is what gave her away,
And the shine in her eyes,
Was simply the tears kept inside

Just when I thought,
It was a trick of the light,
She tripped and fell down,
Into a puddle of her own tears,

I didn’t know,
What to do,
Should I climb out my window?
Or leave her in pain?

One thought was dominant,
And it was neither of either,
I screamed just enough,
For her to hear,

She looked up,
And cried once again,
I asked her what was wrong,
Was everything okay?

She said it wasn’t,
As she walked towards her window,
And then did I see her body,
As thin as a straw,

She told me her story,
Everyone was screaming at her,
They said she was pathetic,
Useless in so many ways,

She said she agreed,
They were telling the truth,
She was too fat to be beautiful,
Too fat to dance,

That’s when it hit me,
It explained so much,
She had a disorder,
Anorexia nervosa,

I told her the truth,
While her body shook,
I shook my head and said,
“It’s going to be okay,
My little ballerina”

She smiled, and left.
6.5k · Jun 2015
Apartheid -
When your skin color defined the rest of your life.
It was predictable.

History homework, just trying to make use of my poetry.
5.0k · Oct 2014
I live next door,
To a ballerina,
I hear music all day,
And see lights on all night,

It doesn’t bother me,
For we are good friends,
I knew her forever,
Even as a child,

Sometimes I see her,
From my bedroom window,
Dancing like her life depends on it,
Only, it really does,

She moves,
With such grace,
Delicately on her toes,
As if it was easy,

She glances out her window,
Sees me staring,
Flashes a smile,
As if everything was okay,

But I too knew her too well,
To fall for that lie,
I looked at her long and hard,
And now I see why,

Beads of sweat,
Fell down her forehead,
Her legs shook,
As she did a developpe,

Her face was pained,
Strong hint of confusion,
Yet she smiled away,
As if she wasn’t hurting,

She was beautiful,
She could pass as a goddess,
But if you looked closely,
You could see she wasn’t flawless,

Her ever-so-fake smile,
Is what gave her away,
And the shine in her eyes,
Was simply the tears kept inside

Just when I thought,
It was a trick of the light,
She tripped and fell down,
Into a puddle of her own tears,

I didn’t know,
What to do,
Should I climb out my window?
Or leave her in pain?

One thought was dominant,
And it was neither of either,
I screamed just enough,
For her to hear,

She looked up,
And cried once again,
I asked her what was wrong,
Was everything okay?

She said it wasn’t,
As she walked towards her window,
And then did I see her body,
As thin as a straw,

She told me her story,
Everyone was screaming at her,
They said she was pathetic,
Useless in so many ways,

She said she agreed,
They were telling the truth,
She was too fat to be beautiful,
Too fat to dance,

That’s when it hit me,
It explained so much,
She had a disorder,
Anorexia nervosa,

I told her the truth,
While her body shook,
I shook my head and said,
“It’s going to be okay,
My little ballerina”

She smiled, and left.
I do ballet,
I write ballet.
4.8k · Nov 2014
I opened my eyes to only see the void.
So I fill it up.
I fill it up with words, but not any words;
Trying to be smart. And mature. I have almost succceeded.
2.8k · Aug 2014
I came into this world,
My sister automatically hated me,
She wouldn't get the jewelry,
That my mother promised she would give,

My mother told me about jellybeans
"it will make you feel better,"  she said

I first learnt to walk,
My brother let me fall,
He said two children was enough,
Then I came and ruined it all,

My dad gave me a jellybean,
"it'll make you happy again" he said

I turned five,
My teacher didn't like me,
She found me a disgrace,
Just by being the way I am,

My friend gave me her jellybean,
"the jellybean would make you think of heaven instead,"

Ten was the worst,
I was fat as hell,
Girls picked while boys laughed,
Everyone just said it was puberty,

I ran home to my sister,
She said,"the jellybean will drive the pain away"

A teenager I soon became,
My father was drunk,
Rapping on the door like a ghost,
It was as if he felt his life was done,

My brother covered my ears,
"don't listen to his say, let the jellybean lead the way"

My grandmother died,
My mother cried her soul out,
She was like a sister to me,
My life was now incomplete,

My aunt dried my tears and said,
"Bite down on this jellybean, it's your only happy place"

My mother was stuck in depression,
Nothing could help her,
I was on my own now,
Everyone looked past me,

god came down to me and gave me a jellybean,
"never give up" was his advice to me.

20 was my age,
To rise and shine,
My family was finally happy again,
It was so great I had tears in my eyes,

My family gave me a box of jellybeans,
"more the merrier!" they said to me,

It was during college,
Did a handsome man ask,
"why eat those jellybeans,
When you're supposed to be sad?"

I gave him a jellybean, smiled and said,
"more sweetness fills in, than tears are shed,"

The man became my lover,
We were everything to each other,
We planned a whole life together,
Until he had to part away forever,

He kissed me on the lips and dried my eyes,
"please take this sweet, as token of my love for you,"

I went back home to find,
my brother had gone haywire,
He didn't listen to anyone anymore,
He was a rebel now,

I calmed him down and all he said,
"Carmel, you don't understand, all you care about is jellybeans,"

Soon after there was 'breaking news' on the TV
My brother had killed,
But soon ran away,
And I was related to a murderer,

My sister hugged me and asked,
"does this call for a jellybean?"

I got a job as an assistant  mental helper,
What more could I do?
My resumé didn't hide my history,
Dead gran, criminal brother...

My sad face softened the one on my boss,
"have this jellybean, it's all I have," he said

A year after the same routine,
Did I learn my father had a drink too much,
The hospital bed he lied,
And went away without my goodbye,

After The nurse told me everything, I looked into my purse,
"oh beautiful jellybean, please do your magic," 

After, a marriage was arranged for me,
The man was sweet, but not mine,
He was a choice of someone else,
Which is what hurt me a lot,

I looked for a jellybean, but my sister sighed and said,
"you are about to be married, no need for those antics,"

In reality, the man and I were friends,
We had a bit in common,
But nothing like my lover,
I was alone again,

My mind yearned for a jellybean,
But I stopped, for my sister knew what I was doing

The day to tie the knot,
My mother was half gone,
She came in a wheel chair,
Yet she was clapping along,

The priest spoke as my 'husband' smiled,
"no jellybean, but smile, smile for them," I thought.

After living a different life,
I still hadn't learn to love him,
My sister got mad and ran away,
Far away from me, she said,

My husband sat down and gave me a packet of jellybeans,
"I know it's what you love, take them and smile again, for me"

31 my brother payed a visit,
He had changed so much I could have loved him instead,
He cried and apologized,
But I just gave him a hug and SMILED,

He gave me a special jellybean,
"to tell you how much I appreciate it," he said.

He lived with me for a while,
My "lover" said I needed the company,
We laughed, smiled and cried together,
It was the best year of my life,

My friend came up to me and said,
"a jellybean for improving your happiness," 

Later my mother was fully gone,
My brother couldn't bare the pain,
He ran away, for he wasn't strong,
Sadness filled my air again,

My neighbor came and wished me well,
But no happiness came without a jellybean.

My depression,
It became my obsession,
My husband tried and gave up,
There was nothing he could do,

Cigarettes were my new candy,
"I'm sorry, Carmel, you're too old for jellybeans'' 

My husband screamed,
I would never try,
So he packed his bags,
And left with no sweet goodbye,

I cried my heart out, and pulled out my cigarette,
" wow, Carmel, look what you've done"I said.

So this was my life,
I was lonely as hell,
No family to love me,
No one to ask if I was well,

I left the cigarette and took out my special jellybean,
" at least it sweetens the pain, reduces the hurt, and make you feel as if you're whole again,"

After all that has become, 
after all that has been done,
The jellybean never left my side, 
It was the one who loved me, all this time

"I love you, Jellybean," I said, " you are my one and only, best friend,"
Sorry it's long. But I love jellybeans.
2.8k · Sep 2014
A language spoken so well around the world.

My teachers would use the synonym “irony”.

I simply disagree. Sarcasm is showing the obvious by saying it isn’t. Irony is simply having the world hate you. And, being someone you’re not. It has many definitions but I’m here to talk about something else. So here goes:


A language spoken well around the world.
My teacher would use the synonym ‘irony”.
It makes things seem different.
It shows annoyance.
Some don’t get it,
But that’s the beauty of it.                                                                  ­                       
Most use it for fun,
And a joke is cracked.
But some find it hurtful,
Some just can’t.
It needs emotion,
Which is something people don’t have.
Therefore always going back,
And making the joke sour.

What I love about it,
Is that anyone can speak it.
Sometimes not knowing it,
Sometimes knowing it.
But any language or sign
Can have this weird dialect.
And that’s how everyone around the world,
Becomes closer together.
Another thing to the list,
That everyone has in common.

As I say,
Some are fluent,
Some aren’t.
That’s what I appreciate,
It’s the one thing you and I have in common.

Stupidity is what it starts with,
As one points out the obvious.
Then the other emphasizes on that,
Pointing out the dumbness.
Anyone can laugh out loud,
Anyone can cry,
But it’s what keeps us together,

Our stupid sarcasm.
I've always wanted to make this. A language I speak fluently.
2.8k · Jun 2016
I know you can't talk to me because you're busy
Packing all your things into your boxes.
I have to know, though,
Are you packing us
And the memories we shared too?
Are you trying to forget them-
To restart completely?
I can feel you putting me in a tight box,
Taping it up,
Never to open again.
I know you want me to ship me off
Just like everything unwanted you ever had.
No wonder there's so much space between us.
Because you left me in a box, sent me away, without I even realizing it.
I guess I was too much to carry along with you.
It was best
To box me up.
2.7k · Aug 2014
Some find happiness easy to find,
Some find it hard.
I’m one of those people,
Who really don’t know.

But my days of sunshine,
Are gone for good.
I stare at the photo of us,
And can’t believe we were.

Why is it,
That when I’m happy,
Someone of something,
Decides to ruin it all?

I slowly eat my chocolate,
Letting the sweetness,
 Swallow my pain.

I throw the frame,
 To the ground.
Hearing the crash,
I pull myself together.

I take another bite of my chocolate,
As memories rush into my mind,
Of you and me loving each other,
As a tear slips down my eye.

I can’t keep it together,
My chocolate tastes sour,
What happened to us?
What happened to you?

My tears rush like a waterfall,
Creating a river around me,
My chocolate can’t do its job anymore,
It is no more sweet.

I drop the chocolate,
Hoping it would stop,
The taste,
The pain.

I still miss you,
So much, it hurts.
But you never gave me the love, 
Like the one the chocolate gave me.
I ate too much chocolate, it soon tasted bad.
2.4k · Sep 2014
Color II
Blue skies,
Green grass,
Pink flowers,
Red roses. 

White sheets,
Pale walls,
Cream lamps,
Oak boards.

Teal bands,
Purple earrings,
Orange dress,
Red bracelets.

Pink lips,
Olive skin,
Auburn hair,
Grey eyes.

There are so many colors,
 but the one,
that matches my soul,
 are all,
The Black paintings,
Of the world.
There might be more to love: the emptiness when one part of your family is gone, and only then do you realize you need them.
2.3k · Oct 2014
Waiting on the other side
Of an equal sign.
An equation left

I'm supposed to be a sum
Her + Me = Eternity
Yet I'm still waiting
To be solved.

Left in a textbook,
Unnoticed and unloved.
Trying to ignore the groans,
The glares, the words.

Jotted down repeatedly,
Still no one sees,
I want out,
I want a life.

Forever hoping and believing
That my real question will be answered.
I'm left as a problem,
Impossible to solve.

I lay on this piece of paper,
Eager to know,
If I'm true,
Or hopelessly false.

So I'm waiting on the other side
Of an equal sign.
And equation left
I solved.

I'm sitting and wondering
If there's anyone home.

I can even make maths depressing.
2.2k · Oct 2015
When I grow up
Please don’t let me be like my Mother.

Don’t let me be the woman
Who never gave me a second glance
Because whenever it came to children
She stopped loving at one.

Don’t let me be
The woman who gave her all to the first born,
But when it was me
She gave it all up.

Don’t let me be the woman who smoked
Half a lung into ashes,
Every night thinking I don’t see
The grey puffs rising to my window
Darkening my room
Choking me as it slowly became the air I breathe.

When I grow up,
Don’t make me marry a man
Who never loved
And lived for numbers upon papers
Caring more about his reputation
Than his own blood he weaved into

When I grow up
Let me teach my children
Happiness and what it is like to smile,
Instead of drilling into their brains
All the reasons they should cry
And drown in their tears.

When I grow up,
Don’t let me search for my dreams
At the bottom of a shot glass
Taking more and more
As I get drunk on false, temporary happiness.

Don’t let me come home to my children,
Telling them how useless they are,
Throwing things at them
And finally collapsing into a heap of hopelessness.

Please don’t let my children
Have a father who never even cared
Enough to remember their birthdays
Let alone save them from the nightmare
That was their Mom.

Don’t let me become
The reason my children cried at their reflection
Because beauty never defined them
The reason they refused to eat
Since the flesh on their body
Kept growing in their eyes only.

Never let me be the woman
Who found only the ecstasy
She bought through men each night.

Even then it wasn’t love.
Even now it isn’t love.
She never learned to love people like me.
But I loved her.

Yet it was forced,
I only saw the mistakes she made
Every time I looked at her.
Including myself.

Please, when I grow up,
Let me learn to love my skin
And suffocate in all the things that make me

Let me prove to the woman who claimed
To have raised me up
That I will never make the same errors or ever be like her.

I’ll love, I’ll live, I’ll care.
Three things she never grew up to do.

When I grow up,
Please don’t let me be like my Mother.
2.2k · Jan 2015
I'm scared of my imagination.

I hear, see and feel things I shouldn't.
It scares me.

You hear barking, I hear howling.
You hear chair scraping the ground, I hear screaming.
You hear snoring, I hear wailing.
You hear in between radio stations, I hear cackling.
You hear sliding, I hear snakes.
You hear buzzing, I hear a bomb ticking.
You hear church bells, I hear the call for death.
You hear chopping food, I hear execution.
You hear the waves, I hear the drowning of the unknown.

I can't stay in the dark,
It's what I imagine I fear for.
My heart runs for it's life,
But it's stuck in the same cage.
And it's walls are scraped,
With tally of the times it will never get out.

You hear a tap, I hear drowning.
And I am flowing with it. In it.

Shake my head away from the dreams?
It's not as easy as you think.
When they taunt you,
While you sleep,
You dream,
You eat,
I do.

It's just a nightmare...
- No it's not.
It's real;
It's my imagination.

Telling me things it shouldn't,
Making me feel things I shouldn't.

The imagery is too much, I cannot see;

The wails, howls and screams are getting louder;

I’ve run out of voice,
To speak, to express, to call for help;

They say your imagination cannot hurt you,
Yet I’m screaming, running away from it.
But I can't – it's stuck with me, 'till I die.
Die from the fear of myself?
I will.
It's not as bad as this, but for some it is. I AM scared of my imagination, sometimes. but then again, aren't we all?
2.0k · Oct 2014
Raped (Thriller)
The words were carved,
Into her dead back,
The blood so bright,
It could be seen from afar. 

Eyes wide open,
Red streaming down her face,
As if she were crying,
What was in left in her veins.

Another death threat,
Were staring at us in the face.
There was more to come,
Even after this gruesome tragic.

Her hands tied behind her back,
Body bare,
Ripped clothes strewn across the grass,
And a knife shone.

Contrast from silver to blood,
Her DNA splattered across the whole ground.

The darkness of the night,
Couldn't hide,
The ****** red body,
Freshly dead.

Scent of abuse
And a hint of scars,
She left the world in pain,
We could feel her spirit haunting the air.

Forced were the wounds,
On her back shaped like words,
"Until the blood has been bled,
I will be back, for the rest of my revenge"
Trying to scare myself.

Not. Working.
1.9k · Oct 2016
What is love?
It is when you find yourself forgiving the hands that crushed your heart.
1.9k · Sep 2014
Coldplay True Love
~~ Tell me you love me~~
If you don't then lie
~~Lie to me
Some of us are just that desperate.
1.9k · Aug 2015
The fairytale was my life.
But the story itself wasn't mine.

Placed in a town
In a time of kings and queens,
Princes and princesses,
I was a commoner.

The palace was my dream
but not for the money,
obviously for the love.

I saw him everyday,
Stealing food with his adorable monkey sidekick,
Swift and sly,
He was calm and kind.

We greeted from time to time
With the simple eye lock
And a sweet smile.
My heart danced for hours on end
Yet he'd have forgotten me by then.

It didn't matter-
He knew I existed,
That was what was most important to me.

I watched him graciously live
The scary life.
Risks of being caught
But he laughed it all off.

I begged for another word
As I followed him in my only clothes,
Stalking after him but only to get a glimpse
Of the poor prince he meant to me.

I dreamt about him every night
Even if our eyes only spoke-
Even if his eyes only said one word-
Even if that one word was

But after days of analysing him,
Figuring him out through everything but words,
I was caught off guard-
Our eyes didn't catch each other anymore.

He forgot I existed.
He didn't acknowledge me.
He didn't smile at the least.

But the closer I got and I could see-
His eyes were blind.
There was someone else.

I saw him wishing for the world,
Wishing for her,
Thinking about her.
Wanting to be with her.
Needing her.

To say I was broken was an understatement.

He changed.
He followed into the palace,
He stayed there for long,
I barely saw him.

He changed from me into them.
He became a prince.
She accepted him-
It was still romantic.

He rode his flying carpet into the night
The same night I saw the stars as his eyes.
He looked at her with his heart,
The same way I hoped he looked into me.
He gave her more than the magic lamp ever could,
The same way I wished on the moon he could give me.
His love was in his heart.
My love was in my soul.

He  dressed up for rags
Getting ready to accept riches,
Wishing on a genie,
For her and her heart.
Feelings broken I realised he had fallen in love.
He was Aladdin
He was never mine.

It was clear as the sky;
I wasn't  his Jasmine.
My poetry is a little rusty. I think I'm back :)
1.8k · Jan 2015
I watched you out in the open
Staring at nothing
Mouth sewn shut
Eyes glazing at the world.

Your beautiful face
For once is not comical,
When I so badly want it to be.

The roots are climbing up your body,
Keeping you firm on the ground.
Now you can't run to me,
Hug me, Kiss me
Or tell me you love me.

Tears run down my eyes
As my feet carry me towards you.
I run my hands along your body,
Feeling only fabric,
No sign of life in you.

If you knew I was there
You showed no emotion of it.
I bite my lip as I watch you,
Watch you ignore me,
Like I wasn't crying for you.

I wrap my arms around your stiff body,
Feeling my heart race,
But yours still.

Do you not love me any more?
Do you not feel the same?
Please talk to me,
I miss you so much.

I'm sorry for erupting into an angry mess,
I'm sorry for taking it out on you.
I'm sorry if I was not good enough,
But I promise you I will.
Please don't give up on me,
I still love you.

Time ticks by,
But your eyes are still black buttons,
And your mouth is still stitches,
Your body is still sewn fabric,
And your voice is still silent.

I cannot bear the truth,
It hurts for it to sink in.
I don't want it to be true-
Please, tell me it isn't.

But as the seconds go by,
And you don't respond,
I realize that I cannot do anything about it.
It must be true.

You've turned Scarecrow on me.
1.8k · Jan 2016
Once there was a girl who, when she pulled her blanket over her eyes,    
She saw the galaxy surround her.
She reached out and touched them,
Instantly making the infinite possibilities of catching the stars so...
1.8k · Nov 2014
I dance,
Because I have to.

For the love of dance?
Hell no.
For the love of the examiner.

My teacher's words,
Screaming constantly into my ears.
What I was doing was wrong,
I would never get points for that.

Smile, not for the audience,
But because the examiner doesn't like
Glum faces.

Oh whatever happened,
To the true meaning of Dance?

I don't know.
It's gone,
just like my happiness,
and hopes,
of being better.

My jumps are not filled with beauty,
but sweat.
My pointe work does not look amazing;
It looks tiresome.

Is there ever going to be a day,
When exams don't matter?
It will forever count
As my life.

People think I have a choice-
I don't.

I can't dance without being judged;
Heck, dancing is nothing without judgement.
Beg for mercy?
I'm not weak.

Yes, ballet, to me, is like war
Between me and my teacher,
or maybe me and everyone who thinks otherwise.

I'm nearing my Waterloo,
but I won't surrender yet.

But, maybe I have.

I have been brainwashed.
All I want now is good grades.
A distinction.

I don't love dance,
I do it for everyone else who does.

If you look closely,
You can see my tiresome face,
but soulless eyes.

No one understands,
what I’m trying to say,
so I stop trying.

Yes, I've given up.

I don't dance for myself,
I dance for the examiner.
so, to all those people to say i should dance because i love it: ***** you. this is why i dance.
1.7k · Dec 2014
Patched Quilt
I held up that grand quilt in my tiny hands, thoughts rushing past my mind.

That denim piece splattered with red paint,
ah, remember when you wore that for the first time as you picked carrots with Dad?

That cotton piece filled with a vibrant orange,
how could you forget? That was the dress you wore to your first ever play recital.

That baby pink rayon piece,
you wore that on the first day of high school, you could not forget.

That grey wool piece,
that was your Christmas present, and you wore it near the fire. You spilled hot coco on it.

That rare purple leather,
that is too important to forget. Remember, it was the jacket you wore on you first date.

That blue flannel piece,
you loved that one. You wore it all the time, ever since the first time you wore it when you won “best speaker” at a school competition.

That brown cupro piece,
you wore that to your mother's birthday, the one where she got promoted to L.A.

That green polyester piece,
never can forget, could you? That was the shirt you wore when Dad and Mom divorced.  

That white lyocell piece,
you wore it at your graduation party, and your whole family was there.

That barkcloth piece,
it was a day to remember, you united with you brother once again in that dress.

That calico piece,
you wore that to the hospital when Granddad got a heart attack.

That black and white damask piece,
that was so beautiful, so you kept it for your dinner. Which you hadn't realized was your engagement dinner with your boyfriend.

That red gingham piece,
wow, that was the time you met your dad's girlfriend. And Mom had not moved on.

That black lace piece,
a day never to forget. It was the funeral of your Granddad’s, and that was the dress you wore.

That grey gauze piece,
it was the shawl you wore when you visited your grandma, and found out she was ill of depression.

That amazing white gazar piece,
a memorable day. It was the dress you wore to you wedding.

That turquoise silk piece,
too soon after your wedding. It was the part of the purse you took to your Grandma's funeral. *

That white and blue jacquard fabric,
that was the fabric you had for your curtains, when you moved into your own house.

That leopard print intarsia piece,
it was an amazing day. Your mother visited you the first time in your new home. The both of you cried with the rain pouring outside. Nothing could have ruined that beautiful moment together, united.

That satin cobalt blue piece,
that dress you wore to the dinner with your parents and husband. Only to later realize that you brother had met with an accident.

That exotic lantana piece,
you remember, don't you? You wore that dress when you met your brother days later, severely hurt.

That red lace piece,
you went to London with your husband wearing that. You were so excited.

That madras piece,
it came from that cushion out of the four your husband bought you.

That cream organdy piece,
your mother had found it in her closet, a dress from her mother's, and wanted to give it to you.

That deep purple paisley piece,
you wore that on the day your mother died.*

And like that, all the thoughts came back to me. All the pieces of my past, fit in together. But it never made sense – that was how my life worked. And there were more pieces, more parts, to fit together, until my life was spread out in front of me. Like a patched quilt.
Patches are like memories.
1.7k · Aug 2014
I was walking down
The gravel of the school,
Suddenly I felt,
Like a shadow was behind me,
Staring, looking, waiting.

I hoped it was him.
I wanted it to be him.
I wanted to believe it was him.
I hoped and prayed it was him.
Even if there was a chance it wasn’t.

I wanted it to be so badly.
I wanted to take back my words.
Tell him that I loved him,
That age didn’t matter.

Tell him that,
He didn’t have to be with her,
That I was there,
For him.

Tell him we could change the world,
Break the rules,
Make a difference.
Tell him that it was me he wanted,
And I knew.

Tell him that I could finally,
Have the happy ever after,
That I always wanted.
That nothing could stop us.

I wanted him to know,
That we can have,
Everything we wanted,
That life wasn’t something to hate.

I wanted to tell him,
That I would die happy,
If took my hand,
And held onto it,
Until it was my end.

I wanted him to know,
That I loved him,
And I wanted to know,
If he felt the same.

I wanted,
My life to take a turn,
Be what it should be,
Be what I wished.

I wanted,
To wrap my arms around him,
And hold on,
Till death did us apart.

I wanted him to know,
That we can.
I kept praying,
Not letting the negative in,
Keeping my hopes up,
Then I turned around.

There was no one.
It's amazing what crushes do to you. What love does to you.
1.6k · Aug 2014
No New Messages
No new messages.

I don’t know where you are on the other side of the screen. But I want to know. Badly.

No new messages.

I’m not sure what I’ve become, in these seconds, of being patient.

No new messages.

My soul only wants one thing, I realize: You. Your attention. Your sympathy. Your words to make me feel better.

No new messages.

I’m going crazy now. I want you, your touch through words. I want to know that you’re listening to my thoughts. That you’re here for me.

No new message.

My patience is running out, my love for you is too. Staring at a screen, wanting something only you can give.

What has my life become? I am nothing. Saving time for you to talk to me, when I should concentrate on what’s important.

No new messages.

My life is useless. I am looking for the wrong goal. But I keep staring, hoping you’d somehow send me a message, telling me it’s ok.

No new messages.

I’m tired. I’m sorry. I can’t stop being the crazy girl I am. But I’m in love, that’s all I can say.

No new messages.

I get it, you’re not online. Fine. I’ve stopped caring. What’s the point? Forget you. I hate you. I wish we’d never met.

No new messages.

Yes, I’m still here. Can’t you see? It’s been hours, I’ve been staring at this screen since you said you’d be here. I’m not ready to give up. Are you there, somehow?

No new messages.

I’ve tried, but it’s getting late. I’m sorry. Even though I know you’re not here. Please know that I still care.

I type in a new message and then sign out.

I Love You.
Never Forget It.
1.6k · Feb 2015
Like a tree,
With many leaves-

I wasn't the only one.
1.6k · Apr 2016
I stopped fearing the night
When I realized
The darkness was
*Inside me
Inspired by Joker's Quote.
1.5k · Sep 2015
Not My Love Story
She was bad for him.
She was his worst distraction
But he was so attracted
Simply infatuated
With her.

Months passed
With him longing for her,
He wanted to hold her

He’d wait for decades,
Just to hold her hand.
He’d wait for centuries,
Just to see her smile.
He’d wait patiently,
For eternity,
Just to call her “mine”.

He didn’t care about what was best for him.
He didn’t care about what was best for them.
All he cared about was her amazing smile,
Making the mistakes he made
So worthwhile.

But, being apart,
Made him do better in life.
He was concentrating,
Grades up, social life stable,
And was the boy his parents wanted him to be.

But inside, He was dying.
He missed her like crazy.
He wanted her,
He needed her,
It was worth giving all this up,
Just to hold her in his arms.
Her perfect, Angelic face,
He wanted to hold it close to his
And just before they kissed,
Whisper “I love you”.

He dreamt of a future together,
He picked up each piece of their magical infinity
-His fantasies
Forgetting reality,
Only wishing to grasp her hand
Which was just out of reach.

He hoped, one day,
He would capture the world
In his large hands,
Engraving it on a silver ring
As he knelt down
And asked her to marry him.

He wanted to take her
To the most beautiful cities,
Yet prove to her
There was nothing more beautiful than her
In his eyes.

He wanted to
Wrap his arms around her,
Pull her close,
Just to show that
He was never ever letting go.

He didn’t want to listen
To what people thought
Of her or him.
She was the only brightness in his life.
The only thing that made him smile.

His eyes flickered,
Landing on the magnificence
That was the love of his life.
But she didn’t know it yet.

He wanted to feel the sparks fly,
Once again.
Fireworks bright,
In his mind
He wanted his body to ignite,
In flames.
Just by one look,
From her to him.

And he hoped, prayed,
The feeling was reciprocal.
He wanted her in his possession,
As she had already become his obsession.

He wanted to hold her,
Kiss her, then say
“You are not an option
You are my priority,
Don’t forget that,
We’ll define eternity”
1.4k · Jan 2016
Dear Mom and Dad
I'm sorry I grew up.
I guess they never understood.
1.4k · Nov 2015
He hurts me
And he doesn’t even realize
I’m screaming.

He broke me
Yet he’s too absorbed
To see my jagged pieces.

He’s torn me apart
But he’s blind to my shreds
That lay upon his hands.

He doesn’t get it-
I’m not right anymore.
I’ve gone wrong
In so many ways.

Nights are filled with sadness,
While days are filled with
Fake smiles.

Can’t he see through them?
He’s supposed to.
Or is something distracting him?

My heart broken so many times
As if they were designed to be

The pieces don’t even fit

I miss looking at me as if he loved me.
I miss his kisses which led me away from this cruel world.
I miss him arms wrapped around me,
Promising safety.
I miss him looking into my eyes as he confessed his love
To me.
I miss him smiling at me as if I were the only one.
I miss looking at his beautiful face
Through the frames set in front of my eyes;
He was picture perfect.

I miss him.

The angel that I thought was mine
Set fire to my heart,
Burning it to ashes
As they fell to my gut
And it burned through
Making me hollow inside.
It’s too late to fix me right.

Cuts and bruises
From when you slashed what you thought was love
Engraved into my body,
The way your name was tattooed across my soul.
But you never realized
How much I love you.

What did I do wrong?
Please stop hurting me.
The pain is too much to handle-
But don’t understand it.
You never do.
When will you?

I could never tell you,
The words were caught up in my throat-
Choking me.
Like your love
Suffocates me.

I feel like I’m losing you,
I’m scared of losing you,
You’re the best
Yet the worst,
That has ever happened to me.
And you don’t realize how much it hurts.

You promised me the world,
That we would be together.
We'd fly high in the night sky,
Soaring on top of the world.
You weren't a mistake,
WE weren't a mistake.
I wasn't your first,
but I'd definitely be your last.

Don't make promises you can't keep.

You slipped
Out of my grip,
Because I was right from the start-
I am not good enough.
Love. Isn't it wonderful.
1.4k · Sep 2014
I stared at the big blue cloud,
It was in my hands,
It was so blue that it depressed me
But it was only fluffy candy

I picked a piece from the cloud
I digested it with my eyes and soul,
It was the brightness to a child's life
It was my only happiness

You look at candy,
As sweetness to your life,
but to me it was more,
It was the only freedom I had in the world

I bit into the blue sweetness
As it dissolved in my mouth,
It dissolved my pain,
I was sure everything would be fine again

Then, when the cotton got stuck between my teeth,
So did my hopes and dreams.
I felt like a fool for believing
A fool for trying

A tear slid down my cheek
Making the candy bittersweet
No Cotton Candy can make it go away
Rewrite my story

When they fought and screamed,
I'd try find my happy place,
Eat my sweet Blue Candy,
And just pray it away

I've tried everything
Clovers to Rabbit's Feet,
But this heavenly cloud
was the only price to pay

If my life was all drunk and dead
Would it **** to find my demise-free zone
And just eat some Cloudy Candy instead?

If wishes came true,
With every bite I took
I would have father with me
A Mother to love me

I kept eating the candy though
Even if it didn't taste heavenly anymore
Tears kept streaming down with every bite
I kept the harshness inside

The faster I ate, the more it hurt,
I couldn't swallow the lumps in my throat,
The pain developed inside of me,
Like a tumour, I was a waste, never needed.

You eat all the Candyfloss in the world, it won't work.
It just sweetens the pain, lessens the hurt.
This is dedicated to two people. First, being Nicole Ann Osborn because she is the most amazing poet, to me. I look up to her, and please check her out, she's really good.

Second being Tawanda WT Mulalu, because he loves this poem and he's an amazing friend.  Check him out too, he's also a great poet.
1.4k · Oct 2014
Dear Mom and Dad
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry I wasn't what you wanted.
I'm sorry I'm not your dream child.
I'm sorry I'm not beautiful.
I'm sorry I'm not smart.

I'm sorry I'm not talented,
That I didn't deserve your attention.
So sorry for not being popular,
Or thin and perfect.

I'm sorry I'm fat,
And I know I deserve this silent treatment.
I deserve the bullying,
The comments, the  glares.

I'm sorry my ruddy legs,
Only got me this far in life.
I'm sorry these red eyes,
Can't see anything but pity.

You haven't spoken to me in ages,
So I know you won't miss me.
You have ever asked me how I feel,
So I know you won't care.

I'm pretty sure you'd be happy
To see this letter.
You don't have to pretend,
You love me anymore.

I know.

You'll have the perfect family:
A rich Dad,
A happy Mom,
A beautiful Daughter and
A smart Son.

I know I don't fit here,
So there's no denying.

I'm sorry I have to do this,
But life doesn't want me here,
Or anywhere for that matter.

So I've decided to run away.
No one needs me,
Believe me, I know.

I want you to know I love you,
Even if you don't.

Last of all,
I'm sorry I was never good enough.
Yes, I wish me to hell as well.


**The daughter you never loved.
Song Match:

All I Want - Kodaline
1.3k · Nov 2014
Dear Born,
I Love your poetry.

Your few words can portray emotions,
that take forever to get out into the open.

Every time I see,
your name in my notifications
I feel giddy
knowing a true poet has seen my poems,
out of all the better ones on this website.

First time I saw you,
you had talked about Hello Poetry,
and I thought of how wonderful,
you made it sound.

Because it is.

Every word you write,
has a heavy meaning.
And every punctuation you added,
carries a strong emotion.

Your simple wineglass,
seems to define so much,
yet nothing I could ever understand.

I just want you to know,
that your poetry is unique,
and if you are ever in need
of a helping hand,
I’ll be happy to give you my left.

So, keep this poem in mind,
because it took me so long to think of.
I couldn't digest the right words,
but they were there,
in the open air.

Your poems leave me speechless,
I guess.
Since I can't seem to compliment you,
that easily.

But if I were to just use words,
in no order,
they would be:

Spontaneous. Brilliant. Amazing. Magnificent.

To describe you through
your infinite poetry.
this is for the dear blank challenge, and took me forever to write. Born is an amazing poet and you should really check him out! He's l'incroyable!
1.3k · Nov 2014
How is it
That I can make everyone double over,
But you?

Just tell me I make you laugh.

Just say those four words....

That's all I need...

1.2k · Aug 2015
The Light in His Darkness
He was an angel
With dark broken wings.
His pain was venomous
And love torturous.

His dark side
Never showed.
He never wanted it to-
It would hurt me too much.

He sent off a mysterious vibe.
No one ever saw his black wings,
Hidden by his leather jacket.
But someone eventually did
Taking it off and revealing him.

Scars and bruises marked his body-
He’d been hurt and broken.
I never realized I wanted to hold him,
Love him,
And mend his jagged pieces.

He had a dark side-
He lived dangerously,
He wanted exhilaration,
More excitement to last a lifetime.
He was the bad boy.

I was an angel
With white wings.
I sent out happiness
And brought smiles to faces.

I had a bright side
That always  showed.
I wanted everyone to laugh,
Most of all, deep inside
I wanted him to smile

I wrote, read and imagined
Love lives day and night
I dreamed to fall hard
For someone one day.

I lived a quiet life,
No risks,
Safe and sound,
Hidden from the world.

My chances came from my words.
I was disguised by
Everyone else’s uniqueness.
I was the good girl.

We met. He was dangerous
I was cautious-
I wanted nothing from him
He wanted nothing from me.

Yet he made me blush,
He made every word we exchanged
Worth it.
Good or not.
He made my stomach go crazy,
I felt so special.
The intensity in his eyes
When we spoke
Made me feel incredible.

We were star crossed lovers,
But he was willing to do anything
To keep me.
He planted a smile permanently
On my face.

I soon learned to like him.
A crush became love
And love led me to crave-
Crave him.

I wanted to fix his wings
Make him fly again.
Fly back to heaven where he belonged.
He was out of this world-
Just perfect.

He loved me as much as I loved him.

He was black, I was white,
I was day, he was night,
He was dark, I was light.
We contrasted,
We were abstract-

I wanted his touch,
His kiss,
Begged for his words,
Every. Single. Day

He drove me crazy,
Insane every morning.
I could only think of him,
He affected me
So Much.

I was addicted to his words,
I needed him-
I needed my angel-
My precious Dark Angel.

He was the danger I needed,
To spark my life.
He was happiness,
I loved him so much it hurt.
He was perfect.
He was all  *Mine
This goes out to my precious angel that I love. I hope you all have found one too.
1.2k · Oct 2016
If loving you is a sin,
Then consider me the *Devil
I will only sin.
1.2k · Sep 2014
When someone doesn't cry,
When they should,
They aren't strong,
But simply weak.
They are just so afraid,
Of showing their tears,
To the world
I miss him so much
1.1k · Feb 2015
Everyone wants to be stoic.
Absorbing emotions,
But never really showing it.

Like a sponge-
It absorbs water
But you can never tell it has.

Unless, of course,
There is too much.
Then it gets heavier,
And heavier,
And heavier,
The emotions piling up,
To the extent of spilling.
It then leaks through every hole-
Of water,
Emotions, feelings.

It bursts.
At the wrong moment,
With the wrong people,
Watching every single
Wrong move.

Stoic people are still people,
They're just better at keeping their emotions.
But having it all bottled up
Is like having poison flowing through your body-

To be stoic is not easy,
But to not be,

And sometimes,
It's best.

To have all your emotions
Bottled up,
Is never good.
One day you will erupt
Your emotions burning lava
Everywhere, at everyone.

To be stoic is a gift
But also a curse.

Would you want to be the stoic sponge,
Leaking constantly without knowing it?
To all of you who want to be stoic.
I raise my glass to you, because I want to be one too.
1.1k · Nov 2016
Cycle of Getting Over It
Breaking up.
The words still flashing before my eyes,
Days after you’ve said them.
I take another scoop of ice cream,
Trying to swallow down the lump in my throat.
I’m okay, I’m okay.
I see her hands in yours,
I’m not okay.
I cry, and cry and cry. Till it’s all out.
I think I feel better now,
Crying makes everything better.
I get a message from you
I still love you, even if it isn’t the same
But the words morph into
You’re still being friend zoned.
I sigh, refusing to cry again.
Closing my eyes and the darkness is blurred with images of you,
Of us,
Of *happiness.

Then my heart starts to ache again
My eyes snap wide open.
I won’t allow myself to go there again.
I take an elastic band and set to punish myself if I thought of you again.
One day,
Two days,
Snap, snap
Three days,
Triple snap.
I think I’m bleeding
And it’s not just my heart.
So I switch to binge watching
While binge eating.
This feels better already
Then the couple on TV decide to kiss,
I hate TV.
I switch to talking.
Everythi­ng till I’m done feeling sorry for myself.
I stand up straighter and take a deep breath.
Then I get another message from you
You’re the greatest friend ever*
Sigh. I slump back
I hate you.
I’m not talking to you again.
That’s hard
So I drink.
Downing all my sorrows and problems with each shot.
Is it really that difficult to get over a breakup?
I mean, I’ve done it before, so I can do it again
Well, before him you weren’t in love.
Another shot.
And then I’m done feeling groggy.
Done feeling helpless,
Who needs a man anyway?
I’m fine on my own.
So I smile.
I Laugh,
Have fun till the happiness inside me bursts out.
This feels good.*
The skies seem bluer and the grass feels greener.
I feel incredible.
And then,
Holding my hand,
The way you’re looking at me.
Oh great.
*Now I have to start again.
This is just a thought process I have. The cycle is so annoying.
1.1k · Sep 2016
That feeling
Like you wrapped your cold hands around
My heart
Squeezing the warmth and love out of it
Until it was empty.
But I never minded,
As my heart loved the feel of your hands
And needed to be cooled down every once in a while
Because every time I looked at you
It warmed up again.
To him: My Heart for you.
1.1k · Mar 2015
You light me up,
Like fire.
I burn under your gaze,
The world inflames around me.

You glow,
So bright,
You're a luminous light.

As if destined
to irradiate my life.
To shine light upon
My darkest secrets,
Proving there is a way out of them.

Yet you bring out the beast in me.
You make my lungs suffocate.
I don't want you,
But without your touch,
My body starves for your  presence.

I've lost my grip,
On all the sense in me.
Now I just want
To follow my heart.
Even though it screams
For the wrong path.

How can someone so wrong
Be so right?
We're total opposites
Yet we relate,

We understand each other.
I don't think anyone
Has ever done that before.

You should be the one
Who keeps me firm on my feet.
Instead, you're the reason,
I keep falling.

Somehow, you're what gives me

My happiness
Is fluorescent
Within your presence.

Your simple touch,
Illuminates my body,
Bringing fireworks
That were absent over the course of my life.

Regardless of what I say,
Stay with me forever,
You bring exhilaration to my life.
You're my state of mind.

I’ll cry you a river,
Weigh my heart,
Count every ounce of feeling I have for you,
Just to prove I am hopelessly in love with you.

You're the magic to my Wonderland.

No, you are my Wonderland.
1.1k · Oct 2014

1.1k · Oct 2014
"Everything will be Okay in the end.
If it's not Okay,
It's not the end.

~ Unknown
1.1k · Nov 2014
No New Messages II
Waiting on the other side of a screen,
                              ­       Hoping you'll send me a message.

Seconds tick by...
                                  Minutes tick by.....

                                                        ­                Hours tick by....
Then I realize.

                                              There is no one on the other side.

*Never was.
Sota like a "No New Messages II" but, that one was a hit. This probably won't be. Just know, if you've felt this before, I've felt it everyday.
1.1k · Dec 2014
2 A.M
I walked down the street,
Two A.M in the morning,
Knocked on his door three times,
His face popped into view.

His eyes concerned, 
And he opened his mouth,
But I raised my hand,
And stopped him.

"Look, I know you don't want me here,
You probably don't feel the same way.
But hear me out
And listen to my say."

"I sure have been in love with you,
For a really long time.
But our friendship has been a little rocky,
And I did not want not ruin it 
Any more.

I also wish
That these feelings would go away,
So I waited.
By they didn't.
We only grew further apart.

I was relived when you came back.
But I knew you didn't feel the same way,
And I was put in misery again.

I have tried my best for you,
I have stuck up for you,
I dreamt about you,
I did everything I could for you.

But you stuck with being the bad boy,
Dating the bad girls,
Those impressions that the town has,
Isn't really you.

I know I am one of the few people,
Who can see through your ego.
You really are a genuine guy,
You are so so nice.

You treat people the way 
They should be treated.
You want to protect
The ones you love.

I have fallen for your humor,
I have fallen for your kindness,
I have fallen for your generosity,
I have fallen for your cockiness.

But sometimes I wish 
I was that girl,
Who had all your attention;
All your love.

So, I know this might ruin
Our beautiful friendship,
But I want you to know that I Love you;
And I always will.

I want you to know, 
That I wish you were the one I called early in the morning,
Just to say hi.
The one I called in the middle of the night,
Because I was in danger.
The one I hugged everyday,
Because I just loved you that much.
The one who would come up to me
At a godly hour,
Just to say you couldn't lose me.

But now, I'm the one,
Who is coming up to you,
At a godly hour
Saying I can't lose you.

You might not deserve a girl like me,
I'm just vulnerable.
But I try to get your attention,
Because I really need you.
I can sense your presence,
From a mile away.
And God ******,
You are really ****.

So here I am,
At your doorstep,
Asking for one thing only,
Yet it means so much.

So, please, I know it's asking too much,
But will you be the one I call early in the morning?

 Will you be my 2 A.M?"
He stares at me blankly for a few seconds.
Then he leans down and kisses me on the lips.
Pulling back, he smiles.

"I thought you'd never ask,"

I'm in such a lovey mood this week, I just finished a super and amazing book. Humorous as well. I was being truthful with this. I fell in love with a character, and this is what I would say to him. So, yes, he IS **** :)

This is my Christmas present to you. Merry Christmas HP, and all you poets out there:) have a great one.
1.1k · Sep 2016
I know you won't fall for me,
But you will fall eventually,
And when you do
I promise she'll be there to catch you.
To everyone who fell
But never got caught.

I don't blame you for that.
1.0k · Apr 2018
Sometimes I just wish I could sink into the void inside of me, detach my soul from every part of me so I become a lifeless body.
So I can seep away from existence, fall into myself, and never see the light of day again, never be afraid that it will be burn me
It's been a while since I've written.
1.0k · Sep 2016
We were not our most intimate
When my kiss was on your lips.
We were not our most intimate
When our hands clasped onto our hope together.
We were not our most intimate
When I scribbled poetry onto your skin
Or when I tattooed my love into your heart.
When I held onto you so close and made you promise me you'd never let go
We were not our most intimate.

When you were on the other side of a room
Filled with tons of people,
And a lesson going on in school
About something important,
But through it all
You caught my eye,
Held onto it,
And finally
That's when we were intimately in love.
Well, one of us was, ha.
1.0k · Feb 2017
My heart hammered in my chest,
Petrified, my vision was blurry
My body was shaking
From the reality before me.

His sharp teeth and pale lips
Pulled back into a hideous smirk,
His hollowed eyes
Filled to the brim with hunger
And his breath
Foul with every death
He had devoured.

My throat, constricted with
And my stomach
Screamed with uneasiness.

My living nightmare
Worse than I had ever imagined,
Feeding off of any hope left inside of me.

I could taste the bitter flavor of dread
Replacing any bit of courage inside of me.

I struggled to find air,
Terror gnawed at my heart
As he prowled closer.

I closed my eyes
Praying to whoever was out there
For a second chance.
Then cursing them
For letting this monster
Haunt me.

Everything I lived for
Would be gone within the next few moments
Tears of anxiety drenched my face
From the thoughts of losing everyone I cared for.

What did I do to deserve this?
Why have I wronged fate?
Why does fate bring this sinister creature to punish me?
Why? Why? Why?

I do not deserve this.
I will not be punished.
I will not let it end here.
I will not accept my fate.

I took in a deep breath

His distorted face so close to mine,
Leering at me.
My heart pounding against my chest
My mind screaming to run
But my eyes,
Stared dead straight into his vacant sockets.

With all the courage I could fathom,
I roared
“You are not me.
You’ll never be”

His stance faltered
My nerves no longer chained around me.
“You can’t control me,
You are not stronger than me.”

My bravery radiated
As he started to saunter back
Fear in his voided eyes.
His figure shrunk with every step.
“You are nothing but a monster,
A beast.
I will not let you define me.”

He fell back and squirmed under my gaze.
“I may fear you,
But that doesn’t mean I won’t fight you.
I will, and I have.
  I won."

With that, he crawled into the shadows
Where he belonged.
But he always lurked,
Inside my own shadow, attached to me
He was always an unwanted guest.
But he never hurt me.
He knew if I could conquer the beast inside of me
I could conquer anything.

I can. And I will.
Nothing in this entire world can stop me.
*Nothing at all.
993 · Oct 2014
I Don't Know
I Don't know anyone anymore,
It's like they've grown up without me.
I wasn't a missing link,
But only a useless one.
A glimpse of my world at the moment. There is a whole poem, but it's not something I wish to share. Yet.

My world has come crashing down my shoulders.
Smiling seems to be a sin.
I don't know anything anymore.
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