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She shows no smile
buried deep, simmering glow
no one knows

until you see the ghosts
buried underneath
don't bring flowers
to a girl as this

any pain hidden in the mist

do not even try, to capture her eye
you would be wrong and so astray
show her a garden of olives and wine
bring a small gavel
made of rotten vines
tap lightly
brick by brick
peek inside the hole
make a stupid face
if she smiles
your world is complete
3d · 122
Her words
were my oxygen
her thoughts
invaded my lungs
woke me from deep within
her rejection
peeled off all my skin
Lie embedded in my heart
yet I still held a breath or two
she fired the one thousand and one
my heart had no more room
or love
so now you have the proof
a heart can die twice
4d · 83
You have known me for years
you and Harif, brothers in arms
late evenings and making sure
Cuba becomes free
Che would have been proud
of us, all for one and one for all
bonded by compassion
all these words, I know you know

late into the nights
jazz music or Arabic delights
the philosophy runs deep and blue
romance seeping in our veins

I know you are one of the few whom understand
how can I not? be in love
with a woman, who says........

"Happy international women's day.
**** all the feminists who remained silent on the Gaza genocide."

when the last song is finished
you will be asleep
you already know
I am eternally grateful
a taste of the family I never had
Hope you like! :)
Arthur Vaso Mar 13
Yes! There I said it
a claim I declare it true
such love and care
rainbow of colors
red, purple, green, orange and blue
many shades of beauty anew
twenty four different vegetables fresh
twelve different greens
olive oil always a must
with a touch of Caesar
to be zesty, and make smiles gleam
truly art for a fancy museum
I impressed myself
only myself it seems
beside this work of art
a bottle of French Merlot
a meal to die for

I stared down
a tear more for the dressing
alone, even the candles now dead
slowly I got up
disposed  the salad in  the garbage
poured the wine down the drain
rains falls outside
darkness rains inside
a meal to die for
Mar 11 · 217
In Her Arms
Arthur Vaso Mar 11
In her arms
it felt so right
she was a warrior
just like me
she was my book
I could read for eternity

Every battle we conquered
with olive trees, melons
gardens of wild flowers
that blew free in the wind
kept warm with the keffiyeh
a bottle of Bekaa wine
we dreamed
of a land
where all children
play with laughter
live with love and no fear
Also on Instagram ArthurVaso  for meme version
Mar 10 · 153
Desert Water
Arthur Vaso Mar 10
Thirsty, I have no **** or hoof
a small tree over a shimmering spring
the oasis
I succulently devour the water
every drop
a sensual desire for life
it quenches my body and soul
the water is your voice
softly falling on my ears
like a waterfall
cascading vibrations over the sadness
you never have to worry
you see?
I will always need water
only the camel will die
you are the pearl
that will live forever
in my memory
Confession: I listen to Turkish music
Arthur Vaso Mar 10
Radio silence
the explosions stopped
no one left to love
decomposing tear by tear
There is no measurement for sadness.
Arthur Vaso Mar 9
The sky and the sea bend and kiss
stories of love, I would never miss
Mar 6 · 209
Sleep into my Heart
Arthur Vaso Mar 6
If you wish me sleep
you are doing it all wrong
far away from my touch
far away from my heart
I only grow more madly in love
Turkish coffee tossed
give me some merlot wine
if you wish me to sleep
I have the recipe
interlock our hands
kiss me on the ear
whisper your dreams to me
tell me your stories
share me your sadness
let me drink the sweetness of you
the essence of you beside me
the comfort of your embrace
will bring me this peaceful sleep
and dreams that last forever
Arthur Vaso Mar 5
Every time she writes
I fall in love over and over
Chemical Romance
Arthur Vaso Mar 4
To gaze upon
beautiful Albania
the chef in the kitchen
preparing an Italian dish
Turkish music weaves through the night
kissing softly the candles that bring us
romantic visions of delight
French flowers observe, mischievous smiles
planted in pots of lush earth
so they live longer than love
from the Bekaa valley, Byblos, and Tyre
the beginning of time
soothing our sadness, aged red wine
Scotland arrives
a kings bed in a castles enchanted room
the knight Arthur
revived from the dead
an evening  full of hope
confessions of tearful desire
northern lights
arctic white ****** snow
surrounds this dream
where thoughts of you
make my heart glow
Mar 2 · 125
Falling into the Void
Arthur Vaso Mar 2
She appeared, a vision
a brightness shining
upon my tired soul
a phantom of desire

habibti,Tatlim,Askim, e dashur
there is no brighter light
that your heart
upon mine
Mar 2 · 186
Its a Secret
Arthur Vaso Mar 2
Its a secret
straight from the heart
its a secret
sent with cupids dart
Its a secret
a signal, a new start
its a secret
this sweet smile of mine
Its a secret
your prisoner for all time
Its a secret
a desire for you to be mine
Feb 27 · 212
In My Pocket
Arthur Vaso Feb 27
except for a small seed
a possession so precious
never to be released
hugging, embracing
all day,  soon all the nights

A treasure of words
never will I let go
a piece of paper that caresses my heart
thoughts, steal my breath
If only I could trade tears for
a rose garden
these words are chains around my heart
in a golden palace
where I dream in black and white
Feb 16 · 91
Three Dancing Dots
Arthur Vaso Feb 16
Here I sit
staring at three dancing dots
in dire anticipation
of her words and her thoughts
what will she say?
what shall I do?
with this happiness even when sad
and melancholic blue
feelings so old, now so new
I better stop thinking
is valentine really true?
Feb 7 · 319
Hidden Love
Arthur Vaso Feb 7
Inside a single tear
       love sat quietly
          eternal silence
              the tear became two
so that love could
             dance then die
in a dream
Nov 2024 · 234
Dead Babies
Arthur Vaso Nov 2024
How many can you count
before your ****** hands
become conscious
how many limbs
must be torn
            burned crisp
that your tears will flow
young soldiers died long ago
so this wouldn't happen again
and again and again
your silence sings
more, more ****** genocide
More children have been killed in Gaza, than in the last 10 years of all wars, 50% of the deaths are kids, never mind that 100's of reporters are also intentionally slaughtered. Hospitals and churches bombed, complete villages razed to the ground.
Aug 2024 · 207
The Necklace
Arthur Vaso Aug 2024
The Necklace

little pieces of myself
a bag of memories
ripped holes

an empty bottle
very empty

a necklace chokes me
enticing me
to the waters edge

the cage opens
the pearl falls
to the rivers bottom
I am no more

a love that embraced death
Aug 2024 · 348
Less is More
Arthur Vaso Aug 2024
to listen
we speak less

to care
words become soft
as clouds

from Paris to Berlin
it made me grin
the sky way to obnoxious there
back to Paris it is

the sky more blue
where purple grapes
ferment into poetic verse
Aug 2024 · 482
Under a Tree
Arthur Vaso Aug 2024
You were everything
the sky, the clouds, the why
I was just me
now and then I made you smile
my heart smiled with you

The sky is empty
white clouds tossing tears
the laughter ran away
now everything is nothing
a grave of memories

Now is no more
Sadness never dies
Jun 2024 · 902
My Brother
Arthur Vaso Jun 2024
Possessed very little
other than my heart
a small cloth bag under his bed
in case he had to run
everything precious to him
a favourite book, a poem, a string
a pearl in a cage
he no longer can run
I can no longer hide
the heart that now
must die
Good Bye Hazza, you know you were loved in the end.
Feb 2024 · 129
The Gift
Arthur Vaso Feb 2024
While some sleep
the fairies dance
delicate wings holding
pink and purple paint brushes
stroke by delicate stroke
a canvas of beauty they enhance
flickers of pastels spray all over
falling on broken dreams
or abandoned silver paths

oh but if you saw the fairies smiles
sadness would cease to be
they only wish happiness
to befall on people like you and me
Friends often do little thigs with no credit required, simple kindness :)
Oct 2023 · 311
Arthur Vaso Oct 2023
Simplicity beholds such beauty
the cold winds
wrapping us in shivering hugs
you do not need to be a detective
to know my love for you
the polar vortex
colorful northern lights
   intricacies buried deep

Your smile makes my heart glow
Data agrees
silly giggles in icy air
along with a soft meow
in the background
of silence
    nipping at happiness
Oct 2021 · 951
The Season of Falling
Arthur Vaso Oct 2021
Pains me
pretty leaves
regrettable memories
wilted golden pathways
lost love
Lovers on the Rhum
childhood dreams
evil little teddy bears
ghosts chase me
night after deadly night
to eternity

a branch with no tree
leaves fall

one by one
you all left me
no answers not even a song

I hug the silence of a cold winter
Its been a long time!
Nov 2020 · 572
The shy moon
Arthur Vaso Nov 2020
silk wrapped memories
at dusk I cry
drifting in clouds
I touch the melancholy
reflecting back

we each live another day
we also share the sadness
of things better forgotten
sleep steals the pain
a smile is always a smile
as fall takes the flowers
to the moon
For my friend
May 2020 · 432
The Painting
Arthur Vaso May 2020
I walk in museums
I see all the pretty pictures
hanging like dead dolls
on many faces
sadness within the walls
in a wheelchair
over there
he cant even stare
but he sees me I know
I smile
the painting was hidden
not framed
yet still within these halls
Nov 2019 · 549
Arthur Vaso Nov 2019
Pyretic thoughts
sculptures fragmented
           unfinished paintings
empty museums
               bottle of hope
first snow
               last death

black night         white day
        by hollow visions

nothing else        matters
          horses graze

flakes fall
          life hindered
            I stow away
            in my hideout

brushes and words
          blankets and swords

all my secrets
        covered in snow
Life is a work in progress
Oct 2019 · 611
Broken Balloons
Arthur Vaso Oct 2019
At the end of
I am in pieces

if  only my heart
           had a shield

intentions buried
            inside a tomb of fear

disguised torment
            where smiles lay hidden
Dedicated to a friend I have yet to know
Jul 2019 · 16.6k
Arthur Vaso Jul 2019
when words fail you
silence smothers you
fears surround you
you borrow inside yourself


                              till that special friend

                         brings you back

your heart and mind
Forget when I wrote this
Jun 2019 · 482
Arthur Vaso Jun 2019
the odd couple
who is who
anyone s game
fame and lame
everything has its place
all muses dance in clouds
maze of confusion
when day turns to dusk
tranquil is the suns beat
as the heart longs
we know
we are one
brothers in arms
Dedicated to my brother, he is always there
Jun 2019 · 433
No One
Arthur Vaso Jun 2019

nothing is awake
moons light

I want to talk
to the past
or a lover
no one

is here
Who feels this
May 2019 · 371
Send in the Clowns
Arthur Vaso May 2019
Allah joined the circus
Jesus was a magician
of miraculous bounds
Houdini too
all of them
from way back in the day
a collection of molecules
conceived of mans seed
***** shooting its passion
in total darkness
of the apple
Aysha kissed Steve's job
the center bleeds arsenic
from illusions
atom became Adam
pure electricity
positive and negative
long before man
or religion
good and evil
created life
destiny's battles
marches onward
May 2019 · 493
No One
Arthur Vaso May 2019
Train tracks
long abandoned
birds chirp
history recants
old stories
hidden in meadows
facades rain washed
I hear only my shadow
hugging me
lurking in the dusk
a ghost
with gleaming sword
I tremble in the cold
he, who does not exist

wants me
May 2019 · 335
Arthur Vaso May 2019
splashes me his smile
never the rain
mirages of ballet noir
alleyways ferme
no one escapes


I glimpse the clouds
he holds a pen
both dream of when
words and the sky
become one

Apr 2019 · 939
Arthur Vaso Apr 2019
I need it
long for it
like a needle
without injections
I will die
let me breathe
Apr 2019 · 256
Traffic Jam
Arthur Vaso Apr 2019
I screamed
                                               rounded up
             never to be seen again
                         until tears became old
crippled ballet
Jan 2019 · 396
Arthur Vaso Jan 2019
Jack be nimble
Jack be quick
or Jack will meet
a ******* *****

Jack be dumb
Jack be slow
Jack the racist
where a bullet should go

Poison ivy
makes haters itch
let them scream
from the spells of a witch

Dorthy fooled
Laura is sick
TinMan has tantrums
his anger is quick

Jack be nimble
Jack be quick
I am no liberal
you redneck hick
So sad to see people who hate, people who wish for walls, rather than solutions, solutions exist when one thinks of bridges, not walls. Trump has to go to .....
Dec 2018 · 341
Arthur Vaso Dec 2018
Every man, woman and child
passing through this world of ours
peace and compassion
love and affection
a full belly before bed each night
a roof under which to sleep
healthcare for anyone who ails at all
water and wine
feasts at holiday times
every one and all

Now anyone who thinks
all of this is for
the privileged few
be they king or queen
or tyrant too
rest assured
they possess
no dignity at all
Nov 2018 · 524
Seeking Truth
Arthur Vaso Nov 2018
Look inside
hide not in fairy tales
the universe is protons and neutrons
there is no one God in the sky
seeking divinity, with boiled blood
fantasies and fables become undone
humans are a speck of dust
whatever illusions create your exotic desires
the creator will not look at your garden
he will see into your heart
that black holes do indeed
Nov 2018 · 670
Arthur Vaso Nov 2018
I stare
one hand works
one broken
I have only one heart
it does not work
broken by yesterdays
now I am blind
in one eye
the other
stares at my hands

one hand works
one broken

I sit in silence
staring at a pill bottle

It will be ok
you see
even if I do not
I have no lover
no one to behold
no one to caress

Only one hand
one eye
one life that flew away

A lark sings a song
that goes like this

One hand works
one broken
Oct 2018 · 303
Brandy in the Becaa Valley
Arthur Vaso Oct 2018
Vineyards in the Valley of Becaa
Silence mounted the Seeker
Backdoor Trojan horses to depravity
Sulking men jealous of Jesus

Men will be...
Men will be with men
Toes will point to the two headed snake
Gomorrah opens its cavity to Keefers

The nymphs dance alone
On clouds of deception
Tasting the sweet nectar of their poisons
Tongues lashing in ****** fashion

Brandy flows between the crevice of the valley
Sensual lies as they lick up their own evil juices
Becaa caresses the ***** of Sabine
***** of all truth and wisdom

Brandy tickles the region where his
testaments should have been
Nymphs in the heat of *****'s glory
Wrinkled ******* dried in desert sun

Roman soldiers chase, cowards run
Oct 2018 · 2.1k
Pillars of Mexico
Arthur Vaso Oct 2018
brothels sprout
flesh peddlers collect their fees
selling daughters
in twos and threes
Lopez or Diaz
lazy or defiant
in polluted lagoons
the virus spreads

Dancing with the dead
priests absolve the devils
in their mist
Pilar sold her virginity
for a few bars of gold
wrapped in an old ladies hatred
she murdered her vows

Mexico is a land of smiles
the knife only glints
in the Aztec sun
as they bury you
after eating your heart
Pilar Lopez Diaz, thief, day of the dead Acambaro
Sep 2018 · 1.1k
Elon Musk
Arthur Vaso Sep 2018
Elon Musk and I have a lot in common, in fact we could be cerebral twins, we are both rich, we are both geniuses, we are both insane, well him 1/2 me fully and we have both sent objects into space. he sent a car, I sent my ex up there. Ok actually what I did was, tie a bunch of helium balloons around her neck and up she went. I assume she made it. She's probably driving around up there in Elon's car and laughing all the way to the moon bank, not having to use any fuel up there. Thanks Elon. Next time hand me a call, I would have asked you to send a donkey up there, not that car.

more random thoughts


Insanity, its not as crazy as you may think!

Insanity, its a lot more fun than you may think!

Insanity, where crazy is the new normal!

Insanity, join now and get a free white jacket!!

Insanity, a great way to get away with ******!

Insanity, a pathway to the Whitehouse!
( spell check suggests *******, ummmmm)

Insanity, although some call it marriage!
Dear Moon
Sep 2018 · 2.1k
Make a Troll Disappear
Arthur Vaso Sep 2018
Eat Venison
strike fear into his bones
appeal to his intellectual bankruptcy
make it run
make it hide
under his own verbal garbage disposal
conquer him
little man
squash egos into fertilizer
for your plants
turn his nothing
into another form
to positive
as he decomposes
inside his tinfoil crap
For the first time ever I had someone troll me, of course being King Arthur, I forced him to remove his negative comments, thus why I thought of this humorous poem. So remember people, they are little ones, ignore all those petty people, and focus on all the great actually very talented poets here!
Sep 2018 · 612
Waiting for any Woman
Arthur Vaso Sep 2018
Be patient
be very very patient
after that
add more patience
then wait
and wait
and wait and wait and wait
become a waiter
at least you will be paid to wait

When she finally finally arrives
give her the biggest smile you possibly possess
tell her, "Hello love, you are early and
looking very majestically beautiful my sweet!
what have you done to your hair love?"
since you have waited a century or two or three
it's a safe gamble she has, and you my friend
will be a big winner.

Therefore when you wait and wait and wait
be a winner
even skeletons
Someone and I am not naming names is late to show up in chat!
Aug 2018 · 661
Arthur Vaso Aug 2018
no legs
no heart
bombs like raindrops
have nothing
not even
a tear

what do I have?
two dollars
is cold
coffee feels right
you block me?

I lost me
for you
cannot you remember?

you hit me
I fall to the ground
silly man
I could **** you
with one finger

I lost legs
you lost compassion
who begs more?
as I bleed
there dances
one small
for you
When I see society treat the homeless and destitute so bad, it just makes me feel sad, especially knowing some are war vets. And they cant eat poems, which is why I try to give them smiles and food.
Aug 2018 · 600
Arthur Vaso Aug 2018
is left
little breath
sagging stem
begging eyes
trains come, then depart
rancid smoke over grey fields
I am little
I saw it all
May 2018 · 968
Hello Poetry
Arthur Vaso May 2018
Oh how I miss
The kindness
Warm words

Strangers with smiles
Friends hiding amongst rhymes
Tears that make us desire a hug
The human spirit truly shines

All one needs to say
Is Hello

Poetry then follows
Not so much a poem as a sentiment to the wonderful people here
Mar 2018 · 1.1k
Arthur Vaso Mar 2018
Gestures so small
Strangers from far away places
Making smiles from sad faces
Saving one from
Thoughts that drown

Simple kindnesses
Caress all of humanity
Whereby one keeps their thoughts
In the warmth of kindled fire

Small gestures
Treasures to hold dear
I dedicate this to Cne, I am not here as much as I should be, sch a great place of warmth by all I have interacted with, I  think Cne because even when not around she comments, sometimes is small random acts of kindness that mean so much. Alas I thank you all as well, lets make poetry great again!!! LOL
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