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  May 2018 anotherdream
she was the maker, he was her muse
a creative girl with everything to lose

she colored her canvas with her bleeding heart
she loved him and watched her world fall apart

she got her heart broken but kept a blank face
knowing that there are some mistakes you can't erase

she gave up her art, a lover betrayed
her pure white mind turned a darker shade.
And then there were seven.
anotherdream May 2018
She looks good in the moonlight,
Nothing like I've ever seen.
But I've been lost inside,
At least that's what it seems.

Her hair shines in the daytime,
Blinds me of all confidence.
But I can't really fight it,
I'm stuck frozen unless,

She can open her heart,
And give me a way in.
Cause I yearn to love,
All that she is.

There's only so much,
That you can tell someone,
Before your hands meet,
And realize they're the one.

You may not see it,
Cause she still feels lonely,
But she doesn't realize,
That she is your only.
She doesn't realize her own beauty... <3 S.B.
anotherdream Apr 2018
"Just shrug it off," "Become a man."
That's what they all tell me,
But they don't understand.

"Do well in school," "Get good grades too."
Easy for them to say,
They never felt my gloom.

The world's full of authority,
And yes you should respect it.
But there's more than obeying,
Problems too, prepare to expect it.

I know their older,
And probably wiser.
But what if they're not,
What if they never lit their fire?
Just some thoughts on high school (not like you asked).
anotherdream Apr 2018
Her actions were true,
Her motives were few.
But she never stopped,
Cause she always knew.

Someone told her she was beautiful,
Glowing with personality.
But she didn’t feel that way,
Not in her reality.

Her Destiny was clear,
When she entered the room,
It filled her lungs,
It happened so soon.

His eyes still glowed,
Though cloudy and weak.
She could smell his smoke,
Through the magic unseen.

They all called her Destiny,
For the stars in her eyes.
From the time that you see,
Till the day that you die.
Just an attempt to write a poem about a girl... but I lost creativity :P
anotherdream Apr 2018
I’m sorry for your loss,
And all of your pain,
I neglected your fire,
Among the cold winter rain.

I’m sorry you’ve felt,
Like I’ve hurt you some way.
Didn’t mean to pour tears,
All over your face.

I’m sorry I left,
As soon as I could,
I just couldn’t help it,
But I wish that I would.

I miss you so much,
That my heart can’t endure.
I wish you’d come back,
But you never will, that I'm sure.

So I’m stuck here alone,
Gone from her life.
I have no mark to make,
Cause I’m erased from her mind.

Don’t forget who you are,
You all have a place.
Remember you’re all special,
No matter what color, gender or race.

Pain will enter in,
Like a heartbroken virus.
Don’t let it become you,
Choose to still fight it,

Until your breath has ran out,
Your lungs have impaired,
You must live the now,
Love those who you care.
All I can say is sorry... S.B. <3
anotherdream Apr 2018
Broken glass,
Shattered dreams,
I've never had,
All of the things,

Fixing my heart,
Cleaning its mess,
Pulling apart,
Until the end.

Smoke and flames,
Are all I that see,
Nowhere to escape,
Nowhere to flee.

My heart’s a prison,
Holding me captive,
To my own rhythm,
Making me saddened.

Wings on my back,
Fly me to death,
Stealing my corpse,
But I've always kept,

Faith in my head,
Hope in my mind,
Won't ever end,
If I never find,

The key to my door,
My lock’s only match,
I'll have to soar,
I'll need to catch,

All of my sorrow,
And leave it behind,
Only to borrow,
From time to time.
I'm lost in her intoxicating smoke... but it feels so nice - <3 S.B.
anotherdream Apr 2018
I could see her face,
From outside the window,
She was lost from the rain,
Didn’t know where to go.

She shielded her eyes,
With her unblemished hands,
Just trying to hide,
Things she never had.

I scraped the glass,
As if I could meet her,
She seemed to have it,
But I’m not really sure.

My legs started moving,
And I rushed outside,
Out to where she stood,
Far past the line.

Her eyes meant to glow,
Through the perilous night,
I yearned to reunite,
Like the blind and their sight.
What is the window separating her from me? ** S.B. <3
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