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Sep 2017 · 485
When you touch my soul....
Alexis Walkes Sep 2017
prepare to shudder,
prepare to have demons taunting you,
playing disturbing games with your soul,
with a calming darkness and scary happiness.

Staining your hands with a metallic substance,
marking the walls of the invisible.
This is what happens when you touch my soul.

Creatively ugly but mouthing the word pretty.
Be careful.

It's like  I was touched by this ebony, fair eye angel with two sides.
Soaring with bloodless and sullen wings.

But there is happiness, somewhere...
Sometimes presenting itself like a optical illusion,
adding mystery to my image.
It's a little strange, but it makes for an interesting read....

Alexis. W ****
Jun 2017 · 852
Why do you write poetry?
Alexis Walkes Jun 2017
Well, it's the power that words convey.
The way they allow you to feel the very thoughts that disturbs my mind.

These words can inspire, create, control and destroy.

Poetry is power.

It's expression,
it's the hope that my lines undress before your eyes and make you feel a rise..

The hope that they are so pornographic, it makes you second guess how ***** and strong the truth of free expression can be...

I write because my heart strings are tugged everyday, it plays the cord of pain and lost. It plays a melody that those can hopefully sing along to.

I write because it's the best way to voice the me I think I already know.

I write in hopes that one day my words would come alive and embrace me with the courage to be..
because poetry carries meaning that is far more complex, than the very words you see.

Makes you think beyond..

It humbles the mind and the spirit with how elegantly its craft captivates the being of the reader.

Poetry is potent.

Its power is endless.

I write because, why not ?
Why do you write ?
Apr 2017 · 357
Alexis Walkes Apr 2017
Have you ever wanted to escape ?
To explore those great adventures that other people talk about...

To have your soul evaporated and replace with light and pleasure without the guilt.

This whole world is covered with thick and dark, aggressive smoke.
Invading the lives of the brainless humans secretly choking, gagging from the pain of their screeching lungs.

It's chaotic.
The smoke that is...

Guess what I'm trying to say is...
It all goes dark.

It gets hard to breathe.
To be.
I guess there is no escape when you're afraid of it.
Mar 2017 · 1.1k
Alexis Walkes Mar 2017
Wanting to press my cheek up against the creator of life.
For those days when even breathing adds to the
frustration of being.
Exploding with cries, dried out by the desire
to please mankind.
To please society.
Wanting to embrace stillness,
and lock myself away from all words and actions.
My head burns with pains caused by daily demands.
Dividing myself mentally to keep up physically.
Now both worlds are crashing.
I wanna press my cheek against the creator's,
and have him wipe my heavy tears away.
I wanna have deep conversations with him,
staring with hope in my eyes,
that some secrets would spill from his lips one day.
Secrets that ease my mind from being so sore.
I want to press my cheek up against the creator's .....
and soar
Mar 2017 · 758
late night thoughts ....
Alexis Walkes Mar 2017
Held back so many tears, I'm afraid to cry.
I might drown in the overflow of pain I've hidden deep inside.
Sometimes it dawns on my heart,
making it beat unkind.

My lungs start to quiver,  I'm dying on the inside.
Held back so many tears, why do I even try.
Been battered by this world and my thoughts,
maybe it's time.

Let it all go.

Dissolve in yourself.

Tired of reading the world and trying to figure it out.
I just want to sit and breathe, and be myself.
Without worrying that this chair might not actually be a chair.
Can I just be ?

Can I just exist without anxiety ?
I fear this world,
this big scary world.
Having a hard time trusting this reality.

My vision goes blurry from the insanity,
but i blink it away and swallow the cry.
Knowing that one day it will be alright.
One day I won't wake up scared to face this sentence.

Truth is I'm all alone but I am completely surrounded by life.
Been away for too long.
Alexis Walkes
Sep 2016 · 559
Truth in Silence
Alexis Walkes Sep 2016
Listen to the silence...
As it consumes every fragment of your being,
Listen as it gets louder,
Bleeding eardrums with its power.
It's melodically hypnotic, it demands to be heard, really listen.
You have no choice.
Listen to the screams of a friend  that has no voice.
Between the pause to catch a breath the unsaid thoughts bellows in mute.
You can't hide from something so invasive,
It's like surgery,
It exposes you.
It leaves wounds that take too long to heal.
A. W
Its been a while. I wasn't inspired to really write anything but i  
hope you enjoy. :)
Aug 2016 · 453
Alexis Walkes Aug 2016
He watched her smile transform into sadness
He witnessed her happiness fade,
it used to be so bright, so authentic...
now its all fake

Stormy clouds follow her,
the doubt thickens in her heart, strong enough to cause it to stop.
She began to fall in love with a void,
where the emptiness of a room is relatable.

Chuckling, she reasons with the irony, of how being in emptiness almost fills a space.
But he continues to help everyone else but her..
Aug 2016 · 287
Who am I ?
Alexis Walkes Aug 2016
Slowly changing into someone I don't recognize.
Looking in the mirror I see a reflection of a girl that has no meaning.
Who am I ?
Racking my mind trying to figure out who this reflection is.
Confusion spreads across my face,
tapping my head with quick beats hoping the memory comes to me like lyrics to a almost forgotten song.
Trying to scratch off this facade, these masks...
but they are so many they all, are just stuck on,
switching to whatever character I have to be.
I am a walking Broadway show,
I perform everyday, tirelessly
Who am I ?
Jul 2016 · 361
life ..
Alexis Walkes Jul 2016
You stomped a hole in my heart,
and left a permanent scar, such a ugly sight.
Just another thing that floods my eyes with salty regrets.

My heart, my poor heart so weak from the blow, its to the point where i have to demand it to keep beating.
I was ****** by lies and high hopes.

You darkened my image, you twisted my thoughts,
the invisible pain slits another line in my sore skin,
releasing a brief numbing effect.

So angry at the world cause i no longer see it.
Is this all we live for ?
Brief happiness, brief moments and then pain...
Jul 2016 · 550
Alexis Walkes Jul 2016
Every inch of my body burns with rage.
Wanting to punch anything,
wanting stomp this feeling away.
I'm about to explode.

Sometimes I have no reason to be,
but the anger bubbles out of me.
This anger is destroying me.

My skin sizzles at the drop of these tears,
my mind races to resolve this conflict within.
I usually keep my anger to myself,
but now it's too much and it shows.

I numb the ears of people with my words and blind them with my stares.
I don't mean to...
but the anger took control.

Is it bad to feel comfort in the one thing that wrecks you?
It just hurts so good, at times.
Jul 2016 · 281
Done it again
Alexis Walkes Jul 2016
It's so loud inside my head, my thoughts are screaming, scratching to get out.
Maybe I'm a little unsteady.
The pain knocked the wind out my lungs and brought me to my knees.
I fought gravity tirelessly on the journey down.
I'm just too tired, too tired to share my light,
wanting to cry but all my tears been used up.
I've lost again.
Jul 2016 · 309
Fool In love
Alexis Walkes Jul 2016
When you said your last goodbyes I died a little bit inside.
It hurt like hell, It still hurts.
I loved and I cared and I lost you.
Hiding my emotions from the world concealing the fact that I was charmed by love.
I became who I used to laugh at,
I was a fool in love.
Jun 2016 · 374
The need
Alexis Walkes Jun 2016
The need to find purpose.
Purpose is so important,
not knowing breaks you,
It leaves an indentation.

The need to feel the love she gives,
to be the one that is being considered,
but instead she's stuck with no direction.
Froze out.

She's strong enough to survive but the very existence aches her soul.
Jun 2016 · 588
Tough times
Alexis Walkes Jun 2016
Why do this to me ?
Can I just be happy ?
Can I just win?

You toss me around with your wicked hands,
Pulling me down tirelessly,
I'm mentally and emotionally in want of rest.

Cursing my very existence.
Constantly questioning my unstable structure.
I lose repeatedly.

Just once. I beg.
Life, let me be.
Jun 2016 · 602
Love kills
Alexis Walkes Jun 2016
Watching as her soul fades away with the wind,
Listening as her heart beats sorrowfully,
Her lungs betrayed by the blow pierced by her lover.
Her mind flooded with questions only he could answer.
Gasping for any air to fill her deflating body,
Solid tears escape her eyes,
A victim of passion,
A fan of ever afters,
But right there and then love lost a member.
Its just really about how people suffer when they lose love or been hurt by it.
Jun 2016 · 1.0k
Forbidden Love
Alexis Walkes Jun 2016
I love this man so much but I can't show it.
Always on my mind and in my heart,
But he won't know it.
His smile alone stimulates every nerve in my body,
His touch sets off every good feeling there is to feel,
But no revealing.
Being around him defines the word happy.
It's like no one else subsist when I'm with him,
It's like when I'm on ****** and my soul gets light.
He is my heart in human form.
He is also not mine.
Jun 2016 · 605
On the Inside
Alexis Walkes Jun 2016
Lost my voice,
Lost the will to fight.
So uninspired.

Congested with the pain that surrounds me,
Smiling just to hold back the tears.
Those fistful of tears.

I want to scream until my lungs compress,
But I grit my teeth and I swallow that scream.
It's so  hard to physically show emotion.
Jun 2016 · 463
Perception Collapsing
Alexis Walkes Jun 2016
Her mind is running, screaming, collapsing in on itself again.
Uncomfortable with feeling helpless,
not being enough,
Priorities changing.
Slowly losing control of who she is,
she's worried, that was the one thing that kept her permanent.
Wishing that she could be awarded for just being.
Wishing that she was enough for the one she loved.
"These are just mountains of sorrow that cannot be moved."
So frustrated with regrets,
Literally choking on her desire to be more.
To be something of worth...
Jun 2016 · 1.4k
A Drowning Soul
Alexis Walkes Jun 2016
Drowning his soul in music,
Staying under until the last melody is relief,
Or at least until he's numb.
Heart frozen,
Mind and soul becomes troubled,
Innocence gone.
He's baffled.  
Can he find love under so much pain?
Jun 2016 · 666
I miss you
Alexis Walkes Jun 2016
I have seen the best of you and the worst of you, and I choose both.
I watch you,
I read you like a poem,
Annoyingly paying attention to every detail that is you.

Lustfully craving the trace of your fingers, mouth, tongue, eyes on the contours of my body.
I want you.
Abusing my mind thinking about you.

Days turn into weeks,
I find myself longing to feel that warm rush when you say my name.
The passion in your eyes consumes my body and runs through my veins.
I miss you.
Alexis W
Jun 2016 · 1.5k
I lay awake
Alexis Walkes Jun 2016
As the world turns and my heart beats steadily
I lay awake
Eyes burning of untold dreams,
thinking of things I never thought before.
I lay awake
My mind keeps racing,
It's like my mind is afraid to rest.
Eyes heavy and waiting,
Body slowly dancing for comfort
I lay awake
"Breathe slowly, center your thoughts"
Those old techniques that never work.
So I lay awake
Slightly bruised by life, I'm uncomfortable so
I lay awake.
Alexis W
Those nights where you just can't sleep, and
suddenly everything else like your problems or hunger or life is just magnified.
Jun 2016 · 520
A story about a girl ..
Alexis Walkes Jun 2016
Much like poetry she's a mediator for emotion.
She manages to escape many things but herself,
Trapped in becoming everything society wants her to be
She secretly begs for the attention of a talent that would allow her to just be.

Be someone, anyone that matters.
But she's ashamed
Her eyes are filled with sin,
Her heart lust,
Her mind wonder.

Slowly falling in love with pain.
Slowly being drowned in her addiction to the darkness.
She wonders if its worth it.
She wonders if it makes her more poetic.
Black is poetry.
Alexis W
Jun 2016 · 1.7k
You disappeared
Alexis Walkes Jun 2016
You really disappeared.
Leaving me with no last words.
Did you think it would be that easy to forget you?
Without being hurt?
You vanished.

Leaving me hollow, leaving me with a mouthful of pain to swallow.
I missed all the signs.
Blinded by my care for you.
You never cared, did you?
You weren't really ready.

Left with this tragic love story.
You left and I was lost, felt so empty.
I thought it was just like the other times, two maybe four days, but now I think you're gone for good.
Silly me.

Memories are all I have now.
You left as quickly as you came.
Like a magician and I was just another willing participant.
Yet I still feel you.
I fell in love with a disappearing act.
Alexis W

— The End —