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Your silent,
I can feel the quiet and hear all the love behind it.
Fall asleep to the sound of my voice,
Dream of marriage bells and baby toys,
The sweet smell of your hair and cool feel to your skin,
Makes me love the skin I am in.
and I just wish whether it be a cool winter or warm summer night,
That you fall asleep in my arms tonight.
Every inch of your soft colored skin,
Makes me fall deeper into this love I'm in.
But i enjoy the fall, because i know i will be caught,
And shot back up to the stars where our love belongs.
My precious love, sleep with me tonight, in my arms,
That hold you so tight.

//Asaad Khalifeh
 Nov 2014 addy henderson
Sarah K
 Nov 2014 addy henderson
Sarah K
Its 4am and I all of a sudden woke up
With chapped lips missing your company
And a stomach all tied in knots
Meanwhile my head buzzing with thoughts of you
Missing you is hell.
For the one who had to leave without a choice.
Our eyes met
Then our smiles greeted soon after.
Butterflies came fluttering along
And all that sang from our mouths was laughter.
We became friends but a kiss was exchanged -
What a lovable and awkward disaster.
My innocence can be to blame.
I'm attached to you now.
So please pull the thread
To keep us sewn together.
I need you in my life like infinity craves forever.
 Nov 2014 addy henderson
Hailey P
Your eyes were extremely green today.
I noticed that because
They literally glistened
As you stared off, zoning out.
And your whole face changed.
And in those moments,
You were extremely beautiful.
I lay here waiting.
Waiting here for you to call.
*Your call never comes.
 Nov 2014 addy henderson
I can't drown my demons
They know how to swim

I keep putting myself in these situations
My heart can only be broken so many times

Over & over

This is a **** poem
I shouldn't have written it

My world is crashing down
Lungs are collapsing
Air is scarce


No friends
This is choppy
This is my mind

 Nov 2014 addy henderson
My wrists and thighs
Tattooed with white stripes

My mind consumed in darkness

My eyes clouded with nothingness..

My wrists and thighs stained red

My mind fading

My eyes rimmed with lack of sleep


This was my first poem.  I hate to be mainstream with depression poems but this was the first one I had ever written.
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