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I am a typical Aries,
Ruled by fire

If you fall in love with me,
I will protect you
I will love you
Unless I get bored.

I am an Aries
Take me as I am.
clouds are weird
usually we can feel certain things
not see them

with clouds
it is different
we can see them
not feel them
From my 10 day trip to Texas and Mexico back in May 2014.
You have no idea
Just how lucky you are
You have nothing to fear
For you, life isn't hard

You may complain
About being less important
But please, there is no shame
In meaning something to others

You whine about being the third wheel
But in your good fortune I reel
Because although you may not be the first choice
At least you are not alone.
 Nov 2014 addy henderson
That fake smile can't disguise
the pain I feel inside.
I would rather feel
the harsh sting from your silence
than nothing at all.
 Nov 2014 addy henderson
I told you my dreams were made of glass
But you ripped them to shreds like paper
You knew my heart was on a string
And yet you let me go
Flown away like a kite in the wind
You dropped me down stairs
And left me in my nightmares
No rescue from a lonely soul
My heart was strong but it knew no love
Until I saw you, we had a romance
Of the summer and sunsets and butterfly kind
You watched me learn to love
Like a baby learns to walk
Simple steps, hesitant at first
But then all at once
Yet when I fell, you would always catch me
The tears I cried for you, you wiped away
With gentle midnight kisses
But a dream in the day
So quickly turns to night
And sleep did not come
Only howls of the wolves
Like a vampire you bit
Into my soft skin
And I let you bite
So I could feel you within
I gave you my all and whatever was left
But you had already taken some
Now you took what was left
There is nothing for the next
No new tomorrow
Only pain and a sad sorrow
A gentle cry a long scream
The anguish of a broken heart
From the one who played its part
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