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Jul 2018 · 427
Truly Lustful Jul 2018
Here I am again
Another lost prayer from Solace
Hands folded, but trembling
Lips shaking and eyes closed

Muttering to myself
A list of regrets
At my bedside
Paying off my debts

The longer I speak
To that wall in front of me
The more I feel
My elbows sink into the sheets

And with each passing statement
The heavier my arms are
With the guilt of knowing
How I came so far

Fingers now intertwined
Gripping tightly at my skin
Biting my lips, trying not to scream
Blood dripping down, splashing on my knuckles

As the tears roll down my cheeks
And my hands collect my blood
My mind goes almost completely blank
My blood turns dark like mud

Arms now limp at my side
Face down in the sheets
My eyes snap shut
and my heart skips

I feel it against the bedside
The metronome of my chest
But sadly it won't last much longer
It's time for me to rest

Because in the world we've created
When your heart stops you haven't died
But when your faith is crumbling away
This hypocritical world turns

If you're not sitting in those pews
Every Sunday morning
I'm here to beckon a call
Maybe just a forewarning

I've witness firsthand
How people turn evil
The kindest preacher you'll ever meet
Has the sharpest knife

And as my heart finally stops
I feel a wave of solace
A light and gentle smile appears
This black void is flawless
I hate Religion
Jul 2018 · 241
Truly Lustful Jul 2018
"Why do you mock me?"

Lost in thought again
Why is it there
There to taunt me
Drag me
Fuel me.

I lost my faith
Not so long ago
But I feel my soul
Can you even feel a soul?
If you could, it would feel like this

Heat, Ashes… Fire?
This isn't my soul
You can't feel something
Something that doesn't

It flickers
And vanishes
Another illusion
Just like all the rest
They're all fake

The Book
The Church
The Funeral
The Afterlife

Who wrote these books
Who constructed these churches
Who organized these ceremonies
Who created this dementia

Bible in hand
Sitting in the church
A funeral is held today
To send me to the afterlife

There is no funeral
There is no church
There is no holy book
There is nothing

"If you really can hear me."
"I just wanted to let you know."
"The last time we talked."
"I forgot to say goodbye."

Jul 2018 · 720
Truly Lustful Jul 2018
Another passing thought, and another, another, another, another... I like being solitary, all to myself, but being alone is my biggest enemy. I used to love it, I could sit, alone, and be content forever, but now I find myself constantly seeking out someone, anyone to rip me from my own warped reality. Could I take my thoughts and my brain and re roll them, I wouldn't be me but I wouldn't be tortured...Would that make me selfish or selfless... They listen to me bring up the same subject several times whereas most people bring it up once or twice, I'll be stuck on it for days, weeks, months... When I shut my door it's an all out brawl between me, myself, and I and the only person who can stop it, but how? When you're your own worst enemy; how do you win? I continue to sit, and brood trying to come up with a solution for this vicious cycle of bad energy. However as soon as I start I'm right back where I started, I don't feel stressed but I know I always am, when there is a leech attached to the back of my head but everytime I reach for it my hands go through nothing, my fingers full of hair, loose, falling out... I grasp for straws everyday at the bottom of a pill bottle holding a small capsule of hope, but artificial faith can only get you so far. Just like music, my headphones plug my ears, and the sound floods my head, but the enigma that is me forces it all out like a violent shockwave that keeps my attention at all times. If we could find that imaginary switch we joke about to turn ourselves off, use it on me, at'least for a couple of years, so I can take a break from arguing with myself, there may be no vocal words but that thousand mile stare consists of a thousand conversations.
Honestly, just a mind blow out.
Jul 2018 · 577
The Virtuoso
Truly Lustful Jul 2018
The Stage is set,
As they all leave their fountain,
Mindless hunks of flesh,
Coming down from the mountain.

And now the Curtain rises,
As the first one falls,
A flourish of death,
My one true Protocol.

Our performance begins,
As they blossom to life,
Once a pointless mortal,
Now true art in the afterlife.

Watch my Puppets Dance,
One, Two, Three, Four!
Sprouting, blooming into beauty,
Now this, I truly Adore.

Smiles, Everyone, Smiles!
Don't scorn me with those blood soaked eyes,
Your misery is my masterpiece,
Together we can harmonize.

I've outdone myself this time,
There is almost no more art to be made,
I've reflected on my pieces,
And I'm not done I'm afraid.

I cannot be good, I MUST be perfection,
As they all break out into a brawl,
From far off in the distance I whisper,
This is your curtain call.
It's about Jhin from League of Legends, he's my favorite champion and his voice and attitude inspired this piece. :)
Jul 2018 · 463
Truly Lustful Jul 2018
Every day I see her
Dark red hair
She treats me so sweetly
Even after a cold stare

Every day I see her
Sometimes sad
I try to make her happy
Even if it turns out bad

Every day I see her
Lost in thought
I know she works hard
Even when it's naught

Every day I see her
Grinning at me
Her face so sincere
Even if she lacks Vitamin D.

Every day I see her
At lunch she sits across
I feel my heart skipping
Even though she's my boss.
I work night shift, and this is about my manager. She works so hard and gets treated so poorly by the day shift managers, but I admire her so much and may have a tiny crush. <3
Jul 2018 · 291
Truly Lustful Jul 2018
One after another
The onslaught is endless
Each strike creates another wound
My body
It's riddled with scars
Deep Deep scars
Naked before them
The ones who offer support
But they see no scars
Ridiculed they create more
Fresh wounds
Quickly dismissed
Back to my cell
In my own prison
Tending to my wounds
With tears
Words of dismay
Broken promises
And unfulfilled wishes
Soon they too
Will become scars
But it's so easy
To open old wounds
Sometimes all it takes is
Jul 2018 · 261
Truly Lustful Jul 2018
The gentle summer breeze
Taking you back to the days
The days of ignorance
When nothing mattered
But everything was thrilling

Breathing Slower. . .

But zooming by
Ignorance fading
The pain of repetition setting in
When excitement fades into antiquity
And you know your days are numbered

Breathing Faster. . .

As terror sets in
The demons clawing at your mentality
Epiphany after epiphany
Trailing into darkness
Caring ceases

Breathing. . .

The cold hospital air
Yet your deathbed has never been warmer
Eyesight has left
But what's ahead is still clear

Breathing Stops.
Jul 2018 · 521
Truly Lustful Jul 2018
Drip Drop
The sound of rain
Drip Drop
The sound of paint
Drip Drop
The sound of blood

Trickle Trickle
Down my face
Trickle Trickle
Down my arms
Trickle Trickle
From my heart
Jul 2018 · 348
Truly Lustful Jul 2018
My heart is aching without a doubt it's my stomach that twists and turns without warning my face promoting euphoria but only to the naked eye. Everyday I wake up crying without someone there, does anyone here me screaming is anyone out there? I shrug it off hoping that it will get better, but day after day I feel myself floating closer to the sun. My skin is melting as I realize I' m trapped in my own limbo; this depression is eating me from the inside out. Darkness creeping closer to my core as it claws at my soul only to be stopped by the mild feeling of hope that wells up when a glimmer of happiness is seen over a bleek chapparal. Digging my fingernails into my chest I pull out a black mass, slowly pumping nightmare fuel to my brain; squeezing with all my might it bursts. An ink colored substance lingers down my arm as I fall through space, the sun getting farther and farther as I plummet to the earth. Finally I land, unable to move a single muscle I utter to myself. "Help me."
Jul 2018 · 628
Truly Lustful Jul 2018
Pitter Patter
Along the ground
Sometimes silent
Sometimes deafening

They never stop
But when they do
Their life has been taken
Or they've stepped on you

Not too small
Not too big
Who do they belong to?
Do you know yet?

Ever heard an elephant stomp?
A mouse scratching along the floor?
These sounds radically different
Yet something we can't ignore

The question isn't the sound
But rather the footprint
As we all sport a unique one
But which one truly is the biggest?

Some would think, elephant
Probably not you though
Maybe even a dinosaur?
Don't let your mind overflow

It's as simple as you think
Most have already figured it out
Now go outside, take a heavy step
Make an imprint.

Is it all coming together?
It should have already
Us as humans
We're the most deadly

No matter how big it is
To the eye it's small
But we reign supreme here
On this earth, our home

Next time you see a print
Be it Dog, Cat, Lion, or Deer
The calendar lies
It's always our year.

— The End —