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 Sep 2017 Tishka
Why is it that we can be jealous of a thing we pushed away?
Is it because if I can't have it,
I don't want anyone to have it.
Let's call it,

Even though:
This jealousy is unfair;
To her,
To me.
I look into my world
I ask myself, what do i see?
Your face comes to mind
Oh! How I wish you were mine
Yes, I am selfish
But aren’t we all
Let us be true to ourselves
And watch fear dissolve
I want it all!
But I am not greedy
I need you here!
But I am not needy
My appetite is vast and boundless like the edges of space
So will you cleanse my palate and allow me a taste?
Can I taste your deepest secrets?
Confide in me I’m yours to love
May I enrapture you, unravel you?
Let me penetrate your heart with lust.
I was in my feelings, as per usual.
 Sep 2017 Tishka
I was blank,
I hadn't known you much,
Hadn't interacted with you on a daily basis.
It would take a while to understand.

Once in a while I'd think about you.
Little thoughts that would make me think of you,
They like paper pellets hitting a wall,
Effect less.
Memories forbidden to connect with reality.

You've stopped.
All I've left of you is the good memories,
Those make me smile,
In grief and joy.

I smile.
I guess you still live
A bright memory to better my day.

For now I'll carry on,
With the clawed hand gripping my heart,
Today is not my day.

To Wolf
 Sep 2017 Tishka
Life doesn't give you what you want,
When you want it.
The more you wanna take,
The less you get.

But what do you do when you've renounced to something,
And life gives it to you,
When you've become afraid,
To reach for what you want.

When what you renounce to,
For reasons you believe in,
Comes back in sight,
The reasons dissolved.

You go with the flow,
Life's put something in front of you.
And you should just feel it.
Don't over reach.

But what of determination,
And achievement.
Why shouldn't you strive?

How about striving inwards?
You always have options,
Learn to surf the waves,
Don't dive, don't try to outrun.
Strive to balance;
It's time live.
 Sep 2017 Tishka
Danielle Free
Black is the Knight after the storm,
the tumultuous tide swallowed him and now
he's alone.
Rivers, seas and rains all collect in the Heavens, but the waves have paused. No aggression.
Deep lunges in the sand, he makes his way to optimistic land.
His shell is bruised but his soul, soothed. The squall has cleansed him, he needed clarity
from his life filled with misery, jealousy and tyranny.
He takes off his armor as he walks further, over the shingle
the stones, the mud and the grass, in the distance the clouds gently crash like a cymbal.
The air is pure, damp and refreshing,
he falls bare to the earth.
Caressing and stretching.
Mind wide open although he's been tested.
No more guessing, he's his own possession.
 Sep 2017 Tishka
Danielle Free
Do you know what it's like to be me?
Overwrought with anxiety; controls my mind and blocks my creativity.
Presenting itself when it's least expected,
like some kind of superiority
making itself my first priority.
I try to do Reiki, connect with my inner spirituality, ground myself like the golden tree, look to my spirit guides for sincerity - but all of this is just transitory. Even with moments of clarity and scrupulous wisdom guiding me, a sense of feeling divinity is only ever temporary.
Anxiety wants to be my destiny, holding it's grip tenaciously, keeping my confidence locked up in a hidden treasury - one day that'll be a great discovery; the day that being called 'Free' will no longer be an irony.
 Sep 2017 Tishka
Eleanor Rigby
What has life made of me?
Where has life taken me?

This body has never been mine, nor will this mind ever be.

There is a terrific sadness in every time
I look in the mirror and pretend to smile.

Dear Adam,
I have missed the spring and I am coming to you soon
The eyes that flicker, the stories behind the eyelids
The heart that ***** in the air
Like a flightless bird that dreams to fly.
Make sure you open up those heavy arms of yours
Make of my thin body your prisoner
See me for the second time,
Look at me as if it was the first time.

Adam, the ground has never been mine to walk upon
This Earth is selfish, she wants us all
But I am weary, just like you.
Everywhere I look, I find wrinkles
Old objects full of dust
Young people full of lust
Golden hearts full of rust.

Adam, I have been reeking of desolation
Since the day I died
Right there on grass that has never been greener
Under a sun that has never shone brighter
Since I died
Of longing
I have been reeking of desperation
If it wasn't for the books you left me,
If it wasn't for this letter today
If it wasn't for the hope of finding you again
I would have long turned into a portrait
Copied off of a portrait of a portrait
Of a portrait someone painted off the back of their mind
Intelligible and faint.

Adam, the lines on my palms are fading
Drip by drip
The water in me is adding up
And drowning what life has left of me
Poor little soul, good for nothing but the sadness

Adam, I wish I was sad like you
But I am not sad
I am bored,
Like a writer that never learned to write
A painter without paints
A mermaid on land
I am bored like the zoo.

I am coming to you soon.
But I know you're not there.

Goodbye summer and everything that's as clear
I will miss you my dear.

-- Watercolour
 Sep 2017 Tishka
I tell myself I don't care
but underneath,
I feel scarce.
sometimes I feel afraid to breathe, the world keeps turning and in the end, i am unacknowledgeable.
 Sep 2017 Tishka
 Sep 2017 Tishka
You're a dream
That crawled into my bed
And never came true

You're a laugh
          About to burst into tears

What you are
          Is vague
                And beautiful
 Sep 2017 Tishka
Samantha Marie
"Do you miss me" he asked

"Define miss" . . . yes

"I miss you" he repeated

"You don't miss me your just bored" . . . I miss you too

"I'm serious I miss you, there's something about you I like"

"You want me to say I miss you and then what" . . . You know its hard for me to forget you

"Then we unmiss each other by you coming over"

. . .  you haven"t changed
Stop tormenting me
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