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 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
Death walks
on two feet
Saunters up
to you and me
Death comes
In night and day
In sun and rain
In joy and pain
Death comes for us on our day
In our way

Whisks you away
Takes you away from the pain
Whisks you away
Whispers are all that remain

Death comes in every shape
Death comes in any form
Silent as a shadow
And violent as a storm

Death crawls
on all fours
Has no mercy
for kings or ******
Death comes
For rich and poor
For saintly and sinful
Despised and adored
Death comes to all things in time
Just wait in line

Whisks you away
Takes you away from the pain
Whisks you away
Whispers are all that remain

Death comes in every shape
Death comes in any form
Silent as a shadow
And violent as a storm

Into our hearts
And through our veins
Into our art
Death lives
Inside our souls
In all of life
It waits and grows
Death comes each and every day
Hides until it's time to play
A nihilistic love song about the infinite power of death.
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Mavis Mayhem
“Fear not,” the winds whispered through the pines
Tenderly stroking my hair as I wandered through the forest.
“Don’t shed a tear,” the rustling poplars sang
Stirring my soul as I wept.

Leaves waltzing, gyrating, floating,
Doing whatever they may please
Soft sunlight filtered through the canopy, putting me at ease.

Cold air filled my lungs, clearing my mind
Sweet therapy at last, finally free.
Free to wander the wilderness, uninterrupted and jovial.
My whole life set before me.
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Mavis Mayhem
The End plays softly,
Dancing upon my ears.
My soul rests gently
There are no more tears.

Up and down like gentle waves,
Breathing deeply: no pain remains.
Drifting away, lost at sea.
What do you see when you look at me?

The hurt in my eyes,
Or tear stains on my cheeks?
The heartbreak you left me,
In volumes it speaks.

But alas, sadness does not forever last,
The sun will shine again and help me move past.
Your hold over me is broken for good,
My heart is mending, just as it should.
I don’t understand how I even try, especially when the only thing I ask is “Why?”
Did you play with me as if I were a puppet in some game?
Or did I mean anything to you at all?
You give truth to the phrase “All men are the same”
And one day, I pray, that your pride will meet its downfall
For nobody deserves this… your selfishness.
I am probably going to add on more to the beginning at some point
Silky petals
Gliding aroma
Dripping honey
Eager wait
Rekindled passion
Soft beads
Early dawn
Unabated frenzy
With love
Drenched souls
We are writers and poets who know how to express
We can define our feelings a lot more or a lot less
Why were we cursed with the ability to feel?
The feelings of life that are so painfully real...

We can make music by writing what we desire
Turning simple paper into a passionate fire
We can sway hearts by symbolizing love and creation
Or break another's by turning words into death and temptation

We are the cursed race of scholars who turn words into weapons
We can draw blood with a phrase in a matter of seconds
We are dedicated authors with emotions so heavy
That one word from us that is read or heard can be deadly

Words are our weapons, our friends and our foes
Even a writer or poet has demons that only we know
Each line is a battle and each piece is a war
We are writers and poets and we will write forevermore
We live in a world where everyone desires is about wealth.
But my true desire is to be able to make a difference.
In other people lives only through Christ is this possible.
You do not need money to do this just Christ our Savior.
I could write the most beautiful and heart drenching poems.
But unless Christ is the mix it shall not heal like it should.
IB want to see others Saved, healed, loved , and free.
I wanted to loved them into seeing Christ within me .
Thus them running to Christ for the rest of the three.
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie

When’s trash pickup,
I’m tired of sitting on this curb?
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