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 Apr 2015 Tina Marie

Starlit whispers
woven through sunset auras
upon a moonglow butterfly’s wings,
enchant the horizon
in uttered silhouettes
cascading ‘neath quivering heavens

As fireflies dance
creating flickering constellations
on a canvas painted
in evergreen breeze promises
and magnolia longings,
effervescent dreamscapes beckon

I follow silently,
gazing into the soft light
of yellow Jasmine’s reflective forevers,
breathing in fragrances
of a beauty that can only bloom
*within your twilight smile
                               gun gun
                          gun gun gun
                       gun gun gun gun
                       gun gun gun gun
                         gun  gun  gun
                         gun  gun  gun
                         gun  gun  gun
                         gun  gun  gun
                         gun  gun  gun
                         gun  gun  gun
                         gun  gun  gun
                         gun  gun  gun
                         gun  gun  gun
                         gun  gun  gun
                         gun  gun  gun
                         gun  gun  gun
                         gun  gun  gun
               gun gun                   gun gun
          gun gun gun            gun gun gun
     gun gun gun gun      gun gun gun gun    
         gun gun gun             gun gun gun
              gun gun.                    gun gun
"MKJ'S avatar is TWO *******!"

Two heads are better than one.
 Jan 2015 Tina Marie
 Jan 2015 Tina Marie
It's something that cycles
and again.
Love someone,
love them too hard,
get heartbroken,
trampled on.
Take the time to get back up,
eat too many tubs of ice cream,
stand balanced on two feet.
You're up again,
You fall even harder this tim,
get hurt even more,
and the cycle continues.

What if we can change that?
What if we can stop the agony,
and things will be okay?
No more ice cream,
no more runny eye liner,
just a smile,
starry eyes,
entwined hands.
What if?
Dare I dream that maybe we could last forever,
and that nature's cruel cycle won't repeat?
by ella eyre
 Jan 2015 Tina Marie
Xan Abyss
I never said
I would ever cease to love you.
I never said
that this was our farewell.
I never told you
that I would choose her over you
and I don't think I ever will.
She is there for me in ways that you try to be,
and she needs me too, sometimes.
it's true,
and she didn't used
to distrust you.
if you can love me with your heart,
but not your body,
Then I can do the same thing.
And my darling, I love you with all my heart
(And all my body)
But I'm not going to risk
losing everything.
There was a time,
When I lost all I had,
I had just gotten it all back
and then that was the end of that.
The Wildcat with her vanishing act,
As she found a new,
More appropriate man,
Disappeared right out of my life
Right after I got cut off the first time.
And you,
(Remember?) What did you do?
You said
"I don't wanna do anything that we do,
I don't think
ever again."
and then,
I had run out of friends.
And you then ran back
to your other, better man,
Leaving me alone
all over again.
So when she came back,
When she was there,
I felt blessed but I was so scared
I was terrified
and my heart ablaze
With passion for you
nearly cost me her for good
last time.
I can't do it.
I'm not gonna risk it this time,
but don't think for a second I don't miss you.
Every day I wish I could hold you in my arms
Tell you I love you, and kiss you.
But that's not what we ever had
our time was shared and borrowed
between each other and our lovers
and our mutual friends.
Broken yesterdays
and empty tomorrows.
I'll love you forever, even from a distance
if you love me, you'll understand.
That right now I need to stay away -
But I never said
this was the end.
Never fall in love.
 Jan 2015 Tina Marie
Where can I find 
the meaning of peace
when someone's dying every second
because of an empty plate 
and weapons that end a fate

Who can we blame
For the massacre that never ends
Where lives of innocence
treated like ants
Ignorance of what we don't know
Blinded by the media who always
puts on a show

Why is it that we rage 
when we have words
flowing from our minds, 
giving all the answers 
in a rough day

When will this end?
The earth's crying
"Please just **** me completely"
Viruses and disease
engulfs the poverty
But not the rich?
Are we really that blind to see
They preach justice but own the earth to attain power

How bad is the earth's wounds
as blood slowly drips
polluting the soil
creating trapped remains
buried deep in the ground,
never wanting to be found

Every cry of a new born child
Burnt, due to the one who
preached peace
But enslaving the innocence
Not able to savour the taste of the earth
Every mother bathe in blood
Crying in agony as the child dies

Every day is a war that everyone must fight to survive...

but why do they choose to fight, when they can choose to live in peace?


*-Adele ft. Erenn
It's time to speak our minds about what has been happening in the world every single day. The struggle, the pain, the suffering of nations. This chaos is starting and it's destroying humanity. If we are the key in
a.) making things worse, we can also be the key from b.) stopping the plague. We have the freedom to make our own choices. So, why not choose the right choice?

[an inspiring collab with Erenn]
I never really wanted you
Or your baggage
Lucky for you
I never did see through any of it's shady pockets
& lucky for me
It's no Italian leather
No glitz, no glam
So keep those zippers zipped
Because i don't care
Not like you think i do
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