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Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
If I could still have a clinging, wide, hopeful hope; When in the cell-deep of my home I could bend my discouraged, shipwrecked head In my sweetheart's balmy, cradling lap; When our beating heartbeats in the bantering Universe would blaze As they would be reconciled together, and the Past would hold easy, useful trophies, Or secrets of prey! Even if the pieces of Existence were exchanged in a chess-board order on the plane of our little lives, love as a sure point of exit for our restless hearts!

If I could have a comfortable, cushioned rocking-chair; I would be lulled by the pearly, truth-telling voice of my angel, As when she cellists in a spacious concert hall, In evening gowns of protection! I would open the ghastly-grimacing scars of my soul, and let its caressing, dandified kisses dangle the sins of my unworthy years of *******! In an embracing, romantic meeting, the holy birth-moment of Immortality might be found!

We would feel, in a time of distress, our musical heart-chalice throbbing together! With its roaring waves would sing tiny, secret echo-choes of autumn's Theiresias-walves above us: nor on steep Sisyphus-paths would we give Fate her rightful sanction to give up the goal, and feel ourselves smaller! Nor should we now, in the foreseeable world, necessarily distress ourselves as two orphaned children!

It would be a fabulous, dreamy consolation, a true, priceless treasure-gift, if we could see together, in the sacred sparks of cherishing halo-eyes, the happy-sadness of our late childhood, and cease all petty anxiety at the sneaking portents of the Coming!
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
In the folds of the crypt chain of your face, the invisible moves with you and Time is getting old! The exaggerated eyes of selfish people don’t take the point either: a real victim of vile dream image weights; how can a sausage fence be fenced on the porches of possible appearances And the eternal second fiddlers are already ahead of the winners! - Initially, a cat-and-mouse resists the dictated formulas of Time Changes that Measure Existence with trying competition, and the no-escape gift of the vicious circle is knocking headless over our heads!
Constant depth and sudden height embody the zigzag of cheap, easily cracking ladders of beaten careers! As one who has already deliberately become familiar with himself in the Secret of Death, he can only confess himself to himself now in all confessions! “Inaccurate, restless accelerating Hopes for Life can gradually erase our past memories that we all clung to together! So it's not good to mix with squeaky mass misery! A creative-active personality should not be allowed to be ****** in by crowded stagnation!
On its own, it often uses more when we walk than matured autumn-leafed, silent trees! What pattern can we use to achieve the desired consciousness of happiness?! As a ragged clay man, we force several pseudo-personalities at once out of compulsion on ourselves; our crawling selves will all be on a leash! We should treat everything with a protesting self in a friendly way! The stubborn denial of our slashing selfishness still increases our lack of self-confidence! Why is there always a smell of threat that is consciously unknown?! The final destruction can be felt bone-penetrating
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
Just because my secret electricity turned into a scorching passion in me alone, there could have been something unspeakable, tangible Extra, plus things between us, that could have repaired the fuses of my burned-out heart! In the secret courtyard of charred keys, where rampant cell division was always present, all throbbing connections were suddenly broken, irreparably damaged!

We didn’t know what to do with him, and we didn’t learn to treat him fairly just because
we meditated in the unconsciousness of the immortal minutes, and we wandered for a long time, and in our relationship, which can be called by name, at most only one of us is here! - Yet the meaningful time spent with Him became an important and indelible part of my existence!

- Behind the gazes of heaven, he was greeted with a laughing smile whenever he could, if he was not squeezed into foolish conditions, compulsions to meet others: When he could only be himself! It was a garden of wildflowers, pregnant and full of the scents of Eden!

And I couldn’t go after him in the alleys of everyday life weaving tragedies. "Today, surely the sublime happiness of the Universe is his." The future of a caring-hearted mother. But do you still think of the times when for a few moments only He was the center of the world, and loving troubadours, zealous Adonis, as loyal lollipops, sought hard-won graces through struggles and struggles, while only one of the overbearing ranks, just kneel in front of him?
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
An aggressive world crowded with noise! We can listen to less and less soul-lifting, cheerful harmony! The everyday throbbing heartbeat of our existence also continues to knock purposefully! In our handshakes, a false, lazy consolation message, our human reality is often destroyed in our search for truth, tuned with faith! We will have a greedy urge to own us; from the yelling, threatening throats soon killer blade loud! - A cry of silence is barely audible, silent in the distance!
In the same way, the identity consciousness of our selfish defiance era is shattered by the non-merciful poultry ****! - The promised Hope that it is and will make sense to persevere to the final limits with raised, stubborn heads is also more and more delayed! - In a crumpled self-doubt, how long can the selfish confrontation of the accountable Being last ?! Deliberately doubts everything from Reality dreams! A familiar, loving hand leans gently on the caress on the unbreakable wall of the expander, and he leads and encourages us with encouragement!
We are already capable of anything for small-scale recognitions! If necessary: let's tread, wade, and skip intentionally set barriers to Life so that only our egos can develop freely! In masks or exaggerated make-up concrete, we dare to look into the all-seeing eyes of others because we dread the awareness that our telltale gaze may unravel at any time unconcerned! - Trapped in desires and renunciations, our calculated lies benefit and we distort our own distorted souls in the hope of success!
Among the needs, the curse of superficial prosperity already promises everyone! Because of your role-playing, you are already afraid to look wolfishly at yourself in the secrets of crooked mirrors! This is how your self-defense is fulfilled!
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
You said you knew me! Just look boldly at my humble abode: With the gradual orderliness and cleanliness arranged, you can't find any clues that I can sometimes speak to myself my vocal cords, a secret, inner room, with a strange mutter! My manuscripts and my mother can know my fleeting fads, my laughable rhymes - but only my mother knows me! A disciplined army of my folded feathers standing guarding may know the furry forest, the jungle bushes of my chunky hands, but really even they couldn't solve the eternal mystery about me: Why am I thirsting for loneliness, loneliness condemned to fertility?

Even so, I still like the shady sides of incognito, and despite my great hall, I avoid being noticed! I am still researching, discovering in myself the essence and content that I thought was led away, but my inner being is the constant doubt and despair itself!

I have countless secrets! I'm a survivor! The ancient hiding place, whose survival has become survival at all costs! Therefore, how can anyone imagine that he could have seen me without a thorough mapping of the inner soul-hall? "So next time I can only afford someone who has no back, sneaky intent,"

and it can't be - but whose mind is more understanding and whose heart is nobler when it beats, and who accepts my stupidly mature blunders, my little boy's dreads, half-truths! “Even in my heart, his hopeless troubadour, romantic son-in-law is hiding.
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Long-lasting questions are still straining and pushing My Soul - my nightmarish evenings are being ruined! I must see the steps of my struggling days to come in vicious series; to my watchful eyes appear in immortal times, in times of a millennium, the immortal memories of strange people whom I already judge forever!
Although they have often joked and chased me away - my willful plans have driven me into thoughtful thoughts and wherever I am my selfish creativity will not let me down! Indeed! It is evolving and multiplying! "I would be anxiously waiting for secret telepathic signs with which my beating-beating heart could loyally address Someone as long as there was growing anxiety about others in my heart attack!"
My day is already hiding things: Behind the horror of the Question, the suicidal discipline of the Deed still vibrates so that I can finally squeeze out the redeeming spirit that has always connected me with my restrained weak Cowardice! It would be good to break the blind, confused furniture forever and forget that you can tolerate the insidious roar of Hyena's grins as satisfaction!
And I don’t have to pathetically pull in my ears and *****! I keep a lost Age in my heart, and in uninterrupted tolerance-torment a World has collapsed — built up in me stone by stone: and it would be such a relief to see where the solid continuation of paved life paths was! I lived in agony, and the alarming, self-help glow was seldom burned: I was already disgusted that those who fell behind the offered path would not be able to see a safer Future!
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
Self portrait in 2013

Strange Wonder Beetle: Most of all, a kind of charming, modestly gentle hamster muzzle. The nimbus of the determined concentration floats around it, the whites of the eyes tremble, trembling in the swamp of self-pity. In the siege storm of everyday life, it is itself a fully equipped armor of conflict-ridden Don Quixote romance. And he himself is merely in the eternal-circular decipherments of Being

brain, pondering all day. In many cases, as a child, he was forced to apply a swing policy to fleeing threads - in many cases, his nose would have been broken to be crushed! Even for just a quarter of a moment, a fleeting pause, it would be good to believe, to hope - after the possibilities of not trying in the sure consciousness
immediately, with unbroken caracan: But it is afraid - the child is forced to hide in adult skin, and even so it is not certain that society will accept it as a lover of conscious solitude! Isolation has never been used by anyone,

and not inspired, - yet to happen is absolutely necessary! - I can't trust them! At most only in my own mother as an eternal, humane, moral Answer! How can a prosperous future still come from the present, tubeless present? The answer is getting more and more doubtful, on shaky legs - maybe I don't think so myself anymore, but I have to every day, because it is necessary and because morally

it can give us hold on alone to feel worthy of being PEOPLE - to greet the unknown Tomorrow with humbled steps of hope, humility replaced from our brains! The weight of responsibility is heavy, it pushes the burden on our shoulders, yet the universal support of our conscience is essential!
Norbert Tasev Aug 2020
The given moment matures, grows and is beautifully fulfilled, the immortal radiance of the Universe with a cuneiform smile on radiant faces! Glorious-wreathed angels are now exchanging secret kisses with their beloved sweetheart: A miserable spark has ignited! "Now every coat is sprayed with ice-cold powdered sugar powder, silver lace is pulled over by bored aggastians: Giant Mountains!" "My shoes are treading treadingly on snow, and in every deliberate movement there is conscious fear and insecurity!"

He struggles with bitter drowsiness at night, still how the celestial image swirls with many cherry-lipped snowflakes; now I am not hunted by sanda s envious eyes. With my troubles-matured hoarfrost roof, my years are down, it seems to be multiplying! With its diamond teeth, Winter sinks its metallic claws into me. Unhappy happiness also dreams of new opportunities!

In my hand, the pen is still guarding more and more modestly - I don't even know: How long? And he had to wake up in the midst of squeaky whiplashes - it was like the bitter reality: to seek bread without embezzled opportunities! The proliferation of pain and disappointed self-pity self-pity will not abort you - you can't even forget it, but if you don't take care of yourself as a secret guardian, you will be digested pretty slowly.

For greater deterrence is idleness, and what comes with it: It must be pushed up and thrown away like junk ******* in the trash: As the mortality of dust grains, man smuggles biological traces into the fertile gardens of happiness.
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
There was something elusive in you! Faded chubby face with hamster arch in crystals! Sure! I was trying to put you out of a pyramid of old-fashioned laughing wrinkles. Towels fluttered like a hanging flag of surrender. Where is your deer-eyed angel who promised the universe in return if you redeemed it - and now neither word nor speech has suddenly left you as a camphor ?!

And where is your cranky, restless lover who sinned along with sand grains? The universal message of orphaned immortality and the romance of our kisses came with it! "Something unspeakable primordial matter, a secret cell-cathedral, has burned in you: Proclaiming a long-standing Order as a yawning ruin, and now you're pondering one thing and another: down in yourself - why don't you still find the answers?"

Shaggy forest eyebrows are still covering you with more and more hesitantly vulnerable tears - not sure how long? In addition to the dazed copy of your face, toiletries and toiletries are impatient: A shower rose will send you life-giving pearls! Just always listen inwards!

Always straight and between your two seeing eyes: The interior will become enlightened, and perhaps he hopes for salvation on a strained retina. In your hall pits, sharp blood vessels, twilight craters swell, swell due to lengthy strains! “I woke up to crypt ditches — in vain the dawn of dawn; he peeked in and woke up again in mischievous ways.

The ridge stretched like a giant, panting giant!
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
My worried fears surround me! Nights expelled on loud-roaring days lie on a flirt! Irritant **** yelling voices destroy empathy, further build spiritual harmony! Hurricane waves are fueled by unnecessary human tempers! Could I still hear the angelic motion under my Beloved's heart perhaps?
The cherishing wings of angels are rarely redeemed from this present Apocalyptic state! Grind your time to the unruly Heart! "The gates of the universe-lips are not sure to open in the midst of hesitant trembling!" Pounding wave sounds would be even better if you could compose the immortal sparkle of superstitious eyes!
The Light Galaxy of Hopeless Romances can bleed in a veil of purple-hardened sunsets! The ever-changing Human Spirit can only gain momentum through Someone Else; I am perfectly defenseless in my lost loneliness! Because I should have understood the rules of Survival with simplicity to stay alive!
Among the annihilating sand caves of silence deserts, where else could I find a refuge to ****? Can't I get kisses for fidelity? You can never serve Humanity enough to keep us afloat on the surface, and yet we fall into the deep without it! "Are you a rebel in silence, encouraging in silence?" Even if you deny it: you are vulnerable and at the same time a Prisoner!
You're fooling this idiot-free world! And maybe you can only trust you with Loyal Eyes on your way ..
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
The silent, statuesque shadows of timelessness are cast on everyone, if the mouth yawns in a single expressive movement, the eyes sparkle - as a light-hearted, silent blindfold, we try to capture the happy golden age of our memories as realistically as possible, and create it in Reality! We are softly embraced by the music of the flocks of birds waiting for Spring. The holy gentle melody of the tiny and inviting bells, running on the babbling wind, makes our beating hearts beat!

Long distances can be shortened at any time - thanks to the hyper-networks of our digital age! The double news-beat of joy-sharing echoes our richly beating heartbeat! The prophet-trones of balmy, brooding nights are touched by the budding love-fly; and it matters not when, or by whom, the immortal metamorphoses of kisses among the swarming, nubile desires of the wombs! - To the identity thought lost, all can find it again!

From a single gesture, a universal cosmic compassion, or a great spectacle stuck in silence! In the deception, the chase and the pursuit of hopes may yet remain! We should engrave in everyone's soul the Goodness that dwells in everyone, as another strange sacrifice...
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
As he found, a prodigal child, out of the words of absolute adults rarely when he listened; as a parasite many take advantage of my naivety! Emigrant strangers are immediately struck by the basic smell of big city killer indifference! As a cuckoo's egg, it even hides behind easy-to-solve puzzles! Modern-trendy women fall into the throes of old goats in sloppy thirties! With their loose reins policy, they can catch anyone and casually break their babbling hearts at any time! Between weekend talks, jaccudzi parties who can't get to know themselves, the formula is getting more and more varied!
Sneaking behind low-cost careers hardly repels the secret of thirsty originality for success: spare loves are increasingly being used for just that! Proper, vertebrate posture is already broken, grotesque mirrors warn in vain! Only rarely can a human Star be born out of chaos! They are transformed into observers condemned to inaction, who would have owed confession to their Beloved!
Celeb Dives play a killer patience game and you can easily fall out of the net if your trusting relationships aren’t cosmetic! - Deep-lasting pulsations of relationships were rarely born out of whimsy raging in seclusion! The chat service of freshly collagenized and stunned young women depends on the minutes and not on the moments! Instead of the triumph of will, all the ******* are swinging towards bribing instincts! Falling from never-expected heights can be even greater! - Why should we avoid hot porridge dead tired several times?! Already, everyone is getting crazy, minutes of infidelity
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
In the company of haunting, worthless promisers and misdeeds, the idea of a prophet-hermit is still left alone: immortal romances would be needed for candlelit dreams, holy dinners, and not cheap, ******* words! How much hesitantly doomed human desire chews our unceasing innocent souls! It is as if a single deep-hidden thump echoes ready to erupt in the soul-deep and stares incessantly at the gaping abyss with the vigilant, dilated pupils!
Conductor and concrete reality commands are often confused; silent silences wall in themselves to make my desire! My panting heartbeat degenerates into a loud rumble, and in the secret alley of blood vessels I dream of the still livable moments of the Universe! Is it possible to prepare for the invisible future in the tangible Present?! - The unspokenness of my feelings still surrounds me: it flies away like a black petal butterfly, like a stray breeze, and then returns as an unexpected surprise!
My eternal child, who is startled in me, is short of me, because you can guess there is no spark of mercy left in unworthy human monsters! My thoughts entrusted to paper on the remnants of my shattered dreams contemplate like easily flying ship wonders! My soul-loneliness has been inhabited for a long time: I would try to express myself in the hidden, spiral-magnet formula of attraction and repulsion, not to mention the rest of my faith on recklessly screaming rails…
As an assassin, he lurks at me, he's watching, he'd be scouting if I left Being and he can't wait to take my head for others! The pain falls back on me! It would be good to find something next to Someone who accepts
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
It could have been, but it couldn't have been! Looking up at him, wolf-eyed with sincerity, I would have found someone with whom I could live the thousand, small, admiration of Being forever and immortally in the Infinite. "The idea of ​​soldering two hearts together could, I should, think at least a little: The slow, gradual transcendence and togetherness filled with the trembling cooperation of the Universe - this is the unspeakable redemption between earthly hell claws!"

Alas! “Today I had to learn from the bursts of my fault: It was a fault for every tear-eyed soul-opener. The complete and perfect bleeding of my vulnerability, the deliberate morality of every tiny concession, the trite diplomacy. Everything is perceptible only with a breath Kiss above the mouth, when in the atrium of our soul Cupid's greedy and insatiable arrow rained down!

All your remaining words - if you had any at all: wounded with Nessus poison, stamped like cursed Cain. And in the lap of the harmonies that can be filled, I did not dare to realize early among the iron shackles of my disillusionment, your glowing, redeemable angelic image is only flickering in my heart, still shining. And that you've been hugging your knight for a long time. And with your greedy arms like an overgrown amber tendril, he wraps his strangled-breathing neck around him, biting

his twilight arched lips, but no more: I can no longer be your faithful statistician, nor your slipper-like accomplice — only a diligent witness of the immortality of letters: the secret Golgotha ​​walk of our self-excellence. He's just coming, with murderous temper, it's about to happen. It could have been good, but lips, lips

the purple snakes running briskly in its purple cavity were dancing - and I couldn't drink your heartbeats melting from the box of your glowing heart either! With me: Roaring, furious with the despair of suicides to death, the Heart would hold you accountable for your taboo sins:

Why did this have to be done this way, and where did the forgivable mercy hide? Where did you stay? - When I bow my head like a convict, I go to the mountains of testifying dignity: They fall apart into pieces: Flesh, blood, bone, blood, cell molecules and your conscience once again, for the last time as a plea-complaint and I ask
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
Renewable mornings are like ***** killer, leaking through the soles of my soaked shoes, - in front of me I have to pay attention to split and split into two amoebaes the winter snow-covered, spruce-island: And yet I fell through a wide-eyed human sieve. In the mouths of many tiny crickets, sisere-arm, as the only outsider outside the camp, groping only the familiar unknown, I stop: Either I will be quite persecuted, or I will live to be reduced to a hunter myself! - This Century puts on those who daily produce with sweat beads the still existing Reality and the pleasure that has never been before

they knew - they leave it to those who get up at ten in the morning! People’s wallets are punctured and wounded by unfaithful self-abandonment: You can’t stay on the ground for some cheap garas after the possible tomorrow. Even with a terrible burden of responsibility, I am constantly grinding myself and dissecting the brainstorming of my brain: How to be captive to Tomorrow

earning bread if you have already shattered Hope got there? The only permanence against the tolerated World: Constant, self-marching, vibrating malaise! - Now a work that produces diligence and perseverance and a brain presence fills the mornings, and if the bed is rather a relaxing captivity short-circuited,

rather than constraint. Now you are still a biological cell, who would need a camp of life-giving molecules as soon as possible, but there may come an era in the found, dismembered Time, when Someone in loyalty clutches will look at you, and with your conscience - in the tunnel of secret telepathies

you become one with him! - Only the Thought can be honest and clear, because the mouth is already stuttering
Norbert Tasev Jul 2020
Peninsula Icarus
  We consciously strive for the elusive insecure with doubt and hesitation: We cannot know the confidential boundaries or the end of our destiny paths destined for us - yet we are lurking towards the unknowable Tomorrow! The shackles of trampling and tangles are binding, holding back: We cannot give to the Fear that is his! Our durable, sure humanity!

His instinctive action of “could have been tried” is still relevant and justified. Conscious self-pity that we respect our own cowardice with selfishly vulnerable tears - it is feared that it is seldom enough today! How would I be worthy of merciful and giving pity? Then the kind voice of our hearts will be spoken for us. Each question to consider generates and grows new decisions: Being rolls dumpling-shaped pitfalls, while common sense is in place of purpose and will!

I’m just a wounded emptiness sometimes, maybe just worth trampling on. I should map out good intent values ​​on my own. When the day is over and the brain is still clicking and something in the heart is shaking! The iron cat of pity is sometimes thrown at me and, as an excess, a single piece of life jackets, and like the surging-loving sea, I often share the fate of uncertain, swaying, drifting shipwrecks!

Love gives wings to many! As a half-nailed Icarus, even a careless moment was enough to look at the lava caves of the immortal universe.
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
At the top of shard puddles, a tiny tear-bubble pops dancing: it mourns itself in a spherical shape! In my wounded past, the soul-stimulating shower has punished me as well! I can only be a melancholy flame swaying in struggling winds; resistant to wolf laws even with konok faith! An ominous conjecture warns me of the signs of danger around me - while an unstoppable, barking stream in my soul carves out its still deepening pit beds from wounds!
Rock the Known Being Swing! He reveals his lattice chains before me; attracts a taming that can be tamed as a magnet! I can confidently cling to pearl twigs if I can listen to their knocking glass sound game! In me, even inciting-rebellious voices burst to the surface and guard their Fears of Hassias! "My inner infinity may still help me rebuild the diverse Jelen pieces!" We should revisit the speech of Eyes in soul movies so that we can understand each other's One-wavelength thoughts with a mere presence, even without sounds!
I wander in disembodied Silence and wait! "As the dance of clouds of tears falls from the sincere eyes of my shower, the soundless gems of the pursued Soul look like fat diamonds, what am I also wasting for other People in turning moments!" With his inner vibrations, the former eternal Child who I am today is back and forth: the secrets of the ages are etched in the stumbling trenches of my face
Norbert Tasev Aug 2021
You stayed forever indebted, home-stuck sticky! Nirvana-son of misfortune, nesting for nothing! Nobody's chase! You have long since denied yourself from the Executioner Squadron and the future-marchers have left it here as prey! In the catacomb flights of your cut-off dreams, like watchful moles, you often wander in disillusionment with yourself! Dying despair also seems to be deliberately overwhelmed; you couldn’t fit in between superficial worlds! No one can comfort your bloodthirsty eyes crying on a bag!
The petrified seal of the collected footprints will continue to bleed in your heart in a drum! "As your eternal companion, eternal fear and dreadful doubt still strikes you!" You deliberately don’t gass before dressed means! You may have had enough of squeaking in front of a lot of forbidden doors and stigma padlocks: as a selfish recidivist, you can't get your shadow-loving, redeeming loneliness from happiness either! "Superstitious deer eyes would call you desert spawning lights to give a shadow to your heart!"
On your knocking window, the Silence Seekers are waiting for you as a dense mass of nights at night! - Used personality traits like ragged seizures lurk in a pile! He whispers before sweeping secrets and then captivates the unsuspecting; silence still anchors in restless hearts! By pulling on invisible antennae needles, how can sincere trust be achieved?! Savior, love urge?! Gemstones raised from stone terrify awake-cheeky walkers hiding in night robes! "It's a long-learned mimic of playful ease."
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Passages sealed in my deaf ears drum! Tired-smiled, slit failures even bleed deep inside like Twilight, or an infected disease in the room s threatening! With an adult head, everyone is left orphaned! Cheat mouse path is rare if you can help! In the maze of blood vessels, the perceptible Universe slams in unison! Today, pop culture is scribbling pop culture history on lands faded with mud! Examples of idiocy to follow!
Witnesses and assassins are already silent on the murderers secretly distributed about the responsible crimes of the World! Bird divination shows otherwise when it can no longer be a free thought! They imagine domesticated beasts and little kings with their own court! And they utopian utopias about the way things work! The chirping voice of the disappointing Goddesses sounds clear in my Congolese heart, "How much are you earning?" - they ask already terribly and modestly and when my lips are strangled by unemployment: saying that in this present age free-minded people need nothing - chirping kittens are already worn off in an accelerated procedure!
The echo of lonely vibrations returns forever! Sunyin oson today the bribing gaze: drops of the Redeeming Light fall through his ***** cavity! Missing, fragrant minutes are rare if you can cling to someone who really misses Someone! All efforts have been aborted, as I once tried to help Man stay! My startled insides are still squeezed back by a vulnerable, eternal little kid out of a mother longing for it! My face enjoys superhuman sadness! My property mortality is also less and less a grace to me.
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
Faced with tense contradictions every day, we are waiting hesitantly! Our self-interested world, degraded to bipolar, has already dissolved itself and our differences are equally shameful and ridiculous! Behind the semblances of luxury, yawning colonies of misery would shout for their right-tipped, useless voices, and yet all petty merits will become hungry; an insignificant sand-eye can quickly get stuck in a chain of Congo chains of great connections!
Excretion in saliva, as well as in love, started soon! Absurd evidence is hibernated or put in self-destruct boxes because Pavlov’s theory is also grotesque, reluctantly absurd! Stumbling in the light-shadows of the present, the out-wasting and the border of need is still moving more and more alarmed! - Many crowds of people on the periphery are deliberately basing themselves on well-sounding reputations in the deliberately idiotic idiocy of pop culture, brainwashed Reality shows!
Even our stunned resignation from troubled Freudi nightmares can help us less and less; grinning, vile Jackals and Minutes-blue people stare into the calvaries of our everyday lives! In our double consciousness, our onion peel personality preserves our selfish-pathetic secrets! It is as if we are inheriting through the secret channels of biologies the power of our uninteresting, selfish, selfish worlds! - As a figure, you are both tense and anxious at the same time on a secret formula, and forgetting your stepfather, inhuman Time, you wear out nicely, slowly
Norbert Tasev Aug 2020
With my anxiously questioning eyes, I kept looking at you. I stepped into the heights with you, and I would have besieged the immortal altars of your love with my compliments — but on the axis of your invisible emotions — I see now — I had no stay! The Eden fire of your kisses has long burned something else.

You may know: I have always stood by you, even when the goddesses of false smiles proclaimed to your friends gave each other the interchangeable interests, while meant only modestly on you and in your shattered dreams: Your omission shattered me and poisoned me.

You had a worse rejection - if you called it that at all! - Your heart: You know, you cannot deny, you cannot sell a necessity order! The accusation of your kisses is immortal evidence and justification that you still love? "At least don't fool yourself when everything has turned out of itself and you have sacrificed!"

You could only stutter your confession, but were you serious? You had a lot of fun on your palatable boyfriend, and when he was depleted into a useful excess, you made his way! I leaned to the ground with my emotions in front of you and just stumbled into your distasteful rejection!

I would have demanded your momentary forgiveness ever since, and I covet - Your forgiving, proud will will not allow you to be weak - but I will be much more patient with you than your wasted blunders! "If I could be by your side, it was just a thunderous bang, my chest's answer: My heart exploded, now it's just a punching, charred stump in my chest!"
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Gaz s silly silly trendy bagpipes are hanging on the ladder of coolness today! Silly smudges are splattered like a **** telescope on a reality show and the exalted ****** relationships of the physical universe take place in the crossfire of curious cameras; humiliatingly misunderstood black comedy! "It's just silly nonsense, stupid five-minute people: while the average tolerates sluggish common sense and sloth-tuna when someone wins a Beauty Contest in addition to the chattering melody of two complex sentences!" Yet the time of the modified Beauty and Mind Championships is long overdue and new, hitherto unknown jobs are being created and created for the selfish possession of the flashing blinding smile of ladies!
To Man - if his common sense could remain - the Lack fenced the swamp net, which lowers and pulls it down daily! Eyes adorned with squeaky stars on a swallowtail soul-seeing feeling rarely drum! - Fewer and fewer people are being held captive by silly winds; Im in the embracing depths of silence - I dug myself in a long time! I can't want them to notice you unnecessarily! Could I have spoken and confessed? For whom?
A ban has been proclaimed with invisible contracts and Exorcist brains ready to tipran with inferior rights, hazelnut hands who digest the heraldic whims of innovative manuscripts with a garbage can: so why?! “As a smeared star, I toss in the unknown sea of Being and maybe wait for Someone; we would confess the melodic twin-echo sounds of each other's heart-cups with pulsation… Interrupted
Norbert Tasev Mar 2020
We cherish the cryptic bodies in eternal twilight for the coming times! Our mortality falls on the bottom of the Nirvana wells as split onion shells! Blind Neapolitan weaves a silent judgment and bleeds us as ****** beasts, the faithful! Fascinated by dark-skinned celebs, greedy career and fame-hunting have been hailed as the downy-dreamy luxury of sofas! - Cracked, bleeding Twilight lips will always hurt with aching stigma-wound: Horde-fist tacos lesson!

And there are always secretly complimenting, beautiful art-words for immortal lovers! He dreams of suicide scissors in the live-guardian and looks at the Big Unknown Book of Fate curiously; why is it that the slightest scream is already frozen to death when you awaken the Dear with the rose-toothed dawn with its purple wings enclosed in light circles ?! "Everybody will walk through the surface of the curved mirrors once to see their sincere character!" Your body, like a gentle blossom, collapses like a silk fan!

In and of itself, we need to preserve the immortal childhood magic of rainbow crystals! With enormous tentacles, conscious fear embraces you, as uncertainty moves in and out of a circled death circle! Tomorrow I will wake up again tomorrow and listen to the turbulent surges in the purple cavities of my body!
Norbert Tasev Sep 2020
Leaves tremble in the wind. Autumn carries its golden chains as leaf scales: Who else knows for how long? hawthorns also tremble in the evergreen shelters of mosses. Even the round cheese continent is freezing in the sky. Dogs are courting howling, poisoning - the summer glow disappeared suddenly! The nose, like a chimney vomiting crimson rhinitis, is swollen and is still dripping with its still unpleasant, killer juices!

An entire week of bed exercise was in vain once the smelt of immunity had weakened. The unbridled wind brings its October heifers with a rebellious whiplash, and in a thickening, milky white mist it is placed on unknown faces in a large arc and firmly despair! "A horse chestnut ponders alone in the craters of forgotten puddles!"

I cherished tears and spike pains in my heart while others betrayed me! And like something secretly raging Goliath, who had never digested it once to be defeated, demands with impatient thirst for revenge and shakes the falling skirts of the trees of the season!

Even the kind UVB sun gets sick so he doesn’t have to heal, handing over his terrain to twilight flashes. As the net proliferates tendrils patiently nail my nails at night! And as the play of the clouds is unruly and amazed, I am sure that the number of troubles and dissenting opinions is multiplied, that while someone else is given a happy, family life:

To me: Why wasn't it good, happy, honest, and true ?! “Tired, I leaned on the heart-hill of my pillow, imagining the Truth even the real one — that we couldn’t be side by side how simple and unstable!
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
I incarnate into my unconscious parts: In a destroyed body, the spirit and the soul are resting undisturbed, and shining freely - but whoever loses one part of the conscious and the unconsciously conscious of Being, loses all - and with the flaming breath of the heart and soul immortal - since your lover speaks the true pearls of his mourning on the earth - while his swoon-like Orpheus wanders through the catacombs of the underworld: Never again have his last first encounter!

Will an independent being, like the superior Self, consciously survive if memory is not trapped in Alzheimer's? Only the One, only the Chosen One, born as a handcuffed, love-hungry convict, was born forever trying like Prometheus - could he be happy, perfectly agreed?

Otherwise, if our memory becomes a holey sack, it will become a soulless consciousness - you are nothing and you will be! You are aware of the sense of responsibility, only in the minute, eternal-One, and indestructible, in eternal collision, in the orderly transformation of oneself

is also a solid One. Moments of apathy, little bagels disappear; details, little details

- The rushed Time, like a sponge, as a hermetically sealed state, is timeless floating above me! And what I hardly need is the reason to sift and select! - The One, the One, the Eternal, and the True are hiding somewhere in the depths of the breathing things, lying down and lying low in the sun: You yourself lie down and swim in a non-touching consciousness: Sensual - you know - word and deeds the same way can spur!

The magic bombards this extraterrestrial miracle, shocking its throbbing nerves, and tune the Universe with seduction - The profound depths of Being are shivering unconsciously in every sigh of conscious volcanoes. And immersed in one another, dipped - but not as convicted, orphaned spirits, but as two innocents

gently sinners, relying on conscious forgiveness, while listening to each other's throbbing heartbeats - more and more!
Norbert Tasev Jan 2021
Three-quarters past six! Im expelled from the redemptive eden of the dream, because the sobering, dawn robot must begin: mechanical action! Your visions will force you back into your half-hibernated waking dreams! Your clothes are patiently waiting to be pounded and chased into the pounding drum of your washing machine; your body is suddenly saturated with expired consciousness: The Sun began without you!
You would keep waiting for his word to see if you can still hear it, but the outside world is listening outside and hardly answering! In the universe of your skull, the Moon Stars are dizzy before morning coffee; deepening cavities for a smoother future! Wordlessly shade around you the shadows of your ruined possibilities, what couldn’t you grasp?
Many times you sniff yourself more because the insidious lie contained in the uttered sentence is unbearable; organists are raging more and more wildly, hyena-throated pathetic minute-blue people! He who has always persevered, trembled and feared would always like to hide! In the primeval forest of your blood vessels, the channels of throbbing blood streams would be reabsorbed! Your true wisdom is what you keep silent in yourself!
Your things, your overworked organs, are still tired and exhausted, until your metabolism calls for a natural thing! "Who has learned to recognize the moods of his selfish body so that he can no longer snuggle into lying words!" He's still listening to you Whole! The Calculating Parts are listening to you! Do you want to calm down in an even more predictable motion and you can't even know when the Light is shining on the petals of your wounded Soul?
Norbert Tasev Oct 2020
Now it's still a warm, lukewarm daze.
Dressed in a morgue, getting the gray sky. clouds of cotton candy vented out of themselves the broken drops of their grief. The late-zigzagging injection needle tips of lightning do not split: Although ominous breezes still explode, they secretly pop up here and there.

The unchanging buzz of the end of summer ripens on the branches. Autumn kisses its green scaly fires with its imit-amott flames: their bodies are threatened by the price of digestive fire! Beyond that on the Mountain of Birds rest three balding aggastyan kings: and their mountain ranges are gently and veinily connected like tired and limp muscles on the barren surfaces of their bodies.

Now everything is, can and will be! - It is a happy consciousness of safe satisfaction. I have nothing but my self-conscious hope of forcibly pulling me out of the mud and setting it up: I will - yes - my work and the wolf laws of the world will no longer trample on me, and I will not mortally injure me!

It would have been good to moor in the revived era of existence, and to settle down on a reciprocal lottery run: I accepted Loneliness as an unexpected traveler, a grateful guest, and I do not expect to thank only envious scolding.

on the scraped debris of my infinite days I am still reading the eternal and immortal Truths of the letters! - I'm feeding my food, but with increased hypochondriac diet mania! "In the morning, you just get out of bed with a ball and grumble grimly."

I could only see the morning star again, and in it lost my sweetheart in blunders!
Norbert Tasev Jun 2021
An intoxicating fluttering imagination is growing; intoxicating imagination associates constant thinking with wandering shadows in my mind! My shackled dreams continue to drop my pillow body close to the ground, and inside, a small child-deep despair sharpens his cunning dentures! My measured Time is dwindling sooner and I can already feel that nothing could have happened in vain, the confrontational, hyenic world continues to make a killer joke with me, because I was always forced to listen to his words naively-gullibly!
The reward of my shipwrecked destiny is to wear out the gears of fortune once and for all, and I may not have a chance to evolve towards happiness that will never be found again! "Among the shelters of blackened, crumpled, crouching shadows, I would kneel humbly rather than quote the Inquisition again!" I am tormented many times by my horrible fear of my conscious responsibilities that, perhaps, the hoped-for help will be left on purpose, and so anyone will be happy to wade through the prodigal ruins of my vain utility!
On the challenged grooves of my face, the infiltrating islands of light also show themselves beneath me; help rarely if they ask! I stand in the crowded space and let the imagination of wobbly balance roll in many times! I would like to address a romantic lady who, with a single glance of the Universe, can restore my being as a Man, and the right to still have hope for a life to continue; I would try to understand the increasingly confusing pop culture tabloid slangs, but I often get tired of the bleeding ulcers of spitting sermons!
My wandering memory would rather start and forget about it alone! The ordered, imposed length of my existence is back, it carries on itself!
Norbert Tasev May 2021
An intoxicating fluttering imagination is growing; intoxicating imagination associates constant thinking with wandering shadows in my mind! My shackled dreams continue to drop my pillow body close to the ground, and inside, a small child-deep despair sharpens his cunning dentures! My measured Time is dwindling sooner and I can already feel that nothing could have happened in vain, the confrontational, hyenic world continues to make a killer joke with me, because I was always forced to listen to his words naively-gullibly!
The reward of my shipwrecked destiny is to wear out the gears of fortune once and for all, and I may not have a chance to evolve towards happiness that will never be found again! "Among the shelters of blackened, crumpled, crouching shadows, I would kneel humbly rather than quote the Inquisition again!" I am tormented many times by my horrible fear of my conscious responsibilities that, perhaps, the hoped-for help will be left on purpose, and so anyone will be happy to wade through the prodigal ruins of my vain utility!
On the challenged grooves of my face, the infiltrating islands of light also show themselves beneath me; help rarely if they ask! I stand in the crowded space and let the imagination of wobbly balance roll in many times! I would like to address a romantic lady who, with a single glance of the Universe, can restore my being as a Man, and the right to still have hope for a life to continue; I would try to understand the increasingly confusing pop culture tabloid slangs, but I often get tired of the bleeding ulcers of spitting sermons!
My wandering memory would rather start and forget about it alone! The ordered, imposed length of my existence is back, it carries on itself!
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
The sound of murderous silence can already be heard in our crooked minds. Shadow-struck landscapes, peninsula debris wander all night in us and are increasingly addressed in our inner selves! Our hidden, petty secrets cannot be uttered by the essence of cheap, flattering words: the romance of our desires could be felt better and a whole, meaningful human life could be traversed in the star myriads of our saddened dreams! Wounded souls interrogating themselves along the streets of Time roam like goal-lost ghosts; with numbing consciousness they would expect dissolution from superstitious kisses and the immortal pleasures of the metamorphoses of the Universe!
Enlightened consciousness is crystal clear to ourselves. In the subconscious of beating hearts, why are we afraid of a trembling flow of dreadful responses? We would be happy to put down the burden of our Sisyphean existence many times with pleasure so that the clutches of our endless orphanage that are bound together can be dissolved! "I'm getting more and more ominous torment at the expense of my days!" His tormented petals would still be cherished by the half-nailed soul; ringing a call for help selfish-calculating profiteers!
The safe havens of consciousness are still marred by doubts! Due to human mortality, another sadistic Judas is being created. In the washed-out parallel of the world, ordas-chaos wolf-blinds echo like threatening barkings! - The daily bread of our betrayals is spreading: because it is seldom anything else that the self-prostituting, treacherous age can do! Dreaming, I am still waiting for the redemptive romance, if my despair comforts me with new hopes! I am often ashamed to see his loyal lovers swapped by an exotic nymph!
Norbert Tasev Feb 2020
When a proud night of star-studded panther-like hibernation, waking a comic patient on my nicely cast bed, like a whispering cry of daylight over my head. As a lunatic attacking lunatic beast, I am struck by the fierce vulture fear. Under my bones in the basket of my ribs, my weak heart continues to writhe, the hunter's night wounds.

My nightmare captures my tears in captivity. Oh, what a fateful battle you have, dear human soul! I would run into caressing mother's lap. Blessed be my dear twirling, my bald curls, - but the night's karma is dumb, murderous; as a wounded knife wounds ...

The dusky liquid stream of lunar lobes stops me like spikes of sparks. Chopped up, even human wrecks, the broken life of mass despair. Whispers, an innocent little boy whines in me. A distant, romantic memory can only be hard to understand by my crooked, rotating mind.

I'll throw away my pain-drenched agony once. Let's go and leave me forever! - As the night passed, the delicate golden rays of dawn dawn, like a redeeming Angel's hand, re-emerged from the beating heart ...
From scattered letters, you can rarely put together who you were used to, because radical digitalization is now like some malicious, pathetic illness in your daily lives. Because you can only observe the change in yourself, which, according to truth, does not change, at most, only instincts can also change or change.

It is as if even your DNA would perceive the one you can trust, because you don't always be a scream or a heccle - but you will definitely follow your childish rules of play and who, when you lightly, is nonsense.

From your squeezed mouth biting words, no one has yet asked how and how you feel so many desperate, hopeless decades from a distance. The deliberately beautified memories of you, so that the uncertain present can look a little more livable for at least sixty a few years, and then it doesn't matter to you. Because camouflaged sincerity's personalized forced jacket is nowadays finally getting out, as if wearing severe scrapers are almost impossible.

Monkeys obedient to preaching words in brainwashed brains march not only on the border of monkey countries; You can compare you to a sorrow, no one, no one has spoken to anyone, as if it were an inner defensive mechanism that you can only understand and accept.

In the way of sleeping, even a pathetic, laughing ghost, you are still limping, hard-to-life, and you would love to have your dear, you can shake hands because you have to love it, and it is still easy!
Norbert Tasev Dec 2020
Your deliberately lazy sloth dreams didn’t come true! Your shiny crystal legends have also been shattered! It would have been nice for Someone to be able to enter through your narrow, closed doors on a selfless donor and grab the pulsating beats of the golden heart of your two hands by grabbing them! The dense Blood of the Universe of your minutes could have flared up many more times - but you selfishly-stubbornly only wanted the True! Even a light-hearted Angel spell could have come to your chilled barking!
Your trembling, konok soul would cling to the gaze of another dazzling human Star and cling to the cravings of helpless promises — you can't do anything else! You shape the material in your soft soul into a firmer, more lasting will - and you still stop and think about your fateful decisions! "After your years, you don't make a point, because you feel around forty - maybe - a flirtatious Death can be on you and bombard you with a heart attack!"
The imaginary fairy face of Happiness can't open for you! And you couldn’t fall over, crying rhymingly at the gaze-sharing precious-carat eyes! You couldn't stretch your mind in the Forest of Love you found yet! You had to fool around on a stumbling block - and you still couldn't tune your little boy's soul to Hope, who could trust himself! All of you have been betrayed by the pride of your existence, and the proud hope of an imaginary rainbow smile has ruined everything!
You can cling less and less to shaky promises — you know, yourself; you wanted to exist and survive in the depths of hearts throbbing like a hiding silence! Don't give up on the Clown Fool of Love as long as you just look around smiling and there can always be Someone you can cling to!
Norbert Tasev Feb 16
As if they were rushed to be aimlessly between the puppets that were made; We need to change digital identifiers with false fingerprints to find us unnecessarily. It is necessary to avoid broken road signals instead of searching for the necessary compromise on the necessary cooperation. Life is almost utterly mortal passing away, and it can be said to be a wolf because we are ashamed of dioptric soda siphone and rather converted to more comfortable contact lenses.

The broken curve mirrors in which our portraits are wearing a day-to-day depths of conscious purposelessness, physical exhaustion. Geller was given more and more difficult to stay at the peak of social pyramids; Because not only the language of meaning, but also the rules of the meaning of the meaning, which change their petty, compromising methods every day, has become a tower of the midwives.

Why do you have to live a day to siren the minutes of siren over it?! On the stretched ropes of our troubled nerves, they march and march; Indifferent yawning in the odds is now still nesting with persistent suspicion. Our tricky movements may seem like a rhythm.

It is as if the petty, small -style betrayal of everyday life had been deliberately depressed into our selfish, galad, shrinkage, that you. You have to prevail at any cost, and of course it is necessary to survive. Card Castle plans are diligent, but we are asked to be an unbelieving-bamboo: why is it necessary to spend money on uselessness?!
Norbert Tasev Mar 2021
A single superstitious deer can fit an entire human life! A star shining like a glory in the darkness left alone! The humanity of moments pierces into enchanting gazes and argues with immortal Love! We see tiny swan ducks appear in the silent future, and certainty stretches between trembling lips: a talkative army of faces rushes through the tactile fabric of Time! Already all of them are bragging! It jeopardizes every request and every sequel! Falling always leads close to ourselves! Tons of heavy loads sit on our shoulders; our urgent years just don’t rest!
The Memory will also be an endless, silent caravan if the given minute calls! Peeping, finite lines are rearranged into the Arc s with Time-intersecting folds! Everyone can be a child-adult again if they don’t know the rules of survival! Hurricanes of fate come together and always come back! The invisible Truth culminates with true tears! - In the superstitious mirror of eyes, when all the illuminating, proud flames go out, deep-water mud peaks! Crowded madness washes away the interests of the worldly sensation! Man can be tired if he is vulnerable soon!
I am embraced by myself, human law, and it does not leak - crushed into colors, retained Promises my confidence and tomorrow! I still have to face recurring, threatening days anyway; the eternal friendship can still keep a vigilant separation from Being! In immortal throbbing sighs, it would still be good to believe hopefully; aloof, for human luck if you can boldly turn your back! Smile: a conqueror of tamed, small pleasures, can you return to the gray ordinary?!
Norbert Tasev Dec 2021
A single superstitious deer can fit an entire human life! A star shining like a glory in the darkness left alone! The humanity of moments pierces into enchanting gazes and argues with immortal Love! We see tiny swan ducks appear in the silent future, and certainty stretches between trembling lips: a talkative army of faces rushes through the tactile fabric of Time! Already all of them are bragging! It jeopardizes every request and every sequel! Falling always leads close to ourselves! Tons of heavy loads sit on our shoulders; our urgent years just don’t rest!
The Memory will also be an endless, silent caravan if the given minute calls! Peeping, finite lines are rearranged into the Arc s with Time-intersecting folds! Everyone can be a child-adult again if they don’t know the rules of survival! Hurricanes of fate come together and always come back! The invisible Truth culminates with true tears! - In the superstitious mirror of eyes, when all the illuminating, proud flames go out, deep-water mud peaks! Crowded madness washes away the interests of the worldly sensation! Man can be tired if he is vulnerable soon!
I am embraced by myself, human law, and it does not leak - crushed into colors, retained Promises my confidence and tomorrow! I still have to face recurring, threatening days anyway; the eternal friendship can still keep a vigilant separation from Being! In immortal throbbing sighs, it would still be good to believe hopefully; aloof, for human luck if you can boldly turn your back! Smile: a conqueror of tamed, small pleasures, can you return to the gray ordinary?!
Norbert Tasev Feb 2021
A Star stares at me with a shiver-ruthless!
A sticky, swampy light leaked from the wall of my room;
have the orphaned Gods been extinct with the survivors?!
- True pearls squeak in my eyes; it would have been better
to lock my cherished Spirit treasures in a shell of nuts or shells!
I feel that I have definitely been left to myself,
as the laws of learning survival are
not always guaranteed by the experience gained!

The wasted Time clicks faster and faster
on the yarns of Being; the earth dances the same way!
I was frightened by the awake little child:
I had to forget something that had happened to go,
to sink it, to be healthier and more confident,
and in every small part I should not have had to constantly
carry the burdens of my past Sisyphus-trying glaze!
I hardly could have been another Man:
yet the promise of another man can keep me in action!
Yet many, many lived, imagined instincts became role models in me;
as a one-man legion, like an imitating yet authentic actor,
a list of conscious intentions swirl in me;
broken deoxyribucleic acid would still marinate immortal Love!
We need to keep our eyes on the passing, which still deserves us!
As a denial of ourselves, none of us hopes for goals,
because greed has quenched our curiosity!
And the Moon dawns on us every time! Inwardly,
we are offended and vulnerable to blood clots,
while our body sheaths want to resist change;
as a decomposed pump, even the overzealous heart
robes with fidelity in our chest cage!
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
You can barely remember it anymore; there can hardly be a place for the wonders of the Universe in your constantly active skull! It was a balmy, scorching night and under a veil of water your body was embraced like a tender lotus flower, and the immortal melody of our craving hearts sang in a structure beating our hearts! True pearls pound a jewelry wreath into a raven’s feather hair until your twilight lips were touched by the silky dew; our opening flesh-flowers melted into each other as they trembled to a beat; in the fountains of hidden musical lagoons, the raging destruction was so good: immediate rebirth followed!
Your flowering flaming body danced rhythmically, and in the immortal drift of each other we felt for ourselves how foolish the passing precious Being was! You eagerly, hungryly caressed my lips and laughed like a jingling song in his ears when I could barely breathe in the glowing flame storm of our passions; Love has blinded and beautified us at the same time! The star ray of Mirad was simultaneously scattered and thickened by your True-Pearl eyes!
Through the channels of our attractive magnetic telepaths, the Universe hugged and comforted you! Our joyful heart is a beating flower wonder! Why waste so many stateless minutes to find each other ?! - In us, eternal feeling lingers like timeless immortality, timeless immortality! Between two kisses, we need to close our eyes again so that an eternal miracle can last! The bee of our memory seems to subside; why is it that we bite together into the ignorant fruit in the eternal minute ordained for us? And when would we have had a chance to run for it?
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022

From my eyes there flowed the coagulated eyeballs of honest incredulity; chains of true pearls were lined up under my baggy eyes like clumps of onion-clusters! In feverish, timeless grayness, my rebellious finger-tips ***** ever after instinct-secrets! With my senile self long since pregnant, I have regrown my outcast, my Golgotha-maiden! I think of only one thing: where and how could I have begun anew with my soul-mate another, more substantial, and perhaps wiser life?!

In my being there still ticks the timeless, proud beating of the Universe in ever more agitated, wicked time-bomb beats; in my metaphors still intertwine eternal, immortal compliments of love and all-powerful romances! Outside, paralyzed Minotaurs flock, hoping for mimic-majestic riches, and, looking into the invisibility of their curved mirrors, curiously peer at the compromising world!

The mature soul, thought lost, wanders into prehistoric massive-syrupy solitude to rediscover the palpable depths of Being! Before me and after me, my closed-uncertain future and gaping, personalized mines for my ashes, which have been for some time decaying with the molecules of my cells; my romance, my beauty, crashes into the ******* air-wall of Nothingness and chokes me for the umpteenth time in melancholy! - Like a knife in soft butter, I should sum up the fragments of my memories backwards in my account of what has happened, so that I may move forward more courageously!
Norbert Tasev Apr 2020
If he loses his sure ground under his feet and falls into a chasm, - he writhes, digests himself, his conscience splits, throws into a moon crater, a degraded heart cannot feel! You will only see the indifferent blood of crystal shards if you look at yourself who has lived better days!

He secretly puts his broken existence on a Justicita scale and carefully measures the battered depravity of the mass of flesh: he imagines the happiness of the obtainable Universe and, as an expropriated property, is disappointed if he is deceived and rejected!

Charming, flirtatious looks
stuck in the crossfire of a keeper, a flaming primitive-animal instinct is trapped: Explanation is forced only on the threshold of a lie, once loyalty and oath have become taboo; despised into uncharacteristic bagatell data! He is constantly looking for role models: He would create an epoch-making self-image from the lesser-known novels and poems of fiction: To create knights, exemplary heroes - and even if the media that drowns stuck people is right! - Momentum, persistent enthusiasm, draws the bow like a nerve on fine strings,

and it hangs in the general, preserved guilt! He is scratching himself, his self-pity reaches the skies, and when his entrepreneurial spirit is revived - he no longer dares - the risk of diabetes of the adrenaline rush forces him, and in himself commands cold-blooded, sober serenity! Fighting with ourselves is the noblest struggle - and our self-knowledge can help if we turn to ourselves with empathy:

The echoing words of repulsive squabbles and old-fashioned bounces bounce off the bastions of unshakable Morality! Don't waver, my soul is never vulnerable! In your birth-conscious death-consciousness, do not give yourself
Norbert Tasev Feb 2022
We should learn the Human being again: empathy-tolerance! Pushing into the deepening pits of the wretched while the remnants of the evil that keeps germinating! Every Man is a corpse-One and only lonely star-island, brooding in himself; His bleeding points of Odyssean wounds are bruised and bruised by inner soul-demons at their pleasure! The graceful flutter of black night-butterflies With angel wings sprouting, cherishing Goodness! Into the tiny cups of loyalty-hands Should be placed, as a secret gift of grace, The purple-planet of the throbbing heart: the palpable metamorphoses of Being!

Man may forever submit and surrender to the magically unexpected moments; fluttering shadows fly on the spider-webs of trembling done destinies! The childish curiosity of ripe incompleteness still vibrates in the balmy evening stillness. In every star-gaze, as a reckoning, there stretches a drop of untold glass-bead!

I've played my ever-childish roles often enough: the hissing penguin chubby as well as the orphaned, wailing, whimpering child! And I only wondered when, among all the curiosity-seekers, would Morality and Love ever join hands to shake my hand?! - It would be nice to get out of this troubled, shipwrecked earthly circle once and for all! To learn to believe and trust again!

To feel romantic, breathless sighs like secret X-ray magnets in another's beating heart, when the rose-fingered Dawn greets us daily with her honeyed rays!
Norbert Tasev Nov 2020
Uncertain waters, embezzled prospects besiege my heart attack! It has never happened that even once the Spirit is troubled by a troubled, guarding petal, a soul-destroying or in love gondola-boat!
Once upon a time, invisible resonant yarns were tied together with my imaginary soulmate; and now a murderous, otherworldly Silence is barely audible.
Deafened with foolish intent In time, who might have a sweet-soaring voice for the first time that can reach me?!
Because I would listen with absolute happiness if my dear Angel could voluntarily still trust me and reveal the donuts of the hell-lesson of my wasted childhood before him! I want to instill the sincere truth of true pearls on the forgiving petals of your heart so that our borrowed friendship can grow in confidence! - You know: I can hardly wait until the end of time, because with a thousand nails, the Jackal is already gnawing in there, waging a devastating war against my cells!
Tell me, just tell me, please! Now I can still pay attention to you because fear is always used to vigilant patience! Why, then, did we dread in front of the Theater, in a stomach-stricken self-exclusion, whether our hesitant love will dare to take the initiative and introduce itself?!
How cowardly was I? Perhaps! But it would have been a good idea to ask you back with selfless help: “Dear Lord! How can I help?" - I hung up my phone ring early; the uplifting cipher speech is exhaustingly exhausted! "And I still can't ***** my age in the dark. Have you read even one of my many letters to you?"
Norbert Tasev Jul 2021
There is a glimmer of embers in the depths of the candlelight eyes: can pille madness remain intoxicating love or a deceived hope?! Those who march in the labyrinth of complex thoughts have a pale flower sign with a yew flower: stigma accents on the stretched bone hands raised to a gesture! Who could have endured more? Did you sin more?! In the fair-feelings of throbbing heartbeats, the memories of rhythm problems and petty problems are already knocking separately! Searching for self-marching opportunities on broken career paths in the waist, in the flash of an arrow, the even more profit builds a cheap card castle tomb!
Blood-red, wounded, wolf-blind at dusk, the unworthy Sisyphus, rolling cowardly stones on the expelled forehead of Times, also stops; addressed to him by selfish destiny! As fallen angels, everyone is already intentionally wearing other masks; hides the onion peel of his vulnerable soul! "The ripened vortex of our memories is constantly buzzing with tears!" A **** thrown in pink-petal clouds dances to the sky dancing! It operates as a changing pendulum with a promising, given word of the uttered and then forgotten promise!
As a cursed parasite that has settled on our lives as a cursed parasite, we are constantly threatened with Death by Execution of the Executioner! This is why we are consciously afraid of self-procreating love and maybe we are all trembling! "In times of internal burns, external self-digestion, it would have been good to believe that redemptive consolation could catch up in the image of a cherished precious Angel!" We want to scrape together our tired dreams with last-minute salvage pots; a swamp of polluting phlegm and vain arrogance covers free-thinking skulls! Only empathy tolerance could tear ice-hearted people apart!
Norbert Tasev Apr 2021
The superstitious gaze of the Universe will flirt with you if you let it! They dig their flesh into your floating rubber flesh! Every immortal kiss refutes Reality! A rocking cradle stretched over uninterrupted depths swings; including a planned line of stations! Flower petals appear on the palm of your hand as a sure pledge of eternal Loyalty! Shivering squeezes the pulsating heart petals! The Silence walks zigzagging on the edge of the Infinite: the Death Consciousness pulls you deeper and deeper, wings-broken!
The power of the Never Happened tears up our years! Even washing weights hang on the liberating Hope and you should learn to trust again! The shadows of the Past haunt you in your cells; your molecules are therefore zigzagging! As the crazy division of cells accelerated, Time accelerated! Today the Truth is still very cheap s the lie is astronomical! "Puddles stick to you like blood-******* mosquitoes!" Zeng is the murderous phlegm of old-fashioned self-incense! Man always believes in vain to cling to this now-counting, starving World, constantly humbling and kneeling!
Under the poisonous cages of solariums, hissing chicks are marinated, while their gorilla-brain knights pump themselves up in gyms! No more vigilant ghosts! Time has already challenged everything with its Hangman claws! It’s still harder to conquer on a donkey than with a Ferrari! - And whoever sees the Deficiency and Essence in me one day, I can boldly get to know him! - Care for creative poetry is barely falling! The bubble-inside of Man is soon enough until it finally bursts! Grimace flesh smokes on my face, so he can even grimace.
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
The superstitious gaze of the Universe will flirt with you if you let it! They dig their flesh into your floating rubber flesh! Every immortal kiss refutes Reality! A rocking cradle stretched over uninterrupted depths swings; including a planned line of stations! Flower petals appear on the palm of your hand as a sure pledge of eternal Loyalty! Shivering squeezes the pulsating heart petals! The Silence walks zigzagging on the edge of the Infinite: the Death Consciousness pulls you deeper and deeper, wings-broken!
The power of the Never Happened tears up our years! Even washing weights hang on the liberating Hope and you should learn to trust again! The shadows of the Past haunt you in your cells; your molecules are therefore zigzagging! As the crazy division of cells accelerated, Time accelerated! Today the Truth is still very cheap s the lie is astronomical! "Puddles stick to you like blood-******* mosquitoes!" Zeng is the murderous phlegm of old-fashioned self-incense! Man always believes in vain to cling to this now-counting, starving World, constantly humbling and kneeling!
Under the poisonous cages of solariums, hissing chicks are marinated, while their gorilla-brain knights pump themselves up in gyms! No more vigilant ghosts! Time has already challenged everything with its Hangman claws! It’s still harder to conquer on a donkey than with a Ferrari! - And whoever sees the Deficiency and Essence in me one day, I can boldly get to know him! - Care for creative poetry is barely falling! The bubble-inside of Man is soon enough until it finally bursts! Grimace flesh smokes on my face, so he can even grimace
Norbert Tasev Feb 28
Now I know, and I feel more and more that I need to go alone; Inside, it trembles, like a tamed poplar leaf of the human soul, the voice of the happy-sad-sad spleen is trying to imitate the rogue ruts. He stumbles hesitantly, and then I have a hard time with the eternal child who knows not to change, because he would lose all his remaining magic power he once drew from tales and stories in the evening bedtime ...

I have to go alone; Unfortunately, I acknowledged and understood that my dear could not be accompanied by a worthy accompanying partner, shaking, shy, shy hands can only be surrounded by a haunting-oat, just like Dante's spirit. The chubby clown-arccom grimacing distorted laughter is more bitter crocodile-moving crying rather than real, unquestionable joy and happiness.

I go alone now, as there could hardly be a couple of sincere friends, a couple of nice words, which I definitely believe, and hours, minutes, months, decades are super-spokeless first and then deliberately empty; Many times I would like to believe that after forty, I will not be alone if the ghost is singing for minutes, and singing the severe pendulum clock ...

Now I go alone, whether the loneliness wanderer, or even a stubborn and an atonomic news story, who didn't intentionally want to listen to him because they thought only a half-peculiar, sucker, childish idiot. And while they thought that my loser could only be trendy, there were barely a few who saw the orphaned, trembling child in the depths of my soul!
Norbert Tasev Jan 2022
You are always in the way of someone; even though you have been a maze for a long time! True Beads falling from your scratched eyes are not picked up by a handful of human Goodness and Compassion! The disasters of presence in the maze will walk your hidden instincts on your way! You want to find yourself at last while you know you can’t satisfy every wish; and you cannot remain an uninhabited house in your bitter loneliness! "The cover is on you, and fear is staring at you with the ruffles of your coat shadow!" Worn part of this present day, you are still benefiting from the Presence!
Are “some” tasting your sensitive self with spike critiques destined for death, or are they just cunningly playing with you? The wise stones of your mind are listening under the weight of your thoughts! Will there be a guiding thread in you that will lead you out of the prison area of your life with will and recovery ?! - You would cling to the Half Time with your teeth and nails; you should not become a memory of yourself!
Your heart has been surrounded by the intention of immortal happiness, and the Memory will remain with you as an unpleasant odor; decomposes into parts as utilizing nutrients in Time! There is hardly any left Man who would forgive the hesitation of the fallen on your sad face! It is very difficult to re-learn the art of laughter; it would be bearable to lie that empathy tolerance helps everyone.
Norbert Tasev Jun 2020
I didn't get smarter or braver! - Crying hysterical despair continues to shake the structure of my body - if I suddenly move, I dare to cry alone in the tearful captivity of Turkish and shower roses! The world is still resisting with gnarled ideas and in vain I want to be independent of the mind - to liberate the obligatory conventions of society - It is not possible!

For the honest man also picks up the breadwinner in his day and is broken after eight or ten casual working hours, on the altar of his own vulnerability! Shiny glass ***** appear as indelible shadows in your eyes; planet-sized tears. "He is looking for helpless self-pity, groping for a way out, and no matter how hard he tries to find mercy, he can't find it!"

We are hesitantly wondering who will be forced out of our comfortable, protective beds with the whips of duty at five o'clock in the morning as convicts! If we look at the bottom of mirrors: Our self-pity also spits in our eyes, our pride goes into our eyes! - It flows like dirt inside us, and we ask ourselves out loud ironically:

"That's all we could do ?!" "And we push the child half an onion, bird-watching food as a gift of grace," the shame stamp has been tattooed on our bitter face: If we don't take care of the missing bills, majestic overhead-piles can sweep away our house!

And we feel in ourselves that the honor of our work has been lost today because Man forgot to find something in himself and maybe rediscover it: If all efforts, struggles and wills enrich the yellow earth...
Norbert Tasev Nov 2024
Caught on the merciless defiance side of indifferent shadows, in the lap of filth-powdered wind-funnels, what can be identified as defenseless or even defenseless, I wonder what will happen if a person is insidiously mixed up in sterilized gestures and movements with an unflinching, statue-rigid face?!

The life belt of objects that provide intimate security will surely soon let go, while indifferent look-alikes stuck on the surface dictate the latest useless fashion, for trends. Even the unfinished things are not allowed to be properly completed.

Even the most beautiful harmony often becomes like the flapping of a butterfly's wing stuck on a needle. With a transparent umbilical cord cover, it would be nice to be securely attached to Someone even on invisible threads.

Without wings, the dreary days of Time swing in our unconscious self. Man has already become a leech, a parasite, rocking on the shores of Nothingness, lost in purpose: his swaddle is lack, and the even more useless emptiness, which - no matter how much he wants it - doesn't ask!

Unlucky souls, they all slide to the ground on the broken ice of the moment. The insidious creatures of the merciless, hectic hustle and bustle of everyday life could hide behind their contours. Disguised messengers and prophets of bygone times are forced to roam around in the bushes.

At a time of lurking, enticing, riotous danger, legend-dropping darkness, brainwashed idiots dream of just such fairy tales. – In the stillness of the wind, it becomes more and more difficult to break up the hazy night.
Freedom of appearances - you don't even realize - drunk, and later, in your durable disillusionment, is drowned much later into permanent nausea. With stolen time, you may not always be able to treat 100%even so; You move in the orphanage of your closest familiar friends, as if you were no longer there, or just intentionally linked the lines of a pathetic, small -style life.

You think you are compromised with yourself, and that the curved mirrors were telling the truth when they showed a false torso image; Behind your childishly horned-naive face, the waves of decades echo silently, incessantly. At the zebra, the urge to commit suicide is caught; When should you step out of this confused, superficial world so that you wouldn't be able to live here?!

A lost romantic moment -if it had been -could hardly compensate for so many stigma seals; They said that they had not been fired now, only forced the expensive suits in a temporary exile, which you even openly know that it was always a roar.

It would be good to cling to the unbridled scream of seagulls, but feel that you can fly and discover new places from the very, very low, lean severance pay that the powerful directors have been pushed to you. - True, true! Now you are just a ruined debris wall, a tile without a fugue that can fall and break on the ground at any moment.

You know, it is not good for a long -term shortage or the everyday brainwashed indifference; Rather, stay yourself and don't believe in unnecessary rumors that things will change! Do not have a condition in your existence or as if!
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