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Yazad Tafti Jun 2019
here's a picture
look in to the infrastructure of the fine frame
the outer border allures inward
vertices crosshair a centroid
the fine pigmentation due to stencil work and rich bold dabbing of acrylic paints merge to formulate images
blending, mashing, complementation of colours
azure, zyon, topaz, vermillion
i see a puddle and my interpretation is my reflection
i see a disemboweled figure who's ****** features exclaim "out of proportion"
bold petal ears, swelling rose cheeks, wrinkled eyes and a protruding thorn of a nose
i see beauty as the people in the painting smile back and joyfully prance
we laugh together as we see the same thing...people stuck in a frame watching the work of others pass them by as they remain idle for their idols
i'm thinking within the box
Yazad Tafti Dec 2018
my brain is reprogramming
short circuit on the mother board
this technician has got it sorted out
he never pulls the cord

i feel free with clarity occupying my mind
nothing on it but the perception of my demolished confine
i am a free man, i step away from judgement
the thoughts of others occupying my will to be content

the content they scroll
holy scrolls gave me a toll
i seek purity
what i seek has been here all along
Yazad Tafti Oct 2019
shove your **** in my face
let me lick them uhhhh so ******* big
******* hard as diamonds cut my jugular
from the lack of blood we'll call it ******* asphyxiation
let me lick you ***** like ice cream
shove those **** in my face i'm gonna milk you cow lady
smack that ***
******* derek jeter smack that ***
this is going to be a good time as the crowd goes wild :)
feels good ya baby
Yazad Tafti Jun 2021
freely flowing across the sea of processed refined
flimsy, takes the shape of breezes just as my
ball point breezes across this cotton gestured framework
paper dented
skull shattered
fragments spewed like a precracked glass stencil
your body laid out
and i'm not loving it but
something had to be done
no more running
Yazad Tafti May 2019
******* assbitch :)
Yazad Tafti Nov 2019
i love the Frost fingerprinting my bedroom window
laminating a translucent sheet
Jack seen only by his palm prints
the widow's window of opportunity
covered with frost
turbidity caused from a loosely stranded past
she never sheds her winter coat
frost is always clinging on her summertime pane
in winter she wears extra layers
jack was here
Yazad Tafti Mar 2021
bend her over and stick your **** in real nice

you know that high frequency pitch you hear when you think electronics are on the fritz

it ain't

it just me ****** my girl real nice
Yazad Tafti Oct 2019
poetry is so ******* gay
write about stupid **** no one cares about
i must be a ****** because i always write passages
**** those butterflies
cut off its wings
emotions just a waste of chemical signals
neutralize my brain chemistry for joy atm
just one of those days hahaha
Yazad Tafti Nov 2019
sometimes all we get is a faded memory of the person and the words we never got to say
an imperfect circle left open for air to enter and leave
words which never were promoted but rather concealed by replies
i'm reporting you,
this is harassment
neglect is a form of harassment too
unfortunately this one is left silent and unseen by others
an addiction which was never satisfied
come on the dragon is right there
arms reach but my arms never reach far enough
blind sided
demons are overrated
i call them motivating factors
anxiety to a pious entity is my flaw
Yazad Tafti Jan 2019
i play guitar because it expresses what i cant
it's second nature and i love it
the notes are words and i just choose the words to phrase my sentence
it cries in high pitches and growls in the bass
my strings don't break but communication barriers do.
i like being technical because it's a unique appeal
it has variety
yazad123 is my soundcloud
smooth corruption radio is the other soundcloud channel
Yazad Tafti Oct 2019
happy almost birthday
happy almost smiles
happy almost good times
you'll read this eventually
happy almost friendship
happy almost....
but almost isn't enough
almost doesn't finish the race
almost is a lack of fulfillment
almost doesn't cut it
you deserve a complete life
happy birthday
happy smiles
happy good times
whether i bring or take away the almost is up to you
incense keeps us in our senses
Yazad Tafti Jan 2020
when it comes to my mind
i'll know what to write
but for now i dont
just because
put me under pressure
and i'll sneeze for you
bless you
don't be sick
the end
Yazad Tafti Jun 2020
love carved and grazed
needled and etched
plastered and secured
through a fine cross section of a wormhole altered looking glass
beads pour down this sculpture as water droplets do on 10 minutes past showered jasmine petals
time stretched
wave warped
a benevolent hosting guardian
as water drips i have showered the land through these hosting lenses
and your mineral shaped circulating spectacle
a heart stone awaiting nourishment down to its
water grasping core
tree fell in the forest no one cared....we all got firewood
Yazad Tafti Jun 2022
clay sculpted hand weld
new shapes formed tales telled
of historic artifacts that left me with subjective water bath
that new clay woven nose smelled
Yazad Tafti Nov 2023
There is a hole in me where my heart once laid
Happiness seems as much a mirage as a casino inviting you in to win
She seems distant but so close perhaps only in my thoughts
It does not feel any better
This metal device peering out of my chest
It hurts
But I’m filling the hole
I’m filling the hole
And this knife in my chest should be evidence ….no?
But besides the waterfalls of iron retained blood riddening it’s self out of my chest
Why do I still feel so empty?

Because when she was everything you ever loved
Without her a part of me is always missing
Yazad Tafti Nov 2020
help me i need your help
but asking for it these days is when i feel
Yazad Tafti Jan 2019
i'd cry for help but these days i can't cry
i'd ask for your assistance but it seems like i'm losing my voice
i'd go to the clinic but it seems that all the appointments are booked
i'd take pills.......NOOOOO i don't medicate
i'd move out of harms way but i'm too petrified to do so
i just realized my actions are harms way.
i'm not going to run away from my self
help me please...i'll help myself first
Yazad Tafti Apr 2019
i hate that girl
she's the flower who i sacrificed all my drinking water for
she's the sun so welcoming i could not stop staring until i became blind
she's the song that overplayed on my record and i lost track of my music library
she is the innocence i could not see tragedy in
she is a friend but i am no ally
i love that girl
i lovED her
bainchote teehee
Yazad Tafti Dec 2018
I love you and I hate you to oblivion
You're so beautiful but sometimes I want to see you cry and hurt
I don't ever want to see you cry
You the woman who never comes
Psychotic ***** we may both say, but i never want to put you down
I want to sniff every inch of you
Kiss every body part
Nourish every emotion
You have me in your malicious game of dice but I seem to keep rolling snake eyes
I'll eye you like a snake and constrict you with my scaly coil right before I unleash my venom to your slow painful death
And in those moments I will wish I never did that ....
But I will also look at you with fierce eyes and let you know, now you know how I feel
Hurt , abandoned , decieved
All because I loved her and she didn't love me
My life is dull these days
Some may say it's just a bit Jaded
Bruh I'm tired of caring ....not really ....I will always care
Yazad Tafti Nov 2024
Your eyes so eager as they warm up my soul
Your love so tender
Your smile which pulses its way into my entity
I feel normal again
You are a gift
Yazad Tafti Aug 2019
hey gorgeous... you never give me a reason to look away
eyes a lustrous cardinal me somewhere to paradise
your hair dangles like a chandelier midway through your eye
hair a burst of dirt road that why we do so much ***** talk
your freckles are the guide to my treasure map
i dig with my lips
you mark the spot
you look good in anything...better in nothing
you wear your smile best and mine is your critical guarantee
your voice is my lullaby and morning alarm

paradise:                       we sit
                                  by the river
                     ­                    US
gorgeous has a name ;)
Yazad Tafti Sep 2021
hopefully you die sometime soon
because i feel dead after each stare given
and each time ignored

hopefully you cry sometime soon
like i did when i'm kicked out
and a few words too share is too much to ask at 10 pm

hopefully you're defenses drop
you are a forgotten prop
this key to your emotions unlocked
the last time grew my ***** dropped

no devotion for your emotion
Yazad Tafti Jun 2022
look at her gazing through the peep hole.

walk steps back

see a welcome mat pixelate

you're welcome; the end of conversations


burn every memory you ever had

destroy that china shimmering spectral coloured plate

leave behind every piece of her you ever loved

dismantle every city cruising wheel of that condescending
heart cauterizing, metropolitan based misedmeanor

how to leave so you can arrive somewhere new
so i never have to bare your kindness, your malice, yourself again.

be free of the pain which was
never meant to be delivered.
just think
Yazad Tafti Jun 2021
don't give a ****

don't fall in love

don't be kind

back the *******

stop trading your life for theirs

don't fall head over heels for them

don't go on joy rides around the city

don't give them your time of day, i'd give them every second

stop waiting for them

stop asking them out

**** off all relation

don't be the ***** of the relationship
Yazad Tafti Oct 2019
wipe my underwear rag
**** stain
fall in the dog's **** product
**** stain
listen to bono from U2 in my ears there is a
**** stain
stick my **** in her *** to fast
**** stain
that baby stunk up the car again
**** stain
my name on the attendance record
**** stain
too many tacos with hot sauce consumed
**** catastrophe
plain jane did it ... call the plumber **** = #2 = doo doo
Yazad Tafti Mar 2019
maybe we can share,
this troublesome feature known as a dare
i dare us to pull out all our hair
give it to cancer victims who's medical side effects scared

the petrified and kept them shook
right now i feel as still as an inukshuk
hard rock and chiseled features
for sure that cheerleader would admire me from the bleachers

so bleach my hair and then let nature pigment my skin
for brighter shades may cause me to shed this exoskeleton of a tin
Yazad Tafti Aug 2023
i don't admire the world anymore
i'd rather see no faces beyond closed doors

if everyone would sleep on a rope laced necklace i think i may be happy

i do not see friends in this glass marble upon which i live anymore
i do not seem many who care but rather just aquire and regress to their own cavern

so many heads turned
but not many ears who listened

people diagnosed with vague perceptions
but yet no one was there to percieve

fiction off of folk lore

it is arson to deprive someone from their well being
but it is irrefutably criminal to deprive someones time from their livleihood
time is not in your will

even the most beautiful of eyes may turn to distant shadows
forcefields unspoken when the serpents devour you on proximity

******* a joke

and if i made an error , possible,  i should make ammends for such
i will
the biggest error may be denial of your own error and shame on you
**** everyone

when respect is negligible i question how you will overcome anything in life
all you do is run..
is what it is
Yazad Tafti Sep 2019
because i love you
******* cutie
Yazad Tafti Apr 2021
i love you
i love you
when are you going to let me love you
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
i love you
your pretty jade eyes
the way you smile
the way you write
the way you swirl your glass
the way you live

just wish i loved they way you love
Yazad Tafti Apr 2020
i'm mount st helen and i'm about erupt and spew this magma all over your  sacred, unchallenged city
yosemite national park am i and this geyser is about unleash steam deep into your ****** pores
you'll get a steam cleaning better than most nurturing spa's give in their treatment
you're that piece of slightly scuffled down fabric and i'm a needle dying to put my thread through your ever so narrow orifices
i'm the whale and i've been submerged in water long enough to have my blow hole spray like an 18th century stone sculpted fountain
i'm a landmine waiting to be triggered and you just miraculously stepped on my area of the turf
i'm the colours of holi and you just walked through an empty corridor paralleled with balconies of festive celebrators in your brand spanking new WHITE nikes and plain white 'mother says don't get your new shirt ***** or you'll be handwashing this with a gallon of detergent' t-shirt

i'm at peace once again,,, but i'm - a - building it up just again

Yazad Tafti Jul 2021
irony and tyranny
ironic isn't is how photographers say don't forget to smile in photos when they hate their job

funny isn't is when a comedian jokes a bout a car accident on the 401 but the audience's daughter died apart of it

silly isn't it how dentist who make great money have just as great a suicide rate

crazy isn't it how I write immense poems but read as negligible amount

odd isn't it how aunt susanne would sow sweaters but had no children

aunt susanne was at the comedy show a week after her daughter died on the 401, each sweater sown would be the same size as sally would have been that year .

she loved sally .
Yazad Tafti Aug 2023
said and done .... *****

my dic k banged you
Yazad Tafti Dec 2019
why can't you come back and share fun
Yazad Tafti Jun 2020
i like to sing lalalalalala
hopping through meadows lalalalala
me and my lift off ready propeller hat, suspended denim, wheat grazed overalls and that lollipop ...oh that lollipop that beacons the **** this kid get a lollipop as big as his head.....oh **** he got a lollipop as big as soviet think he'd be lifting barbells to carry a lollipop that big...yoooo arnold..... mr universe step aside we got mr ***** ****** cavity to be over here...

ahhh such a warm vignette of a sight captured on my negative stained film reel.

those ******* golden, luminous, norma jean hue

all altered piece by piece composition due to video editing after effects

the raw footage...oh the unfiltered, unsteady, dim lit, yet sharp as a boyonette ready to taste invasive fibers raw footage

me watching the world pass by as i drive my car off that unmarked, unused bridge exit, just knowing my car isn't going to assemble into a submarine...

did i mention there was light jazz playing to compliment the cool gravity propelled breeze....if only my propeller hat was worn...but it was a fedora kind of day :/
i think kids are cool cause they're so ******* happy ..imagine myself as that kid cliche ..happy cliche
Yazad Tafti Jun 2019
i'll never lie to you
Yazad Tafti Nov 2018
The officers extorted his report
He had no evidence when he took the case to court
'Guilty as charged your verdict comes short!'
Before 25 years he drowned himself at port
Yazad Tafti Feb 2020
the dichotomous tree which branches
out; line by line a descending waterfall of ancestry
C'est une histoire excavated from the roots of its emergence
trickle by trickle
sibling by sibling
heritage by inheritance
i look upon to see the branches which all led to
this great fortune
Yazad Tafti
here i stand
waiting for my spring to further blossom
the branches which beg for my approval
a new valence awaiting further bonding
baileys truffles did it
chemistry lingo
Yazad Tafti Dec 2019
today i worked with a thousand lines
these were not of track lanes
not of pencils
not of illicit substance
not of merchant queue
but code in which everything can be rewritten
laptop...soon i'll write a poem in only code
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
when everything slips through the pores
when the crevices are not suffocated from the atmosphere
when the cast becomes a river and the river turns into a lake
when you see everything flow up and away from you
from a cardinals flight path
although your ship is not meant to sail on these waters
land a hoy! it is just a pit stop in the journey
your dreams and aspirations are liquid epoxy
and you just lost the whole batch to a unsealed
Yazad Tafti Mar 2021
a portrait painted in my mind

watching you in the living room with another living being

i've had ******* comedowns which killed me a bit more,

but this comedown off of you in my expectations

this room suddenly doesn't make me feel like living anymore

sink in to the couch and never come out ( i may just be soft) lel
Yazad Tafti Sep 2019
look at me
keep looking
i didn't say to look away
look right
now look left
now look inside that tim hortons at the person in the flannel jacket eating chili with buttered bread (love chili)
now look back at me
look at my shoes
now look into my eyes
you just checked me out
look as deep as when eyeing the unmixed sugar in the bottom of your coffee mug, too far to get your fingers on....
keep reaching....fixed at the bottom
look away.....
just know
i'm still looking at you
;) :))
Yazad Tafti Aug 2019
shove my **** in her
so deep it comes out of her mouth
is that a new tongue?
these days i taste for her

pull her hair in ******* rough, i realign her spine
i got you by your leash and in this dog park
we can play fetch with ***** all day

kiss her so gently my lips struggle to leave
suction cups formed by our lips
no squid but i'll spill my ink all over her mouth later

find me in a sea swimming
i'll swim with you but never get too close
don't want to be a dependency
i'm diving down head first in the deep end of your sea

lol i got urges
Yazad Tafti Sep 2023
May I …
May I take you out over a candle lit evening
Where the look in your eyes burn hotter than the flame its self
May I kiss you over so gently and tell you there is no worry in the world our willingness cannot over come
When the sun may set and our eyes reset
You will be my last 64 bit pixelation stored in my memory net
For May I love you all year round
My arms around you I have wound
For take a cigarette and weld it in my arm
Let the heat ignite my firearm
For May I love you all year round
Memories with you burned in can never be drowned
May I
I may
Yazad Tafti Nov 2019
these days ****
you were the ******* part
i loved feeling like ****

let me go
let me be free
amnesia can't be that bad
i need help
love life so fml must just be in the moment
what happened to sml
Yazad Tafti Nov 2023
to pierce the sky and write away from home
to nudge the earth where the moonlight shone
to love your entity and to crack a skull
to shed my soul like feathers of seagulls
where i am know
i am known
but at this moment i cannot be known
for it is shedding
and i am wailing in silence
my life is a hole excavated by violence

leave me alone on this island to rot
for the sand through your feet will not be forgot
for i am sieved through the mesh of your foot
as crystals come and silica goes
i will always remain from your memories to your toes
Yazad Tafti Dec 2018
you have harpooned me
launched your sphere deep beyond the surface of my flesh
you created your own tunnel in a cave unexplored
i have become lacerated
the harpoon pulls my skin upon removal like a cobweb slowly being peeled off of a neglected wall
red dye drips at my feet, dye rich with iron, dye displaying a pigment of vermillion
i think 'I needed my shoes coloured anyways..' as my vision fades in and out
images become blurry, losing their fine, defined borders
becoming obscure visions
resembling underdeveloped photos in the dark room
to let go and let my soul linger freely,
perhaps this was the cure all along


perhaps i should yank that harpoon free
fling it back to the source which it came
with my own two hands and two eyes
wind back
one measly cut will not define who i am
I am victorious and my soul is with me
to stay.
this is not really about my *****. never hurt others , just make sure you're not hurt in the process.
Yazad Tafti Jun 2019
i have a friend
he sits by the shoreline uneasy
shells borderline her feet
too afraid to get his feet wet
but she dives in merely after one breath
they walk among the skyline into a brighter hue
but hue heffner is sitting eating sphagetti
and there isn't any time to play
that's because your watch is broken...
so they wander aimlessly into the unknown
just to make it theirs so others
can't dive in
but instead cannonball
and i never knew it would be so hard to not feel alone
but with me you don't have to
hide because there will always be sounds in the airwaves
like my wind through your sound tunnel
and then i knew that i had a real friend
go fish
first hit
makes me sick
why does life turn out like this
hopefully nothing stays in remiss
except that hopeful wrist
tat i saw you turn
did you always learn
how to be so gorgeous
shiver me timbers my room is a freezer
someone pass me the sushi
redistributed inside my liver
**** this ****
Yazad Tafti Aug 2020
nail my coffin shut with corroding roses of a valentine pink rust
compress the woodboards until i comprehend that oak and fine birch are the smell of suffocation
crunch me into a cube as an awaiting student crushes his returned test with more errors on it than a 1950s military map of a recently constructed city

cuff me up in this coffin

I've been living in it ever since this office cubical has been my slowly disintegrating temple of economical sustainability
work ***** like a **** star
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