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Nov 2016 · 474
A Poem (Or Lack Thereof)
Sleepless Nov 2016
My notebook has been empty of late
My mind in a similar state
For not a word I could find
Not a rhyme in my mind
No I've not written a poem to date
Ive been trying to get back into poetry, but its been a slow process
May 2016 · 621
Oh To Be Rich
Sleepless May 2016
I have a question for the aristocrats of the present
Tell me, what is it like to look down at us peasants?
To never have to worry about how much you make
Or at the end of the year how much the government will take?
How does it feel to never think about what you spend
Or shamefully ask for money from a friend?
How does it feel to never have a low balance text
Then to keep yourself up with worry and regret?
What's it like to never see a negative sign
Then to stress whether or not you can pay the fine?
What is it like to only buy organic veggies and fruits
And to shop for lavish dresses and fancy new suits?
Have you ever known the pain of overdue rent
And the threat of eviction from the letter that was sent?
Or what about minimum wage, do you know what it's like
To still be poverty with two jobs that won't suffice?
Have you ever had to buy generic instead of the name
Even though we all know it's not one in the same?
How can you say money can't make you smile
When it completely decides our lifestyle?
Money decides a life of pain or ease
To drown in your stress or carry away on the breeze
Appreciate what you have, but don't you dare say
That money isn't everything, because it controls us in every way
I wonder what it's like...
Apr 2016 · 462
Paint the Night
Sleepless Apr 2016
A monotone painting of a city
Sepia tones in the light
The lifeless hues of the day
Will fade with the coming of night
For when the dark takes over
The Night People come out to play
And with them all sorts of vibrant hues
Invisible to the eye in the sun's ray
They race down the streets with their paints
Their brushes in the opposite hand
And they sling the paint upon the walls
With colours so wondrous and grand
A rave over here, a bar over there
A twenty four hour arcade
Street lamps a plenty to light up the night
So that no one will ever be afraid
The children will sleep and the adults will rest
But the young and the restless will run
For this is their time, this is their home
Awake they'll stay until the sun
A short little poem about night life
Apr 2016 · 479
An Ode Farewell
Sleepless Apr 2016
It has been a while, hasn't it old friend?
Since the day I saw you last.
Tears in your eyes as I drew my last breath
Blurry you became until darkness surrounded my vision.
I felt lost, alone, tired.
I knew you had felt the same.
It was time to move on to a bigger and brighter place,
But I couldn't bring myself to leave you alone.
So I stayed.
I followed you that night back to your home
And I lay beside you as you slept
Though you hadn't noticed my presence.
You awoke nearly a day later and you hardly moved.
Your eyes opened briefly
A moments confusion before the tears came again.
I wanted to hold you, to comfort you
But I could only watch
I couldn't leave you here alone,
So I decided to stay.

A week went by
I had found a way to see you, but only while you slept
In your dreams I awaited you every night
Where I could see you, and you could see me too
And its was like old times again
We spent the dreaming nights dancing under the moon,
Singing beneath the stars,
and whispering words of our love with the night sky as our witness
Then you would awake
And the dream faded to reality.
And once more we would be apart.

Months went by
You had barely left your house.
Your mother offered to let you stay with her for a while
But you refused.
So you stayed there all alone, with only your shadow for company.

Years had gone by
Everyone you knew had lost touch
Though you hardly seemed to notice.
I couldn't bare to let you suffer, but what was I to do?
I could only see you in your dreams
It was only there that I could hold you once more
Where I could embrace you and whisper words of comfort in your ear.
But that night was different.
That night as I lay beside you under the night sky, the moon was vacant.
The stars did not shine as bright.
"Its time," I said to you
And the light faded from your eyes
"But where will you go?
What will I do without you?"
Tears welled in your eyes.
I wrapped my arms around you and held you close for the last time.
"You will find another. There will always be another,
But I will be with you always, in spirit.
Perhaps you will see me in your dreams,
Or perhaps you will hear my whispers on the wind,
But you must move on, as I move on as well.
But I will always be with you. if you know where to look".

That was the last time I would ever hold you
You awoke not but a moment later
Clutching the open air beside you
My vision became blurry like all those years before
I took a deep breath as I watched you step out the door
And fade from sight.

Our love will never die
Though we are apart, we are one
Our bond is strong
One day, we will meet again
But for now, my love
I wish you all the best
May your heart find its way back to those you love
And may you live through many adventures
I will be waiting on the other side
Waiting to hold you once more
Farewell my love...

...For now...
A sort of memoir or letter told from the perspective of a lover who has passed, to the one they left behind.
Dec 2015 · 12.0k
The Butt Store
Sleepless Dec 2015
Do you need a new ****?
Will yours just not do?
Well honey
I've got the store for you!
A gallery for butts
Come one, come all!
There's all kinds of butts
Both big and small

We've got butts that are big
Butts that are round
We've got butts that make
A tiny "toot" sound
Butts that are flat
And butts super small
Butts on short people
Butts for people who are tall

We've got butts that are firm
Hard in your grasp
Butts that are flabby
But nice ones at that
Butts so big
They cover the seat
And butts that are tiny
Cute and petite

We've got baby butts
With the softest of skin
Old ones that show
How old, where they've been
Butts that are fake
so plump and new
Butts that are real
Which are far in few

But what's this?
A **** we don't know?
Yes it's your ****!
And just look at it glow!
It's so very unique
It's one-of-a-kind!
Yes that trunk back there
Is quite some behind!

You don't need a new ****
Why yours is so you!
Who would wear it
If it wasn't on you?
Show off that **** girl!
Because it's got class
You'll have everyone saying
"What an amazing * * *"
With all the depressing poems, I wrote something lighthearted to cheer everyone up

Your **** is beautiful, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise
Dec 2015 · 2.4k
The Broken Hearted Limerick
Sleepless Dec 2015
I fell in love the day that we met
A feeling I would soon regret
For I found you with her
Under covers you did stir
An image I could not forget

You promised that here you would stay
Yet in her bed you now lay
And alone here I cry
Under darkening sky
For my colours have all turned grey

You said "I love you, I do"
But I found your intentions weren't true
How foolish was I
To believe such a lie
And now my heart is in two
Cheating can only end in pain
Sleepless Dec 2015
Going through my asks
This girl wants a trade
He wants a detailed dog
But they don't want to pay

I haven't made a dime
There are too many requests
"I'll pay you next week" please,
You're just like all the rest

Commissions, commissions
You give me so much stress
What started out as one small sketch
Has turned into a mess

Oh commissions, commissions
It's enough to make me blue
You people have to understand
I need the money too!
To the tune of Jingle Bells
Please remember your artist friend in December. It's really not an easy time for them
Dec 2015 · 465
When I Saw You Last
Sleepless Dec 2015
Remembering days from forgotten pasts
But time could not heal so fast
Two hearts to shatter as brittle as glass
The day in which I saw you last
I haven't seen him in a long time...
Aug 2015 · 1.2k
Ignorance of the Lamb
Sleepless Aug 2015
A lone wolf walked in the dead of night
In search for a meal to fill his appetite
A lamb he did find, but it was a peculiar sight
For she did not run, and she did not fight

"I, a lamb, am part of your meal,
But I hope to you I may appeal
Wolf, won't you smile for me tonight?"
And so the wolf did, but he did not bite

"Oh my, what big teeth!" Said the lamb to the beast
"Why lamb, they are meant to tear into meat"
To which the lamb replied "How sharp they are too!"
And the wolf said with a nod "And soon they will sink into you"

"Why, look at your hands!" Said the lamb in awe
"Yes little lamb, there are claws on each paw"
"Do you use them to dig, to bury, to climb?"
"They are only to **** without reason or rhyme"

"But look at your fur!" The lamb said without fright
"Yes, you see it's as black as the night"
"How pretty, how handsome!" She said with a grin
"It lies to my prey the situation they're in"

"Oh wolf, there's more to life than killing you know,
Won't you spare me so that I may show you so?"
"Oh little lamb, you're young and innocent still,
One day you will see I am bred to ****"

"I see no killer," said the lamb without fear,
"Even as we speak, I feel safe when you're near"
"Its not your looks that tell me who you are,
"But the little pup that still plays in your heart"

"I thank you Lamb, your words did appeal,
So I will cherish you Lamb, as a friend and a meal"
And on that night, the lone wolf did feast
But for once, he did not feel like a beast
Sometimes, we can't help who we are
Aug 2015 · 1.0k
Love Like A Rose
Sleepless Aug 2015
Love from you is like a rose; bittersweet
For gentle your lips like the petals and leaves
But, like the rose, I've nothing to gain
For the thorns only bring about pain
Another poem about abuse
Aug 2015 · 2.2k
Death's Kiss
Sleepless Aug 2015
A gentle kiss from tender lips
A love from deep within my hips
And yet my emotions seem amiss
For I've mistaken pain for happiness
An abusive relationship that I am glad to say I don't have
Jul 2015 · 1.2k
For Whom The Bell Tolls
Sleepless Jul 2015
A dreadful day t'would be to hear
The piercing sound that all do fear
Once clouded mind will all be clear
When the bells sing "death is near"

Run as you might you cannot hide
For the bells they scream inside
Your soul is their's, you're along for the ride
And to the new rules you must abide

They chime their plan to take you away
And by now you've accepted your fate
You follow orders and day by day
From reality you go astray

Death is rounding along the bend
Your sanity left though you hardly pretend
Your family all leaves you but in the end
You realize death was your only friend

To the gates you take your stroll
To offer the undertaker your soul
And rest in the earth to return what you stole
And it's clear to you now for whom the bell tolls
A simple song about death and those that slowly go insane
Sleepless Jul 2015
Close your eyes, sweet innocent child
Its time for the night to play
Let the dark take over now
For tomorrow's another day

The bear has laid his head to rest
The owl's day has begun
Raccoons and bats come out to play
But for you, the day is done

The wolf has come to sing to the moon
Crickets will hum lullabies
The stars will come to dance in the black
With the darkening sky

So rest your head, sweet innocent child
Your time has come to an end
The sun has set to make way for night
Its time to sleep once again
A lullaby I wrote for a children's book is will be illustrating in the near future.
Jul 2015 · 722
Imperfect Beauty
Sleepless Jul 2015
There are freckles on your face,
Your shoulders, arms, and back
Bronze, tanned skin
Is something that you lack
Your sight isn't the greatest
Think rims cover your eyes
Hiding the true beauty
Of hue as blue as skies

Your height is nothing unique
Your abs do not show
The wavy hair you hate so much
Has a beautiful orange glow
You don't have sweaty hands
They're the opposite: dry
But my clammy hands help them heal
When our fingers intertwine

You have the cutest nervous habits
You sway when you stand
You run your fingers through your hair
You fidget with your hands
You crack your knuckles under stress
Your neck, your back, and toes
And when your glasses start falling down
You push them up on your nose

I tell you that you're beautiful
Every chance I get
And each time you tell me no
Because you seem to forget
I don't want a perfect man
Chiseled body, flawless face
Gorgeous eyes mean nothing to me
If their gaze is a cold embrace

Imperfection is a grace
That most do not see
But it's rich and beautiful and helps to show
The gorgeous personality
Look past looks and you'll fall in love
With the persona hiding within
And only then will you begin to see
The beauty imperfection can bring

You're a Devine human being
A beautiful blemished wonder
Your gentle smile and nervous chuckle
Makes you more perfect than any other
Your imperfection is beautiful
And I'm happy to finally see
That I have found that special someone
As imperfectly beautiful as me
A poem for my boyfriend, who may not be Johnny Depp, but is perfect to me

— The End —