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May 2019 · 315
The Color Grey
Sky May 2019
Part II
There are only so many times you can kick me out
That I’ll want to come back in
There are only so many times you can kick me down
That I’ll get up again.
There are only so many words you can say
Before they start to sink in
There are only so many times I can lose
That I won’t even fight to win
May 2019 · 300
The Color Grey (Part I)
Sky May 2019
Dare do I speak my mind
There is no mask to hide behind.

Part I
I have courage in my potential
Though the times you gave up on me were
Sequential enough for me to stop believing
You are the man I believe in.
You are the man who craves perfection
Though what changes from day to day is its definition;
Your values are skewed and it’s safe to assume,
That I could never truly do right by you,
Unless I learn how to paint the sky
In the hue that suits your mood;
Unless I can devote my time to you
But only on your schedule.
Only you have the upperhand
In every conversation- I can’t stand
That I can’t speak my own, you speak for me.
Every time you pause, I’m interrupting.
Every word I speak is another excuse
You see, I could never truly do right by you.
Or at least that’s how I feel.
It’s hard to know what’s real.

I do not owe you my existence,
And pardon me if I show resistance,
My feelings can come off pretentious-
I am not licentious!
I am not any of the names you spit at me
You claim respect and honor,
But throw respect out the window when it comes to your daughter,
To your daughter who loves you;
Who cleans you and bathes you.
At the drop of a pin when the date is past due,
When a clock has struck midnight
There’s nothing left to say.
Only one question, why treat me this way?

The love you lend is hard to give
Your pride is a house which I cannot live
If my love does better on the outside
To protect my heart I won’t come in.
You can raise your knife and prepare for a slaughter
But please put the knife down,
I am your daughter.
This is part one of I think will be three parts exploring my feelings regarding my relationship with my father. I don't know if I will post the other parts. The first part is the most painful, and as it continues, it gets easier as with time.
Nov 2018 · 529
Sky Nov 2018
when I am far away from my body, I like to imagine that I am running in a field. The air is warm and gentle, the grass is tall and soft. The sun is warming the top of my head. And I am running. I have no place to get to, but I run like it’s the destination of a lifetime.

I run because that’s what I want to do. I run because that’s where I want to be.
Finding solace with troubling thoughts and feelings
Dec 2014 · 2.6k
My Body Is A Garden
Sky Dec 2014
My body is a garden, but that does not mean I'm flourishing.

A tight cluster of pale white peonies
hold together something beautiful
but what a **** shame it’s so fragile

Because there’s a hell lot more.
Those peonies are only a layer
to the millions of roses underneath,
and above a field of scattered poppy seeds

a dash of meadow rue shows how I fell down
and maybe just maybe seeping through
a gorgeous burgundy zantedeschia
will sprout from my wrist if I happen to fall apart.

Purple velvet petunias are blooming
under my eyes and my lips are full and
cracked as a fringed tulip. My eyes,
a deep blue barlow as if it meant anything.

Of course know that I have described
myself as a pretty little bouquet
Don’t I feel beautiful now?
Or is it only masking the truth with
some pretty little words?

My body may be a garden, but that does not mean I'm flourishing.
Not everything is what it seems
Nov 2014 · 1.5k
There Is Life
Sky Nov 2014
to feel the sun kiss my shoulders,
and to throw my head back when i cry;
to take the band from my wrist
and let you fill me with flowers.

to know I tried my hardest and
to know that it was good enough;
to smell the dirt and feel the trees,
to be moved by Life herself.

to feel the sand underneath my fingernails,
to hear a song and travel the world
on it’s melody; I’d only feel harmonious
with you on my side.

the world became possible
and the fog thins as I stare Death
right in the face; I’m not afraid.
you’re beside me holding
my hand.
Written when I was 14. It's the poem of an old woman who looked back on her life and saw that all the things she felt were only possible with her lover with her, as she and him near the end of their lives. However, feel free to take it how ever you want, as that's the beauty of poems.
Nov 2014 · 30.5k
Sky Nov 2014
Frown upon my withered heart!
and wipe away my tears.
Catch the nightmares, catch my dreams,
ensnare my childish fears.

Protect me, Catcher, put me down
and watch me sleep to-day.
the worries they encase me,
my dream’s the price I pay.

The morning comes unfiltered
the cycle is broken for now
Oh Catcher! my Catcher!
My faithful night snatcher!
Laid a kiss on my wavering brow.
I love my dreamcatcher
Nov 2014 · 580
Sky Nov 2014
An unmeasurable amount of thought
has gone into the analyzing of my being

And why it was my fault that night
I decided to provoke you to such animosity

That I was greeted to a storm of fingers
ripping the cloth from my chest and falling like petals

On your bedroom floor I whimpered, crushed
under the heavy weight of you, Lover

As the thing I knew not belonged to me, but to you
and "No" was the last word I had ever spoke again.
Very old poem.
Don't contact me about this, as it is a very touchy subject. It has taken me a lot of courage and strength to get over this event and even more so to move on and grow from it, and hopefully turn tragedy into a work of art.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
I Broke Down Thursday
Sky Nov 2014
I broke down Thursday
And the wind was cracking loud and
beating my spine into an
uncomfortable submission

I broke down
and all the graves were upside-down
letting the maggots see the sunlight
and the wood was damp and splintered

I broke down
and all the rocks became toadstools
and I sat and I knitted a scarf with
all my worries weaved in with the wool

I broke down Thursday
and the car wouldn’t start and my eyelids were
cinder blocks and the colors started leaking
as I realized my battery was dead
A re-telling of a panic attack

— The End —