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 Oct 2017 Raven
I'm trying so hard to just keep swimming,
but more often than not, the Orcas visit me.
I'm more so floating, similar to the Velella
I keep going until I can't take anymore,
then end up washed up with the shore.
 Apr 2017 Raven
Sweet as summertime love
Treasures are red berries
Ravishing my heart and soul
Always stunningly perfect
With sunshine and dreams
Berry delicious, my darling,
Enjoy in sunlight, when
Reading poetic verses,
Read with millions of stars
In moonlight escapades
Enveloping all our senses
Succulent strawberries
 Apr 2017 Raven
Third Legacy
You speak of my frustrations
in memories aloft
High as I was in the sky,
so as low will be my drop

In most of days I long for you,
and in most I feel the weight
of the pain that sears and scorches through
my arteries and veins

How long, how long shall your stare remain  
to torment my heart and soul?
The hades of which now fills my mind
had once felt much like home

and now I hide in solitude
from suffering and from pain
To escape the toils of loving you
To sleep and never wake again.
 Apr 2017 Raven
Maria Etre
Kiss Me
 Apr 2017 Raven
Maria Etre
Kiss me a galaxy
and I’ll orchestrate
the best musical
with each and
every shooting star

Kiss me a note
and I’ll generate
volumes of kisses
imprinted for
each and every moment
I have wanted to
kiss you back
For full entry
In that forrest children chant
They chant for the trees to wake up.
To wake up and give them shelter,
For their snowy shelter is now gond.
And so it rains.

The children smile doubtless and laugh.
They so loud for tthere is no one to obey.
For obeying is the fate of the lifeless.
And so it rains.

And yet each of the children is so lone.
As loneliness is the freedom cost.
And so it rains.

So they all search for the forest now hidden in rain.
And so it rains.
 Apr 2017 Raven
 Apr 2017 Raven
how cruel
is fate
when it decided to
take you from me

without a word
without a kiss

there must be
some compensation
in this sadness
in this newfound loneliness

there must be
some reward
for those who endures
this one-sided affair

there must be
some love
amid the betrayal

because you have been taken from me
without permission
without warning
but an uneasiness
during that jeepney ride
from home to school
and tears
all throughout my life

this world
is so unforgiving sometimes.
I miss you, Nanay.
 Apr 2017 Raven
Sanjna Manoj
I am told what to do, based on who I am.

They keep me caged,
With my wings cut,
It isn't safe out there, they say,
There are hunters,
And its not their fault,
I am just a bird after all.

They touch me, everywhere,
They tell me it's because I am too pretty,
They couldn't resist,
It's not their fault,
I am just a peacock after all.

They touch me, everywhere,
They tell me I should be glad,
I am too ugly, at least I am getting attention,
It's not their fault,
I am just a crow after all.

They tell me it's because I am seen at the night,
I should have stayed in the tree,
It's because they see me,
It's not their fault,
I am just a bat after all.

They tell me it's because I can be seen,
Stay hidden,
They couldn't resist, but that's because they saw me,
It's not their fault,
I am an ostrich after all.

I am small, I am young,
I don't know what is right,
I shouldn't complain,
I am just a myna after all.

I am old, I am outdated,
Let the youngsters lead,
This is what happens when you open your beak,
It's not their fault,
I am just an owl after all.

They showed me their magic wand,
Is magic supposed to cause pain?
I am too innocent, what do I know?
I am just a dove after all.

I flew too close to the sun,
I dreamt too much,
I shouldn't have,
Brighter you are, the higher you are,
The harder is the fall,
I should have known,
I am just Icarus after all.

I am weak, I am nothing,
I should know,
I am just a woman after all.
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