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S M Aug 2016
When the guests arrived we would hasten to sit in separate rooms.

Quick to cover and observe deep voices through walls,
Men with domed hats and flowing kameez would arrive and wait
for steaming chaaval,
brought in a mound topped with cloves.

Dishes placed and eyes down, they would acknowledge with
half nods,
hairy knuckles to pour the saalan over geometric bowls.

My aunts would hush in the kitchen,
pinning their scarves in a zig-zag fashion.
The colours burning from the tiles,
watching them made me dizzy and inside
I longed
that my plait would one day thread gold like theirs.

Timed silence was a key,
and a pyramid that was never fell,
unlike the tasks that could be
stitched to your hands,
structured stiff – like a testing lap.

Boiled milk in china cups,
there would be nods, gap-tooth smiles, low chatter
with ears pricked to
the humming of satisfaction within.
Sounds through division that showed that yes,
in the right hands
the colours could burn brightly,
and that yes,
in a brush of joint henna,
we would stand separate from your

Vision of us.
kameez = long garment
chaaval = rice
saalan = gravy type sauce

For a heads up.
1.9k · Aug 2016
my anger is
S M Aug 2016
my anger is a submersion
and like a deep current
that pushes its darker waves
I go under

my anger is a fear
that growls its last hurt
as the hunter chases
and strangles
veins that
turn blue

my anger is a question
of strange events
too painful
that now bare no connection
to me

my anger is a plea
that I am not
the hunter or the hunted
but I am free
to walk upon the fields
1.5k · Aug 2016
My vulvonic decree
S M Aug 2016
I do not think much my place upon this earth,
I am second, and you are first,
and when your voice is louder than mine
it is a familiar for me to sink and recline
into my chair, wilful to listen
to your unappealing, witted opinion
and programmed flair -
from which your talent glistens,
and has always been there.
Oh to be part of your vision.

I walk comfortable in high heeled shoes
that inscribe me a waggling soft tongue,
and when your pace is faster than mine
in brogues, and trousers that are looser,
I am simply undone,
at your ease to summon as the prime task-caster
of more tasks to come.
Your achievements are set with a slapped wet plaster.
Oh that you share a crumb.

And when you laugh, it is a big bellied echo
that chimes in my throat to strike and produce,
a small bit of fruit, just for you.
As I mimic your billow in an octave but lower,
that feels like part of the very same tune,
but my chuckle is actually a choke,
and what I could say would only provoke.
Oh you laugh much harder than me.

My almond eyes are softer than yours
and in the day you lock them only for an answer,
to some chore which requires a limited goal -
don’t get me wrong – I am no prancer,
my shoes are far too tight, and I’ve been taking the toll
of your papers, your personal sciv, your faxer.
A sniffing, weezling mole.
Oh I could dig deeper…

You **** much harder than me.
And when you ***, you look in the mirror
at yourself in white unbuttoned shirt, heavy brow, so chipper
that when your sun sets it does in a vulvonic decree,
but you do not know that when I go home, I secretly scissor
in a way that would make your morning clippers shake violently.
Oh I love much harder than you,
I am better than you,
but somehow you are better than me.
1.4k · Aug 2016
the battle to love yourself
S M Aug 2016
aware of my thighs for the first time
the chafing feeling was strange
but that was before
I would be told it was wrong
for them to feel each other this way

a flash of grey concrete
a drizzly morn
amongst school-yard mayhem
when i ran for the ball
I realised with a slap
that my tights could but fall
to reveal a small clap
a self- conscious call

an echoing sound
of my dark tiny caves
and to those all-around
it would seem to enrage
that a girl could but play
on her imaginary stage
and be so unaware
of society’s rage

against anything
that could be seen to unfit
the symmetry’s model
or prophesied kit
and if the stitches were not tied
and the girl wouldn’t sit
she would endure the world's plight
of malicious hot spit

so read out the pages
of her cautionary tale
of ****** in rib-cages
that would just bring to fail
an attention that was given
to other females
as she would learn to despise  
her own meat on the scales

I've battled with anorexia for 17 years.
1.3k · Aug 2016
grain by grain
S M Aug 2016
A punishment to the waist.
Reflections manipulate,
to edit what is mine.
Stripped out another me,
I'm sure I ate,
the biggest grain I could find.

That I will not expand.
If the grain touches water,
material triplicates,
Where will I land?
I'm sure I prayed,
myself I would not slaughter.

In tiny winks through night.
Sometimes I wake to rib-cage,
sharply inhale,
as deeply as I  might.
I'm sure I slept,
On my self directed stage.

Through thin bitten lips.
A voice growing weak,
mouth internally,
small organs it rips.
I'm sure I spoke,
my box though mild and meek.
There is no brighter light than that in which you let yourself follow.
1.0k · Aug 2016
S M Aug 2016
I have buckled under pressure
of synapses,
that confuse and measure
the then and now.

I have puffed into a smoke
of silences,
that refuse me to choke
or take a vow.

I have dreamt the dreams
of my violences,
and when I cry
I ask them how...

can you take me back to such spiralling?
When the pain that should have stopped,
was always allowed.
When you write sad poems on a sunny day..
S M Jul 2016
Don't be afraid to walk through fire
Let it burn your clothes
Let it lick your skin
Let it show you the pain within
Don't be afraid to walk through fire
There is an aching in your bones
A burning heart
A burning desire
To bring yourself to home
796 · Aug 2016
Enveloped by darkness
S M Aug 2016
Don't get sad about the past,
for it is not sad about you.
It has passed - like the cars on the road
through a green traffic-light.
It has passed like the moment
where the check-out scanner goes 'beep'
and you walk away with your things.

And if Nietzsche said, that if you gaze into the abyss,
the abyss will gaze back into you,
just don't dare to look
and it will cease to exist.
It will know it's place -
to swallow, swallow itself -
up into space.
Just don't look into the past,
for it is just a stretched blackness.
That is waiting, waiting to take you back,
into the life you should have had.
766 · Aug 2016
Drying blood on old teeth
S M Aug 2016
Drying blood on old teeth.
Poor old things.
A life of events, and nothing to say?
I love you -
I can say that
It's not fair -
I can say that
It happens everyday -
you could say that.
But not to me.
This is gritty.
This is salt in my eyes.
This is the devil,
popping my spline with a pin.
The Teeth
The Mind
The Hair
you are beautiful.
Red on yellow teeth,
that is my beauty.
A dull harsh moment
slow realization,
my last words
that I breathe, for you,
could only be,
that I'm sorry.
One from the notebooks.
611 · Aug 2016
Swimming in your soul
S M Aug 2016
you have brushed me
as daylight rose,
and each sigh
contented the air
soaked with sun-beams
through the blinds.
I am the sum of your parts,
and they are like
an aching set of tiny bones
that are crumbling
in your hands.
Don’t go away,
your gentle breath will be missed
by me and my day -
as you are the air that keeps
my lungs
heaving with reason.
With each eye-locked spiral
I fall deeper into your
chestnut coloured soul,
that swims with
endless passageways.
When I think of you...
596 · Sep 2016
My days of white
S M Sep 2016
Existence is fallow
Upon the sheaths of grey
Transparent in the slides
Omnipresent crawling
In with no other
Inflated into, frozen in
Panes of glass
Brazen ice tell me your name
Internal tread on jags
He in his own bloating
Of crashing white sun on
The surface plain.
S M Aug 2016
A flame
soft, unmanned
free to flicker
in a capsule

how it melts
but I'm
**** caught
in my middle

Breach the boundary
light blue colour is
patent source of
our futality

Pulped to desire
a deposit of
labour tides
that flow on the outsides

Stimulated by
awful timing
I am gentle,
courted fuelled

Burnt wrist
blatantly lying
hostile for hearts
in respiratory

Returned to
the bone of light
illuminate my
skeletal plight
among the dark
567 · Jul 2016
S M Jul 2016
Through partings of dismay
I lead myself to stable
A feeding of my prey
Big-eyed and unable

I trudge a swallow track
To a barren fixture
My mind itself attacks
Its own beleaguered mixture

Night I spend in transit
On familiar paths of woe
And memory demands it
That I shall never grow

Repeatedly I’m tarnished
To a blank and endless room
And my skin is taught and varnished
By the silent aching moon
558 · Aug 2016
In the night I am but saved
S M Aug 2016
There is a stillness of the night,
and it yearns to me in places,
dots aligned from street to heart -
and that is where it starts.

A hushing breeze – finally –
the lapse of gathered calm.
Through dawn to dark, a beauty black
falls softly in my palm.

Shall you try to eat me?
you spit me out and smooth the frays,
that in the day but tingle limbs
and leave an itch, confused, afraid.
But the city sleeps and I brave a whim.

Not aflame, I am just one.
Survivor of a mundane talk,
that sends a spin which causes some
to laden me a dampened gawp,
Why don’t I just walk? Just walk away!
it is known for me to often stay.

Alas a chance to scuttle to
a central storm of silent peace,
transform motion of small to grand
that surrenders me on bruising knees,
to that time that some have always seen -
a glimmered chance to understand
the source of my serene.

Melted pass, in the dark I ******,
a dripping of a solely love,
retrieve my jaded fears that push
and sink to me like a toothy flesh
and rip a smile from ear to ear -
What can I do? When this blooded mesh
is the source that leaks my fine ideas!

Intruder thoughts, retreat to dome
closing slowly, leading home,
a sprightly sprig to dance in-front -
seducing me of what’s to come.
When I arrive, a-new, unknown,
until the door is closed and candle lit,
my-self I sought to laugh, un-wit,
a place lay set with vines and grove!

An open truth, of raw and felt,
a bleach-ed canvas who only sought
a place to ***** their mind to words
not crudely spoke or illy-thought.
Scarcely would it seem to spelt
in skies of which a heart could flutter,
and even through my solemn stutter,
it chimed that time was bought.

And so I have this much more -
through spot-light streets and shadowed doors,
the lastly glow through peeking blinds
that glow and leave me late to lay,
on patterned bed, to rest my mind,
I will weep and inspect my spore -
a speck of drying cosmic spray,
that seeks to soothe my bowing back
from the thought of choking, fleeting stay -
so when my hand moves to adore
the curvature of timeless waves,
it moves, it drives my endless core
and in the night I am but saved.
S M Aug 2016
Once I lost my pen.
I chewed it and chewed it during a problem
Until it was wet and made my jaw ache
And when I paused to gaze up into the air
For one last try
My hand went limp and it fell and
Rolled away

I searched for my pen
Under my desk it should have been
Spit had gathered around the sides of my mouth
And ink had stained my tongue bluey-green
It made me feel so dumb.

On my knees, where is the drenched thing?
I'm embarrassed for I was marked with its puzzlement
I still didn't know the answer to the problem,
And now I have another one.

I am always so much trouble,
but maybe I should blame the government.
556 · Aug 2016
For Lillian
S M Aug 2016
In the car
you felt awkward with
bobbed veiled eyes,
squished in,
a neighbour insisted lift.
Their Language was
chiming with gold.

You had rationed bread then,
it was women’s only
and when one was
touched askew,
they took her away
from there.

That time of servitude,
5am Dettol, peeling skin,
when your man would
be home waiting to
kiss them Better.
You were glowing and
not alone.

You lent me a book,
frayed edges with
bi-carb knowledge &
I was surprised
that it worked,
as I didn’t know much.

A cache of
pyramid pictures,
Wet mirrored smiles
as they looked down upon us,
with the man reflected
kindly enough.

Dragging your feet,
talk time for hours, when
your upward chin
would float above your
throbbing knees,
no grievances at all.

Decibels rose
like the formidable
stone wall
that was still protecting you,
and the laughter you brought
to me was…
thank you.

My practice called and so
I beckoned,
but you whispered
to me somewhere -
with a single
to come back.

A sunny day,
a set of white teeth,
was all you could see,
morphine soaked back
against green
struck trees.

Naïve glass
between you and I,
a rose card
with plush material
on the front,
it was
the most expensive one.

Blame that left me
misaligned against a rail,
peeking through
the parts that felt,

Licked and waiting,
I didn’t know how
to release your
generous sentient
from mine.

Graceful and soft without
life's judgement,
it has locked within me
and remains,
like a warm
forgiving light.
I am sorry I never said goodbye to you. I hope you can accept this from me.
544 · Aug 2016
S M Aug 2016
The morning sun leaves me white
as it’s too thin and
i'm coming down

Nothing soft can save me
not even a throw
woven by him

The curtains should be thicker
but they don’t obey

I am unhappy
it’s obvious
that even strangers know
i'm a woman of sin
518 · Jul 2016
S M Jul 2016
i think of you
and come undone
to a private world
where your kiss is the sun
416 · Jul 2016
The wetness of my grooves
S M Jul 2016
palms spread
glittering sweat
a thousand powers pass
over flesh.
close on air that bares
quashed by life lines.
cross gestures of hedonistic roots,
that bear no resemblance
to us.
egos flare and quell
reveal a moment
that weeps for itself
bare walls and
fantasies splashed.
imagine a cure
to the sickness we face
and tick on in it's place to
solve the wetness
the wetness of my grooves
392 · Aug 2016
the jam between two worlds
S M Aug 2016
She who steps forward,
silken drape cloak
I said to her 'once more'
through a choke
'Come to me, I want to know'
from where your love glows
It is within your heart
or does it shine
from somewhere behind?
To push you forward
to those who need
What force is your love?
And how does it feed
our hungry mouths?
S M Aug 2016
when I was young
I would stick my finger
in a hole in the wall
and believe that the tip had been,
transported to space.
I miss those days
when my mind could thrive
in the most average of place.
362 · Aug 2016
S M Aug 2016
fog, saliva
a shrill scream

legs in mud,
no good,
stained air

a stop sign
burn it down
don't care

clouds rise,
this mess

is red
is paved -
with love stress

I care
I care
just too much

if you
were here
as my crutch

I'd run
right back
to stop sign

to paint
above, that
‘you’re mine’
341 · Jul 2016
This was meant as a slam
S M Jul 2016
the world is made from screens
our boredom is our only defeat
as waves infect us microwave Waves make us sicker.
fat and bloated
those were the days in which I would remain fixated on the box
and my socks would stay on my feet because there’s just no time when there’s screens.
hours become the moments of our lives
when we are mesmerized by the horror with our own eyes
but this disguise is the screens terror to topple us,
into a slow and pitiful demise.
terrors of fuzz-glow and makes us believe that we are infinite.
yet lights only tell us what we think we believe
corporation stains our hearts
till we accept the rush of anger or deceit.
but please, my feet have remained so warm
and the fuzzy knowledge makes my mind swarm
with images of faraway
Inside the box, I will wait
until the day these images crack and decay
Wrote this when I was high a long time ago and just found it...
334 · Aug 2016
head in my hands
S M Aug 2016
The drawing board was home to the dining table
which curved and shined a warm brown.
Many hours I would spend there,
the scent of mahogany
permeating my day-dreams
through the calmness of space.
Others – if hundreds – had dined
with the golden set of cutlery released only at
special occasions,
but seldom did I take my food there as
it is known I am a dreamer without sustenance.
The room was close through the silence of the day,
clanks of past plates did not cease to echo,
they electrified my present mood, generating me to
walk round and round and fantasize endlessly
about the whisperings that had been,
what looks were exchanged,
any laughs that turned to cries,
which children sat upon whose knee,
the best served dish,
who had filled their first heart of contentment since June.
Internal laps, the room
contained the motion through
the synchrony of ticking clocks and folded napkins
slid upon the surface.
Each time I do not expect to spin, but I do and I fall, over and over,
until I decide to draw an old chair and sit,
head in my hands.
316 · Aug 2016
S M Aug 2016
I am sadder than you could imagine,
and I have done worse things than I would care to admit.
I am gripped by the shame,
and like a vengeful ghost,
I turn my sweet hand
against me -
to leave me wounded on a road.

I am sadder than you could know,
but my eyes dart first to the gutter
and with a small hushed whimper I let out -
the oozing guilt of secrets, the unknown.

I am sad, I am sad,
as I move slowly than the others,
and I can only look down when there is talk.
Like a transparent, bleeding being I am lost.

I have a deep sadness that is like no other,
which goes further than the soul,
and like a feather that fell there,
long before I arose -
it tickles at my heart palace of stone.
I always write these sorts of things at night.
294 · Aug 2016
The seed
S M Aug 2016
Menace on my garden step
Into ocean eyes
Bathe in sullied salt
Your skin will sap a single drip
To naturalize assault

Peep through shower drapes
Onto pickened flesh
Steam in closed air
Your lips will slap a greedy thought
A sanctity left bare

Knock into soft limb
Produce a curtsied silence
Echoes of anger loom
Your hands will feed a seeded fear
That croons a tasty violence
271 · Aug 2016
S M Aug 2016
a beatless heart
that only moves with
strings attached.
247 · Jul 2016
Do something good
S M Jul 2016
In small actions there is magic
I've seen it in the eyes
Of weary men with nothing
As they look up surprised
At handed change

My teacher once told me
That one single smile
Can cross the world over
From mile after mile
And to this day I still believe her

— The End —