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Jul 2022 · 1.3k
Finn Jul 2022
When the screaming ends
the flesh seared away by the blinding white light
many eyes opening wide in colors yet unseen
eyelids peeling back and shriveling
cursed to forever look and see everything
burning hot metal sloughing the charred remains of flesh and bone
teeth acidily dripping from the writhing form
and as the ashen wings sprout
and all noise ceases
you pick up a feather
hearing the chorus and choir
and wonder if this is the epitome
of beauty
boi is back again but this time I've got a new prescription and a doctor's encouragement to take a psych test woo
anyway, eldritch angel thoughts again. them Biblically accurate angel pictures just....stick with ya huh
Dec 2021 · 2.6k
Witch Doctor
Finn Dec 2021
For my dreams
and nightmares
I'm left standing
at an edge of something
incredibly important.

But it leaves me to wonder
whether I need a doctor
or a witch
Dec 2021 · 397
Falling From Heaven
Finn Dec 2021
A dream where my mother's blood was spilled
Only for I to be drawn forth
by horrifying angels
Asking only to take their hand
But be drawn back into the darkness
Into a comforting embrace
Telling me to only come back to this place
After I've chosen

But to no longer have counsel in this world
And having no knowledge of my options
or the consequences that may befall me
From a mistake
such as this
Is a cruel choice to have to make

Could this be
a Second chance?
Or maybe
an opportunity
to fall further from grace
Dec 2021 · 2.4k
Divine Punishment
Finn Dec 2021
Is it insanity
to both despise spirituality
and yet fall into dreams of vastness and Gods?

To have cried
and screamed
and thrown the crucifix from my hands
Only to find myself thrown awake
In the middle of the night
still feeling the thick
blood on my hands?

To have loved science
and knowledge
and fact
But have a Bible given to me from a loved one
that I keep in a drawer
like it's a shameful secret?

To having always felt uncomfortable at church,
but still feeling my skin tingle
like it's going to catch itself on fire?

To believe that God has abandoned us,
or that he never truly existed,
only to carve lines down my throat
with blunt nails
driven to madness
By a spiraling sky
and incomprehensible nightmares?

Is it a mockery
a sin, even
to have been raised by a saintly woman
and still end up
like this?

Is it cruel
to be raised by her
and have her torn from the world
before I would need her the most
and still have to live
knowing I didn't see her last moments
but instead
having her haunt my dreams
with her death?

It must be divine punishment
For past lives
and Future sins
for Fates' strings
and destiny's grip
or everything I've ever done wrong
and more so everything I've done right
Dec 2021 · 404
Finn Dec 2021
Feeling the body split itself apart at the seams
and dissipate into single atoms
like tiny pixels on a screen

Only to come back to it
Having been in the middle of a task
But caught between surreal reality
and the phantom sensation of turning to sand
Someone asks a question
I smile
I forgot what I was doing."
Dec 2021 · 1.9k
Finn Dec 2021
And as a child of science
I walk through my days,
clinging to theories
and laws
and equations

While my nights
are consumed with
nightmarish visions
otherworldly beings
and bloodied hands.
Taunting me, almost

I look into a mirror
With a voice laden with grief and exhaustion
And ask my smiling reflection
whether this is Spirituality
or Lunacy?
Dec 2021 · 404
Pushing Forwards
Finn Dec 2021
To push forwards
Once more
Consuming my entire being
Dec 2021 · 227
I Know
Finn Dec 2021
I know
Despite my grief
My time is not yet up
And so I turn from the many eyes
And return to a body
With aching joins
and crying eyes
Dec 2021 · 620
Under the Surface
Finn Dec 2021
When I dream
I can slip from this body down
into the seas
of the Abyss
and remember drowning
without water
and Seeing the only beings
to ever want me
in this place

and having to turn them down
As my flesh and blood
has duties
to yet still live
Dec 2021 · 566
Finn Dec 2021
It hurts my spirit
and soul
Being chained to this
Earthly body
Trapped in this
Plane of being
When my spirit is made of
white hot flame
imploding stars
Dec 2021 · 361
A Spot In The Grass
Finn Dec 2021
The only indication that I was ever even alive

A stain of black blood

Left abandoned

on the forest floor
Dec 2021 · 898
Finn Dec 2021
Is it wrong
to go through
day by day
and barely speak a word?

Everyone else is just
so loud.
I can't be heard anyway

I've learned
that I
almost like
being ignored.

Most people leave me alone.
Maybe I like it better this way.

Or did I just get good
at ignoring my loneliness?
Dec 2021 · 1.6k
Finn Dec 2021
It's almost time
Soon, I'll cross the line
And become an adult.
I'll finally be independent.
It should feel freeing.
I feel terrified.
I already have plans.
It shouldn't be so scary.
I can't help to think,
That this is cruel.

I've already spent
Most of my childhood
being "independent".
It should be time to collect my dues
and finally be able to
depend on someone else
Dec 2021 · 246
Absorbed Into Earth
Finn Dec 2021
To lay in immense pain
Soul shattered like broken glass
Spirit in tatters
Knowing only of Despair
and Pain
and Love
Stuck in an endless agony
Waiting for the Earth
to welcome me back into her arms
and my rotting carcass to be absorbed into her
and the last piece of what I once was, forever lost
Saved by the circle of life
Dec 2021 · 871
Self Destructive Thoughts
Finn Dec 2021
When I'm left to myself
My wrists tingle
And I vividly see what it would like like
To scratch and scratch,
until blood flowed like a river
To pry my nails from my body,
with a squelching sound
To pull my teeth with pliers,
feeling the roots' empty place
To stab pencils into my thighs,
and leave them in the contracting muscles
To pour acid down my back,
and feel it burning and bubbling and the tissues peeling off
To scoop out my eyes,
and finally be blind to the world,
with crimson tears running down my face
Dec 2021 · 221
Simple Things
Finn Dec 2021
It's the simple things I think I'd miss
The highlighters and neatly organized notes
The colored pens and the loose-leaf papers
The animals and the food
Raindrops on windows
The crunch of snow
Sun hitting my skin
And a fresh summer breeze
Dec 2021 · 652
Unwilling Silence
Finn Dec 2021
Popping joints
Ill-fitting limbs
Aching bones
Tearful eyes
Driven to indifference
by its own design
A bleeding heart
Fractured, but not yet consumed
A clumsy mouth
Incomprehensible words
It thinks to say something
Its mouth refuses to open
Its throat stays closed
Looks like today
is a
no voice
This year, I began to have days where I couldn't say a word. No matter how hard I tried.
Dec 2021 · 2.0k
The Birth of the Seraphim
Finn Dec 2021
I would shed my skin
Leaving dust and bone by the cliffside
And bare myself to the world
Amidst the storm of lightning and thunder
I would hold lightning in my hand
And grip it tightly as it struggled and squirmed
Uncaring of the black blood soaking my hands and the ground
From its burning arches of light
Until I finally set aflame
And leave you to watch,
gripping the fabric of your sleeves
As I jump

from the precipice

to fly



soundlessly into the sea
in the roaring crescendo
of life

As water had birthed life and nurtured it
One day I would emerge
Unrecognizable to your tearful eyes

But Gods aren't meant to be beautiful
And angels strike mortals with madness
And turn the impure blind
So as I return
Having been dipped into the lifeblood of our world
I spiral into the sky
"Goodbye" unable to leave your trembling lips
And tears falling unbidden
The only words I know now
"Be not afraid"
I took with me into the sky

So I leave you
With no understanding
And only the atrocity
That I had become
Dec 2021 · 841
Prison of Flesh and Bone
Finn Dec 2021
I am three fourths
of the way
To vibrating out of my skin
Watching it slough off and turn to stardust at my feet
The flesh prison which chains me to this Earth
And traps my in this plane of being
Dec 2021 · 1.0k
The Death of a Star
Finn Dec 2021
Shaking shuddering vibrancy
A blink and I'm gone
Past the twisting fracturing light
Stretched and bent around gravity
The twisting halls that are pulled out into eternity
And instead found in Aether

Galaxies and stars searing my fingertips
Dark inky waters surrounding me
Skin sliding off, muscles turning to dust
Revealing my core
A bright
Burning and revolving with rings of ice,
like Saturn
But much like how stars burst in their passion
And time itself will trickle the last grain of sand in its hourglass
A ticking timebomb in my soul
An explosion of firecrackers waiting for me,
at my end
The heat death of every universe living in my mind
and sprouting from my skin
Even Gods are forgotten
But as I reach like Icarus once did
setting myself aflame on white dwarves and red stars
And I
this is what happens when I drink redbull
Apr 2020 · 113
Finn Apr 2020
I don't know how to deal with loss
People and animals die and I make a poorly timed joke
Based on something they'd done during life
I'd awkwardly laugh
And feel a weight settle in my chest
I don't cry
I don't sob
Is it wrong to act like this?

I just kind of move on
Or try to anyway
I do feel bad, I swear
My family shoot me ***** looks
And I hide again
Apr 2020 · 119
Finn Apr 2020
I'm better, I tell myself
I don't cut
I've never attempted suicide
I've learnt my symptoms
I've learned how to lessen them
I know what makes me spiral downwards
I can get out of bed in the morning
I know how to work around this mentality

But sometimes I get worried
That maybe I'm fooling myself
I can feel itches under my skin
Where the marks used to be
I thought I'd be happy to see the scars fade

But sometimes I look down and see them in the mind's eye
See the blood
Feel the sick exhilaration as I think to myself
'I finally feel something!'
But I shake my head
And the thoughts are gone
No blood
Faint scars
I'm not gone
Apr 2020 · 130
Car Out The Window
Finn Apr 2020
When I drag myself out of my room
Usually around noon
I sit at the table
And look out the big window
And see the ducks, chickens and crows
Watch the cats and squirrels and possums
Sometimes we'll see bunnies or raccoons or a fox
Once there was a doe out there
And two different dogs have gotten away from their owners and into our yard
Sometimes I'll see family members

I always check
If my step fathers car is there
And my mother
Who does not have a driver's license
I will seek her out in the house
She doesn't like to speak
And I don't agree with her ideals
But I look and make sure she's here

I worry that she'll get in the car one day
And drive off
My older brothers said it happened to them
She packed them in the car and left
Without a word
My older brother said to watch out for the signs
And if she ever took us to stall her trip as much as possible
Call him or my older sister
And they'd pick us up and take us home

Somehow, my thoughts always spiral
And I want to blame my brother
For sowing this fear inside of my mind
But I am comforted
By the fact that my mother and I disagree
Because as much as it hurts
I don't believe that if she ever left
That she would take me
Apr 2020 · 149
Lock Myself In
Finn Apr 2020
I'm not a girl
You can't make me be her
I'm not
I swear
Just listen for once
But according to "god"
I do not exist
Not in this form
This shape
These eyes or these lips
My hands are "feminine"
My chest has *******
My feet are small
And these are what makes me a her
According to them

My hips too wide
Missing the right genitalia
"There are only two genders
Lawn mower and dishwasher"
I'm sick of your jokes
"And I'm an Apache helicopter
That's my gender, it's true
I'm a helicopter, and you're a man too"
I see the way you look at me
Obviously expecting a reaction
I go to my room
And lock myself in
Apr 2020 · 84
Finn Apr 2020
Yes, I'm queer
And in my house, I'm a joke too
Too short
Too lazy
And "gay"
Not like my sisters
Who are called "******" and "*****"
Not like my older brother, who did drugs
Not like my younger brother
Whom nobody wants to be around
Too "annoying" and "stupid" and "young"

Not like my mother
Who swears her witchcraft true
Not like my stepfather
Who works too hard and too long to lose
Not like my father
Who is "stupid" and "obnoxious"
So, I suppose, between all of us there's nothing to loose.

My sisters, who fall in love too fast
My older brother, who falls too hard
My younger brother, just lonely
And my family who wishes they were someone new
My mother, an alcoholic, who swears her ghosts true
My stepfather, so sure he knows what's right
My father, in rehab, whom I hope is trying with all his might
And me, not even a girl
Can you believe us
A patchwork quilt
Apr 2020 · 191
Woman and Religion
Finn Apr 2020
I'm not a woman
I can see you stare
"You were born in that body
You were born to have long hair"
Was I though?
I don't think I was
If it were that way
Maybe I wouldn't want to die as much

"Say what you want to say
You're ******* me off"
I tried to
But you told me "no"
There is no room in your heaven
For me, who is trans
"You're going to hell"
You can shut your mouth
You didn't even believe in God
Until this month

Now you think you're some saint
And you've picked up a bible once
Skimmed through the pages
And sipped the wine symbolizing blood
Ate the bread symbolic of flesh
Well you've skipped the verses
Didn't read the psalms
Or genesis

I did
I've read enough of the book
To refute the ******* you've just said
I used to be a believer
And I still might be, I'm not sure
But it's people like you
Who make sure churches turn cold and dark
Who make this book I used to adore
Just blank parchment smeared with ink
Who took my faith and shredded it
In your kitchen sink

I say I'm a nonbeliever
Only because
If I told you that I believed in my own God up above
You'd use it as leverage
Tear wounds in my soul
Make me too weary
To ever go on
You'd ask how I can believe, being queer and trans
Living in the wrong body
Living as a man

But let me tell you this
You slimy ******
My faith is MINE
Not something you twist up to offer
I don't have to give you the time of day
And I usually don't
But your *** has got it backwards
I'm in control
Not you, not your stupid ideals
Just me, quietly, thinking to myself
Apr 2020 · 96
Finn Apr 2020
I creep around my house
Unusually quiet as people yell
I don't want to get involved
I let my words go unsaid
But it's too late
I've been seen, again

They don't hit me
But the words sting worse
"Whose side are you on?!"
What else do I have to lose?
I walk by, silent as a phantom
All of the fighters clamoring in tandem
I don't care for sides
And that's when I spot him

My poor little brother
Caught up in their spat
But too emotionally invested
To walk off like that
He looks between the parents
On opposite sides of the table
Tries to soothe and calm
As our sisters scramble
He sits in the middle
Wincing, in tears
Another fight lost
Nobody wins here
Apr 2020 · 87
Thats so gay
Finn Apr 2020
I know it's "not that big of a deal"
Or that I "obviously knew what [you] meant"
But I can't help but try and sit with you
And eat my dinner too
Just listening to your idle chatter
And joyful blabber
And suddenly I hear
"That's so gay"

I know you meant "stupid"
Or "unfair"
But really, what's unfair isn't what you're complaining about
Or what the latest gossip is
But your use of the word
That so many identify with.

"No, I'm gay" I say in futility
Stumbling and joking, hoping so hard
That maybe, by bringing it to light, you'll realize
That your words aren't right
That I, and many like me
Are not the **** of your joke
And are people like you

You laugh it off
And walk away
Already done, having said what you wanted to say
I slump on the table
Another battle lost
Another blow at my pride
Another word with a cost

You walk away
And I hope so hard
That maybe next time
Your vocabulary will be twice as large
To compensate for your utter lack of knowledge
To compensate for your use of "gay"
Apr 2020 · 92
Finn Apr 2020
"******" is a word that my family uses
An insult and a swear
"******" is said without a single care
And I let my hurt go unsaid
It's not like you'll ever listen
To a single world I've ever said
May 2019 · 144
Finn May 2019
I generally see two kinds of passionate people.
There are so many ways to be passionate,
I think that these two are the most passionate that you can be.

There's fire
Red hot passion that burns and scorches and changes everything in its path
It's nearly inescapable
Red hot molten lava,
Earth quakes,
It's burning and it's warm and sometimes
It's nice and cozy
And you know that you'll get burned
And yet
You come back anyway,
Burning brighter and more passionately than the last time
Like a phoenix
But every fire burns out eventually

And then there's water
The dark sea and it's creatures
It's being on the boat in the middle of a storm
Watching as the waves crash and the salty wind blows
Fighting to stay on top of the water
For if you fell in
The cold angry waves would swallow you whole
It's tsunamis and hurricanes
Waves tossing and turning
Clear and cold
Or it could be boiling
Leaving marks on your skin
Blisters, much like fire would
But the difference is
That you're under the water
Inhaling cold liquid
And you're drowning
And hoping to whatever God may be out there
That you do not become
One of the creatures of the deep
May 2019 · 119
Finn May 2019
I didn't tell you this
but sometimes
as humans,
we sometimes get confused.
We might not know what we're feeling and
mistake it
something else.

We might believe something that
may not be true.
We might become
would rather believe a
than face the
I... am one of those humans.

I thought what I felt was
only because I didn't want to face the truth.
That was not love,
that was fear.

But.. I know now.
And isn't that
What really matters?
May 2019 · 193
Finn May 2019
Under a vice of justice you soar

But what if

There's something more

Than just what

You're looking for

Apr 2019 · 287
Golden Flowers
Finn Apr 2019
The golden flowers bloomed
Miniature suns casting
Light against this backdrop of
Green surrounding them.
Apr 2019 · 141
Finn Apr 2019
They're all so loud and immersed and everything is flashing and swirling

I'm being pulled from side to side

I know I'll fall to my knees but they won't notice they will continue

Like the ****** of a storm

Chaotically and unyieldingly bending and twisting over itself around me

And I am caught in the middle silently suffering.

They wouldn't hear if I screamed.

I know because I've already tried.
Apr 2019 · 241
Finn Apr 2019
The music I blare in my ears is loud

So loud

It hurts and I want to turn it off

But the awaiting silence

Keeps me from it

The silence is so loud
Apr 2019 · 168
Finn Apr 2019
Hide who you are

Hide all your scars

Pretend you're okay

Welcome to the masquerade
Apr 2019 · 135
Sense Of Fake
Finn Apr 2019
It all depends

Whether it's a malicious sort of fake

Or one done to protect the self and others

Or to hide

Because you'll always sense ill intent

Before shields of protection
Apr 2019 · 137
Piece By Piece
Finn Apr 2019
Are you curious?

Do you want to break my mind apart

Piece by piece

And scramble it

Reassemble it

Repiece it

And put it back together

Piece by piece

Into what you think

Is my mind

And effectively

Ruining it

Yet again?
Mar 2019 · 129
Red Lines
Finn Mar 2019
Red lines open in their wake
Mar 2019 · 141
Finn Mar 2019
Everything has a place and every place has a thing, even if the thing isn't in its place and even if the place doesn't hold its thing.
Mar 2019 · 151
Finn Mar 2019
Questions are meant to be asked, answered, pondered, perhaps even forgotten in the sands of time.


What if

They're not?

Maybe questions aren't meant to be answered

Prayers not to be heard

Aren't to be thought, said, pondered...

What if....

What a curious thought that is.
Mar 2019 · 144
A Dance, A Game
Finn Mar 2019
It was a dance, a game, that I didn't know.

Were we swirling and spinning and pressing close,

Making hushed praises and whispering promises?

Were we playing chess or cards or even checkers, in silent bemusement?

Perhaps we weren't singing or swaying or moving pieces upon boards, crying 'checkmate!' as soon as we were able

Maybe it was something completely different

Were there no musical tunes?

Pawns upon boards?

If that isn't what we're doing then...

How do we move forwards?

Will we be stuck here, butting heads, staring, longing for something more

Something indescribable

All our lives?
Mar 2019 · 140
Song to a dance
Finn Mar 2019
It was a song to a dance that I did not know.
Mar 2019 · 137
Finn Mar 2019
One percent

In a sea of percents

Still means something
Mar 2019 · 628
Finn Mar 2019
Words weave together intricately,

Bleeding colors and echoing sounds

Creating and destroying worlds

You cannot run when you're but a word

In this world of words

Soft and swirling

Sharp and cutting

Handwriting,  names, places and faces

All lost in the sea of letters pulling together

To form words that form sentences

That form paragraphs and pages and books

And worlds
Mar 2019 · 366
Swirl and Twirl
Finn Mar 2019
We spin and swirl,

Dance and twirl,

And yet

Though beautiful and enchanting it may be

We are just puppets

On strings
Mar 2019 · 581
Finn Mar 2019
I can see a word

Or phrase

And conjure up hundreds of stories


And yet

I can't find the words

To place these same images

Into other's heads
Mar 2019 · 120
Finn Mar 2019

Able to fit any mold

I'm told that that's not a good thing

Too empathetic

Just seeing someone in pain will put me in pain

These poems are long

Really long

Because I pour out my heart

And can switch topics in the middle

Without realizing

It's like a diary

That I share

But diaries aren't meant to be shared

Diaries keep secrets

Not to be told

Or for anyone to know

But maybe that's wrong with me

I trust too much too easily

It hurts, sometimes

I write how I would speak it

It's caused odd poems and repeated words

Most definitely repeated words

But its it's okay

It's okay because it's my style

It's my words that

I get to express

Which makes it okay

Mar 2019 · 139
Finn Mar 2019
I plan whole arguments

In my mind

(Fooling myself into believing I'm cautious and that it helps somehow)

But it never quite pans out the way I think it will

I argue and argue and argue but

Is any conclusion being reached?

Is any decision being made?

Sometimes these questions are answered and sometimes

Sometimes I argue just to argue

And usually technically I'm right but

I know what they mean

And I argue the opposite side

I justify myself saying that

If the other side doesn't have a representative than why are we talking of it?

Everyone needs a representative and I just happen to be adaptable

So I'm justified

In yet another argument

Mar 2019 · 116
Speaking words
Finn Mar 2019
I love talking

But I also hate it

So much communication

And contradiction

You could make someone's day

Their life

Or you could destroy

Tear down

Watch as they suffer

Mock their tears

Watch as they walk towards their death

As they take their own life


You could also build them up

Give them the motivation to go on

To continue

But some words

Some phrases we get attach to

Almost as if they scar

Or brand the skin of our bodies

And we see them every aching moment of our lives

Words could change a person

For better or for worse

Words from others or even words from yourself

I love-hate words



You could hurt or help so many

And so many are squandering this act of expression

To make it so others cannot express what they're meant to

I'm not talking about any specific politics

Or anything of that nature



They're over-underused


So much said but so little actually mean something.

Its said to pour out

And you can't stop

But also get stuck in your throat

And leave you mute and hurt

I suppose it depends

On the words you are

And the words you say

And that's all out of my hands

As someone who makes

Simple observations

And writes this down in this



Language of ours
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