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Orange Rose May 2018
I sometimes sit alone at night,
All huddled up and out of sight,
And listen to the whippoorwill;
She welcomes darkness with her trill.

Her feathers bear no colored spot,
A peacock’s beauty, she has not,
But still, she perches calm and proud,
As she sings her name aloud.

She doesn’t know that she is plain,
And continues singing her refrain,
I smile, knowing all along;
Her beauty rests within her song.
Orange Rose May 2018
I stumble in the blinding dark.
I cannot see a single mark,
Of light, of rock, of man or beast.
It seems the night will have its feast.
When suddenly a glowing light,
Emits from somewhere out of sight.

I stagger toward it, unaware,
Of a sudden thinness in the air.

A cave now seems to beckon me,
And as I enter, all I see,
Are crystals shining like the sun.
Like broken mirrors, dull are none.
My fear now seems to melt away,
And false safety is here to stay.

For suddenly I feel safe and sound,
Though I'm miles and miles below the ground.
Orange Rose May 2018
I wrote a poem when I died...
Another at my birth.
A brand-new sonnet when I cried.
And again when there was mirth.

A song for my confession...
A story for my pain...
A painting for depression...
And nursery rhymes for rain.

My creations live inside my heart.
I keep them there in shame.
Yet you looked around and saw my art,
And smiled all the same.
Orange Rose May 2018
I wear a muzzle 'round my mouth,
To keep my words from falling.
My padded heart is bound in chains,
To keep my soul from calling.

My ears are deafened by the sound,
Of ten-thousand people lying.
My eyes are blinded and covered with cloth,
So I do not know I'm crying.

My arms and legs are tied together,
To hinder my escape.
They sing a siren's lullaby,
To be sure I never wake.

And though everything is soft and still,
And I feel like I am sinking,
My mind is loud with angry shouts.
They cannot stop me thinking.
Orange Rose Apr 2018
I have never asked the wind from whence it came.
Or what purpose that the thunder gives the rain.
I have never sought to grasp the rays of sun.
Or pondered how our wars are always won.
Orange Rose Apr 2018
I remember all those years ago,
You said, “Don’t grow up too fast.”
I remember us watching the fireflies glow,
But the past is now the past.

You picked me up and spun me round,
You tucked me into bed.
With you I was always safe and sound.
Now I follow where I’m led.

I remember us playing in the sand.
You always made me laugh.
I wish I could always hold your hand.
But I walk a different path.

I find it hard to turn away,
It makes me want to cry.
A part of me just wants to stay,
But it’s time for me to fly.

A brand new season has begun.
I don’t know where time has gone,
But my eyes are on the rising sun.
It’s time to journey on.
For Graduation.  The first three stanzas are dedicated to my Mother, Father, and little brother, respectively.
Orange Rose Mar 2018
Have you ever noticed,
How silence can be loud,
Or how heavy seem the birds,
As they’re floating through the clouds?

Have you ever stopped and listened,
To the sound of your own heart,
And wondered, while it’s beating,
“Could there be another part?”

Have you sat beneath a willow,
Heard the wind sing in the trees,
And strained to listen closer,
To the music on the breeze?

Have you looked up at the night sky,
And saw diamonds from afar,
And thanked heaven for the darkness,
Lest you never see the stars?

Or could it be that you’re too busy,
That you haven’t got a prayer,
To look up from your own world,
To see the world we share?
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