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Orange Rose Mar 2018
Tonight I will travel to worlds unseen,
To oceans deep and forests green.
I will fly with wings I have never owned,
And converse with friends I have never known.
I wanted to write something short and sweet for a change.
Orange Rose Mar 2018
My dream is that of rolling hills,
Which turn to waterfalls.
And once the river is quiet and still,
It then becomes a hall.

The hall has arches tall and wide,
And at the end, a King.
He reaches me with two great strides,
And beckons me to sing.

And then I saw the people there,
Who did not have a choice.
The musicians played with utmost care,
Yet, I couldn’t find my voice.

It was then I was imprisoned,
In a dungeon cold and dark.
And soon I was positioned,
So that the ax could hit its mark.

But then dungeon turned cathedral,
And I smiled at the priest,
When the tolling bells began to call,
The children to the feast.

Then I was alone again,
Amongst the rolling hills.
I heard the voices on the wind,
Which suddenly went still.

And then the hill was soaked in red,
The ax had found its sheath.
My soul and mind were filled with dread,
And I drifted off to sleep.
Orange Rose Mar 2018
A flash of red on a hilltop green,
Was the very last thing that his eyes would see,
Before sinking beneath the Blue.

And the crimson-haired girl fell to the ground,
And from her lips there came a sound,
Only heard by the wind and the Blue.

And her husband watched as her eyes filled with tears,
And he wondered why after all these years,
She would always stare at the Blue.

She stood on a hilltop with hair now gray,
And waved at her children on a warm summer's day,
As they sailed across the Blue.

Now wrinkled and frail with hair so white,
She breathes a sigh and she shuts her eyes tight,
And she sleeps to the sound of the Blue.
A story.
Orange Rose Mar 2018
A swing,
Coated in charcoal gloss,
Swaying in the gentle afternoon breeze,
Seems more than I deserve.

For, though surrounded by a scene of peace,
And the epitome of serenity,
Chaos ensues.

Though the sky is speckled with tufts of cotton,
Dark storms rage on.

Eyes once bright and shining,
Now dull and cloudy.
Through ivory,
Dark, tired purple appears.

A mind,
Surrounded by smiling faces,
And sunny days,
And full hearts,
And glad tidings,
Is tired.

It can see nothing but gray.
Orange Rose Mar 2018
You remind me of the wind,
That settles in the early hour of morning.
I cherish every breeze which cools my skin.
Orange Rose Mar 2018
Shall I not enjoy life's generous gift,
Bouquets of roses and of birds and trees,
When in God's glory does my spirit lift,
To hear the quiet music in the breeze?
Should not my soul linger in the stillness,
And strain to hear Him whisper in my ear,
Of promises and comforts and kindness,
Of all these things so wonderful to hear?
My heart longs to be there in His presence,
To sing His praises so long as I live.
My mind and soul meet in coalescence,
To give the Father all that I can give.
He rules with love and kindness unsurpassed,
'Till, called home, we return to Him at last.
Originally written for a high school poetry assignment.  I just liked the way it turned out, so here we are.
Orange Rose Mar 2018
The wind will blow,
And a seed will fall,
And its head will peek,
From the ground below.

And the sun will shine,
With his rays so bright,
And the sprout will grow,
In the friendly light.

And the days will pass,
And the nights grow cold,
But the young tree stands,
Through the icy snow.

For the rain may fall,
And the sun not show,
But the tree will wait,
For its time to grow.

And the birds will nest,
And the squirrels will climb,
And they always return,
Time after time.

For when sky is gray,
And cold rain falls,
Through weather harsh,
The tree stands tall.

But the wind will blow,
And the tree will fall,
With a thunderous crash,
And a mournful call.
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