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 Feb 2018 Bee
Mystic Ink Plus
Stay breathing, stay blessed
Practicing a presence
Try living without air,
Universe within,
All we are, connected
Expressions with variables
When thoughts oscillate heart
Need of metaphors
A egoless humanity
A silent vows,
Search of a new horizon
Hinge of hope
Led by the dreams
Extra miles
Genre: Antigravity experimental
Note: Those lines makes sense only if read upside down.
 Feb 2018 Bee
violet brownlee
Do you remember that time when you walked through the rain to my house, just for me to beg you to stay; even though in the end you shouted before leaving, "I love you, but ******* anyways"? I remember the feeling of that night. This sense of loss and dread, a heaviness in your words that left me paralyzed.

Do you remember that time I found you on the ground just outside my house, screaming for you to stay; even though I already knew what had to be done was finished. I remember the smell of that night. This scent of earth and decomposition, the weight of your favourite perfume that left me blinded.

Now every time I smell the scent of 'Blue Citrus' perfume and hear the words 'I love you' I can't help but think that I'm cursed forever to see you next to me. I remember that time when you spoke words of winds and paper cranes, but now you speak words of silence ad snake bites.

This is for all the run on sentences you wrote to me late at night and all the times you left me begging for you to stay.
This is inspired by the song 'Twin Size Mattress' by the Front Bottoms.
 Feb 2018 Bee
Gravitational forces
towards something better
as if it exists
buried beneath
some distant desert

what is it
that strains to convey
in this broken poetry
as if truth were at
the tip of its tongue

perhaps it's to feel real
for only a moment
to escape the routine
of making a living
which only yields
a skeleton
compacted in dirt

Take my writing
let it fly upon the wind
let it touch the four corners
of Earth's spiritless surface
Take it farther!
upon the wings of doves
and sound waves of conversation
to red and gaseous planets
let even the martian men
attempt to
 Feb 2018 Bee
violet brownlee
Standing there waiting
Thinking that time is wasting
This is the shot that I’ve bought
The rope is taut, tied in a knot
This is all I got
Say goodbye to my plot

Standing there caught
Thinking that time is rot
Blazing gunshot
The room fills with fraught
Firing like a snapshot

Standing there in a time slot
Thinking that this is all for not
There’s a shot
Fired from a hand so hot
Brought by an abstract thought
Death as its mascot

More often than not
I need freedom from thought
But this is my shot
And I’m not done until I’ve fought
This came 2nd place in my school boards poetry/song lyrics category in their writing contest.
 Feb 2018 Bee
Rebecca Rose
I know you loved road trips
Always taking the longer route
Though it did bring a smile to your lips

And cold weather
In which you loved to wear
Navy blue sweaters

You loved 13th century royalty
With their rubies and pearls
And their eggshell loyalty

I know you loved your mother
And I know you loved mine
But did you ever wish I had a brother?

I know you loved books and milk tea
You loved so many things
And I'm sure you even loved me
I'm posting this here so I can delete it on my phone because my eyes water every time I see it. I guess we weren't the best suited people to deal with each other, even though we had no choice in the matter. But we still made the most of it, and I guess that's the best we could have done. You were far from the best, but so was I, and I guess that makes us even. Regardless, I'm going to miss you like hell, but I've always known that I'd miss you like hell, even if I can't come up with a justifiable reason to. I guess I don't really need one.
 Feb 2018 Bee
Vick Mandrake
The last thing on my mind
Would be
The last thing on my mind
I think about what that will be
But only time to time

For I find that when the
Day is done
When the children count sheep
And the race is run

When King Sun goes to sleep
And Queen Moon presides
Asleep in bed
With my love
At my side

That is when I hope I will die
Inspired by learning of the final words of Brad Delp; “J’ai une âme solitaire”
 Feb 2018 Bee
i let myself drown
 Feb 2018 Bee
when people are in love
they often say
they simply fell
tripped over their own two feet
face forward
and into the arms of their beloved

i did more than simply fall
onto the ground of your love

you, for me
were an ocean
and i dived
almost painfully
into the waters of “you”

i knew i could not swim
but i did so anyway
i was drowning
entangled in you
surrounded by this being of “you”
engulfed in this feeling of “you”

and i did not know what came over me
but i let myself drown
i did not try to swim back up
because if i went back to land,
releasing myself from your grasp
that would mean losing the feeling of “you”

and after
submerging into the depth
the love
the passion
of “you”

how could i ever leave?
 Feb 2018 Bee
Poetic T
I could clip the wings of angels.
           but still they would think
that heaven was a place to step upon.

When every god is deceased,
            and fact becomes reality .
                      Some still grasp at straws.

*"We are awoken no longer slumbering  in denial,
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