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 Sep 2019 Mel
Abort mission
Message can't be sent
How do I undo
These lies
When my own system crashed
 Sep 2019 Mel
 Sep 2019 Mel
We were going to talk for the first time in a while.
I doubt you will speak, I doubt you will smile.
But what do we know; we are juvenile.
I don’t want to defile,
but it went great,

Thanks for the smile.
 Sep 2019 Mel
be my mistake
 Sep 2019 Mel
Your hands in my thighs
while we drive through the city lights.
I wonder if it’s alright?

Your hands are in my waist
while we kiss the night away,
whispering “this is where I wanna be”;
I wonder if it’s alright?

Your words of affection
are leaving me in a trance.
I can’t go back,
can’t breakthrough,
You have someone that loves you
the way that I do,
I wonder if it’s alright?

I’m slipping through my beliefs
All for the love you give
I wonder if it’s alright
To love you like this.
 Sep 2019 Mel
 Sep 2019 Mel
You told me I wasn't you cup of tea
So I tried adding some sugar and cream
But by the time I was to your liking

I had gotten cold
 Sep 2019 Mel
one more lie
 Sep 2019 Mel
i will use my last breath
to tell myself
you loved me
just let me die a good man
 Sep 2019 Mel
 Sep 2019 Mel
You held the paper
between you lips
and inhaled

I've never
Been so jealous
Of a cigarette
It should have been me
 Sep 2019 Mel
oUt Of sYNc
 Sep 2019 Mel
oUt Of sYNc
You're the Error 404
I keep getting
But I still refresh
 Sep 2019 Mel
oUt Of sYNc
Her canvas was drowning with blood;
As her paintbrush slices open her skin.
Paying the price for showing the world
her beautiful art from within.

She strokes her paintbrush in colours
Reflecting ripples of repetitive repulsion.
Her canvas covered with colours and
Succession of the glitters of her imagination.

She’s trying to escape, don’t you see
the struggle riddling her eyes?
She always hated her life but
you never realized what’s behind her lies.

Her mind was the most beautiful explosion
of vivacities through collision of galaxies.
The colours of her canvas masking her
tears from the ever growing mental atrocities.

This is the price she pays to show the world
The beauty of her mind.
For how can you write your beautiful poetry without the
Dark void of emptiness you feel inside.
she was my artist. WAS
 Sep 2019 Mel
oUt Of sYNc
You didn't make me
**** myself.
You made realize
I have nothing else
to live for.
 Sep 2019 Mel
Tony Tweedy
If I told you I love you, that I care for you, maybe even desire you... would you have me arrested?
Thoughts from a loveless world.
Perspective and perception... not my area of expertise or greatest good fortune.
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