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Apr 2019 · 264
Just me
InsertPenName Apr 2019
In a gloomy grey world
I'm looming around, a ghost, why?
A parasite out for paradise
From one host to another
One monochrome form to other
I saw you, the only being in colours
Burning vivid n' vibrant
but your flames weren't violent
Violet hot folded over themselves
Like a shell made of hugs
Glowing ball of sass and light
Tugging at my version of reality.

Surrounded by darkness yet
Untouched by it
Blemished and pure
You mourn but the glow never fades
My light in pitch black is back again
My Northern Star, I'm drunk to your shine
Blood pours like sweat. Still I welcome it, your voice sweetens the bitter pain
A bane for the my evil brain
You put on the veil of persistence
A single standing resistance
unmatched strength to beat all odds
Now I'm sure in the existence of God

I'm the bonfire in the barren land
To be rested with but no one stays
Yet you hugged the flames unflinching
Carried the cinder with you in a sinful act of kindness

The scary world gave scars and lies
Made a monster out of innocence
You brought out the incense of humanity again and didn't care for the rotten core or the blood flies

It is said that everything is fated
If everything I hated about me
Everything despised about life
Was to bring me to you
Good bad... I'll go through it again
And hundreds times worse
I can't bind you in words
No verse is strong enough

No matter what
Till the matter of this universe is dust
I'll be by your side and if anything
Or any being is hoping otherwise
...Can have the bird

Even if I can't be the part of your world
It's too bright for my eyes
I'll be that silent darkened corner of solitude You return to
when the world gets too loud

It's a bit selfish
that this empty shell follows you around
Hangs about just to feel more than dust
But trust this
Who is always in cross with reality
Me and my reality don't get along
Death is bored of me
sanity can't be bothered anymore
But there's one thing we'll all agree on
Me with my every good bad part and pore sandwiched between
I'll follow you to the tops of ivory towers till I can barely breathe
Then leap off doing a flip
to the depth of the deepest circle of hell
without a second thought

In a throne of thorns and lies one truth blooms
No bad is too bad
I'm greatful to share any and all moment with you
I'm greatful that you exist
Here's a treat
Apr 2019 · 272
InsertPenName Apr 2019
I feel as if God's looking down
At me Judging a sinner for being sick
back stepping around, mischief stirs like merry-go-round, about
senseless **** that spins around
In my mind, Inner demo's verdict's out
I'm in-human

That's the thought woven in my psychyie.
A fact. In fact the impact
freeze my insides
beating of my Heart stings
Maybe I'm not worth all this
Breathing and ****

This mind of mine isn't worth a dime
Torn apart on front lines
The fonts are bold but i'm not
These words I spit are underlined
but know this , something I noticed
After all this. Still i stay undermined

Siting Waiting for flat line vital signs
But never take my gaze off The rampage on the page no.

Rage and focus pays off
So pray often or get preyed on
By monotony
So Never bat an eye, never blink
Think wide and deep
Let the ****** eyes bleed
red is the ink we write in

My Two parts of conscience
Entranced In a staring match. Waiting
For the wining catch of a sparring match
Between the will to **** or die first
But let me lie down first
In a fatal state, it's comfortable
I'm familiar with it the most

Broken over a tale with no ending in sight
Still the thirst keeps me going
Turning page after page of dread
But thoughts never combine, never coherent

Like A grumpy fella in love with a lonely
dweller who sees everything in gold
One exist at extremes
One exist in middle. By the way that other half is peace for me. A broken piece of me
We meet twice a day
Cross miles just to see each other
One more time
Just one more time
One more day
That's what I tell myself
What I say to the face in the mirror
But in reality I feel misplaced
I'm back!
Nov 2018 · 1.7k
My anthem
InsertPenName Nov 2018
Where there's will
There's a way
Where there's way
There's a why
Like why do I have to traverse  
This path
Why can't I just stay home?
I back wid lil snack
Nov 2018 · 241
InsertPenName Nov 2018
Dark humour is like a a pair of working legs
Not everyone gets it
So don't get restless if we seem a little off handed
The ofendments are pilling up
Time we set free the fragile figure, fatigued and fractured being
The sweet aroma is intoxicating and before we puts the soul free
We'll see that the rage is take care of
Take the edge off the edge lord we need to talk about something happening
something sensitive
Put an end to it
The ego sandwiched between sadness and rage
Checking the sand for that one page
that missing piece from the formation of mind
The landmines explode,
the battlefield is not to be explored, enough corpses pile up already
If it's that bad why not go to a doctor
Or maybe a medic who can mend the mind by words
But stigma is the monster that feeds on affection
The gory infection glorified
You can't be gone, you got everything
Look at the reflection see the demon staring back
Can't take meds, the pain would be over
Our first fresh breath might just be our last
How do we betray the one that kept up from creating one last time
Stopped us from singing one last time
Now as we switch sides, the insides are growing
It was first time we looked over a glowing bridge at night
First time without calculating the lethal height
The moon was full, and dragons sored hight, bears and brothers waiting across
We took a pause
It was beautiful
Don't feed the inner stigma, help is out there. Not everything work for everyone. That's another reason to keep searching
Go on even if you have to go, one breath at a time. Peace
Nov 2018 · 742
Loosing touch
InsertPenName Nov 2018
Is hard to sleep when the mind keeps screaming
Instead of dreaming it's choosing to blur the reality a little more
Brimming with shoulds and should nots
Couldn't and could've been
But we would not succumb
Replaying the same memory of the second defeat so we don't morph into an headless hero
Ones and zeroes bounce restless in relentless persuite of the truth
You're a hero even if your greatest feat is not flinging yourself off the cliff
Everyone wants to fly but once in sky
You'll be dying to land and you land too hard you die
You're trying too hard you're not trying hard enough
Which one is it, do we take the next step of giveup
The next step is breathing
So vote maybe?
But it isn't so bad if you look closely
We're not alone but a bit lonely
In a crowd going about discredited the happening
Cutting off the threads, we can't move we're just dangling
The one thing, out if pills of sanity
Spring from attachment
We now have chose between two addictions
We'd rather be free and starve than be behind bars
So we let go
We exist at extremes
They exist in middle
We meet twice everytime
Graze by each other
A bit of refill of regret
A living reminder
We can't sleep
Can't shake the fright
The voices are back in the house
They're looking for a fight
We might let them win this time
Nov 2018 · 542
Anything. Nothing. Onething
InsertPenName Nov 2018
Three things needed to be what we are
Three gimicks making the wordmonger
First, the thirst to mimick and bind everything that comes before eyes, in words
Words must come before fists
Second is the sharp silence,
Though we trade blows in words
Silence is the actual lethal thing in our arsenal
Nothing cuts deeper than nothing
We know what expects on the other side
Nothing cuts deeper than the ghost knife
Third is that one thing
That one being
One place to belong to
One blank in the puzzle
One and only
Nothing comes after nothing comes before
One thing wordlocks can't hold onto
That one thing that keeps the insanity in check
Now its slipping away
And fires are back, eating at our heels
We can only watch from behind a glass wall
Thin as air but refuse to move
Explore some more, one more heal
Something to seal these thoughts
Before we explode
We're back
Oct 2018 · 1.6k
Nothing to tell
InsertPenName Oct 2018
How do we explain a near death experience
Especially when it was the first fresh breath we took
How to explain light
When dark is all that’s ever know
How do you turn to blasphemy
When God’s light directly shines
And enlighten the most important movement of one’s life
How do we even begin to explain
When we died for the last time
Still we can try borrowing quotes
And metaphors, rhymes and tinker of words
Though they will be as useful as trying to eat fire and sip rocks
But how do you stitch a soul into something
When you’ve only known hollow inside
This was how it was
When we saw them for the first time
You don’t realize drowning
Till you touch the surface for the first time
It was a dance slow and steady
Our beings so close even air changed it path
Yet so far way, we couldn’t have been further apart
It was was that time when time didn’t exist
when blood came easy
And breath came harsh
How do we explain them
Without tassing every sorry excuse for a phrase
Into the river in despair
Full of more soul than soulful
And holding more sorrow
Than a broken something in middle of the most beautiful
...One thing
The sole living evidence that god existed
And a sweet sting that The devil is not too far behind
For something so divine cannot exist without
Existence exiting itself
A faithful service, a conspiracy between coincidence and fate
Masters of talking to much and saying nothing
While being too much and existing nowhere
Who bear more meaning than meaning of meaning itself
And holds less meaning that the word iqwbefbl
This is the most accurate description of the time
We saw, when the heart of stone spared a beat
For the first time
And the last time
Erase from memory
Oct 2018 · 900
We Are
InsertPenName Oct 2018
We are a bit crazy
lazy in our endeavours
A bit hazy by breathing the air that we don't get to share with you
We're holding our breath
We're a bit obsessed and observing the outcome of our rougish reactions to the words we don't get to hear from you
So here we'll sit quietly
We're a bit childish in our affections and having the low immunity to your laughs we've caught the infection of fluff
We assure you that the blush is from the fever
We're a bit dramatic in our words
A bit avarage in our rage
Searching for the focal point we know we won't find now matter how we inked a blank page
We hope you find use, we sit just outside your sight but...
We're a bit too much of us and too little of you for our comfort
We're everything that you don't desire
While we need you... like we need music
Oct 2018 · 1.1k
InsertPenName Oct 2018
Missing you is like that pain that is as disheartening as it a symbol of living
As long as we bleed, we live
Missing you is like poison in the air we can't stop breathing
Missing you is like listening to addictive melody putting us to grave
The sane's music is on repeat trying to block out the memory that is your voice
Missing you is like gazing at the moon: always in sight but never within reach
Missing you is that cliche in the story we fall prey to
Now we pray that you, maybe miss us a little too...
Now we're missing you, while we drink voices to fill our head with
Missing you is like that music ringing, bringing about...
Delicious Ruin to this mind
Even though our ears bleed from the sound—
Missing you is like that music that is never loud enough..
Oct 2018 · 2.5k
InsertPenName Oct 2018
What is sadness for the mind of madness
It might be odd to bear witness, but the mighty warrior who welds words like weapons
With shield of indifference, will no yield under falling havens
What hurts is that small tinker of needle
Plucked from the rose we touched in haste
What is sadness for the mind of madness
It's saying take care instead of I love you
It's saying goodnight instead of I miss you
It's saying bye instead of stay
But no, we'll not say… will not plead
For the painkiller needs to be kept on the shelf
Not be taken as a meal
A toxic relief, Not something that they need to keep, note to self stitched in skin : keep away
What's happiness to the mind of madness
It's fear nothing else

— The End —