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Luna Lynn May 2015
when you love someone so deeply
that they become your life
you try to keep them firmly in your grasp
changing who they are as a person
just to make it last
i kept you --this beautiful burning firefly
in four walls made of glass
and selfishly i clipped your wings
to protect your from your past
for i didn't think your heart could be captured so fast

minutes became hours became days became weeks of thinking
contemplating the worst
avoiding what's to come
because i didn't want to feel this hurt
the pain in this moment is very real
and a portion of my heart will never heal
but i envision you flying again
and that's exactly what this pain is worth

spread your wings beautiful you
i've done all i can do
i am not angry at anyone but the situation
it seems life has left us with unfair chance
we held on tight in proclamation
not realizing 'twas within a burning room we danced

you may flutter and stumble, but you'll fly again
and soon you will be back in your world; back into the colorful wind
do not worry, i say
do not worry about me
i will find my peace and purpose
in knowing you are free

because your happiness
is the happiest i will truly ever be

As we separate after 10 years of love, I can't help but to feel sadness, anger, and grief. No one is to blame, and ironically I find comfort in that. There were no tears, there was no bitter, hateful anger. Only laughter, reminiscing, and the pounding of our hearts beating the hell out of our inner ear. We talked about this day for years, feared it, and now it has come and gone. No regrets; no mistakes. No goodbyes; only see you later. I love you and you love me; but, you go left, and I go right. It's no one's fault, and even if I knew it would end the way it did, I wouldn't change a thing. I've learned so much, become a better person; a better woman, just by simply loving you. Thank you for so many years of respectable love, laughter, smiles, and wholesomeness. We have now begun a new beginnings as long time friends. It's sad to think of losing who we used to be, but I'm happy to see who we may become. I still expect to hear about milestones, family endeavors, and the continuing improvement of your health. God will carry you as He has been carrying me, and even if you do not wish to share those with me, at least I know we will be okay.

Lastly, I hope whoever may come your way next treats you as well as I, if not better, and fills every void of which I could not fill. I hope she is everything to you and then some because that is exactly what you deserve. Find yourself first however, so that you may find her too. You're a wonderful man, so spread your wings and fly.. My dear, it is time for you to shine!

Love you always,
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Jun 2016
you say things like
God bless you
let's pray
church is your shield
the Lord's word
becomes your cover
you claim to be of peace
that hate is unreal
as you stab your brother
you are the
all American perfected
piece of apple pie
with ice cream on the side
and yet your core is rotten
you can hide behind script
but scripture doesn't change
as much as your heart
is never the same
or have you forgotten?

quick to point fingers
to judge and pursue
as muddy as creek water
is what flows through you
and yet you smile
you hide behind your
facebook wall
and your indirect posts
as if reading between lines
is a challenge
you make it easy for most
you claim to be right
you bow for the wronged
you love to pick fights
you deny any motive
are you pleased with your conflict
you saint of two tongues?

my silence speaks volumes
bewildered lack of reaction
but don't think i don't see
the devil is present in your "absence"
you hide behind privilege
and your white picket fence
you are safe from a world
the rest of us fight just to live in
so you haven't the right to speak
down on us with
your thoughtless opinions
fools gold you are
you're real to the world
but not real to me
not pure to us
your contradictory life;
transparent as shade is to dust

and you just keep cleaning up
(C) Maxwell 2016
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
you may feel rather broken
due to demons in your past
you feel the need to be outspoken
so you can speak at last

but never short your broken heart
from what you do deserve
and never tear your wall apart
and pull your loving from reserve

open up your mind to accept
you just might fall
don't try to take on all that's left
or you will not try at all

don't let the fear take over
it's all part of the plan
Jesus has you on His shoulders
and your heart inside his hands
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
we slipped up and got tangled
in sheets of passion
and amidst the anger
the getting caught in the moment
the need for release because
i was just so ******* *******
you crossed my mind
and i almost said your name
you first gain control of the mind
then everything else just follows

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Like warm water from a soothing shower
Running down my skin
Like the pollen of a flower into the belly
Of the bee
You are everything to me
You are the sweetest sin
My love
Where do I begin
Becoming one is my favorite part
We make love with our hearts
You bite my shoulder
I move over
You pull me close
Don't let me go
Like sunsets on gleaming oceans
our toes sink into sand
My cheeks burn red
When you kiss my hand
Lead me not into temptation
But to the sweetest land
Where forever does exist
And roses never die
Where losers always win
And mothers never cry
Where I am you
And you are me
Where two bound souls
Are finally free

My love
Don't you know what you mean to me?

My love for you is undying
My love for you is true
My love for you will never fade
But it will always remain
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
The heavens could expel a thousand rainbows
and the grounds could shoot up a million fields of daisies
and the sun could shine a billion times brighter than the brightest star
And the sum of it all could never add up to joy and love I have filled in my heart for you

Take my words as a gift and my actions as a promise
that as long as I am alive
and as long as my heart is beating
It will solely beat for you
So please wrap me deep in your soul
let me hide in your chest and don't ever let go
Just a love poem for my love.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
the lone road we walk is that of
a dream
a path of uncertainty nobody
hold on to the dark and call it your
they don't understand and they won't
in the end
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jan 2015
my great grandmother said,
Oh, freedom
oh, freedom
oh freedom
over me

my grandmother said,
and before i'll be a slave,
i'll be buried in my grave
and go home to my Lord
and be free

my father said,
no more weeping,
no more weeping
no more weeping,
over me

I say,
before i'll be a slave,
i'll be buried in my grave
and go home to my Lord
and be free

Oh freedom!

Oh freedom
over me!

how thankful am i
how blessed am i
to be black
be free
This poem was inspired by stories from my father. This is me envisioning generations within my family singing this song (Oh Freedom) at different stages in our history. To me, that has such meaning and power.. With our society becoming more openly racially divided, its as if we have moved backwards in time. So when I find myself becoming angry or hateful, I think about what my family endured in their time, about how my father's birth certificate says "*****" on it, and how he had to drink from "colored only" fountains, and how he grew up picking cotton from sun up to sun down, It means so much to me as not only a light in the dark gospel song, but to know this was sung from the very lips that began this family in a time where freedom was not for us, touches my soul to the very core. My family is a strong family and our ties are bonded by love and Christ.
My great grandmother was a slave, and to see where I stand just three generations ahead of her, really places into my heart the realization of how much power I truly carry in my voice and just how much strength I carry in my veins.

(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
when i close my eyes
i envision your arms
around my soul
and the kisses you leave
upon my brow
glisten as gold
and although the darkness
may seem to hinder
the ability to grow
your light still shines
with an illuminating glow
so much to live for
and so much to be
you may feel like no one
but you're someone to me
and even if the tears
cause a raging black sea
remember the waters once parted
and you will soon be set free

hang on to the promise
and don't lose your faith
your blessings are coming
although they seem faint
and as weakness prevails
as the sealing of fate
know that change
is amongst us
and it's never to late
I may possibly add more to this.  It's just a draft for now.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
i make myself *** to the sound
of the rain
to the feel of the joy
the heart of the pain
touch myself to make sure
my thoughts are still pure
i get wet
my fingers are soaked in regret
i make love to my hand
before any man
it's not wrong to do what i can
harder. harder. HARDER.
faster in circles my head starts to spin
this is taking too long
I know it's a sin
and now i won't win
closing my eyes to start over again
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
You gave me your heart first
And then the ***
It was the best

Now you're gone
And I'm left pondering
What went wrong

Thanks anyway
It was the best
Just the ***
(c) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
There is just something
about the way
rain water kisses the grass
that promises us all a better future
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Grasping the torch does not mean one holds tight forever
since forever never exists it is that reason exactly
in due time
that it must be
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2016
i kissed my wife goodbye tonight
held my kids
and hugged them tight
my shift is more than nine to five
i'm blessed to punch the clock alive
to protect and serve
is what i do
my badge it shines
my heart bleeds blue
amongst the angered proclamations
i remain cautious to each situation
you see there's guys like me
here for the passion
then there's those who seek
authoritative access
intentions to hurt with permission to ****
to harass innocent people
detained against their will
i do not condone what those men allow
but when people see me
they see them
and i'm one of them now
we all look alike
same routine daily procedures
but i didn't want Alton or Philando
to be shot dead either
i am trained to protect, prevent, and to trust in the truth
not bully
not harrass
not execute
he does not represent me
just as the devil does represent you

i am sick in the soul
what do i do?
it was once white against black
now it's black against blue
but can't you see most of us
want peace and justice too?
let's get the bad guys out of here
send them to hell where they belong
show the world we can stand as one
while our voice remains strong

but you killed me before i could help make it right
but you killed me before we could join hands in the fight
but you stole me from my family like a thief in the night
but all you saw was the darkness as i was pushing for light

a **** for a ****
this is a battlefield shroud
as my kids wake from bad dreams
screaming out loud
the sobs from my wife drowns out the sounds

who declared this the answer to equality?

(C) Maxwell 2016
Luna Lynn Feb 2017
just like that
the day is done
and what's
been anticipated
has dissipated
to none
far gone is
the moon
from its sun
yet i still feel
your heart
beat with mine
as one
drift off
beneath the stars
from where
you are
for our dreams
have just begun
(C) Maxwell 2017
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Today I feel like total ****
So please just let me be
Well would ya know
This crazy ***
Just wrote some poetry!
Don't ask.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
You are what you eat
So if I then choose to fast
What becomes of me?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
You have helped me so
The man I will always know
To have my whole heart
Even in the dark
You give birth to immense light
I'll love you for life

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
it is the darkness
that always seems to take hold
of the sleepless mind
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
laying next to you
brings out my inner demons
**you are forbidden
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
The way you touch me
tells me that you truly feel
**we can't let it go
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
The blade is so sharp
Her cup has runneth over
Blood is beautiful
(c) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
The Earth gives us signs
God tells us He is angry
Nobody listens
Inspired by a conversation I had with a patient this morning as we talked about the missing Malaysia plane. So much truth to an old lady's word.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
this blade is so cold
burning holes into my soul
some pain is just right
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I am absolute
ly in love with you but you
will never be mine
I'll spend my whole life
watching and wishing for a
chance I'll never see

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I should just give up
The doctors don't have a clue
It seems they're done too
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Unborn baby weeps
Looking for a bed to sleep
Mama misses you
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
If by chance you see
my soul in sensless wander
Know I am not lost
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Tired of being
***** pain and discourage
This is my life now
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Look up to the sky
Sun rays of beaming glory
You will find me there
(c) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
**** will *always rule
If it feels good enough then
you are in **prison
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
To lie in a bed of daisies
Beneath the sun and moon
To not worry who has come too early
Or gone too soon
To swim on our backs
In rivers of gold
Listen to stories
We've already been told
To tie our curls
In bows of sun
To cleanse our skin
For everyone

To show the world that we made it
The eternity promised has us elated
and here we stand wounded and jaded
But we made it

we made it
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
My Lord
the most High
I am far unworthy
and yet you clothe me
and bathe me
and nurture me like an orphan
back to life
Although I have never denied You
I have sinned against You
One too many times
and yet You forgive me

Father God I do not come to ask You of anything, just to say
thank You.
I thank You for healing me.
I thank You for walking with me.
I thank You for carrying me when I could not stand,
and I thank You for being the very breath of life that you exhale into my soul when I no longer have the will in me to live for myself.
I thank You for every struggle and for every hardship,
for my struggles are incomprehensible to that of the Son of God.

To think, the being of one man, the sole purpose of this one man, was to live only to die at the hands of those who did not believe,
only to rise again and provide salvation, truth, and life to those of us who do.
What darkness will become of me if I leave
the demons behind to fall to my knees and worship the most High.

The devil is a lie.

And it has been proven over again and yet we still battle within ourselves,
we battle with the churches,
and the world,
and the most High Himself.
If we know the truth,
the way,
and the answer,
Why do we continue to question our being,
and more importantly God's plan?

The devil is a wolf in sheepskin
beware of his doings.
But know that Jesus was also tempted,
and tested,
and he questioned,
just like me
and just like you.
This went in a completely different direction than I had planned.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
With every ***** from the crown of thorns
With every unjust lash
Jesus I thank you
He died just for me
And here I am living life selfishly
lost in the world that was never for me

All God's children are born different
you see we were built from the womb
and before God even put us there
He knew

And so on this day that Christ rose
I am overflowing with love
I get it now
I understand you Lord
unlike when I was young
and I cried because someone else did
and I prayed because someone else did
and I bowed my head
and I fell to my knees without knowing
without knowing the God I was kneeling before was the Truth, the Way, and the Life
The Reason, the Being, our vice

I am overcome with emotion as I imagine what you went though
And what a waste as I walk the path You paved for me living sinful
I am unworthy
But you lift me in Your presence
and through Your vision
I am saved
and I am forgiven

Blessed am I for have never seen you
Because I still BELIEVE
I believe you died
I believe that you rose
I believe you cast out the devil
Through the flesh beyond the soul
I believe you are with me
I believe you are in the sky
I believe in You and that I will never die

Blessed am I for have never seen you
Just because I believe

Just praising some God here.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
and just like that
you're gone with
*the wind
I'm not even mad.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
I met a man lost in a wood so thick not even the sun could provide light
I outstretched my hand to hold his own
and we walked not by sight
We held hands right there in the darkness and found comfort in our tears
We used them to quench our thirst and conquer our fears
I began to see a break in the trees as he sunk further away
And we still hold on never letting go of the promise we made
Has he become so lost that even upon wandering he has gone?
I still feel the touch of his fingertips as by the grace of God I hold on

I met a man lost in a wood so thick not even the sun could provide light
And it was then I remembered we walked not by sight
So it is the faith in the night that will promise the lost to be found
When everything surrounding your vision has hit below ground
I will be deep in the wood with you at your side
For disappointment is a sight for sore eyes anyway and I am glad we are blind
Squeeze my hand my friend and feel that I have not yet left
And here I will walk with you until darkness is death
I wrote this poem for a friend who battles depression and he is having a rather difficult time these days. I haven't heard from him and I hope he is okay.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2015
when times become hard
when my spirit is broken
you are my vice
my lifeline
you are my strength
without you i have nothing
there is no where to go
when i'm wandering homeless
you are my home
time spend a part only holds us together
even tighter than before
no matter when you come knocking
i don't think
just answer the door
is there a drive?
a force we cannot see?
there has to be something bring me to you
and sending you back to me
maybe it's in your touch
that in your grasp
i am free

love like this is what they fight for
it's what's written in fiction and poetry
it's what portrayed on stage
a love the whole world wants to see in peril
a love the outsiders will say they've forgot
but they'll remember our names
hands in the air because i plan to stop fighting
and i am more than afraid
but i don't trust another soul in my position
no other woman could love you in my place

you carry me when i cannot walk
i hold you up when you cannot stand
our lives have become woven yards of love
and helpless sifting grains of sand
in all its disastrous wonder
in all of my mother's disappointment
i sacrifice the thoughts and plans
nothing goes as it's supposed to
i have the blueprint fresh on my hands
no one gets it
no one understands
but you and i
yes, you and i
in a world of our own we live
in a world of our own we'll die

i'll step out for awhile
and you may take a stroll in the rain
eventually we will recoil
and search for relief from the pain
reminded we find healing in each other
you take mine
i take yours away
i am nothing without you
you are nothing without me
so why don't we just stay?

a house built to withstand the worst
where else would we go?
do we dare withstand the storm alone?
in me lies your shelter
in you lies my own
intertwined; our souls melt into one

and we are
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
There are too many
arrogant *** poets here
seeking attention!
It's the ******* truth.
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
'Twas the morning of
the highest sun;
of which I could not see.
I drank myself
to a drunken slum;
the bourbon was for free.
Just having fun with rhythm and rhyme.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Aug 2015
nothing but a dream and a pen
they say i'm too creative
to be working 9 to 5 again
who's to say i really didn't know
that nothing would come of
the dream i was sold
i just water the seed to watch it grow
but to harvest the farthest
is the distance i'll go
they say to never give up fully on a dream
keep the hope well alive
and your heart will be free
still entrapped within my mind's brutality
sometimes i'm told just to go
without even knowing the personality
it's a gift
it's a blessing
it's curse
it's all the same
do i do it for the love
or do i do it for the fame?
attention can be tricky on our sleeves to be as shade
when your world around flips upside down in a selfish pride parade
but who's to say i can't be proud
i speak my mind
i say it loud
i can't help that the words flow like water in a stream
that me without expression is a soul that lives unclean
a window to a world that remains unseen
you think you've seen the full on vision
but you're looking through a screen

let me open the door for you
and show you my dream
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn May 2015
i killed myself today
stood in the mirror and faded away

i watched the blood
pool down the drain

i was reborn into newness
and the fear was sustained

the death of myself is the truth
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I've come to the final conclusion that I will never be who you want me to be
That I will never do as you ask in the manner of which  you asked it therefore I will just not do it at all
I will never fulfill your dreams of a magnificent woman unless I'm compared to someone of lesser value
I will never stop crying because I will never stop hurting
and maybe that's why the little girl in me will never grow up
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
Alone in my thinking
I am no longer afraid
in fact I am ready
I am ready to change
and with that change
I'll start anew
a life meant to live
add a smile or two
Tomorrow is not given
So I will cherish today
the past is good riddance
there is no dismay
and although the pain
will be back one day
it won't rule my life
nor doom me insane
nor eat at my heart
nor devour my brain
The devil once had me
and he had his day
But now I am ready
I am ready to change
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
as sure as my skin feels
standing in the sunshine
i am sure of my love for you

as bright as the stars glisten
in the echoing sky to mirror
your eyes so blue

as high as the moon
from the tallest mountain
not even fate could undo

as bright as the heavens
as green as God's earth
i am sure of my love for you
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
my strength lies beneath the skin
it's inside my bones
it's the sway of my hips
it's the smile in my *******
and it roots from my soul

I am woman, you know

the doctors tell me I'll never be
the nurses tell me I've never been
they say I'll never hear my baby cry
and then God says, "guess again"

I am woman, you know

the pain is a most definite promise
and as I grit my teeth I know
the promise is always unsure
and yet here I stand defeating odds
being what you told me
I could never ever be
who says there isn't any cure?

After all,
I am woman, you know
Today is September 1st which kicks off ovarian cancer/PCOS awareness month. I am excited, and I'm feeling empowered.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Dec 2014
because here i lay drowning
beneath the dead sea
rain pouring tears from my soul
strained from ideas that won't grow
waiting for a sun that don't show
always pushed beneath my feet
the soil puts us all in a state of creed
seeking refuge in a God on our knees
walking the darkness i do alone
i dare not place upon a clean mind
the filth of the devil's home
trapped in broken promises
and lost within the finest line
dividing good from bad; yours and mine
and even after the prayers
and the song and praise
and the pastor's word on freedom
despite his sinful ways
the last of forgiveness lasts for days

and even though an angel came
to mend my broken heart
by planting a new seed

i can't breathe
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
If I close my eyes I'm not even here
My tears don't exist
And the needles in my back disappear
The land is green and golden rose
The sun is glitter the clouds are gold
And my wings are white
I fly wherever I want to go
However I want to go
I want to go

My soul cries out
Still stuck in this ****** body
Good for nothing that's my fault
If I close my eyes I'm not even alive
But a mere sliver of what's left inside
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
you say you're sorry for not showing emotion;
for not seeming supportive

if you only
knew how lonely
I am tonight
Not feeling well and you're not here.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
and you find me sailing in the skies on a cloud of forever
and if you find me on a maple leaf flowing in the fall wind
and if you find me along the tides of the Atlantic clinging to the rocks
and if you find me dancing with the man on the moon
and if you find me riding the glowing rays of sunrise
and if you find me as the daisy growing in your rose garden
and if you find me on the tip of your nose as spring tickles your spirit
and if you find me crossing your mind when you feel that sudden chill
that makes you shiver

find comfort
and know that it indeed is
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I'm lost
So lost that I couldn't even tell you
Who I used to be
Or who I want to be
Where I've been or how I got there
I just know I'm lost

In my sleep I'm deep in wood
Moonlight high
No other light
I'm searching for what I cannot find
And give up

He's chasing me
And he always
gets me
And I'm always lost
(C) Maxwell 2014
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