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Mar 2023 · 167
Sumus qui sumus
Lucas Kyle Mar 2023
We failed to see the sunrise
We were blinded by the night
The beasts watched in splendor
But we cast our backs to the light

We watched as she descended
The day turned into dusk
We did not miss her mighty glow
We did not miss her touch

We longed for dawn but found only night
We wished to see but were failed by sight
We sought the day but avoided the light
We craved her glow but hid in the dark

Until one day we stopped our cries
and looked around to see
Free from all her penetrating eyes
Free from all her needs
Her light had failed to see us
and neither ourselves could we see

We fear to see the sunrise
Illumined by by her sight
In the dark we love to hide our deeds
We have learned to love our plight

Her radiant eyes will shine again
But we fear her gentle kiss
Dawn will bring about the light
And we are the darkness
Jun 2017 · 619
Strangers In The Night
Lucas Kyle Jun 2017
I have told many a passerby
I have shouted it from the rooftop
I swore to myself today would be the day
That I act a man
Only to have my voice become weak
My mouth become dumb
Unable to speak
Mesmerized by your sight.
Terrifed by your sight.

Love is not a feeling.
But a drug.
With each thought pulling me deeper and deeper
into this addiction.
Until my mind is consumed by you.
Flooded with ecstasy
Yet lost from the thought of not having you

I say I will tell you
What lies in my heart.
But I know the truth is that tonight
Like all the nights before
Will be spent in solitude
Alone with you in my mind
With only myself to blame.
The only ones who will hear of my love
Once again
Are strangers in the night.
May 2017 · 716
Lucas Kyle May 2017
She is the gentle breeze on a summer day
She is the warmth of a fire on a winter night
She is a light in this darkness
She is an oasis in this desert.
She is the fire that now burns in my chest.
She is the air I breathe
She is beauty.
She is love.
She is life.

Winter has broken.
I feel the warmth of spring.
I watch as the world turns to green
Filling again with life.

Waiting for Her to return.
May 2017 · 427
The Dead Speak
Lucas Kyle May 2017
Destroy my ignorance
Annihilate my arrogance
Scream my sins on the mountain top
So the world might know of the evil I have done.
So the dead might speak one last whisper
Cleansing me of my debt to them.

In the presence of something so pure
I feel as if my soul lies in the depths of depravity
My heart has become a stone
stained black by the actions of a lost soul.
Send my message to the dead
So they might forgive my transgression
In this life or the next

Be my savior
Open my eyes to the wrong I have done
And although you look like me
Your heart is as white as the mountain top.

Save me from what I have become
Save me from what I have done
Speak to me through the darkness of the night.
I do not deserve your gentle kindness
But allow me to save you
When you have used your own heart
To wipe mine clean.
May 2017 · 1.3k
The Silent Winter
Lucas Kyle May 2017
Take my hand
Feel the warmth flow through you
As my life fades away
Keeping you warm
Through the silent winter

There are no words
There is no sound
Only the whisper of my heart
Growing quiet
Growing cold
As the beating of your heart sounds like a trumpet
Glowing as bright as the moon
Although each day it grows more dim
My sun lights your way
Through the dark winter

Sit with me
Absorb this pleasant silence
Feel the vibrance of my love
Filling your empty soul
Leaving a shell in my heart
So that you may love again
And find another who will guide you
Through the lonely winter

Look into my eyes
They have become heavy
Grey from the cold
As yours shine with vibrance
Your night sky fills with light
As my stars fall to the Earth.

Although we are consumed by silence
Our souls speak
In words only we can understand
Although I grow weak
Take my soul
So that it may keep you company
Through the silent winter of our hearts.
May 2017 · 258
The Real World
Lucas Kyle May 2017
Wake from your dream.

Depart that eternal isolation and open your eyes.

The world waits for you as you repeat your cycle .
"Come with me"
"I have much to show you"
He says as he shackles your feet to the ground
Trapped, you can only stare as the world turns to grey.
Mindless souls pass by as you cry out for help.
For they cannot hear you, consumed by their own cycle.
Indifferent to your lost soul.

She enters your sight in the distance.
An angel in this desolate place.
The world comes to life again.
As colors fill the evening sky

You beg him to unlock the shackles.
But just as quickly as she appears
she fades into the horizon.
Taking all the vibrancy of the world with her.
As this wasteland fades to darkness.

You grow weak.

Your eyes shut.

Pull her closer.
Embrace her in your arms.
Indulge in this love.
This blissful illusion.

Wishing it could last forever.

Watch as your shackles are removed
For this dream is better than the world.
This cruel world.
This indifferent world.
May 2017 · 981
The Void
Lucas Kyle May 2017
Walk with me through this barren desert.
As we search for the life that was once here.
The forest that filled this land vanished
As nature left in search of better ground
Only to consume itself
Leaving behind this barren wasteland.

Although we traverse together, our hearts and minds are miles apart.

Consumed by our own thoughts
Our own pain.
It is all that can fill the emptiness of this land
We drink but thirst.
We eat but hunger.
Our agony is as filling as the void of this desert.

Mindless we walk as lost souls fill this world
Traveling with no destination
Walking this same path every day.
Our lives are consumed by this desert.
It is all we see.
It is all we know.
Feb 2017 · 572
Fear: The Illusion
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017
You are not afraid of the darkness
But what hides within.

You are not afraid to move on
But to accept the reality of loss.

You are not afraid of heights
But falling from them.

You are not afraid to talk to her
But of her believing you are a fool.

You are not afraid to love
But to not be loved in return.

You are not afraid to speak
But mockery of what might be spoken.

You are not afraid to die
But of ignorance of where the journey ends.

Fear devours rational minds.
Preying on the unknown
Making our imaginations run rampant.

Take heart. Courage dwells within you.

For it takes but thirty seconds to open wide the door to a life of bliss.
Feb 2017 · 511
The day the love died.
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017
The flames light up the winter sky
shining as bright as the day the world died.

Memories of you add fuel to the fire
The flames only grow higher and higher.

The inferno cannot be quenched
The flames I have tried to drench
To no avail; soon it will consume my soul
Surround me completely and swallow me whole
One of these days, the inevitable will come
And take me back to the place I am from.

Tell the world my last goodbye
Echoed from my heart the day your love died.
I'll tell all of you from that place above
That all I've ever learned from love
Is douse the blaze before it spreads
Or the life you love, you will love to dread.
Feb 2017 · 360
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017
Smoke hides a ghost in the empty chair
Of what was, what is, and what will be
No man can tell what lies behind
And to my senses I have become blind.

Singe the flesh of my lips with your flame
My troubled minds contain all your pain
Hidden in the tabernacle of the unholy
My everything, my all.
My one and only.

Love, hate, pity and joy
Gods that create and gods that destroy
Insensitive and cold they send their wrath down
"Hurrah! Hurrah!", They say as we drown.
But Dead and broken souls immune to emotions
Only Scoff with apathy at the horrible notions.

All great nations eventually fall
Why not the great nation of your soul?
Crumbling before corruption and greed
Insensitive to all human need.
For the best of mankind have the furthest drop.
And there is nothing you can do for the process to stop.
Feb 2017 · 296
A Familiar Face
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017
Ever so gentle, ever so kind
Tender and fragile, so hard to find
Be sure to speak up, but watch your words
With Something so delicate
Like the wing of a bird
Handle with care, this side up
To have this encounter is no mere luck.

You are a klutz, prone to destroy
Speak un-thought words like a little boy
A bull in a china shop is out of line
To be in the presence of something so fine.

You will give the best that you can
But one thing you will never understand
There is no vessel to carry all that is pure
Not large enough to contain all she has endured.

In the presence of God, his power would ****
For my soul is not clean enough for Him to fill
As I am not worthy to speak a hello
To someone so precious, so lovely below
In the depths of her heart, a bottomless pit
She will be safe as I take the hits.
If I am to die let it be for she
the one whose face I am not worthy to see.
Feb 2017 · 330
Can I Explain?
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017
If I told you why I stayed
Why I am still here after all the pain
Words could not do justice to explain
Why I run to you in this dreaded terrain.

Does a mother hate her children when they misbehave?
Or is there a bond forever to stay?
The most beautiful rose in all the land
Takes your eyes away as its thorns ***** your hand.

It breaks my heart day after day
To see you sad, alone or afraid
Anxious at my sides, not able to move
To wrap around you in a game I will lose
My arms are not where they should be
Only in my break from reality.

Hands touch, open and free
They know exactly where they want to be
But retreat to the rear, off the front lines
If you could read my thoughts, my mind
Tell me the things that you would find.
My mouth cannot speak nor my mind proclaim
The angel that makes me deaf, dumb and lame.

He cannot tell you, though in his dreams
Instead to strangers who know what he means
Crossed in the stars they were destined to be.
Caught in a cycle of inevitability.
Although friendship is all he will see
His heart still rejoices for that unity.
Feb 2017 · 312
All I Ever Wanted
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017
All I ever wanted was not selfish endeavors
Not An object for possession nor a product of pleasure
But a total self gift, not something for my own
To sit beside my Queen on her royal throne.

But have you ever been so hurt you felt your heart break?
Throbbing, pounding, so very much is aches.
To realize that all you ever wanted to do
Was give her a happiness and joy anew.

But that time is past, longing hearts turn astray
To find the one with whom she will stay
Although the pain is deeply immense
Her radiant light still gives us some sense.

Long nights will be spent alone with a cigar and some wine
Hoping that all her emotions are fine
The one she is with makes her feel anew
And can do something that I was never able to do.
Feb 2017 · 336
To Friendship.
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017
Raise your glass as high as you can
Knowing you are in company of the best of man
Smile with those who to you are so dear
For in this place there is nothing to fear.
Not even death can part us, for when we say goodbye
The bond we have will never die.

Even when lightening marks the sky
Hurricanes of emotion pass us by
In the end it is clear to see
That in fact this was meant to be.

Hope and trust, love and joy
Together we create, together we destroy
Our fires burn with discussion and laughter
But even arsonists have to avert the disaster
Which leaves two souls alone and broken
Wrong thoughts are thought and words wrongly spoken
Even as longing hearts turn away
That invincible bond is here to stay.

Only with times our minds have erased
All that was bitter, all our mistakes
Will become only the **** of our jokes
Only tears of joy we have to choke
When we live to a ripe old age
Reminiscing back to the days
Anything we would do for each other
We all loved like sisters and brothers
It was us against the world, to the very end
I love you to death and wish you the best, my friend.
Feb 2017 · 334
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017
Light fades.
Darkness consumes.

All that was living fades into death
To be reborn in the life of spring

But some things will never taste vitality again
For their time has come
And just as quick did it pass

Their leaves will never be green again
They have turned brown
Only to decay into the earth
To bring about new life.

Time begins to slow
Hearts stop beating
Some things can never be reversed.
Feb 2017 · 234
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017
Fingers reaching out to touch

Lives imagined holding you within my clutch

Limbs torn apart by the gods

Lands I have scoured while along you trod

Faces you wear behind your mask

Questions we don’t know how to ask

Eyes devouring secrets of the soul

Days in Hell with you would feel cool

Hearts beating true

Heart longs to start anew


Times you now think this of me.
Feb 2017 · 481
Apology is Policy
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017

What makes you think your words will reverse
The tear in a broken man's universe
A smile and handshake; all is well
Don't forget I will see you in hell
Reservation in my name; table for two
If I fall and suffer, then so will you

The damage has been done, the scars remain
Nothing in his universe will ever be the same
Apology has become policy, that is clear
To think for one minute, if I lend you my ear
About pitiful words that fall like the rain
Then you return to deliver someone else’s pain.

I know who you are now, it is clear to see
You are not the man you used to be.
Feb 2017 · 536
Oil and Water
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017
Heartbeats turn to thunder
Thoughts rush through like a raging river
Knees shake
Speech is jumbled
All goes black but the vision of an angel
All goes silent but her enchanting voice
Is this a drug or a disease?
Pulled to her like the moon to the sun
But does the sun enjoy the presence of the moon?
Close enough to touch her, yet infinitely far from her heart
Like oil to water: present, but intangible
So too she stands in the valley of hearts
For all eternity, together will they be
But never to mix, never to see
A union of substance, to share in each other
All the world allows is separation from another
Although they share the same identity
Their impossible union is never meant to be

But To give her forth arm
Is all I still seek to do
All that consumes my mind
A beautiful waste of time
Feb 2017 · 279
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017

He comes home late after work, only a grain of sand on the beach of life. A simple man who goes about his existence under the guise of contentment, working hard to fill a void he knows exists but refuses to acknowledge.

A *** of coffee is brewed, whose fate is to become cold on the counter. He picks up the morning paper, uninterested in its contents.

The only words he can read are his own, written on the pages by the thoughts of a world he should have had.

He sits alone in his empty apartment, staring out into the darkness.

He knows she remains somewhere in the abyss.

Just as light shines from the dying stars above, he hoped his love could shine to a dying heart. Frustration overwhelms, knowing he has sealed his own past.

But still, it is nights like these Jack longs for the chance to go back in time. Not to make wrongs right, but to ensure there would be no wrongs that needed righting.

It is nights like these where Jack lies alone in his bed.

It is nights like these that Jack longs for a second chance.
Feb 2017 · 907
The Thrill of Flight
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017

We have become angels
Soaring in an Ocean of blue
Like gods we view the world
As a child views a toy

Life, such a universe in itself
Now barely visible
Only but specks in our vision
Worth more than the world

We the few know this sight
The world lit up in the dark of the night
The air is calm at earth's height
The hands of nature carry us on our flight

We soar like the eagle
Dive like a hawk
Our eyes captivated by the wonder
The beauty of the sky
We have become proof
That impossible
Is but a big word
For small men

Alas, to see the water rush over the falls
Mountains turned red and orange
The world frozen, white as the clouds we live in
A serene home in the sky
A mesmerizing view of the earth we walk
All the beauty of the world
All the wonder in which we partake
Does not compare
To the beauty in your eyes

So much more to see
So much more to know
For at the end of the day we will run out of space
To explore the earth which we grace
With Our presence above
We have seen all there is to see
All there is to know
All that exists on earth below

But although I may spend a lifetime searching your soul
I will never reach the end
Of your beautiful sky
And lost in you
Is where I will happily die.
Feb 2017 · 530
Silver and Gold
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017
Emotions torn between two worlds
They quickly fill the sink; as quickly down they swirl
Gold at the top, silver below
On a quest for the former, his face begins to glow

Faster he climbs to the top of the rock
Nothing on earth could force him to stop
Until the day he started to digress
And realized each step brought no progress

Reluctant and bitter he ceased his ascent
For that gold, he was hell bent
Until the silver glittered as well
To a newer height he slowly fell

He knows for a while the gold will remain
Until someone else has called it to claim
With love in his eyes and worry in his face
It is bid farewell to a more esteemed place
His Modest house was not worthy
To be in the company of such a dream

With the gold he will always remain
And never anymore does he feel any pain
For he holds his silver, sparkling bright
Which keeps him company throughout the night.
Feb 2017 · 354
The Dead Land
Lucas Kyle Feb 2017

Awaken, my child.

Walk with me down this path.
This muddy path.
See yonder the splendid colors which fill the evening sky.
On your right are open plains, where horses gallop and children play.
On your left, laughter and music echo from afar.
Behind that smile, you always realize the grim reality that lies down the road.
Everyday you have awakened, as you have now, and walked this same path.
But you carry on.

Dusk turns to night. All that was light is now consumed by the darkness.
Enveloped by the fear, you know turning back leads to that blissful illusion.
But that is not your path.
It is not your bliss to partake in.
You carry on.

Alone you walk, fearing not the darkness, but the trials which lurk within.
Time and time again you have faced the darkness.
Time and time again you have cursed its name, wishing for your trial to end
Regardless of victory
Regardless of death.

You know morning will come once again.
Light will destroy the darkness and comfort demolish your fear.
Until night can no longer sing his song.

You have become the terrors of the night.

But for now, You carry on.

Into the Dead Land.

Awaken, My child.

— The End —