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Mar 2019 · 356
You’re worth
James smith Mar 2019
Your like a gift so neatly wrapped in a blue Ribbon, your self worth is a gift but found in no man, not even in my words. Founded in the one who bled for the humanity. He made your ambition like a craving sweet tea in hot summer day, he made your love like a fever in the dead of the night being Touch my caring mom. He made your uniqueness like unheard notes played in the delays and reverb guitar pedals to capture hearts.
He made your charisma in the world of chaos to let it shine bright in the darkest hearts.

He made your skin like the dirt of Africa beautifully blended like the mountains of Afghanistan, he made your body like the  Dead Sea as so death is so beautiful,
He made you a gift with layers of a honey tree as I Pull every inch of bark it’s beauty to be captured.
Mar 2019 · 352
I give to much to fast.
James smith Mar 2019
I love to much.
I give to much.
I care to much.
To the wrongs, but the lessons who come and go,
I can’t seem to let you go, I see the potential in you dressed like snow.
I see person, I have been dreaming up all in front of me, but it feels like it’s all fading away like old bad memory.
James smith Sep 2018
The greatest plague that hits hard is the plague of loneliness
With the loneliness we try to distract it with emptiness, with emptiness in the end, we end up more alone, as we curse ourselves when will our Flash lose and when will ours souls find wholeness. To the wholeness we lingering to seek oh what a plague I wish we can defeat alone, I fear we can’t fight it alone, with that sense we lose hope. But hope is not found where the emptiness lays, it’s found in the wholeness of the bright morning star.
1.daysleeper by dear and the headlights is my music  inspiration 2.this song about the dangers of  loneliness as we try to finds to distract but all of other things  don’t work. The only thing we can find to make is whole is Jesus. It’s only found in him alone. 3 bad dreams of my ex girlfriends. 4 don’t  isolate yourself from your friends or your church friends as I did on this Sunday.
Aug 2018 · 355
Time to time part 1
James smith Aug 2018
I dance with devil late at night  
just as much I try to fight away,
surrender seems easier every time,
into this battle in my mind.
Let me dance as a new man
as much I pray to be,
not the devil I made myself to be.
I can be my own worse enemy time to time.
Jul 2018 · 257
The absolute authority
James smith Jul 2018
Creatures of race, how do you declare what’s superior to inferior,
Supremacy it’s no title to any race.
It will be blasphemy if we say otherwise.
Let our minds to Compare the creator to men, We are Limited he is limitless,
We have boundaries he is boundless. Title of supremacy is my God as if it was carved in his heart. Oh Humble God you are the,  
Supreme of truth,
Supreme of grace,
Supreme of love.
Foot Notes
1.this song about supremacy, as humans we are inferior when it comes to God. It don’t mean we are less valuable or worthy. But God holds the power, he’s the Ultimate authority. This land, this world belongs to no one or any race. God is limitless we have are Limited, he is boundless we have boundaries.
Feb 2018 · 287
The Raging fire
James smith Feb 2018
I’m a short raging wildfire, oh you sheep,
What you do to me feeds, my rage
With my rage is greater,
Day by day love teaches me, it’s far more grater.
Love the sheep who who sits the fire.
Be calm let the blood king burn out the raging fire.
James smith Nov 2017
I’m a dying seed in a Desert ground,
With no water to feed my roots Useless as it seems, oh how you make it rain so I can spread my roots soon to grow to feed the hummingbirds.
I’m the food crumbs between the countertops decomposing by the days, useful for red the ants to take.
I’m a dead animal rotting away on a lonely long highway, as magnets feed on, so on as the ravens feed upon. I’m a guitar with the tone of D, what is useful is this melody? but so sweet by the ears of the listeners.
A dead star in the endless space, useful at night to show your beauty to behold the eyes of the souls you wish to Capture. Every sound is an endless song for your praise.
To know the unuseful is useful, we are useful for the consuming fire God.
01— this song is about how we can think to ourselfs sometimes we are useless or God can’t use us, everything in this life is useful, for something, we are useful for God and his kingdom.
02— mewithoutyou pale horses:appendix album was my  Music  inspiration.
03—  The name consuming fire God ( hebrews 12:29)  i use a lot bible  references to mane God. I’m a guy who believes in God his son.
James smith Nov 2017
With all of the power with the Consuming Fire,
With all of the power with the death Defeater
With all of the power with the Spirit of Wisdom,
It’s all on me to decide  
Am I bonded by the chains of sin?
Am I a slave with no chains for the death Defeater?
Will The grace of the Consuming Fire be my master?.
As slavement lives and takes, slavement will never die, till the day that sins dies. Till that day Bond servant, I will thrive to be, bond to thrive, to thrive is for the Consuming Fire, from darkness I once came, now from the fire I'm reborn to long live as a **** servant.
01—1 in the morning and can’t sleep
02— this poem is about are we slave to sin or are we slaves for Christ , as bond servants . I thrive to be the man that God wants me to be but sin gets the best of me some times .
James smith Nov 2017
The horror of the thought of my immoral actions, likewise like the thieves,
Likewise like the ******.
Equal as any immortal actions, no greater nor less likewise,
As the day of judgement when our body’s go into slumber
Our souls will hear our judgement as this poem makes you wonder, a sin is a sin, no greater nor less, what makes you think you're better? When we are all rebels with our human nature.
01— The  Chariot , sleeping giant where stuck on replay in my head.
02—this poem about how we make   Certain crime worse then other ones but the Bible teaches us sin is sin not one is greater or less but the same.
Nov 2017 · 650
Skin to skin, bone to bone
James smith Nov 2017
Skin is skin,  Heart is a heart.
What makes makes a mind to consider any is less like an empty bottle?  
To sense one is second-rate?,
Skin to skin, dust to dust, Bone to bone.  
Heart to heart superior Judge will sit judgment on disgusting hearts.  
Equivalent we are, as transgressors, we are.
01– November 1 17, made straight by propaganda crooked album, Sho Baraka Talented. 10th. Jesus Christ cover by Dustin Kensrue where music inspiration when I was writing this.
02–this poem is about what makes a person to think one race is better then the other or lower. To me the Bible teaches me everyone of us is low even me, God is the Commander superior.
James smith Oct 2017
The simple message of good, as a vulnerable creature that I am,
The hopeful message of good  
Was like a sword stabbing the main muscle that possession my darkest secrets lay like the gates of hell,
Stabbing the nature of errors that my Flash committed in the great rebellion of disobedience.
Like a white raven in the dark, so odd as it seems, peculiar as it seems the little voice that my inner ears listen to hear, whisper gently as I lend an ear you claim “even the monsters I can make clean, even in the darkest places my voice roars”
As the tenderness stays the sword lays. Truth flows like a river, like the River reaching the dead that lays in me, growth proceeds as this day
I can say in the peculiar times
As White as snow you can wash away
Our wrongful tracks, you can make the monsters as gentle as the night, as this day say, the good message is for bad, the bad can find kindness in The non sinful God.
This poem is simply about how can God turn the Bad into Good.
Where were you by Ghost ship was helping when I was writing this.
Oct 2017 · 317
The Poet that I am
James smith Oct 2017
To the poet that I am,
This gift was given,
Taking away it can be,
The grace of my Burning bush God,
Willing his will of life in me.
With every last breath
My fingers will write
For the greater purpose
For the kingdom to light the way for dark souls with the everlasting poems that lay in my heart.
To the poet that I am my poems are for the burning bush God.
Oct 2017 · 260
With all
James smith Oct 2017
With all of the Pain,
With all of the wars,
With all of the struggles,
With all that makes my world crashing down,
Today I find strength in the burning bush God.
Oct 2017 · 272
Burn it
James smith Oct 2017
There are some bridges that needed to be burned,
There are some we don't want to burn.
Before I light this match,
Know deep down the untouchable unseeable memories will stay till the day my body sleeps in its decay.

— The End —