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I know you think I'm the girl you've been looking for
I'm not you see,
I'm the storm
I'm the girl your mother warns you about
The girl that will ruin your life
Regret is laced in my blood
Heart break is tangled in the tips of my slitting hair
They name hurricanes after girls like me because they know all the disaster I leave
I'm the lion, never the lamb
My teeth are snarling and when they find nice boys to bite on they don't know how to let go until something has been ripped to pieces
I've tried to learn to be soft but you see I was born the storm
I'm the drug you don't want I'm the poison you really don't need
My snake bite heart ejects venom with my kiss then soon enough my boiled blood will be all over your best pair of Sunday shoes
I've never been a drizzle no matter how hard I try because I'm a ******* thunder rolling lighting cracking storm
I cannot calm the waves in my soul
Or the bombs in my words
I cannot shut of the earthquake that is me, it's been shaking my world since I was 5
I cannot love you right
Some girls are the beach but I'm a forest fire, come any closer and I will burn you alive
I know I'm beautiful in a tragic way
I know you think I'm the girl you've been looking for
I'm sorry
I cannot love you
I am the storm
Poem I wrote through a lot of guilt after I broke up with one of the nicest boys I've ever met, and broke his heart.

everyone has a voice here
every note will flow
some of us are nightingales
some of us are crows
some of us are magpies
collecting shiny things
some of us canaries
which in the coalmine sing
some of us are larks
singing in the copse
some of us are ravens
gathered 'round a corpse
some are Laughing *******
who scream to beat the band
some of us are ostrich
with our heads in sand
some of us can "Twitter"
how we love our "tweets"!
some of us are silly coots
with funny orange feet!
some of us are toucan
with beaks that are outgrown
some of us are parrots
with a beak that's not our own
some of us are robins
hopping on the lawn
some of us are lovely
angelic, graceful swans
some of us are mockingbirds
yes, you could fit that bill
some are birds with feathers
which make a lovely quill
some of us are peacocks
great beauties, but a bore
some of us are hawks
which o'r deep canyons soar

some of us are eagles
symbols of our call
I welcome you to
where we are poets


(C) 2/4/2016
All except for the parrots.
They need to be plucked!

What kind of bird are YOU?

 Jan 2016 Liz And Lilacs
Like the waves in the ocean
That meet the shores and fade away
So did you, with my life
Every single day

Like the snowflakes in winter
That melt when they land
So did your trust
Each time you held my hand

Like the sand in the desert
Once here, then scattered
So were your promises
Leaving my heart shattered

Like a ghost in the darkness
One sees but is unreal
So were your words
And the things you made me feel

Like the glow of a firefly
Now gone, now bright  
So is your love
Goodbye, good night
Goodbye, good night
The pressure’s building up
I feel like soda that’s been dropped.
I feel like I’m about to explode
And I know that soon I’ll pop.

I know what’s about to happen
And I need to escape this room.
Where I go, I don’t know.
But I need to flee the impending doom.

I need to get to the clinic.
There I know I’ll be fine.
They always knows what to do;
But can I make it in time?

But no, it’s too late.
My soda bottle has blown.
I am no longer able to move, for
The seed of anxiety has grown.

Now I’ve collapsed, and
My rational side has died.
I can’t handle this-make it stop!
My strength is again being tried.

All the techniques I’ve memorized
Have completely flown my mind.
All the things I have prepared
Are suddenly unable to find.

“Don’t forget to just breathe!”
Ah, yes, the mantra of those “helpful” ones.
Well, here’s a newsflash for you-
Being told that helps NONE!

My lungs are overworking now,
And my heart is beating fast.
And every single breath I take
I fear it might be my last.

My hands have spiders in them.
My brain has gone offline.
My vision’s getting foggy;
Please- just don’t pass out this time.

My mind is leaving my body
And it’s floating freely in air.
I’m no longer able to feel anything
Please help me; I’m so scared.

Now I’m descending back to my body
And I can feel every atom around me.
It’s too much-make it stop!
Why can’t anybody hear my plea?

Luckily I calm down
Before my monster gets his way.
He’s returning back to hiding now
But I know he’ll soon come back to play.
Better be feeling the best
Her hungry heart's at rest
Soaking in scarlet heat
To break her broken beat
As she waits and wonders why
Life hurts so much, then you die
Envy only everyone enjoyed
Demons deter, and she's destroyed
Dead down, deep inside
All the easier to hide
Living behind sweet smiling
All the while she is lying
Her eyes are heavy, its time for sleep
With secrets she can no longer keep
The water is cold
He has her hold
The pain, it leaves her head
And finally, she is dead
 Jan 2016 Liz And Lilacs
like towering walls
of water

i won't give in though i
crave crave crave*

they won't let me get drunk
won't let me do drugs
won't let me do nothing
so nothing gets done

two miserly words
self sabatoge
in love

You get hurt

You get caught

But either way

It never turns out
Like you *
Strive to be at peace without emotions,
quiet the noise inside your mind.

Be still.

Be in harmony with life,
do not react to passion.

Stay calm.

Do not fear loss and death,
pain is a dark cloud.


Focus on the magnificent energy,
become one with you.
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