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Pick up my phone
Hm...should I text him?
When does he ever text me?
Put my phone back down.

Pick up my phone.
Want to text him.
When does he ever text me?
Put my phone back down.

He'll text me if he wants to talk to me.
 Mar 2019 Rose Evans
I realized I liked you when
our eyes met then I immediately
looked away as if it was the first time
I laid my eyes on you.

I realized I liked you when
I made a list of things we could
talk about but ended up blanking out
when I started talking to you.

I realized I’ve fallen for you when
we were in a concert and you
accompanied me throughout the night.
I knew my heart was pounding not from
the loud speakers but from you
being so close to me.

I realized I’ve fallen for you when
I got nervous and you held my hand,
comforting me with no words said;
contented with how our fingers
interlaced with one another.

I realized I loved you when
I started writing about you and
our happy moments that now have
turned into memories.

I realized I loved you when
I turned you into poetry.
I do have feelings for this person but because I'm being careful not to conclude that "it's love" easily, I kept denying to myself that I 'might' do... until I started writing for and about her and had turned her my muse.
It's so quiet.
It's so strange.
I've never heard silence so loud before.
The drum beats loud and echoes out
leaving us alone in this emptiness.
Come on, love
don't leave me hanging from this cliff.
Don't leave me alone to die.

I know times are hard and you can't stand on your own,
but that doesn't mean you have to leave.
Don't run away from this pain.
Just come into my arms and stay.
At the end of the day
the rain will be blown over and all the flowers will be bloomed.
Even the toughest storms leave beauty for the eyes to love.

Don't get swallowed up in the shadows.
I'll be your light.
I'll guide you,
just follow my feet.
I'll lead you into me and hold you until your numb.

You're standing in the ocean
welcoming the salt water into your body.
Dry your eyes and swim to the shore
because I'll be waiting there.
Just please don't go.
Because if you leave I might just have to follow.
 Mar 2019 Rose Evans
i love you
 Mar 2019 Rose Evans
i love you i love every breath you take i love every sound that escapes your lips as i kiss that spot between your jaw and neck i love the way your hands touch my skin, no rush, nothing to prove, nothing but pure love braiding itself within my heart and reassuring my mind i love the way your voice sounds in the morning when sleep is thick in your throat and your eyes are heavy

 Mar 2019 Rose Evans
Tiana Marie
She was like music,
and I longed to dance.

Her heart was the beat,
and I begged for the chance.

Her words were the vocals,
and I was put in a trance.

Her smile was the melody,
and I fell in love at first glance.
 Mar 2019 Rose Evans
Don't be surprised,
I, myself, can feel pain
Even without a external reaction

I've always been swallowing my pride,
For so long, it's no longer a part of me
That gives us one less distraction
 Mar 2019 Rose Evans
 Mar 2019 Rose Evans
There's nothing more
Than knowing your
Own brain
Is telling you lies
You don't know what to believe.
It's the worst kind of confusion.
 Mar 2019 Rose Evans
Joel Johny
Step into the mind of a young man
Staying up late night
My mind's a mess living in a world of stress
So let me break it down for you
I write verses to fight my inner demons
Rapscallions everywhere tryna bring me down
Imma keep grinding in a tranquil hell
Till i reach another level i've never been on
The world is enough a hell to be ******
Why curse it further?
During my severed journey in metro rails
I see people with facades of character
Unable to merge with their true mores
No one can recognize me amongst them
Oh! I guess im a stranger to you

All i think about is music
Past memories splash like tidal waves
Gallivanting between my two identities
One fractured, the other to survive
My heart struggling to untether from itself
Now I wonder which is my home...?
This one or the world i dream about..
Now you may leave...
Thanks for sticking around.
This piece is about the pitfalls of a person's mind and what all thoughts he or she could be serenaded with in an alienated society..
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