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 Jun 2018 Rose Evans
Adaly DeLeon
i’m not enough
for myself
especially not anyone else
im out of love
it has fled me like white doves
i crave passion
i crave action
even while we’re laughing
there’s still something lacking
between me and you
i feel blue
i’m always in a bad mood
i want you to understand me
but i don’t even know what or who i can be
 Mar 2018 Rose Evans
he drank his morning coffee with a drop of the sunrise mixed in
always one drop, never one more nor one less
just enough to hear the steam whisper
*good morning
 Feb 2018 Rose Evans
Just Melz
The image
Of your tongue
Gently caressing
My spine
You're pulling
My hair
From behind
Brings thoughts
To mind
That make
My heart race
And I'm sure
Nothing could replace
That emotion
As you trace
Little hearts
Down my chest
With your calloused
Or that look of lust
That appears
With every
Sway of my hips
Or how the sight
Of me
Licking my lips
Makes you
Lose control
And you
Don't even know
How often
These images appear
But for now
It's just dreams
Until you're here
Holding me
Touching me
Kissing me roughly
Squeezing me
Pounding me
Biting be softly
I just can't wait
Until these dreams
Become my reality
 Dec 2017 Rose Evans
Amelia Pearl
You're like the moon.
Some nights you show your full beauty.
Just being present for everyone to appreciate and see.

Some nights you get anxious,
You hide a bit of yourself from the world.
Worried that people are tired of you.

And some nights you don't show yourself at all.
You stay in darkness, weeping.
Feeling better if you were just a secret.
 Dec 2017 Rose Evans
My Last Poem
 Dec 2017 Rose Evans
So this journey has come to an end
Whether you don’t know me at all
Or think of me as your best friend
This is my goodbye, my final call.

Thank you for the adventure; thank you for your time. I have nothing left to give, no words left to rhyme. This is my last, I’ll leave with a whisper. This is all I have, what I began writing for.

Should you ever neeed a shoulder, please find me. No matter where I go in life, where you need me is where I’ll be. Hold me tightly in your thoughts and I will hold you in my heart.

Merry meet, dear rhymers, and merry part.
This is the last of my poetry. Thank you for sticking it out with me for the past four years. I've decided to focus on other goals I have since my life is essentially falling apart. Poetry was an outlet for me, but it more feels like another way to indulge my burgeoning escapism.

So, I've decided to take away the place I escape to so I can relearn how to face problems head on. I've got a lot of self-adjustments to make in the near future and this is just one of them.

Of course, if I am contacted on HP, I'll come flying back to respond because it's been home for years, but I will (most likely, hopefully, probably) no longer post here.

Again: Thank you for the fond memories,
 Dec 2017 Rose Evans
Nova Born
 Dec 2017 Rose Evans
Nova Born
I am not pretty
I am not ugly
I am not fat
nor am I skinny

I'm not living
but I'm not dead
I am sleepin
but even when i'm not
feel like I'm dreamin

Things be to bright
but I guess
my souls just to gloomy
Feel trapped
when it's plenty roomy

I am here
but I'm also where
I was
an where I might be
If I keep on sailing
this sea

Up and down
spinning around
look like a professor
feel like a clown

Guess I could do better
but it's like cutting leather

They think I'm sane
so I say I'm ok
but I don't know if
this is right in the brain

Can't see what other people think
maybe everyone has these quirks and kinks

I am here
But really I've dissapeared
Kinda a song...
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