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3.3k · Jan 2015
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
I wear Inuit clothing.
Wrapped in Paleolithic reindeer
I hunt mammoths and lions:
ivory a source to make art
and males with no manes to warm their heads.

I’m huntress, nothing more.
Men howl to paint me in caves
to represent the woman I am:
a bull for my head
and the edge of the rock my womanhood.

I’d rather **** with men.
I have humanly adventures with them
rather than pick berries:
I’m hungry not for fruit
but for ****** creatures to gain power.

A man gave me a flute.
It had three holes to make music
with my mouth and fingers, an instrument:
So I blew hard to call him
our spiritual connection one, him and I.

I'm a huntress, nothing more.
3.0k · Jan 2015
Evangeline (45 Haikus)
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
His body was taint
craved desire yet lethal
mercy lost, tasteless.

****** lustful
he kissed my tender moist lips
and caressed my waist.

I was a ******
though I thought of *** often
and prayed for my prince.

The boy touched the girl
smooth and inappropriate
her tummy tickling.

I arrived home late
cannabis calming my thoughts
liquor my lover.

I smoked cigarettes
and thought about his soft touch
him an addiction.

He would say my name
murmur low “Evangeline”
and control my youth.

Wanna-be poet
eighteen and always failing
haikus a joy.

I write in my mind
the 5-7-5 a puzzle
sleepless nights my friend.

All artists are poor
embracing weirdness, difference
rebellious baby cubs.

I am a panda
elephant or an ant queen
maybe a mermaid.

Not so little now
but exploring earth and sea
born in the 90s.

The Holy Spirit,
it resides in my body,
my body its own.

God said, “Let us make”
stating he was not alone,
that God is of three.

He is the Father,
The Creator of mankind
and all creeping things.

Jesus is the Son,
born to humanly connect
and die for our sins.

The Holy Spirit,
it is our heavenly soul
and image of God.

And Lucifer fell
God saying to go away
his beauty erased.

Daddy told me “pray,
and beauty will not leave you
and love will remain”.

Mommy is gone, dead
her voice and whispers a corpse
her skull remaining.

A pencil took love
American love too good
and of much horror.

Not ****** and cruel
but psychological pain
of regret and doubt.

My love was fire
illicit and illegal,
robbery of trust.

As if in prison
I was a caged animal
howling to escape.

His tongue, it danced slow
waltzing a tango flapper
in the loud 2os.

He approves of tears,
mine an arousal of sight
and he enters me.

He is my neighbor
about thirty or forty
who likes to smoke ****.

He would lure me in,
asked if I liked poetry,
a warm, young poet.

He read me sonnets
while I decoded couplets
his breath on my face.

Like strong peppermint
or cinnamon or maple
I was like a treat.

Milk chocolate delight,
a chai tea latte invite,
vanilla frosting.

I could have said no,
pushed him away and ran home,
but I liked his house.

Wanna-be poet
wasting time on a high man
Europe to explore.

He was not Britain
Nor was he Italy or
Switzerland or France.

He could not be Greece
nor Ireland or Norway
or Sweden or Spain.

He was Nevada
or Wyoming or Kansas
even Nebraska.

California sun
Washington and Oregon rain,
west coast was he not.

He himself was taint
saying “my love, my dear love,
my Evangeline.”

“My Evangeline,
my poet, my lover…young,
oh Evangeline”.

I think of Jesus,
the Holy Spirit and God,
fallen Lucifer.

An angel so bright
He could not let go of pride
And I’m falling, too.

Asleep I fall to
a song behind his split tongue
agony inflamed.

So I write of this,
an affair of poetry
spectacular, no.

She wishes for death
haikus of religion
and of sweet taint love.

Oh Evangeline,
The Holy Spirit weeps, too
your tears its own tears.
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
He said my cocoa butter chapstick lingered
in his taste buds.
We shared only a kiss,
mouth to mouth
lips on lips
tongue with tongue.
As if two strangers,
we had no draw until
we kissed
like a universal pull
of gemstone energy.
He told me he craved
my cocoa butter chapstick
for it had a hint of peppermint
that made his head spin.
1.6k · Jan 2015
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
Chocolate mint
breath cool like gelato
on a wintery spring.

Fly high, Elizabeth!
Blizzard snow like crystals
in caves in earth's core.

Burr, Elizabeth!
Wear a sweater
cotton blue, red, brown.

Shiver underneath
while Jonathon's hands are ice cubes
melting like glaciers as he takes you.

Don't weep from the frost
that turns your youth to water.

as the woman you are.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Snowman Weather
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
Inches of sparkling snow
that glisten you used to know
is now shining like a star
and childhood adventures seem far.

It is buried past your knees
like ice and frozen peppermint coffee
spending seconds just to numb your toes
and frost a silly old foe.

Snowman weather was like a cup of Artic tea
chilling your bones until you felt non-free
the mountains and storms a cough in the throat
yet now your heart is melted and sailing like a boat.
1.2k · Jan 2015
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
When I was a child
tucked in blankets and snuggled in tight
my mother turned on the fan
and my head would race inside.

That drumming twirl
it drove me mad to the edge of quickness
to the point where everything was spinning
like the propeller of that fan.

As if a plane
was flying over my head I shut my eyes
yet the tapping of any movement was a flash
top speed horses in my mind.

Hooves darting for the line
I tossed and screamed for my mother
forcing her to turn it off,
turn off that horrible fan.

I'm used to that device now
I even used to sing into it like a microphone
and that fast pace of the world around me slipped away
and I was normal again.

But then mathematics
drove it back inside my head
and the numbers and equations I couldn't comprehend
messed with my head.

1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9,
10, 11, 12.

The clicking of the calculator
made the teacher's voice loud and like a blur
and everything drove me crazy
my brain not understanding of 1, 2, or 3.

Linear equations
I couldn't read and everything was dizzy
as if in running like silver
spinning like that fan at top speed.

I almost cried
when that speed happened again
when they placed that exam at my hands
and my brain reacted like it did with that fan.
891 · Jan 2015
Darkness and Light
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
My love had black wings.
At first,
eye connection was a scar.
He had blonde hair and dark eyes
while my Italian heredity drew him near.

My arms were marked with cuts.
First kiss,
and our lips met like magnets.
My cigarettes burned in daylight
and he didn't disapprove of my bad habit.

I began to lie for him.
Virginity lost,
we were married in nature.
We had a spiritual atmosphere
and breaking this game would be destructive.

We were darkness and light colliding.
His denial,
of psychopath tendencies drive me to suicide.
As if he murdered mercy
I had to let him go:
him a ghost
and now so was I,
the ultimate divorce.
813 · Jan 2015
French Bread
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
Mama baked me French bread
while my Daddy beat my ***.
My buttocks throbbed red
and the tears were a river
flooding as if I was Noah,
an ark of my pain never floating.

I savored that French bread
and the crunch of the crust
that crumbled tiny bits to the carpet.
It made my tummy full and rumbling with gurgles
as if it taught me to use a bow and arrow
to shoot my Daddy right in the forehead.

Someday I'll move to France, maybe England.
I'll learn the way of living there
so that I'll let go of the pain marked on my ***
and to fed on homemade French bread
for my Mama's dead and my satisfaction hungry
and Daddy shoots me down with ******* and a gun.
788 · Jan 2015
Manic Nothingness
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
I rarely dream.
I used to,
quite often--black and white--
rose petals and elephants with wings.
Now it takes hours.
Not to dream,
but to sleep--mind racing--
with mania of over-excitable excitement.
Then I'm in darkness.
As if I'm dead,
lying in a coffin--I'm the corpse bride--
only wishing for a dream of angelic giants.
Perhaps I'm now a ghost.
Not evil with psychosis,
but destroying my sheets--to make every morning--
as if dancing with my social phobia of shyness.
But this night.
The darkness is,
not just manic--it is mixed with depression--
summer to winter and too much and too little.
I listen to my heart.
Rather than dream,
thump, thump--a beating ***** suffices--thump--
my heart screams awake and I catch myself in falling.
In a jolt.
I'm over-calmed with,
nothingness--darkening dream--thump, thump--
dream of manic nothingness.
749 · Jan 2015
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
My love
isn't truly my love.
He sends
regards from Hell
as he walks
with a limp
of deadly posture.
How he returned,
I'll never know.

It is
like summer snow.
Seven inches
he was buried
and he drove
me insanely crazy.
Tortured phobic anxiety,
it is his call.

He mumbles
with a rotting tongue.
Corpse solitude
his grave burns
with demonic chants
and edible brains.
I'm not Aphrodite,
and he needs an alibi.

Insomnia terror
return to Hades.
Alkalis heel
twisted flesh bone
snap in slumber
nightmares of war
haunt his dreams.
Return to sleep
in the valley of dolls.

Living dead
he has worms.
In eyes
and his ears
they crawl soil
a ****** home.
Earthly creatures survive
on his stench.

He kisses
me with his rotted tongue.
Vessel of
a mouth of
pork and flies
Lord of oinks and buzzing.
Go away, I pray,
He disgusts life.
712 · Jan 2015
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
Published in poetry anthology "Beyond the Sea". Taken down.
648 · Jan 2015
Axe to the Ribs
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
Bad blood stains my hands
as you chant bad news.
Your eyes are hazel--
or blue--
and they write a hymn
that is a metaphorical
sleepsong that
haunts skulls
that remain fossilized
in the earth
like a personalized genre--
either mythological or Biblical--
and no one sleeps
in fear of immortality
as if religiosity
is an axe to the ribs
mixed with psychology.
600 · Jan 2015
Plath Heart
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
My heart is electric.
Whenever you're near,
it explodes with electricity
somewhat radioactivity
and you perish
as if you stick your head
in the oven
and my toxins
are too much
for your ****** functions
to handle a girl named Ariel.
535 · Jan 2015
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
My veins are unusual.
The way they pulse my blood--
warm, red fluid--
makes my head turn sideways
as I dance around my room

in undergarments for you
all alone.

I've wanted to touch you.
You don't know how badly--
romance, emotional spirits--
have flooded over my thoughts
horses running around my room

while I pretend to kiss you
all alone.

My behavior worries about you.
You are unimportant--
ignoring my view--
hair auburn for you
as I move around this room

smiling and cheeks blushed
all alone.

Neurosis is my diagnoses.
No, someday I'll have you--
spectacular, true--
this is no mental illness
for someday you'll dance around this room, too

holding me as we spin insanely
415 · Jan 2015
The Moon
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
The moon has a glistening glow
but sometimes it croaks like a crow
not a raven but
as if it is a frog.
A planet,
Yet it breathes like a salmon
not with gills
but of lungs
the being of a human
somewhat less than the sun.
The moon can have traits
of anything living, I believe.
But I think everyone
would claim me as insane
so I shut my mouth
and eat some pig,
while my eye sights the moon
in dance
as we spin
on earth.
407 · Jan 2015
In Dreams
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
In dreams I find dear, your temperature is nothing but warm
an escape to a realm, a fantasy of joy and exploration.
I hold you close, never to let go of your grasp so firm
yet you vanish, your presence temporary imagination.
I want chocolate cake, as if I want desert more than your body
a chance to break free, an opportunity to bid farewell.
Not angel cake, but bitter and dry chocolate that is somewhat sloppy
to clean myself, like a bathing animal but falling down a stairwell.
I can only dream, clutter and nonsense like a mental disorder
and then I crave you, more than cake and more than desire itself.
I want to escape, travel inside my brain and cross the border
insanity my destiny, the want to find you within myself.
Stability is lost, I now know this more than I imagine
yet dragons breathe fire, and you again leave on a wagon.
358 · Jan 2015
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
My eyes were bloodshot
though sleep was a shadow
hovering over me
but not overcoming me.

How so?
I never really know:
I guess my mind never shuts up
and my bipolar trigger awakens.
depression sleep bipolar
356 · Jan 2015
Go Away, My Love
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
She spat in language
saying "go away, my love"
her tears sorrowful.

Abandoned he screamed,
performance cracking his speech

They both felt hollow,
the show a play yet heartfelt
acting beautiful.
355 · Jan 2015
Ancient Clay
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
You believe that
my body is the night
yet you don't know that
I'm a woman of the light
and you are not a piece of art,
not remotely modern enough
to know me
and the ancient clay
of the *******
stitched to my chest.
352 · Jan 2015
Teen Sway (Villanelle)
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
I was two when he stood in my way;
shy and frozen at his feet.
(I thought he was an artist with clay.)

My adoring grew every passing day,
like he was the calming sea
though they told me he'd be gay.

He held me firmly in our teen sway;
begged to see my femininity.
(I thought he was an artist with clay.)

Just friends and nothing more than play,
I was Juliet and he my Romeo
though they told me he'd be gay.

Every kiss drew him closer to stay;
every touch pure sensuality.
(I thought he was an artist with clay.)

Him and I moved to Oregon in May,
for art and Shakespeare.
(I thought he was an artist with clay)
though they told me he'd be gay.
316 · Jan 2015
Going Mad
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
I think I'm going mad.
This past Sunday
my papa preached
and looked me in the eye
as if my morals had
sprinted in a flee.
He yelled,
"'Surely oppression
maketh a wise man mad.'"

I may possibly be mad.
Cuckoo in the ways
the world has gone
and questioning
****** revolution
as if they have a point.
I think,
"I desire the touch of a man
yet divinity holds my heart."

I'm somewhat mad.
Like psychiatry is useless
and just a way to express questions
I trial myself
between sanity
and lively doubts.
Just remember,
"The darkness doesn't have me;
it has my thoughts."
297 · Jan 2015
I Remember
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
I remember lying on the bed
**** and beside you.
You reached for a cigarette
tobacco and yearning addiction.
I watched as you roamed the sheets
back bare and smoke floating.
The smell made me dizzy
my hips a pillow to your head.
You kept inhaling for an exhale
high and relaxing vibes.
I remember lying on that bed
only a body while you adored that cigarette.
230 · Jan 2015
In Death
Latreece Rose Jan 2015
In death--
possibly suicide--
I wish to
fall into your arms.
Nothing simpler--
no other request--
only closer to
divinity in your grasp.
death love

— The End —