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Floor Sep 2019
Lieve mama,

Je hebt mijn grafrede geschreven. Vol overtuiging heb je de pen op het papier gezet en de woorden laten vloeien.
Zonder enige twijfel kon jij zo je speech schrijven. Je deed het in het ziekenhuis, terwijl ik nietsvermoedend naast je zat. Je liet het me niet lezen, ik heb zelf je boekje gepakt. Nadat jij zo vaak mijn pijn op het papier heb kunnen lezen, leek het me niet meer dan eerlijk om te zien waar jij al zo lang mee zat. Uit je woorden kon ik opmaken dat je al een lange tijd aan het rouwen bent. Ik ben nog niet dood, maar je weet dat het eraan zit te komen. De constante schaduw van de suïcidale aanvallen hebben de monsters in je hoofd als een wild vuur aangewakkerd. Je gelooft niet meer in mijn leven. Het is een droom die ieder moment kan stoppen. Je weet dat je daarna nooit meer zult dromen en klampt je krampachtig vast aan de laatste beelden die je voor je **** halen. We hebben de laatste tijd niet meer dan ruzie gehad. We voelen de dood beide zo hard in ons nek hijgen dat we elkaar nauwelijks aan kunnen kijken. Het komt door mij. Wat zou het nu nog uitmaken of ik dood ga of niet. Ik heb je al zoveel pijn en verdriet gekost, dit kan zo niet verder mam. Ik wil je geen pijn meer doen. Je hebt mijn grafrede geschreven, verdomme mam. Je hebt het voor mij definitief gemaakt. Ik dacht dat ik er niet mee zou zitten, ik dacht dat ik mijn gevoel weer weg kon stoppen, maar mam je hebt het definitief gemaakt. Ik geef je nergens de schuld van. Ik had nooit dat boekje moeten pakken, maar mam je bent zo afgesloten. Ik wil weer met je zijn, samen kunnen lachen en huilen. Tegenwoordig kunnen we elkaar niet uitstaan. Ik voel de band niet meer. Ik begin mezelf weer langzaam terug te trekken en als het eenmaal zo ver is, zal het weer fout gaan. Het is voor mij, net als voor jou, een tikkende tijdbom. Ik sta op springen mam, ik kan niet meer. Ik vocht voor jou, maar jij hebt me al opgegeven. Jij bent al aan het rouwen voor een kind dat nog niet dood is.
Floor Jan 2020
I think you'll be gone in a matter of time
Not entirely disappearing, part of you will still remain
You'll travel to another country and meet new people
To soon forget about who I am
And I keep telling you 'I love you'
Maybe you can find your destination in my words
I don't think you will
But I keep hoping that one day you'll say 'I love you' before I do
Before I make you to
You are the first male I really trust
The first one I truly love
And my heart will break when you go away
It will shatter and collapse and create a tiny pile of broken pieces
That'll be me for the next few years
I will not tell you this
I refuse to tell you this
Because I, I love you
Floor Mar 2020
You are the tea after a cold night
My frostbitten hands hold you with unbearable strength
I don't want to lose your warmth
I don't want to lose you
And i can make this a soppy poem
But I cant find the words to tell you how much you mean to me
So I'll just say three little words
#love #fear #loveyou #depression #anxious #lovepoem
Floor Nov 2019
You're the one I want to keep
And hold in my arms
For as long as the clock is ticking
Kissing the soft spot in your neck
Getting your scent all over me
The more I breathe it in, the more I long for you
And I am not one to write love poems
But you made me do it anyways
Floor Jul 2019
I can feel myself fading away
I've never been something special
But it's like I'm turning grey while the whole world is full of color
It's like I'm being pushed off
It's weird to explain
But I just feel like I am nothing
Like I can dissappear in a second and no one will notice
I want to end it myself before life does it for me
I'm so scared of living
The few years I had on this earth were **** to say the least
I'm nothing special
I'm nothing
Floor Jul 2019
No I'm not okay. I feel depressed, have anxiety. I fear rejection and commitment at the same time. I want to tell someone before it's too late, but I don't want to hurt you. I need someone to hug me and tell me it's all gonna be okay. I want to tell everything I've been through. But what if I tell and you reject me? What if you leave me? I can't go through that another time.
Floor Oct 2019
Help, I've done it again
I've been here many times before
Hurt myself again today
Seeing the blood made me feel okay
I've been here many times before
This pitch black hole they call depression
It's a beast feasting on my innards
There's nothing left but pain
I can't breathe. The weight of being alive is pulling me under
I can't function without feeling the wall between me and my emotions
I just want to close my eyes to never wake up again
I'm done giving to a world so ****** up as this one
I'm done living in a society that tells me how to behave
I am so ******* tired
I want to die
No. I need to die
I don't have any purpose
I'm drowning, can't you see?
It's inhumane to keep me here
In a life that isn't made for me
Floor Feb 2019
They sound so mellifluous, maneuvering through the skies
As a somnambulist I walk where they wander
Never ending fantasies dripping on my tongue
With shivering wings and etherial looks they pull me in
The petrichor of the first rain starts to work it's way into my memory
Solitude takes my hand and whispers into my ear
I feel welcomed by the bombinating sounds the insects make
They put me at ease while I wander further into society
Floor Jun 2019
There is an insect inside of me
His name is depression
He's feasting on my innards
The pain moves up to my brain
It spreads through my veins
Now I'm shaking and choking on my own blood
Tearing up
Would that I could
And I am so very tired
If I could only end it all
Where am I, what can I do to stop this?

Who's there to trust?
Floor Aug 2019
I lost weight again
Eating is getting harder and harder
I can't remember the last time I was hungry nor full
I want to stop eating completely
That's what my unhealthy side says
I want to stop eating and lose all the weight I put on in the hospital
I want my bones to show and I want to feel the way I did when I was skinny
This urge came suddenly
I don't know why or what to do about it
I want to be skinny again and there's no holding back this time
Floor Jul 2019
I've been anxious and depressed lately.
I haven't got time to catch my breath
I am so drained I can't even collect the energy to do basic tasks
My parents hate me because of this
I can't defend myself anymore
I don't have the energy to do so
My self destructive ways of coping are taking over my body
I can't breathe
It's like the color dissappeared and everything is foggy
I don't know how much longer I can take this
I've had enough
Floor Aug 2019
My mind is tired
My body is tired
I'm in pain
I can't do this anymore
I'm gonna do it and this time I'll succeed
I can't deal with this anymore
All I do is push the people I love away
All I do is cause pain
I'm so tired
I've got to go
Tell my friends and family I love them all, because this is the day I die
Floor Jun 2019
But failed
Floor Jul 2019
There's so much pain
I hate myself so much
And everyone I allow to be in my life will be poisoned by me
I try to protect them
But how can I do that while I'm the one they should be running from
All I cause is pain
There's so much pain
I hate myself so ******* much
I wish people knew how bad it really is
Because I put on a smile and they all think I'm fine
It's like screaming and no one can hear
I'm drowning
I'm what's wrong and there's nothing I can do about it
If I'm not hurting myself I'm hurting everyone around me
How can I solve this without ending my life?
I can't take this any longer
My lungs are filled to the brim
I can't breathe
I just need the pain to be gone
I am the pain
What do I have to change inside to survive, who do I have to become?
I've had enough
There's so much pain
I can't take the loneliness any longer
The isolation I gave myself
I hate myself so much
I need to be gone
I need to be gone
Help me please
I can't take it any more
I can't breathe
I can't ******* breathe
Floor Sep 2019
no one understands that I have nothing to gain
no one understands how it feels to slowly go insane
to have panic attacks so bad that I can't breathe
no one understands the pain I feel in my chest
Like I'm infested with a disease
diseases ****
No one understands the tears that fall down to the floor
until I can't cry anymore
My eyes are drained just like my soul
my soul is a hole, a pitch black hole in the universe that can't be filled with love
its too scared of love, I'm too scared of love
I find myself on the ground with a bottle of pills in my hand
Pills that I took like tic tacs
now the clock tic tacking away until the gone
They will scream and they'll ask me why I did it
and I will smile like I have fishhooks in the corners of my mouth
i will tell them it's okay to fly into the sky with fearless wings
the scars on my arms will tell the story they are so curious about
my scars will tell them how my life is like a personal hell
I never got to choose to either live or die
I never got that choice
I'm in so much pain
18 years worth of pain is unbearable and yet here I am
I am a burden to the people around me
I want it to be over
Floor Jul 2019
It's sinks to the bottom of my soul
Like a rock in a river it flows and clutters up my insides
I never meant to feel this way, but I like it
I like to be in a world of my own
I changed
I never trusted people, but I found a person who makes me feel safe enough to share
Who makes it safe enough for me to be myself
I've never had that before
All the people before him abused me
They screamed at me, fought me, emotionally drained me.
But he's different
Funny how life can send you people when you don't expect it
When you feel like you'll never be happy again
And even though I still have a lot of  those moments, I know I have someone by my side to help me through it
Floor Sep 2019
I don't know if I'll breathe tomorrow
Floor Jul 2019
I am in so much pain
I need somebody to **** me
I've tried and failed many times
They took my pills and noose away
I'm hurting so bad
Help me
Help me
I can't bare it any longer
It feels like I'm being torn apart from the inside out
I can't help it
**** me please
I need to rest
I just need a moment without the mental pain
It never stops it really never stops and I can't bare it anymore I can't live like this any longer
Help me
The demons are too big
They are killing me inside
They don't see how sick I am
They never see it
They trust me to be alone but I can't be alone because I will end my suffering on my own
I need to stop this pain
It's killing me
Caer Caer Caer Caer
Help me it's killing me
I feel so alone
I am so alone right now I can't feel like this any longer
**** me please
Please please please end my suffering
Before it's too late and they take the full control
Floor Sep 2019
I knew a girl full of joy and peace
Who one day fell down to her knees
And told me with a big ol smile
I'm gonna leave earth for a while
She grinned and looked into my eyes
And told me about all the lies
She had lost all of her sway and glow
And really felt the urge to go
I saw her hands behind her back
And my vision went to black
A mirror appeared into my sight
And blinded me with all the light
'I'm you' she whispered in my ear
Everything seemed to get so clear
I once knew a girl full of joy and peace
Who one day fell down to her knees
And took the pills like tic tac sweets
Appeared to her as a big treat
Because peace she found into the ground
And fear was way too far ahead
For her to catch up after death
So she enjoyed her angel wings
And forgot the painful things
Floor Jun 2019
My head feels like a balloon
all the thoughts trapped in one little space
focus too much attention on it and the balloon will snap
It happened. They gave me medication do take my thoughts away, but I am so trapped in my thoughts that the air escaped, and with that I got lost too
I don't know who I am anymore
There's one thing I do know
A balloon belongs to the sky, and that's where mine will be very soon
My balloon snapped a little while ago, but I made myself a new one.
Now the air is making it lightheaded again, so it can fly to the heavens for once
Floor Nov 2019
You branded me with love
Kissed me with poison between your lips
Looked at me with storms in your eyes
Baby you never loved me
You never did
You broke me down
I had to start from scratch
You branded me with love
Kissed me with poison between your lips
Looked at me with storms in your eyes
Baby you never loved me
And it ruined me
Floor Jul 2019
Her tears hit the ground more often than her feet
It hurts to know that it's my fault
She broke down because of me
Her smile is something I have to keep in my memory, because I haven't seen it in a while
She doesn't trust me anymore
That's the worst part
She doesn't trust her own child
I did so many ****** up things
She was the one who found me when I tried to **** myself
Something snapped
It's my fault
Floor Jul 2019
dear mom, you live in pain every day and it makes you hate your life
it also makes you hate me
I know you love me most of the time, and we have good times
But you can't help but make comments about my problems
You can't help but tell me what I do wrong
You can't help it
I know you can't
Your pain controls your life like my pain controls mine
But we never break and that's the ******* problem

You broke

it feels like you hate me more right now
You hate me for getting the help I need, while you are too scared to admit your problems
I was six when it happened
And it still feels like I lost my mother during that accident
I need you mom, but you need me more right now
I'll take care of everything
I'll help you get through it all
You aren't bad
You aren't evil
You are in pain
and if there's one person who knows what that feels like, it's me
I promise I will take care of you
But momma, I need you too
Floor Jun 2019
I’m not comfortable or satisfied with myself. I never was and I can’t imagine it any different. People have left me in the past for unknown reasons, and now I’m so afraid to show too much of myself that I don’t show anything at all. Being so full of self hatred made me ask myself a lot of questions. One being if I still want to grow up. I want to die but my friends think I’m lying. I’ve always been afraid of losing people I love, but when I tell a friend I want to **** myself and they think it’s funny I start to wonder if there’s anyone out there afraid to lose me. I always keep my pain to myself. I don’t want to hurt my family.  What I’ve realized about hiding an unbearable amount of pain is that it makes you the strongest and weakest person. Strong because you learn to cope with and handle all the suffering. Weak because it wears you down until all of you is gone and broken. Eventually I felt so much pain I started to feel nothing. My parents got frustrated with me because I became so passive and ‘lazy’. Little do they know, depression carries many forms and one of them is sleep. It’s an escape. Depression doesn’t make you lazy, it makes your mind and body tired. There were a lot of moments where I wanted to **** myself and my mom was screaming at me to do the dishes. She had no clue. It got really dark really fast. One day in class while everybody was working, my eyes started watering. Because I knew they were thinking about their work or friends, but all I could think of was how much rather I’d be at the edge of a bridge about to jump. I fantasize a lot about my death. It became normal to me after a while. Most days I can’t get out of bed, let alone do something, II’m trying my best but I just can’t breathe anymore and every second I’m alive I feel like I’m drowning. That’s why I like to have long showers. Because when I sit in the shower maybe I can drown in something else than my own thoughts. Depression is like a thief. It stole my education, my friends, my motivation, my dreams, my future and most of all, me. I can’t remember the last time I was happy. I always fake a smile. I’m not sad anymore. I am numb. And numb, I know, is somehow worse. I can’t connect with people because I can’t really feel much. I just feel so ******* empty and it is so exhausting to feel nothing and everything at the same time. I feel myself changing, I don’t even laugh the same way anymore. I don’t talk or think the same. I’m just tired of everything. And I see all these happy people around me and I can’t help but wonder why I can’t be like that. My day doesn’t really consists out of a lot of happiness. I wake up, I look in the mirror, I cringe, I know I’m ugly, I know I’m fat and disgusting, I want to die. And the worst thing is, the next day, it happens all over again until the day I give up. That they is really soon. My body and my mind are shutting down and I give in. I’m tired of this fight, all I want to do is rest.
Floor Jan 2019
And they say there's nothing beautiful about bones
But all I see when I feel them appear more and more is pearls
I proudly parade along the pavement with veins and collarbones poking out like a sinful trophy
They are the jewels on my crown
The jewels I had to pick up from the ***** roads I crossed
Instead of making me heavier they let me hover through the sky
I can feel the storm in my head when the last bit of sugar leaves my body
Clouds appear when I stand up
Still looking for my throne I trow the last bit of nutriment aside and there it is. The end of the road shows me the thrown I've been waiting for. I've lost my body, but gained the pride in my head back knowing I can fight my natural desire to eat
Floor Sep 2019
The big things will be seen as signs of an undeniable strength in the back of my mind
it's unspoken about, but we all know the power is too big
A shiver goes down my spine while I sip on my last bit of wine like I want to press my sanity in-between the top of my mouth and my tongue. I want to take the sour pinch and enjoy the smell of sweet life a little bit longer
I feel lightheaded as it moves down my throat
Floor Nov 2019
I want to feel the poetry in my blood
I want to feel the words form a structure around my bones
Kindly reminding me of you in a way only words can do
I want to feel the explanation mark in my heart grow bigger as our lips converge
I want the commas to never end, and the periods to never emerge from the depths of my mind
We make poetry babe, you and I will forever remain alive in the words I have written
Because I love you as much as the words in my poems
And I will never let go of that feeling
Floor Jul 2019
And there's all this rage inside of me
All this pain and anger
I can't tell you how much there is  
You'll get scared
I held everything in from age 6 to now
All the pain and the heartbreak
People abused me and left me
People pulled me in and kicked me away
I've never been someone's first choice
I've never been someone's priority
It scares me when people get too close
It scares me when people ask me about myself
Because all I've ever known was helping others
All I've ever done was prioritizing everything above my own mental health
Even at the unit
Even in my therapy sessions
And I'm so done with it
I'm so done with breathing air for other people
Floor Sep 2019
The lights went off again
The room is completely dark now
I know the furniture is there, but I can't see it
What I do see is a flickering light, a settle reflection of a mirror
I can't see myself
Who even am I?
The lights turned off
The room is filled with black
I can see the shape of a doorknob
Gloomy light touches the surface and there goes my hand
The door is shut
No movement allowed
It was worth a try
I'll wait in the dark
Scratch the door untill my fingers bleed
I'll not rest until I get into the light
Or heaven I suppose
Floor Mar 2019
And I find it so hard to search for words to say
That my sanity went down the drain
Like the leftover soap seeping off my hair
It stings my eyes and turns me blind
The monster picks the moment like a greedy child picking a flower
It closes my throat so oxygen is a word I can't remember anymore
Thoughts drip down my body and I find myself drowning in the condensed walls of my mind
With damp fingers I try to reach for a strategy
But I seem to have lost my sanity
Floor Sep 2019
I'm scared that I'll **** up
I'm scared that people won't accept the real me, the person with scars and a history full of pain and abuse
I'm scared that I'll throw my life away by dreaming too much
And I'm scared that I'll not dream enough
I'm scared that i will forever be scared
Trapped in my anxiety and shame
I'm scared that I won't be enough
I'm scared to lose my family and friends
I'm scared to lose my mind
I'm so close to losing my mind
I'm scared that I'll cut too deep
And I'm scared that I'll never cut deep enough
I'm scared of living
I'm scared of myself
I'm scared
Floor Jun 2019
I'm trying so hard to let the air in
But all I can seem to do is scream terrifying melodies
they broadcast the pain like it's some sort of freakshow
The watchers laugh at me while I'm trying to dance with the devil
One wants to give me a hand and tries to pull me out of the madness, but he fails
It's okay though. I like to watch him while I suffer. He reminds me of the good things in life
And although we can't touch hands just yet I know he's the one feeding me oxygen while  most people stay at the sideline to watch me gasp for air
Floor Sep 2019
I had a therapist tell me once how ironic it was how much love I gave out
because I didn't give much to myself
she laughed, like self love was a sick joke
I chuckled and cried at home
I had somebody tell me that I could not love somebody else unless I loved myself
this time I got to laugh
this time the sick joke was mine
it was me
might as well wait forever
I remember hating myself at the age of seven
diaries filled to the brim with criticism
I had enough pages to stitch them into wings
and fly close enough to the sun to see my tears turn to steam
felt the wax burn on my shoulders
and mold into thick skin
I was nine when I wanted to die
thirteen when I found a solution
figured if I could cut my legs enough
gravity would let me go
when it didn't I tied a rope around my neck and twisted it until I couldn't breathe
stars filled my eyes and I was almost gone that day
I almost convinced myself I'd done it
when I started writing
I smeared my blood on every page
to remind myself that everything beautiful has a consequence
I have died so many times
so when I told you loving you made life almost worth it I wasn't joking
If someone can love a dying thing this way
and give thanks to the way my body hold back
if someone can kiss the scars
Administer the pills
absorb the bad days
and wake up smiling next to me
then I can try to breathe again
because self love does not always comes first
or second
or even ever
I will always be a woman of wounds
a broken neck and melted skin
love will not heal me
but it will hold my hand if I ever heal myself
and it'll maybe teach me a joke that I can stay alive long enough for to laugh at
Floor Jun 2019
I am addicted to my own destruction
I never chose to live this life and now I'm ripping it off of me piece by piece like a poster on a wall
Once the pills kick in, I go back to numb
Once the blade hits my skin I can finally feel something
Once the alcohol or **** strucks my system I can stop thinking for a minute
Death is friendly to me, life is not
People are terrified of it, that's what sets me apart from them
Death became my lover a long time ago and he wants to take everything
I'm willing to give it all, but people are holding me back
There will be a time they lose grip There will be a time when I'm all alone with my thoughts and they'll swallow me like I'm nothing.
I can't bare it anymore
That time will be very soon
Floor Jul 2019
I smell like the cigarette that I put out on my skin
The sting's still there
It turned to a bright red spot before it went black
I smell like the **** that I smoked
I need it to keep the voices quiet
It turns my thoughts into clouds and my mood into water
I smell like the liquor I drank
I need it to feel alive
I need it to feel like I am somebody
I smell like the blood seeping out of my fresh cuts
I need it to stay calm
Without it I would lose myself in the eye of a noose
Why do I need all these things to make me feel like I am somebody? Without them I turn into my biggest demons and I can't face myself for a second being like that. Why can't I just be like everyone else and find pleasure instead of escape in atleast 3 of these things. Why can't I stop being me?
Floor Jan 2020
I want to breathe in different skin
Floor Feb 2019
She was a shadow of her own mind
A pitch black hole in the air
When people looked at her the hope that she'd come back would fade away

She was a crack in a perfectly fine mirror
Nobody seemed to notice it at first, but it eventually got annoying to look

She was a papercut in her family's finger
A small stripe of blood and biterness in a beautiful surface that shouldn't be touched

She was broken but all she worried about was how it affected the people around her. And nobody seemed to take a needle to stitch the pieces back together
Floor Jan 2019
I'm thinking as if I'm sinking, with my head deep down under the water surface.
Choking in the coldness of my thoughts.
I got used to the negative voices after a while, scraping down the surface of my brain like sand on skin. My eyes are closing because of the unpleasant pinch the whispers bring.
It works like salt, tiny crystals blinding my eyes for what's real.
I can hear the people screaming from above. They want to save me.
I just lay there in my thoughts, hoping for a wave to make the final decision, or a rock to give me final hope. It's hard to see with salt in your eyes.
It's even harder when you're the one causing the blindness yourself.
Floor Jun 2019
She could’t breathe
She hated the pills that caused temporary relief
and now the last bit of air was crushed under the surface of a way too big depression
People around her saw the mask she put on
and although the person behind is was crumbling into little pieces they kept smiling at her like she was a statue finally found after years of being stolen
She made sure people knew she was as strong as that piece of brick
She made pain a friendly visitor and love a daily struggle
After years of suffering in silence she started to believe the lie she used as glue for her masks
Her pain became a crown and love became something to run from
But now her air was being stolen and she couldn’t fight back anymore
Years of holding the ball underwater made her arms sore and now her bones started to snap like sticks
It was clear who was winning the battle
She started finding peace in the thought of the everlasting darkness
She couldn’t breathe
And for the first time in years she stopped gasping for air
Floor Jan 2020
I've tried to take my life seven times before
And no one ever talked about it after it happened
We all went on without addressing it
I carried the weight of my attempts on my shoulders like it was a backpack filled with stones
It made me feel like no one cared
I will attempt a new one in a matter of time
No one seems to notice how bad I'm actually doing
No one cares enough to talk
I'm so painfully hurt and I'm alone in this fight
I'm done
Floor Jun 2019
I would put you in my suicide note if I were to die today
I'd tell you all the things I'm scared to tell you in a different way  
When all the pain and scars finally catch up with me I will say


You will mourn for me by the time it's Monday
You will forget me by the time it's Friday
I found myself in an unhealthy way

Floor Feb 2020
I wake up feeling blue
While my arms are covered in red
Drink cold tea like it's hot
And feasting on crackers like it's steak
I take my blade like it's a butterknife
And slice my skin like it is bread
Tie a noose like it's a scarf
Take the step like it's to heaven
But i fall down like I'm going to hell
Floor Nov 2019
o talkative listener
what do you do
always rephrasing sins on your skin
you are a devil in disguise
and I love you for that
you are ragged edged with a hint of silver
wanting to make gold with stones
you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders
and walk like it's your last time to shine
o talkative listener
what do you do
always marking your words with a metal edge
you are a devil in disguise
and I love you for that
Floor Jun 2019
This cage is called a home by many
but they can't see what's happening inside
the screams and hurt trapped within this so called home are terrifyingly constricting
I want to escape, so I numb myself with whatever I can find
sometimes it is blood, sometimes the pills and sometimes the danger that saves me
These fights are so full of hate and desperation that it scares us all to tell the outside world about them
Thats why I only have myself
I need to protect the smallest, I need to support the biggest and help the middle one
but one of them is as much angel as a devil
with the snap of her finger the home turns into a cage once more and we're all trapped
I can't handle it anymore, the barriers hurt my body
The cage takes my breath away and forces me to find ways to numb myself
Meanwhile I leave everyone behind because I've learned that I'm better off alone
So now I'm pasting back and forth it the cage, waiting for someone to notice the girl I once was
Floor Feb 2019
Lacking the feeling of empathy I walk amongst the pavement.
They told me sad was the word I had to put on, but I chose a different dress. Now I can feel how itchy the fabric is and I regret my choice. It never was my choice in the first place, I remembered. The dress restricts me and makes me feel numb, it turns my vision blurry and my body invisible. The sleeves tickle my arms and leave thin red marks where it touches my skin. I wish I could pull new jeans out of my closet, and leave the dress on the floor for once.
Floor Nov 2019
Disgustingly full of selfhatred
I once again push a knife to my skin
Red pearls fall to the ground
They are filled with rage and pain
I can't remember a time before my fall
They cut my wings with silver blades
They teached me how to do it
So now I'm pulling feathers out of my skin
And wish no more
Floor Jun 2019
They all think I'm getting better
they are proud of the steps I'm taking, but they can't see that I'm taking them backwards
My thoughts are killing me. I take my meds and save them up as well. Just to be sure I tell myself
But I know I will attempt
It hurts so bad that even my body can't handle it anymore
I'm shutting down like a concerthall, the lights going off one by one
I tried to sedate myself with smoke and blood, but nothing seems to help
It's been three years since I've seen the light
and although I'm still fighting for it to come back, I know in the back of my head that it's almost an impossible task to fulfill
I'm terrified
I don't know what to do anymore and I'm alone
I'm still too scared to love, I won't let people near me
This isn't the way I planned on living my life
The play is taking all of my energy
and I don't know how to get it back
Floor Aug 2019
Most people would say I'm better
I was so sad and so angry at first
So now, i must be better
I'm always smiling
I don't hide my scars anymore, I must be so proud of my recovery
But this is so far from the truth
If anything I feel worse
I just hide it now
Even from myself
I ignore it
And distract myself
But it always comes back
You can't run away from these things cause they are a part of you
I dont want to burden anyone
I dont want to go back to another hospital
Seriously, I don't give a **** if you're throwing me back in a mental institution
I care that I won't be able to see my mom
She needs me
So I smile
I act like I'm better
I lie
I keep the tears in and pray to whoever is up there that they buy it and let me go
And they do
It became so ridiculously easy to pretend
Then there's therapy
I care about other people too much
I care about how everyone around me is feeling
The first weeks of therapy are okay
I'm honest, as honest as i can be
But then we start to bond
I start to care about their feelings
And all of a sudden my life's perfect again
They fixed me, right?
No, but i act like I'm okay to make them feel better
Of course on the inside nothing has changed
It's only gotten worse
At night i can feel it pestering inside me and i wanna cry , i just want to cry so bad
But i have no more tears
I'm numb
So i use my imagination
I think of places far away
Places where I'm happy
I know she'll notice all of this eventually
My mom
She'll notice and i will keep quiet
I don't want to hurt her feelings
My feelings? My feelings would hurt her
So i hide them
And i don't get better
You know, the sick thing is, I don't even think i want to get better
Because I'm scared of that too
This is all I've ever known
I don't remember being happy
I don't remember peace with myself
It's lonely
It's so ******* lonely
Because everyone else knows this completely different person
They don't even know me
I don't know how to deal with this anymore
I just want it to stop
I care about people so much, I dont want to hurt them, but when they meet the real me they will get hurt
I'm done.
Floor Jul 2019
The urge is getting in my head again
I want to take away the pain
I am the pain
My life is pain
I want to take my life
The voices are getting bad again, the depression is taking over
The urge is bigger and stronger than ever
I'm so ******* scared
I want to let people close to me
I want to tell them
I want it, but the memories and flashbacks are holding me pinned against the floor
I can't tell them
I have to do this alone
I'm not brave enough to keep this fight going
I'm done
Floor Jan 2019
And I think they know I care
But the walls are so high they can't hear the whispers
Desperately looking for more than numbness I dig underneath it
All I find is dirt and broken promises
Stuffed in the ground like bones of a memory
I want to tell them
I want to let them in
But my only way to show them is going up
And the sky is terrifyingly blue in contrast with the dark stone of the wall
All I can wish for is their voices
All I can hold on to is the hope that somewhere, behind the wall, some people care enough to stay around to build a ladder
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