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Kris Fireheart Aug 2023
I spent another evening
In one corner of
My mind...

My conscience is
Left bleeding,
And I don't know what I'll find...

My future hangs in balance,
I'm too nervous
To sleep,

But still I keep my chalice,
I fill it and
I drink...

The courthouse is
A palace,
Of justice and of

But when I walk inside it
I shake from head
To feet...

I beg the gods I
Don't believe
To grant me just
Some peace...

Please let me enter
Into hell
And walk out
On two feet...

Oh, let me enter into hell
And walk out
On two feet...
I'm going to court tomorrow for my first felony charge (yay) let's hope my lawyer does this job and I walk out of there free. I always get the shakes when I have to go to court; thank gods Xanax exists...
Kris Fireheart Aug 2023
There's an ocean,
Underneath me,
And a thought that
Can defeat me,

O, I'll cry,
When I see you
Once more...

There's a name,
I'm so ashamed,
I can't make it,
I'm to blame.

O, I'll cry
When I see you
Once more...

All the things
That I've done,
There's no battles
That I've won,

O, I'll cry
When I see you
Once more...

Inside I'm still dying,
Outside, I'm
Still trying,
There's no one
To hold open doors!

No lying , I'm crying,
My blood
Won't hit the floor;

But I'll cry,
When I see you
Once more...

I've got friends,
Til the end,
But no moments
I can rend,

There's nothing
But something
I adore!

Such a moment
Just a moment,
My atonement,
I abhor,

But I'll cry
When I see you
Once more!
A poem I wrote describing my depression. A year ago I caught a case for attempting to steal from a car, and pulling a gun on someone. Yeah... even I make serious mistakes. But the aggravated assault charge is going to be dropped, and I'll likely serve probation for attempted robbery of a motor vehicle. Thankfully it's a misdemeanor, and not the felony they wanted to charge me with... I wrote this today before court on Monday. Wish me luck and forgiveness... that's all I have the right to ask.

Kris Fireheart Aug 2023
Another Anniversary,
Where I find myself

I think upon the memories
We shared when we
Were one...

A once important part of me,
I lost when you
were gone...

Another anniversary,
I dream I'm in
Your arms...

To turn the clock
To feel that touch again...

A love I won't allow
To leave,
I'm yours until the end....

I curl up and I
Try to sleep,
Upon my empty bed...

I cry and grasp upon
The key,
And hear the words you said...

"I know our life isn't the best,
But you're the one for me.
And one day when We've
Gotten free "

"I'll buy you a ring..."
Today is the day I met my departed fiancĂ©, Chucky,  who died of a ****** overdose on October 16, 2013. We both took a shot, but i woke up and he didn't... So tonight is for drinking, tonight is for thinking, and remembering how we lived and loved.  "We're so free, you and me... We even share the stars..." -- Chucky  Mallon, August 12, 2010, Eleanor Tinsley park, on the hillside. I remember and I miss you.
Kris Fireheart Aug 2023
It's always the
Little things
That set you off.
They make you angry,
They leave me hanging;

It's always the
Little things
That make me think;
They twist my
Both yours and

And take us
To the brink.

It's always the
Little things
That stop
And make us
It's always the little things, that bring us joy, passion, emotion and pain.
Kris Fireheart Apr 2023
There's something
Over when you're

Something missing
In your mind.

When you've
Passed on,
And starting

There's something
You leave

And now it's
Now I'm sober
And I'm supposed
To be fine....

But I'm not Over
What I found
When I was lost
In my mind...
68 days sober, trippy *** dreams, and I still feel like I'm missing something. No more coking and smoking for me. Seeing what it does to my roommate made me never want to do it again. That and my court case, of course.
Kris Fireheart Apr 2023
There are
Streets that cry,
Bleed and sigh,
******* with you,
Til' you can't
Sleep at night...

Streets that you
Feel like can
Read your mind,
Streets that you
Just can't
Leave behind.

There are
Streets that cry,
Bleed and sigh,
Filled with the
People who just
Breathe and die,

There are
Streets that cry,
Bleed and sigh,
And streets that
You never want
To leave behind...
I was born and raised on the Houston Streets. I was born here, and I'll likely die here. They are my home, the places I roam, and I keep watch over them and I call them my own.
Kris Fireheart Apr 2023
When I was young,
I had a dream,
Just a small house,
down by a stream,

Far away from all that mattered,
All the dreams that ended shattered,

Just a home where I could roam,
And be me....

Call it causality, maybe reality,
Call it a God, who looks
Tearfully, down at me,

Call it an arrogance,
call it ambition,
Never conformed, you can call it

Call it a fantasy, call it
My lunacy, call it
my dream...

But in my madness, and still,
In my sadness, There's something
I cling to with hope and a prayer

That one day I'll find it, or worse,
Leave behind it, but still it remains
Like the chains that bind it to me...

When I was young
I had a dream,
Just a small house,
down by a stream,

Call it a fantasy, call it
My lunacy, call it
my dream...
Just a small poem I wrote this morning. I had a dream of what I would call my perfect reality, and decided To share it here. I hope you like it. After all, we all have our dreams...
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