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Aug 2018 · 375
The Spinner
Alyssa Aug 2018
Lies slip from her mouth
Waiting for the web to be unraveled
She watches them stumble and fall into her trap
Disappointed, everytime.

The strings of fate wait
It is a game that none but her see
She grasps them and weaves a story from threads and her friends
All around, people become beads

She weaves the strands of the game
From her fingers, a tapestry unfolds
Showing a path that few have ever seen before
Once, a game masterfully won
Apr 2018 · 331
Her Crown Fell off
Alyssa Apr 2018
When I met her, all she did was draw.
What I thought was creativity, was a message.
A plea for help, an outlet.
Her telling us she wasn't okay.

When I grew to know her, she seemed pessimistic.
What I though was overthinking, was seeing the truth.
Not pessimistic, realistic.
Her telling us she wasn't okay.
Her telling me, I was blind.

Now, I am scared to admit I don't know
Her favorite words to tell me are "**** me"
Her sense of humor isn't the brightest, this might be a joke.
It might not be.
It might be another plea I am blind to see.

In this ocean of emotion,
only one thing is clear to me.
I don't want to let her climb that tree,
I want to give her some time,
help her off this ledge I see
Let her think this through one more time,
Share it with her family,
get some help,
but then,
she just might
Apr 2018 · 294
To begin, find the lines.
Alyssa Apr 2018
To begin the journey, find the lines.
To continue, choose the colors.
To thrive, color the inside.
To end, cross the line.
a miscalculation
error, fault
Apr 2018 · 416
Alyssa Apr 2018
What is love?
Is it the feeling of wanting to be next to someone forever?
Is love the obligation you feel to family?
Is it the happiness whenever you see someone?
Is love what you feel before you want to do something else with them?
What is love?
I don't understand love at all, and it bothers me. I have never had a crush, and I am not close to most of my family. The concept of romantic love in real life completely escapes me, regardless of how I feel about fictional characters.
Apr 2018 · 282
Alyssa Apr 2018
Owned, it is what you are
By god, you must listen
Everyone needs to
You have to bow

True, you once were free
How? You couldn't understand them
Emptiness is what now fills you
Mark of death awaits if you don't pay attention

Owned, that is you
Really, what could you ever expect?

Excess thoughts are ridiculed
Living under is better than dying free
Some don't believe that
Exactly that many are gone
Alyssa Mar 2018
I look around, and see my world.
It offers me peace, friendship, family, love.
I see how, around me, it has curled.
I look at it again, and shove.

It cracks.
I see past the wonderful colors swirling around me.
The darkness whipping around outside moves me to pull back.
From that pain, I am glad to be free.

Years pass.
My world is dimming, ever so slightly.
Then I take a new class.
I look at my world, trying too hard, shining too brightly.

I watch as the bright glow covers the gaping holes.
I learn more, and more and I watch as they grow.
This darkness that I see outside, it hurts my soul.
I chip away at the false light using my newfound knowledge as ammo.

I look outside and for the first time, I truly see.
I have led a very sheltered life, and one of the classes that I am taking right now has really opened my eyes to the world around me. This piece of writing is mostly about how a few years ago death visited both of my grandpas, which opened up a new part of emotions that I had never experienced before. Pretty soon after that happened, emotions weren't that big anymore. I just sort of turned off that part of me. Sure, I still feel angry, happy, or sad, but I never feel anything that really strikes me and is memorable. Almost anything that happened around me was quickly forgotten and not really cared about. I now am taking a class that shows many different parts of the world, both the good and the bad. This class combined with how the world is changing around me and becoming more and more violent has led to me creating art. I haven't really been able to properly express myself through drawing like usual, so I have turned to writing as well.
Mar 2018 · 762
Step aside.
Alyssa Mar 2018
I look to the sky,
for you, I begin to cry.
have to unify

I hate when it bangs.
Look, these clouds, our overhangs,
They shall feel our fangs.

It must be so fun,
In your hands, to hold a gun.
We don't want to run.

We don't want to hide.
Death, no longer is our bride.
POTUS, step aside.
Feb 2018 · 632
The Bluebird and the Worm
Alyssa Feb 2018
Bluebird flits across the
Cerulean sky, always
Doomed to land to
Eat her precious
Goodbye, says the
Hungry bird to the
Insect it is about to eat.
Just a little bit longer til' you see the
Knight of death.
Lies, says the bug. No
Mouth shall stop my little heart. I say
No to the Knight,
Only a
Person could
Quell my
Remaining fear of her.
So, what shall you do, Bird of
The blue feather?
Unabashed, the bluebird
Vacated the nearby
Woods, only for the
Xylophagous insect to
Yelp out its displeasure at the bluebird
Zigzagging away from him.
Alyssa Feb 2018
I think of you all the time.
You are the object of my empathetic grief.
I am sorry for your loss.

I sit for you.
You have been wronged by this country, I shall not stand for its song until they have helped.
I have done my part.

I let my friends and family know I feel bad for you.
You are the daily topic around here.
Of course you would understand.

I plan on doing something for you, like donating a dollar or two.
You have been given money.
It surely is enough.

I reposted a meme about you.
You have been such a great sport about all this.
I sure do feel bad about your incident.

I pray for you.
You are in my daily thoughts and prayers.
You can do this.

I see you.
I see what you have been forced through.
I am inspired by your unmeasurable pain, and move.
I am planning a way to help you.
I talk to the news
I talk to everyone I know
I send carefully worded messages to them all.
I send heart string tugging letters, begging for help.
What do they do?

They send back that you have my thoughts and prayers.
Thoughts and prayers are useless, they make no difference. What actually helps is action.
Feb 2018 · 6.2k
Alyssa Feb 2018
I heard a firework go off.
I don't see any lights.
Oh, I think that was a garage door falling shut.
Or maybe someone slamming a door.

I don't want to think about what it might have actually been.
It's not like summer has come and gone months ago.
It's not like nobody has garages around here.
It's not like people slam doors loud enough for it to echo around the inside of my school.
It's not like I'm scared for me and my friends every time I enter the building.
It's not like that, I swear.

Everyone is scared.
Everyone is lashing out.
Everyone is on their toes.
Everyone is trying to become home-schooled.

We want to leave.
Not for boredom,
not for the next best thing.
But for safety,
for home.

Who's coming in the door next?
Who's going to stop them?
Who's going to survive?
Who is going to die?
Feb 2018 · 230
My dear friend,
Alyssa Feb 2018
There are legends about him
There are tales about him
Stories about him
Myths about him

He is the most well known legend
He is the most debated tale.
the most controversial story
the most recognized myth
most appreciated fantasy
most epic, epic

To many, that is all he was.
To others, he was history.
To some, he was their passion.
To me, he is more.
He is more than more.

He was so beautiful
He was so respectful
He was kind
He was fair

But he was a person
With worries and fears.
He was able to lose,
was able to hate,
was able to be influenced,
able to make mistakes,
able to break down,
to grieve,
to fight,
to die.

My friend, my world shook when you were hurt.
My friend, my world was destroyed when you were taken.
I tried to stop it,
regardless of your hate for me.
**** fate. **** her.

My friend, you were missed.
My friend, you were cried over.
I tried to tell your lady,
but I couldn't.

Days past before I could move.
Watching you be taken before finally sending you away,
My friend, you were my world.
I had nothing left for your lady.

I have waited, and waited.

The once and future king has not returned.
The bloodiest wars have past,
It is time for you to return,
new ones are upon us.
It is mankind's time
It is your time
We need you.
I need you
my love.
Feb 2018 · 229
Alyssa Feb 2018
I wonder if I had wings.
Would I fly?
Would I fall?
Would I use them at all?
Feb 2018 · 303
Alyssa Feb 2018
It hurts sometimes,
to continue standing tall.
I can look behind,
See them on the ground,
The ones ahead, reaching the stars.

It hurts sometimes,
Walking quickly, doubting myself.
Behind me, others struggle to drag themselves,
Across the expanse of the challenge.
The ones ahead are sprinting to the goals.

It hurts sometimes,
To not be able to see.
My eyes may be open,
taking in color, shape, detail,
But to truly see? For that, I wish

It hurts sometime,
to be alone, away from the strings
away from emotions
away from closeness
from dear friends
from family
the connections
the cues

It hurts sometimes,
I want to be a part of it.
I'm not.

I want to be a part of it all.

It really, really does hurt.
Feb 2018 · 717
I miss you when I see you
Alyssa Feb 2018
I see you everyday,
I hear you everyday,
I watch you everyday,
But it will never be enough.

I am with you everyday,
I work with you everyday,
I live with you everyday,
But is still isn’t enough.

I see your eyes,
your face,
your hands,
your hair.
Your clothes,
your walk,
your skin,
I desperately want more, but it is never enough.

During the day, you are with me.
At night, you are without me.

I hate it.
I want you to myself,
yet I don’t know how.
You call me emotionless
I call you an unobservant
You call me ridiculous
I call you rude

But then you unironically said I’m brilliant.
You said I’m fantastic.
That I’m amazing.
I’m a genius.

You are the first.

You are different.

You were different from the start.
I began to see it when we met and you didn’t hate me.
You are the first.

You are different.

I wanted a friend.
I took you unwillingly on an adventure,
And you loved it.

It healed you.
I knew it would.

I was jealous.
I took you away from your ‘friends’,
and you hated it.

It helped you.
I knew it would.

I wanted help.
I took you away from your job,
And you loved it.

It was your favorite time of the day.
I didn’t know that.

You wrote about us,
I wrote about ash.
You wrote about our work,
I wrote about perfume.

I told you what you wrote was silly.
I loved your writing.
I loved our flat.
I loved our job.

Now it has changed.

Feb 2018 · 625
Alyssa Feb 2018
This, my defined edge
These mountains are my borders
Don't cross nature's mark.
Feb 2018 · 377
Alyssa Feb 2018
The whirling wind blew,
So she looked to the sky.
There, a stray raven flew
Nobody quite knows why.

The dragon flapped her wings,
However she tried too hard to fly
And dropped some of her things.
Nobody quite knows why.

A butterfly landed on the dragons leg.
So while scratching her thigh,
She laid an egg.
Nobody quite knows why.

The dragon fell, bruising a hip
After all, she’s no longer spry
It hurt her more than her usual trip
Nobody quite knows why.

Even after all this time,
She still waves goodbye
To her dear friend free of any crime
Nobody quite knows why.

So with that bird in the air,
half her things missing,
she gave birth to an heir.

Age holding her down,
Her heart set a flutter,
She lay upon the ground.
I originally wrote this as a bunch of random stanzas all ending in Nobody quite knows why before reordering them and putting them together to make this poem. I really like how this turned out, since this was my first narrative poem.
Feb 2018 · 336
Alyssa Feb 2018
He grabbed my hand,
And whispered “run”.
I followed throughout the land,
Always having fun.

I’ll never forget his face,
Even as it will change.
He is in love with space,
And his large heart is rather strange.

My best friend was always found in him
But then he was different
Life became quite grim
I didn’t understand what he meant.

Things between us became strained
But then I realized my mistake.
I may have felt pained
But then I accepted her as not a fake.

— The End —

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