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473 · Jan 2021
Elijah Aaron Jan 2021
Down in the dirt.
Beat to the ground.
Hit after hit.
Strike after strike.
Bruises on and in me.
Cuts deep and sharp.
Get up I will.
Stay down I can't.
Things aquire my attendence.
People need my presence.
On my feet now.
Steady myself.
Stare it all down I must.
Take it head on I do.
More pain is sure to come.
It's ok.
It's what it takes.
I'm not alone.
I have been healed.
So come on!
Take your best shot!
Keep going.
338 · Apr 2020
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020
Hard to come by and hard to keep
Fleeting away as you fall asleep
Always sought for but rarely found
Never feeling safe and sound
Only fills for just a while
Then a frown fades your smile
Like a drug you long for dearly
Never helping you think clearly
Happiness is temporary, it never lasts
Joy is what you seek, let joy come to pass
Joy over happiness
322 · Apr 2020
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020
Binding cracking as I open again
Pages falling into place from the last read
Hello again my old friend
Take me to the world
From the first time long ago
Captivate me with your words
Let me get lost in the story
Reading by low light once again
This never gets old
I never grow tired
My room has grown quiet
My glasses on my nose
Once again old friend
You have my full attention
Read on.
315 · Apr 2020
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020

Love is simple
Love them as you love yourself
Love is simple
Love her as you love yourself
Love is simple
Love yourself?
Love is simple...
Love... myself?
Love... is simple...
Love... me... how?
Love is simple.
Love her? yes!
Love is simple
Love me too...
Love is simple...
Love her and me
Love me to love her more
Love is simple.
Love is simple...
254 · Apr 2020
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020
A room without a blanket is cold

A room without a bed is uncomfortable 

A room without clothes is revealing

A room without walls is exposing 

A room without painted walls is flat

A room without a pillow brings a headache

A room without a lamp is dark

A room without windows makes you blind

All these things are terrible my darling

But I would take it all, because a room without you is nothing
252 · Apr 2020
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020
The nerves she gives me
The heart rate she causes
Makes me weak in the knees
And turns in my stomach

She is wonderful
She is beautiful
She is kind
She is everything
She is mine
252 · Apr 2020
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020
Have patience dear one
Do not try to rush
Good things will come
You just have to wait
All is not lost
All is not out of reach
You will achieve your goal
Keep working
Keep trying
Wait for it all
You will not be forsaken
Good things come to those who wait.
249 · Apr 2020
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020
Hey darling

Look at me

It's all okay

Don't be afraid

I've got this

I can do this

You can do this

Together we can do this

I've got you

You've got me

God has us both

Let's keep going

Don't give up

Hey, come on
It's all gonna be okay.
231 · Apr 2020
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020
Quiet, let nothing in
Let everything out
Calm yourself
Be free of the pain
Fall into my arms
Lay your head down
Take heart
Relax and breathe
Be at peace my love
You are save
Everything is secure
I have you now
204 · Apr 2020
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020
Why do we search high and low,
Only to find nothing?
Why do we travel far and wide
Only to get lost?
Why do we gift and give
Only to be used and stolen from?
Why do we give our bodies willingly
Only to feel shame right after?
Why do we lie to avoid getting in trouble
Only to be punsished worse?
Why do we long for something new
Only to miss that which was old?
Why do we clean ourselves off
Only to get ***** again?
Why do we do anything
Only to know its all for naught?

Let me ask you this then.

Why does a God search high and low
For someone who isn't looking for Him?
Why does a God travel far and wide
To find someone who is lost
Why does a God gift and give
To those who only ask and take?
Why does a God uncover the faces
Of those who feel the most shame?
Why does a God sit with those who lie
Knowing full well they are lying to His face?
Why does a God grow jealous
When we pursue something new?
Why does a God sacrifice His son
To wash us clean of our sin?

After all we do...
Love is the reason why.
He loves you.
188 · Apr 2020
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020
Look at what you have done
Watch the tears run down my face
I am hurt
My heart is in pain
How could you do this?
I feel so much rage
You have made me angry
You have made me mad
I hope you realize what you have done
Am I anything to you?
Do I even matter?
You are too focused on wanting my forgiveness
You can't even see your own faults
I have nothing to say to you
I no longer feel
I forgive you but not for your sake
For mine, to be free of you
161 · Apr 2020
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020
Please forgive me my Love
I have messed up
I hurt you and didn't listen
I did something I shouldn't have
I made you empty
I drained you out
Let me fill you now and make it right
I'm sorry my Love
I'm sorry...
158 · Apr 2020
Elijah Aaron Apr 2020
Can you hear it?
Cup your hands, listen.
Isn't it beautiful?
Wait... you can't hear it?
Here, close your eyes.
Concentrate on nothing.
Let your mind go blank.
Take a deep breathe.
Let all of your worries go.
Now do you hear it?
Do you hear the silence?
Good, remember this sound.

Remember it when you get overwhelmed.
Remember it when you feel alone.
Remember it when you feel out of control.
Remember it to set you free from your mind.
Shhh. Be silent and be free.

— The End —